'r#;'# t#e r) l:r B- is '+= !----: XOYAX E ''rd:t" -. .-...J.1 d' -r -'..I *..-!\(.-. -t +.; I v. .T .' . .. IIX -t!ffi--\!. L'r-\lr a F:.,;H t.l p i::il :i* ifi f,me was 1973 fop f,he oesepf, Bpaves Published by the Yearbook class at Stewart Indian School Stewart, Nevada Editor-in-chief C at}ty Enriquez Copy-editor-Ann Quay Artist- Gus Antone Printer: Pischel Yearbooks, Inc. Pasco, Washington 99301 heptf,aqe rs lmpopf,anf, f,o lnolans ('ynthia \iarela, Sophonrorc candiclatc for hontccorling qucen, hacl a royal air. (Photo by Art Gernran). PEARL Sammaripa, instructional aid at StcN'art, poses (bottonr picturc) rvith a nccklace givcn to hcr bccausc shc tooli such good cerc oI hcr Itrdian drcss. (Above) XIrs. Sanrrrraripa is shoii,ing o[f threc gcnerations of cratllcboarcls ) ..hc.r husbandrs, onc shc jr.rst ntacle lor hcr luturc grand- child, and hcr son, Lonniers. i\Irs. Snllllaripa strivcs to kccp all things pcrtaining to In(lian hcritagc. I i-! A ? i ? T \,t 4t e, .tt ,t" r N f1l- Ir ti \i b1 r: xi k rt h I j Differcnt Tribes formed Indian Clubs. The Hualapai, LEFT: Rrenda Walema, Catalina Querta, Keith l\Iahonc, Dorinda llolmes, Virginia Chee and Edith Yazzic. Merle Montoya and Alberta Bowen lead Scniors for Commcncer.nent Dxe rc is e. Loren Sanrmaripa, Paiutc, turpacks his war bonnet. Apache Crown Dancers perform for the Ilomecoming Bonfire October 5, 1972. ..Jr .t w .tt' -t\ t, a, l, !-! | J a\ - -+- RITA and Vita are two unique twins who came Everybody is busy on the arrival of the Hopi students. that first day. THEtimewasl89lwhenthefirsthdianSchoolwasopenedhereinNevada. ItwascalledilClearCreek,ttlateritwas known as Carson Training School. Time was when only ninety-two Drdian boys and girls came here from the Washoe Paiute and Shoshone Tribes. The first principal was C. W. Wentworth. His two associates were Miss Toddie Doane, and Miss Stella Mayhugh. AT the present time, Stewart has an enrollment of more than 500 students from eight Northwest and Southern States. There are seven class periods to allow time for pre-forestry, pre-nursingr and ranch management, as well as the re- quired classes of reading, language, arts, mathematics, science, home economics, and vocational shop. lTlost lnolans Appryeo on Buses, Marilyn Shula and her girlfriend look like they could use some Oscar Lalo and Bryson Lomayaktewn, retumees, look like help with their footlockers. they are happy to be back. f,hen €vepynoOy haO f,o €nnoll THIS year a new gym costing 1.3 million dollars is being erected at ftewart. Both students and staff are looking for- ward to the completion of this five-year dream. THE gymnasium will provide the extra space needed for such a long time to accomodate fans as well as those who par- ticipate in the sports activities. The gym is expected to be completed by July 15. BRYSON Lomayatewa checks his enrollment sheet with teachers Rudy Ann Shields, Elda Malmstrom, and Rosalie Goodwin Lovejoy and Myrtle Patterson. figured three were better than one. '.Nj a --L RON WILLIS, above, directs the l)r-rblic tlealth Ser- vice CIinic which is located on Stewartrs cantpus. The staff includcs Jean I\IcNicoll, clcrk; Anna Montoya, dental nssistant; Inez Jim, clinic nurse, Dr. Aglietti, dcntist, and Bea Allcn, nurse's aid. Willis organizod rap scssions for studcnts and scr- vcd as thc school psychologist. LLtr i,.,1- phs Cllnlc t{ lIi Mrs. Anna Montoyaworks right alongwith the dentist as the clinic has two chairs. Student nurses got some practice as dental assistants by 11, TII.IJ assisting the assistant as well as Dr. Alglietti. IUrs. Jean l\{cNicoll keeps track of who comes and goes from the clinic. She also Iikes to play basket- balt Statt Wepe ALways f,hene f,o help THIS is not Sleeping Beauty; it is just Delbert Jackson dozing off while he was a bed patient at the clinic. When students are too ill to stay in class but not really sick enough to be hospitalized, they are given a bed at the clinic in which to rest turtil they feel Iike returning to their class or to the dormitory. .4F- \ ;. .i p I I \ \ rl .r J> " E-,Ll hanOwopktnq Chefs plus Sf,uOenf,s STUDENTS in food service as their chosen vocation learned to cook by rvorking with Chef Ernest Lerner as he prepared meals for daily consumption. Elaine Brewer, right, learns to keep egg shells out of the mixer. I J r/! -- f -( equals lTleals \Fig QooO ,t -_ I gi;i EITNUST LEItNEIt, belorv, rvas a prolcssional chel i.( before hc acceptcd a job as supcn'isor of thc foocl program at stewart. llost students gct invitecl to participatc in on-the-job training ivhilc'thcl' arc still in c lass . (fitr tl tl 0r.lA!,. ?| .ltrtia ': tl a il r) \ STEWARTTS ncwest clepartmcnt is called Mediart. It includes the library, the photography lab, the art classes, autl thc disburscnrent of films, filrn strips, and other audio-visual r.naterials. This de- partrncnt publishcd a bi-weekly school W-.F ). irV'';: llewspaper, thc yearbook, ard numcrous 'rff{ par-nphlets for various departmcnts ol thc school. Studcnts lcarncd to operatc thc rnany machines, make postcrs, bulletin boards and assist as mcdia aids. I) ..s ->__d -I f,rme WILL t_ { v ti .= \- =ru IiL:SS SKIDIIORE, from llecliart, made video pictures of sports ac- tivities so coaches could point out rnistakes to the plaS'crs. This is a big help to thc sports department. All areas in school some tinle oI' other come to llediart for aicls to more efficient and easier tcaching. : ;ifr{ I EDyTIIE Dru1rr.1oncl, center, science teacher, prcviclvs slidcs beforc shosing thenl to hcr classcs Watching thc previerv rvith her are lluss Skidmore ancl l\Iecliart dircctor, S1'l:il Starbro. telt tn lTleOrapf, Ppooucf,tons Vrsltops €nprch Campus €xPeRtence ll v t f 7 oo o o o o VISITORS come to Stewart for many reasons. hdians of all , a5 ages come to the health clinic which is financed by Public Health Service. Parents bring their small children for shots and innoculations, or to well-baby clinics. ON NEVADA DAY this year, Oct. 31, 15 elementary youths from the Rice public school on the San Carlos Apache Reser- vation in Peridot, Arizona spent the night here before per- forming in the Nevada Day parade. L2 *.^- ' , ;,,) trf .i- - rl}, 4 s i , ?r -\' -\\/i b -.*'"'' rfr l,a Il' h - #L*' rll {1' t -( ,N \rj l.: \.r' r{, :.; ,r' $ 'ni,,\-- yer I r2 iih. * r.; .,! d' ffi(x i-;f , B- t . *l ri ['- [op €venyon€ Conc€pneO I)ll(,'l() ill)o\('is 1lr(' I)rr'('I1's:\rlYisotr ( oLttltil (l':\( ), ;l killrl o1 :tltool lro:tlrl rilto lit'lps rlt'li'r'tttittt lht"litlt'l l)t'oj('(ls ttt't'tltrl rtl :1('\\ilrt, ll1'lo\\': 'l'ltlllAL visitors conrc to thc cantpus 1r'eqtrcnllr to \\'liting n ith Cratttltit:t to -(('e tl](' (lo('1ot'. consult about cclucational llratlcrs or jtrst to visil thcir: c'irilrlrcrr mrcl rlcnr)rcrs ol thcir tribc, 1'lll,lN, as ircaclcluarl.crs ol thc Ncvaclr Indirtn Agcncr'. Stcrvert incliu school iras visitors rr'itctr lrcopic c'onrc to the ltgcncl for vnrious l<irttl ol business. \'isitors arc ahval's rvelcotnc. '.----*a- ()liver "An applc a cla-r'kceps ]ou on ]'our fcct," sa]'s Gregory BiIl Iikes open spaces, too I P:rt1cn. CouLO f,hrs lTlean a [utune Capeep ., r,.f"*-' , ( '1,: 'L' tf- -t' rcG i".JNM Joe Juan and others take time out for lunch in the high Sierras. rn f,he U.S. [onesf,py Sepvrce? SOIIE of the ftervart bo-ys rvho are 18 1'ears olcl zurd over spent their summer at Ilobart llills.. .t,orking. IT is quitc ar.r opportunity for those rvho have interest in this field. The boys earr.r 51.65 per hour and r-nake higher rvages rvhen therets a forest lire. STE\\'ART provides meals; the forest service pays the rvages and fumishes housing. TIIEY repair roads ald build nerv roads. They plart trees; pmnc tlces; ancl kc'c1t a Iookout for forest tires; build picnic tables; clean picnic grouncls; and fix-up spots for parking. .'+--'.:' ,.! rf, was f,rme [op f,he new qymnastum ... $lr. 1l t, .to AFTER years of work by booster groups, tribal officials, and in particular by Senator Allan Bible of Nevada, construc- tion began July 15, 7972 ot a new g'ynrnasium for Stewart Indian School. The complo< will inctude facilities for the ade- quate operation of an extensive physical education program as well as provide space for a competitive athletic program under the Nevada Interscholastic league regulations. THE PLAYING COURT will be covered by a top grade synthetic floor which will be the first of its type in the area. This will allow for multiple use of the facility which is scheduled to be completed by July 1973. l6 f,aBLe o[ conf,€nf,s t i ,. o g a a a a o a t7 JOHN ARTICHOKER JOSE ABE ZUNI RAY SORENSON Area Director Srpt. Nev. Agency Area Education .{\ q *F"*"# , {F}., ) -. WILLIAM C. WHIPPLE, Educational Programs WILLIA]\I T. CORDES RA\' BRANDENBTIRG GEORGE XIORAN Director Spec. Ed. Adm. Socia-l SeNices Teacher Superuisor lnten-f,nlnal SchoolBoapO Sets GulOellnes PLANT MANAGEMENT: TNs group of workers maintain, repair, and keep the Stewart Indian School operating. Top Row: ROGER WERKS, Ptant Manager; PAUL NELSON, Administrative Manager; RUTH BURKIIART, Plant il{anagement Secretary; EARL GENTRY, FOREMAN Itr; PERIL ELLIS, Carpenter.
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