s .. r.d Editioa. R I • It and Revt.ed by Keith Herber Additional Text by Scott David Aniolowski Art by Steve Purcell '(Q Jason Eckhardt Maps by S hannon Appel Hyperborean map based on an original by Un Caner Other maps based on ori!1Jnals by Mike Blum Project and Editorial by Shannon Appel first Edition Editorial by Sandy Peter.ien Interior '<J2 Cover layout by Shannon Appel Copyreadiflg by Janice Sellers ro Lynn Willis Playte!lting by Quis Allen. Wilkie Collins III . Josh Garrel, Erik Herber ro Sharon Herber Chaosium InC. 1997 Table o£ Oontents lntrOOuClion ........ ...... .......................................... 3 n.. wnr...., ... dw IWJJ. Itu~, dw ........,... ...ultitt IIW boat. ....J bri41J ~ 1M ........ dtat ilrpIrrd fIMIL 1he Trail ofTsathoggua ................................................ 4 I~~ j(>i~ " ..v..rific upa/"_ "" Gn. rJDIId 10 .........u.. " n~ wall fMmd pt'Otrwh", """" " II4drr. The Curse of Tsalhoggua ...... ................ ....... ............. .... 30 I~.~ foiklw " ,,,,iJ of cI_ ,,,.. '-'h ",..." ,., "'" I4n 6.. ""'''''''' of" ~I "'"' Appendix ............................... ... ...................... 48 ,b _"'~ nf HW<''''''...". ......"'10. _ .""1,,;,,, fow H,.,..~ _ /IN! """"".. This work is respectfully dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe 1M c.....,-. Tmil "'~,.... i. publiW<! by C'haosium [IIC, Copyn&IM C 1984. 1997 by o...;um Inc.; all rigllu IaeI'V'CId. no. c-,-,. n..il cf7l<tuloot,,,,, Is potIIloIIed ... supplt" ot'U 10 CUI qfcu...n.... ~m l~ 'I n>lepb.yia, prae of I><ImJr """ WUIda' C..Jl of C'l/MoUto4 i, Iho ~ ........-oco-..... ["", Sillll-.oa botam. dw""... ill Il10. bed; ... ponons I;~u. ordood..., mlftlJ _idtooQI. ~.q:o ....... "'-.aim-__ ..... book "" .. _ oIpoo...! .........._ prd\I. by~. dip..l. or om.. d .......... "'""'odJ of -.... _ --.I. .. prabitKtod. ElcopI iII_ pIIbI;"-__ wi .......... at I oritJaooIlO 1M C--" T""''''~,...-..o.'' po I '101 .... -. ... _ ""P)'fIIht IIr ......... Ibar ........ DDp)'fIJIIIS. _ .......__ • ODd ......... ___... oIIio -. .. _~ ............. fur r-__ oICb_M'"' puIII". • by mail .. OIouoium J.:.. 950x.u. SI=t. o.I;lInd CA ~31l6, u.s.A. V",.;, ... _ .....: hap;/_ ...................a...i~ ISBN l·X>IIl-QI1·' lO9l76HJ21 Introduction - 3 INTRODUCTION The Writing on the Wall. Imroduc;flg the scenarios within this book, and briefly mefllioning the works that illspired them. his book contains two loosely connected adventures Th~ Compacl Trail ofTsathoggUl1 is a reprint of a classic for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. The ftr.it. Coli 01 Clhulhu advenrure which was first published in a T 'The Trail of Tsathoggua", is involved with the pre­ slightly different form in 1984. The origina1 book also con­ history of Greenland and the beings who lived there before tained a third adventure, '1be Haunted House", most recent­ the coming of man. The investigators will be given the ly reprinted in Curse oleth,""u. II was not connected to the opponunity to join an expedition from Miskatonic Univer­ Tsathoggua story line, and so is not included here. sity and together !.hey will attempt to trace the history of this This new edition is the fmt book. in O\aosium's new frozen continent back through the first Viking settlers, pre­ "Fright Night" line of scenarios. These will uniformly be shon historic man. and even fanher back in time. to the entities scenario books containing a small number of adventures. Each who came before man. adventure is designed to be completed in a single night of gam­ This adventure is tailored for the physicaUy fit investiga­ ing. Beginning keepers should find the scenarios in these tor; the challenges include an expedition to the icy interior, books easy to run, while experienced keepers will find them lhecJimbing of dangerous glaciers. and encounters with hos­ useful as ''breathers'' inserted into more compieJt campaigns. tile humans and others. At the end of the journey the inves­ tigators will find themselves faced with an ancient stone A SHORT BmLIOGRAPHY temple guarded by an inhuman sentinel. If the investigators This scenario book is complete in itself. However, some can gain entry to this building, they will find clues to the dis­ keepers may wish to read lhe fiction which inspired these appearance of the strange race thai once worshiped here. For adventures to learn more of ancient Hyperborea and the pe0- the less physically fit, more scholarly investigator. opportu­ ples that lived there. nities for quieter studious adventures also exist while in Clark Ashton Smith was the first author 10 discover Greenland. ancient Hyperborea. He wrote twelve works set there, ''The The second adventure, '"The Curse ofTsathoggua", takes Muse of Hyperborea". "'The Seven Geases", "'The Weird of place mostly in British Columbia, Canada, where a strange Avoosl Wuthoqquan", Ihe White Sybil". 1'he Testament hairy foot from an unknown type of animal is found in a of Athammaus", "'The Coming of the White Worm", "Ubbo­ hunter's trap. Purchased by the University of Vancouver, it Sathla", ''The Door to Satum", "The Ice-Demon", 'The Tale first comes to the investigators' attention by means of a of Satampra Zeiros", "Lament for Vixcela", and ''The Theft newspaper clipping. The investigalors will find a trail that of the Thiny-Nine Girdles." These have aU been collected in leads to the Canadian Rockies, here to learn the rest of the Th~ Book of Hyperborea. published by Necronomicon Press. story that began in Greenland. Once again, physical skills Lin Caner added to the lore of Hyperborea in a series of could make the difference. BOth this adventure and '''The works based on Clark Ashton Smith's story ideas and frag­ Trail" take place outdoors in cold weather. ments. lbese stories include '"The Utmost Abomination", The amount of physical danger in this adventure is rather 'The Double Tower", Ihe Scroll of Morloc", ''The Stairs in small. but the investigators may be frightened away by the the Crypt", '"The Light from the Pole", '1'he Descent into myriad honors that confront them, deciding that no reward the Abyss", '"The Feaster from the Stars", "10 the Va1e of could be wonh going mad. Pnath", and "Papyrus of Dark Wisdom." Robert Price is Both adventures revolve around a rather compleJ( history currently planning a collection caUed The Book of Eioon, of events and it is necessary that the keeper read and under­ which will assumedly contain these works. stand the background before beginning play. Each adventure Keepers may also be interested in the defmitive works is complete but the investigators may follow up on a spuri­ about Tsathoggua and Ith.aqua, the two Great Old Ones cen­ ous clue or two. l1le keeper may want to add extra material tral to this work. Tsathoggua plays a central role in several to the adventures presemed. of Clark Ashton Smith's Hyperborea stories. He is also men· In Greenland and British Columbia, investigators may tioned in H. P. Lovecraft's "The Mound." Ithaqua has suggest the use of dogsleds or other fonns of transportation. appeared most prominently in August Derleth·s '''The Thing It is not beyond imagining that a bush pilot-styled investiga­ that Walked the Wind" and "lthaqua", both recently collect­ tor may want to employ a seaplane or other aircraft in ed in Tales 01 th~ Lovecraft Mythos, published by Fedogan Canada. Indi vidual keepers should be prepared for these & Bremer. He also appeared in Brian Lumley', Spawn of the eventualities. Winds and In the Moons of Borea. • 4 - The Compact Trail or Tsalhoggua THE TRAIL OF TSATHOGGUA (GRE.ENl.AND) InvestigalOrs join a scientific expedition to Greenland to examine a strange wall found protruding from a glacier. "We knew it/ora shrine ofTsarhoggua. one ofthe elder gods, Keeper's Information who receives no longer any worship from men, but before whose ashen altars. people say the junive and ferocious The huge slab is actually a portion of a stone wall broken beasts ... have sonu!limu bun sun to mah obeisance and loose from its foundations hundreds of millennia ago by the ha\~ been heard to ho.... d or whine their inaniculate pm}~rs. ,.. slowly creeping ice and pushed, inch by inch. toward the -Clark Ashton Smith, '''The Tale of Satampra Zeiros" distant sea. The layer of ice that has covered it for thousands of yean; has recently broken off and fallen into the sea. A startling discovery has been made: Eskimos hunting wal­ exposing the wall. nearly vemcnl but upside down. to the illS on the east coast of Greenland have sighted a huge block fin;t sunlight it has seen in ages. of dark stone protruding from a glacier. The stone is thought This wall portion. two hundred feet long and nearly one to have been exposed during this year's spring thaw. TIle hundred feet high. is a remnanl of a culture that once lived report is somewhat sketchy, but apparently the massive slab on the land mass now comprising Greenland. then called of Slone is carved with a giant bas-relief representing what Hyperborea. The hieroglyphics written on the wall win pro­ could be a god or hero surrounded by odd hieroglyphics. The vide the expedition with clues to the location of an ancient, stone protrudes from the end of the glacier, over a fjord. unknown city called Commorium. They also warn of some Miskatonic University, which has a research vessel off of the dangers of the place. the eastern seaboard, has announced plans to outfit an expe­ Throughout this adventure. the investigators will come dition to the area. The scientific learn will be headed by across clues about the extinct Hyperboreans and a strange race Professor Curtis Mathieson, an archaeologist. Miskatonic of furry prehumans that dwelt here before the coming of man. University has already received pennission from the Danish This adventure is linear, the investigators are required to government to explore and conduct research in the area.
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