..-. .... .... .. -·~··~~T -~- I ·~ WI' WAGND . ORANGE - A liUJllt.UMd pto¥1· .. el * .._ Welfare aod Jn• .ehttoN Code tocl.)' • -.ed J&­ ,_..-<>&d Dale Norby Wllaon from • flrat"cSegrM murder trial for I.he 1 u1in& ol li1-year oMi Eileen Ry-1 - .. Feb. 1, I ~ Juda- Robert Gard- _. nrled tod-.y tll•t the youth be .-mttled te U.. State Depart- I _ ~~~~lJll~DeS!!rtf~l-~-------------J.( ___ ____~ ~~~~~~ .mt al Meola! HyJlene f()(' a 90- Vol. 41 , No. 43 - 5 Sections, 52 O~ ; :.a Wednesday, February 28, 1962 10c ------------------ Uy obeervatloo. 11 If, afW uamlDation, ~ is naled • "defectJve or .,.ycbol1r clelinquent ," the Jladp can C'Om· 1 .it him for H lndetermtnate ti-. for treatmect. Net buM Three .,.ycldatrilta and t w o psycho&ocJlta fold Judp Gardne1 Ballroom 'Out of Hand,' t.day ~ the strappina youth 1~ Diil lnuoe, althouah be ia ··men tally retarded." f~;is~T2 · NB Councilman Charges kl am f.ced wtth a problem '-eauae under tbe law, I cannot plll th.la boy IDlo lift adult court." Mae Gardner • id. " And be COAST GUARD Rendezvous <*IN I.be boy ii no( Insane. I aDDDt commit bim to • me11tal m.uwooa. •"lberef ore , if he was turned Woes Cited over lo • correcl.1ona.l Instil ut IOCl Navy at the age ol JI. be would be re­ Rescues Launch le&aed to •cl~ in lhe ll&ITI!' A d1.1a b~ rla\ y l.Jluoch. with ~ · 1n 11.ihttd drtftfnl about one- llhortly art er tt wu ai ith tl'rl mental condltloa. I find th is horn By Dee Cook ty1n1. 11\ e sailors aboard, was saved qua1 ter mile off &bore by the Lauoch ll!ld crew were towf'd •~ Law l1om pos s 1~ ground1Dg eear crew ol the cabtn cnwer Map- into Nn •port H.arbor " I .. __ -A..! , ..._ law and Covt l1u <1 rd olfk1als 10 Long ~ewport Councilman Ott rook .... ~ _,.,._, """ the Santa Ana R1\> er mouth th1 ~ flt' d od I found a lltt&e-Uled proVtllion tn Beat<-h <aid thert was nn 1m· ~a1 t ay the vn ume nr r •Ill r tht Wellare ind ID.ldtution1 Codr morning by an 113 foot l'out The C'rew ol the Mapit.a pa~' · mecha tP d11nger to the laurl4:h mr1de n l~ i t ~ ~nclfon nm R., I wbidl a llows me to commit tM c;uard culler o u l of l'\e,.port 1'<1 wor4 \o the Firefly .. bich or ere"' •uom 1s · C'omplelf'lv '"'' of "'"' Beach. IJl l\rll redloed I.he C o• st 'l\cy bad no lnformaltun ron- and the owner m 1ah\ 1<r ll h<- 90 10 Here's the Daily Pilot's Fe bruary Calendar Girl boy for dilya' obeervation The ~ feet launch from the Gu&Nl. The C'\Jtter took the f'#ntlng th" wht-r eabout~ o( the hf' ld to an~wer 14'1n lh" ht '""'' the Dlpartmell ol Mental H) dt"lruyf'r tender L ~..., ~· ronlt f' r l11unch 1n low at about 18 am , t.!)S l'ronlll't lrcftl3t ..hould not hi' rt>il>lcf'rl April January. 4.augbter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. January of COlta llesa ~.' lifter eum1nalioo, he 11 " Ii it ~ not C'lea~ up •mm,. h as mixed feelings about her candleless blrthday cake. A.,, a 195& Leap Year 1 ruled a defect11 t . or a psyrhet11 I rliat.ely • _,.. dra.•f ' ''f!P• mu•t ~b ~. April's not entitled to her next candle until Saturday, Feb. 25J, ltMW. delinquent. l can commit him au·11ders Plan cITES RECORD he laMin," he warnrd • It ,, ''"' Other Ora n&., Coast Leap Year babies born that year included Michael Hawbm, for an lll*termiu w llmt for ply not fa ir to 01" ral n( lhf' Debra Wade. Ju lie Moden and C'h. .irl es S~fo r d , according to Hoai Prabyteran Hotp1tal. The year '\9M recordf' d four Leap Year b•bi~ . Natalie Lopea, Pew I~~Ill, Jud.. ce.rdoer ClfO se ~ K h I elf~ City CciwiaJ \tnnda~ om.r Rubf'l. Diane llosk.ins and llitchie Bonkowski Jr. " Aleo, It weuldn'l be lleel'SUI\ 213-Un1·1 NB n UC e f'd • atudy " lh.. Rf'ndf'&"l>Y• i. ........ • U. •ilt o ( ll, • • I It.At~ 1n the wake be ..... • • • ol 16 .-ruts l11thtl11& and 10 Tiie Judlir • Jl'ard> 1 aa die · - ,,., ,....., • P ! ~.._,, ie. -4rin lwl a ·Marina HeldTI1reat ~~~s ·.:i~ - Develepn11nt To 1·u· n· ·_ Ag~n : ··rn :u.,.~~ rully mc.bty ta prenat 1t W I I Wrl()1 • i~ l 'ltn!t 10 h11piie n " Cool! - . 119 p the psyct\Uim.t. dracribf.d Bo1lder1 today 111-! 1pphtation id '"'by "With 2.• ,•Ids in .... 1-..i)llOll boy • ~~" ~ ll r a UM pennlt lo roiutrurt 11 A•~W.r4 J>rH a : 111•1 th..re,,. riOI C'<~1ld ee11ily ck .-Jop 30 . n erg rou U ..er :r~h~ =~• ::- ~~:~l dec::rrullt}pll'lf'nt -t::,~p:.~ ~ I.OS A .'l/ G f. L~ - R.tpuhlt1 ·.1n K~I 'h" minority 11h1p n U. ~c>~~h ~ ··~, :'dr.. c>r ~ teen "" T0 U d n d W ~ ......... _ • .,,,...,. • 1lw>ma11 H Kuche l el Anaheim . s.na.. mdkH his hsr.e 1n Ana The Baaw,;. li.lancl In'"" TPr 111a l ~e . wt .. ._,p ~llt'fltmrnt rl'rrnflv 1 nnP~l'd lo 'ltWf'Oli 1 undt-r ~11· m ., ter ltor'll lhe marina ~ wonen tJw u1J al cblldttn and hla parenta." Bl'1t< raltfot ntll • s.-mor ~n ai.o 1 an t-K- 1m Ill' " P\J"'t·t !'<:l , hd' t 1a 1 P r-ouncih• 1n " I"' q11f",l1on«1 8 ~ C11U('K LOOR 1 11 or ~ lS ~r · ~ l90 m1U1on ma .,,,... , a h1.:h <-aunty wit.er oftl. n ter lOll"UA loe problem a lr9*iy • thi rd deacribed him • ' 1 The de'elopmMt. 1 l(linl tlforl noull<'C'd today I.hat ht will be 11 po,lli. •11 lion w1tJun ht\ part). 1h1· R'1'1den<11 M>I•~ 11c>n ol Jll'r j __ _. T .•_ .. _ .............. I _.__, • t d r L u .. ' u l \ I sonn1·I T'wo f' ''P'"""' " "'" 31 rina, plannerl lnr d~e lop m..nt c1 ... wa111n1 l1C.MUY ......... ..- In ... _ T.tbert Gap .._ " ...._, ••u1 .PlfCl-K' of the Carl M Burk Co anrl thf' cane 1 ;;le Of anolnrr term ,,.,.h t•1\• "' ~hl. 11 '" njtl'e!I "' .; L , ......--.. u~ T .............._ __ .. sh rr•tNI for atatl (fll"y mi..- nl t"'n .-, tht Santa Ana Rlwr on It ow.r" < rr.n ~t Ml<'r~o- n - ...1. .-lmon\I 1.._,~ lo o" John B Ktlro} I n . • o 11 I ii tw Ja d11CI09tni ltlat hf' • •II ~e-·~ allot np1 , and I All AlljZ.~ls hoan at:i•r of lhf' llr anl(r b t! l Wee n lbll'ltiflllon .--:u , that litlle lbed of I nmB"il) gtrla t •lier lh1· mnnll' )1.-.a'a west m i I r OU41t¥ w. 1 Ealeen c.t. akltP . l h Oistn<"I aid d...v!•m• for ' P'ount.in \ ilky .nd Colrt.t Meu . ~ ra n11u m nstrul'ted on 16 11cre1 httw~ " b i~ partys DOmJnllllOn m thP .J11r11• C'1 rr H ov.dr rl 1111 ' " havf' ~Ki lhPy ' Im 11 busine' man tn to"n llncl llU'tlu~h damat19 Oran~ Coun 11 1 · ~.... .... lat.Jae. ilthougb she had bf " n HoaR Presbyterian ll~p11al • nd 5 prrmary. Kuchtl told 11 """ "di opp<>' " him 10 LM t;OP prt ll"f'I I ,hould ker · a "'""' ,,.,, Or ange County Water 0111- thf' Hullh<>• Pline The d,1 f'lc>J• I' n. 5t a~........ ..... ·--' f h C'ontPr!'n('t' n1.1n ·n"' pol1<.'P a rrest cl 19 fur lti!h' tr.cl ls rf'sponaibM for nuuotain- ...,.., YtH • 11uUC'1.n1 rom "r ha\P already ohtaul('d a rezonuu · -- ·~ ....__ .-~ ., __ ,_ • h d --. • L' .w ten yaar• 1 '-•i p ier\P<I '>l llP ~" R1cha1rl Rlr hard.• of '"R lndouble41y rany ROI,.,.~ .... ... _ ~ •wt y ' a ,.rui ome .~ r ,,. ~ ,.., f .. - u.., · ~ ,vuu.,...__''"' lt '~, nd wa- MJUUJW.,.. .,...,..,rb 11! tb•c ...nr...... ~,,.. rt•' ,/)!\ Anj!Plt.. ,, tu(' rm\I llf'lnotln<" \ Oii 1·;1n·1 Rel 100 ·xes y, 1H• I, .. •-r - ·ppl- . taken lo I llH y V8C'anl .,.., Trnllll\'I' n.lon• fnr tht pro ...... my r,11ow Callformans in the ~ ·II ... n.. I t ..... ( clon, ( ook <a·-' "" ... ment. when~ &ht Willi • •~ aulted __. ..,.. of ~ · r~• ..,..fTl()( '" a•p1rH11t o """ o ,.. -MJ Balboa Pavilion toGet Alvin 1....-eT' al LHler En~ r ln•ucalt' 1 nUJ11bf'r two <Lory Jlt ll I& lo I.hf' people of m1 t ,.. at th" 1m11· ThP h1...tor1C' pen.'1..-.ula rian• ,. pr i~a Ud. aid hit firm 1.1 awatt and ki lled ind spilt ltvPI d~f'lhnit.s anti Ca rl 111ale and na tioo thal I o" t n11 ~· Amt>• 11 ;on> ..aid l\ tl<' hf'l. "ck>- Ii.ill c .vn<' 1m~ str• nst cnl111•1f1 5 If <1 t .u•..,., an "'"'"91WJ,....__._ ...-w.m......... may oa.i, •·I..\loda wfrering nd La fr om .. '~*.... B111·k rt>porl • thJI a ,.__....,_, and 4!1(Ul nN' . A pub Ut off1ct> '" 0 1\ mane1 ''lln1 L f' 1-~an ~"'•I• • n In I'nt lust r.
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