r- VOLUME LXXXI HIGHTStOWN GAZETTE, HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW IF.KSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 N U lil^ R I EDWIN B. THORBURN, SR. PEDDIE GRADUATES FALLS RETAINS On Thursday last. May 30th, Edwin The class of 1929 of the Peddie B. Thorburn, Sr., formerly a resident Seventy-Six Boys Schqol was comiiosed of the following: FROM TRACK of Hightstown, passed away at his Gilbert Abbe, Washington, D, C.; home in Berlin, N. J. after a brief ill­ Edward L. Arnold, Jr., East Orange, N. TITLE ness. ROOF Mr. Thorburn was born in Morrisan- J.; Clyde W. .Austin, Coudcrs])ort, Pa.; Mri. Nora Sclieidler Topples Off Porch State Intericholaatic Track and Field ia, now a part of New Yofk City, Janu­ Awarded Diplomas Leon A. .Avazian, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Wil­ ary 28thj 1854. In 1876 he started busi­ liam .\1. Bailey, Jr., Rochester, N. Y.; Sustaining Fractured Skull. Died Be* Meet For Prep School Diviiion fore Medical Attention Could Be —Peddle Wins With Total of 43 ness for himself in New York engrav­ Roger Paul Beirne, Fairfield, Conn.; ing titles for music and was looked Rendered._______ _____ ____ ^— Points. Nelson J. Bell, ,Day ton, Ohio,; C. upon not only as an expert in his Iutct;rSixty-Third Annual Commencement Ex­ Peddie successtully defemfed its but an authority upon many branches Houghton Birdsal, Jr., Westfield, N. While attemtiting to retrieve a win­ track title on the Annenburg Field, of art. While photography was still in George Blackburne, Newark; Henry C, dow screen, which had fallen from a Saturday in the state interscholastic the experimental stage, Mr, Thorburn ercises of The Peddie School Held Borger, Westwood, N. J.; John L. window to the porch roof while she track and field meet for the prepara­ was among the first to realize its poss­ Bradley, Port Washington, .N. Y.; was adjusting it, .Mrs. Nora J. Scheid- tory school division by collecting 43 ibilities and worked out many valuable Monday Afternoon — Dedication of .Avon L. Breyer, Brooklyn; James A. ler of near Robbinsville on Friday fell points, Lawrenceville placed second results in technical branches of com­ Brodhead, Last Orange, N. J.; Gordon to the ground and fractured her skull. with 37. mercial and art photography. Complet- Li Butler, Ridgewood, N. J.; Lionel F. She died shortly after the accident. liV tfie "final'event, Tyson of’ Peddie- ifig'his Studies 'tinder Laidlaw, Mr. Austen Colgate Hall. Collis, Newburyport, .Mass.; Jack S. •Mrs. Schcidler was placing the screen captured second place in the javelin 'Thorburn came to Hightstown in Carusue, Stanford, Conn.; Edgar N. in a second-story window. It slipped Nannenbcrg, New York. , out of her hand and dropped to thti throw to clinch the honors for his team. March, 1889 and ojicned a studio on Stiulent eleclion.s of importance also In the 220-yard dash, Peddie made a Seventy-six boys received their di­ .Neal D. De Nbud, Rochester, .N, Y.; porch roof. She climbed out of the Main street where he conducted a suc­ plomas .Monday afternoon at the'sixty- took )ilace on Saturday and among clean sweep of all four places, while cessful business until March, 1907, Gerhard C. Dciikeii, Hasbrouck Hts., window to the roof and as She lost her third annual commencement exercises these was the selection of John '1. j N. J.; Harold J. Dobbs, Beriiardsville, balance she fell to the ground. Lawrenceville lost but one point in the when he moved to Philadelphia, open­ Rodgers, of Mc\'eytuwn, Pa.,, as iircsi- pole vault. of the Peddie School held in the First IN, J.; Robert .M. Dubois, Rochester, .Mrs. Sheidler is survived by her bus- ing a studio at 1227 Walnut street. In Baptist Church. dent of the suident body for next year. Brewster of St. Benedict’s set a new 1912 he moved to Berlin, N, j, where ! N. Y.j David H. Evans, .Albany, N. Y.;. band, John Schcidler; six sons, John William Mather Lewis, jiresident of Henry W. Horns, of Newark, was 1 Leon A. F'raitcisco, Danville, \ a.; Jr., of near Kubbinsville; James of state record in the 440, being clocked for' several years he engaged in the chosen as iiresidenl of the student Y. in 50 3-5 seconds, while Hall of Wen- Lafayette College, delivered the address Charles .\1. Franklin, Higlilstowti; Na-, Lawrence Station; David of Matitiltoti poultry business and later opened a before the graduating class. The diplo­ .\1. C. A. and Brainard T. Bennell, of onah Military broke the former state photographic studio there. Just before lhaniel S. Goldsmith, Newark; Richard, Square; Maurice, William and Joseith mas were presented hy Horace Rober­ Mahwah, N. J., as editor-in-chief of G. Gram, Elmira, N. Y,; Charles B.loi Windsor; two sisters, .Mrs. Hugh record in the running broad jump with his death he had completed the erec­ the I’cddie News for next year. Selec­ a leap of 21 feet 7}4 inches. Pfeifer of son, of Bayonne, president of the Hellersuti, New York; Bertiard J. Her-1 Gallagher and .Mrs. John Barrett and tion of an attractive studio-building in Board of Corporators. Norval Dwight tion of these three important student Princeton Prep was the individual star, Berlin. kimer, New Rochelle, .N. Y.; John N, six grandchildren. Jennings, Jr., of New York City, delivj officers carries with it a place on the Heruy, White Plains, N. Y.; Phillip W. The funeral was held from her late winning both the high and low hurdles. An illness followed an attack of student self-governing committee, Walsh of Peddie equaled the state ered an oration on “The Class of 1929." A. Heines, New York; Vincent L. Hir- residence -Monday iiiurning with re­ grippe last winter, kept Mr. Thorburn Headmaster R. W. Swetland jireseiU- ,'\mong the other Saturday features record of 10 seconds in the 100-yard from active business only a few weeks schey, Castorland, N. Y.; Frank W. quiem high mass in St. John's Church, ed prizes as follows: was the iiresentation of the aunuM Holliiigworth, Jr., F'raiikfurd, Pa.; Da­ Alleplown. 'The interment was in the dash. before he passed away on May 30th. production of the scho'ol dramatic The summary: Junior declamation jirizcs to Gauin vid P. Howlett, Ventnor City, N. J.; church cemetery, .Allentown. His loss, is deeply felt by hosts of H. McCoy of Smethport, Pa., and Ev­ club. This year’s offering was the tour 100 Yard Dash—Walsh, Peddie, first friends and neighbors. Gerald VV. Hubbard, Kalamazoo, .Mich; erett M. Jess of Haddon Heights, N. J. act comedy, “Little Old New York," J. VVordcll Ivins, jr.. Red Bank, N. j.; TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN Wise, Peddie, second; Cass, Lawrence- Mr. Thorburn was a member in Fourth form declamation prizes to which was given in the alumni gymna­ AT LINCOLN THEATRE ville.; third; Blackburne, Peddie fourth. good standing of the following lodges Norval D. Jennings,' Jr., New York; Horace M. Wills of Schnectady, N. Y. sium before a large audience of com­ Roger W. Kenyon, Cos. Cob, Conn.; Time 10s. at the time of his death:' Windsor and Stephen M. Seley, of Newark, N. mencement guests. The play was ad­ 'Theatregoers of .Mercer County and 220-Yard dash—Wise, first; Walsh, Lodge No. 59, 1. 0. 0. F ; Hightstown Gregory Cuiiasheisky, Jr., New York; mirably jircscntcd under the direction William H. Leinbach, Detroit; Leland vicinity have" re.spunded In record- second; Rose third; Blackburne, fourth Castle No. 56, K, G, E; Rose Lodge, Winters prize orations—Nathaniel S. of J. Walter Reeves and from general breaking numbers to th.e itolicyi of sup­ all of Peddie. Time 21 4-5 s, No. 81, 0. S. B. (Honorary member­ L. .Maegraw, Binghaiiiton, .N. Y.; J. Goldsmith of Newark; Gregory Kun- opinion was said to be the best pro-, Leonard .Mayer, Bloomsburg, Pa.; Jas. er-talking ]iictures Instituted this week 440-Yard Run—Brewster, St. Bene­ ship); Wilton Lodge, No. 6, I, 0. M. duction ever staged by the school club, ashevsky of New York City, Leroy 1. Miller, Chester, Pa.; Lewis L. Mii- al the Lincoln Theatre, 'Trenton. “Show dict’s first; Sciter, B, M. I., second; (Honorary membership); Williamstown 'The annual reception by Mr. and Landau of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and Rog­ tenthal, New York; Daniel W. Mogcr, Boat,'' the talking and singing sensa­ Johnston. Lawrenceville, third; sieck, Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M. Mrs. K. W. Swetland was held Satur­ er P. Beirne of Fairfield, Conn. Jr., White Plains, N. Y.; Carlisle tion founded on Ziegficld’s stage suc­ Peddie, fourth. Time 50- 3-5 s. (New The funeral services will be held at Geometry prize to Jack Chakraban- day afternoon at 5:30 o’clock in Me­ cess and the Edna F'erber novel of the meet record.) Rose Hill Crematorium,, Linden, N. .Moore, Wayne, Pa.; Howard 0. Park- dhu of the Siamese Legation, Washing­ morial Hall. hurst, Orange, N. J..; Douglas E. Peii- same name, has been playing to ca­ 880-Yard Run—Burns, Seton Hall, J., interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery, ton, 1).'C. first year latin jirizc to Ro­ SUNDAY SERVICES pacity andienccs all this week. Now first; Maloney, St. Benedict’s, second; Hightstown. iiiiig. Queens Village, N. Y. bert P. Steinbach of East Orange, N. Rev. Frank W. Padciford of New­ Morris K. Periiichief, 'Jr., Mount the Lincoln is readying the presenta­ Endicott, Peddie, third; Godfrey, Law­ Mr. Thorburn is survived by a widow ton Center, .Mass., preached the sermon tion of its second super-attraction “The renceville,. fourth. Time 2,06. Emma T. and a son Edwin B.
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