,,4 4 t"°jrrall klin news-recorD V*ol.25, No.11 Twosections, 36 pages Phone725.3300 Thursday,March 31, 1977 Secondclass postagepaid at blanville, N.J. 08835 $4.50a year/15cents per copy news notes BoganMeadows dedicated NewJersey Commissioner of Environmental Protection David J. Bardin made an appearance in Franklin yesterday at ~the dedication ceremonies of the Began Meadowsestate. He handed a $40,000 check in Green Acres funds to mayor NormanFisher to meet half of the cost of the purchase of the property. Nearly $50,000 "n additional was raised by a local group to complete the purchase costs, plus somemaintenance fees. A host of other state and local officials were also un hand for the ceremonies, which began at I 1 a.m. That was followed by an informal lunch in the historic Dutch farmhouse on the property, built in 1722. Guides were also available to point out interesting structural points of the building, The live-acres estate is located on Easton Avenueat the foot of Mott Lane in Somerset. Schoolboard organization Monday ~The Franklin board of education has scheduled an organization meeting of the board to be held Monday,April 4-, in the SampsonG. Smith Intermediate School Auditorium, at 8 p.m. The agendafor the meetingwill include swearing-in of elected members, appointment of temporary chairperson, an- nouncementof election results, election of president and vice- president of the board, calendar of regular board of education meetings, appointment of auditor, appointment of delegate to NewJersey School Boards Association, appointment of delegate to Somerset CountySchool Boards Association, adoption of con- tinued use of present board policies, and any other business deemed necessary for proper organization according to the bylaws of the Franklin Townshipboard of education. Candidate’s Night planned The Franklin Township Citizens for Better Neighborhoods group will sponsor a Candidate’s night Tuesdayevening, April 5. ’ All the candidates currently running for township council have been invited, aa well as AssemblymanWilliam Hamilton Catching a snooze Jr., Assemblyman Joseph Patero and Highland Park Coun- EleanorDavis takes a breakon a lazySaturda t afternoon to snuggledown with Ricky, who belongs to NancyHenry of RalphStreet, Somerset. cilman David Schwartz, who declared his candidacy this week (SteveGoodman photo) for the State Assembly. The event will take place at the Franklin High School cafeteria and is scheduledto begin at 7: 30 p.m. Thepublic is in- vited. For further information, call 846-8071. Vetter, Grundfest, Salzman, Davidson win Plant sale to aid building fund A sale of cut flowers and Easter plants is being plannedby the by Jaki Kalaasky target of public criticism several This year’s board of education ’ Franklin-Somerset First Aid Squad for its building fund. The ManagingEditor weeksago, whenit wasrevealed that campaignwas relatively quiet, in the Franklinresident of 37 years had comparisonwith those of years past. sale will be held from10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 2, 3, 8, and 9 at If bad weatheris supposedto hurt just last monthregistered to vote. Asidefrom the traditional arguments the squad building on KathrynStreet (behind the Fire Houseon voter turnout, then it shouldfollow Althoughapproval of the proposed overthe budget,there wasvery little 7 ] 0 HamiltonSt. that good weatherwould help. But school budgetcould have beencon- in the wayof substantiveissues to be For further information, call 249-HELP,between 7 and 11 Tuesday’sbalmy climate didn’t seem strued as a detriment to the in- debatedthts year. All the candidates to do muchto encouragemore than cumbents,since they were directly stressedthe needfor morecom- p.m. any weeknight. 2,479Franklin residents to cast ballots responsiblefor it, Mr. Vetter, Mr. municationwith the communityand for school boardcandidates and the Davidsonand Mr, Badessa voiced concernfor the qualityof education- proposedbudget. Last year, 2,190 their acceptanceof the budget, as not uncommon iSSUes. votersshowed up at the polls. well. Mr. Vetter, however, cam- Mr.Ceaser leaves the boardas its Spring Cleaning? School board incumbentsSandra paignedas beingat least a little more only black member,which could be Grundfest and Janet Salzmanwere fiscally stringent than his incumbent seen as a 10ssfor Franklin’s black If during your spring cleaning you discover used but wearable given the nod for three-yearterms, opponents. community,it’s beensaid. clothing, why not pitch in and donate it to the clothing drive along with Edward Vetter, who being organized by the Somerset CountyWelfare Board located defeated incumbentAlfred Ceaser. at 900 HamiltonStreet in Somerset’? BruceDavidson was elected to fill a The clothing giveaway, which will probably be held on the one-year unexpiredterm, defeating Defeated budget: of FredBadessa in a closerrace than he second Saturday in May, will not only benefit clients the’ expected. Mr. Davidsonwon 1,t96 , Welfare Board, but all residents of the south Somerset County’ votes to Mr. 8adessa’s990. communityas well. For the third year in a row, the So if during your cleaning sprees you discover used, but proposedschool budgetwas soundly council next stop clothing in good condition whichcan be donated, just drop it off defeatedby analmosttwotoone margin by Jaki Kalansky to meetwith the newly organized between Mondayand Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the of 1,420to 758.The budget will newbe ManagingEditor schoolboard and send its recom- passedon to the townshipcouncil for mendationstothe county superin- 9~0 Hamilton St. office or contact either Jeffrey Fetzko or EdwardI"etter Sa,dra Grnndfest deliberation. Thelast time Franklinvoters ac- tendentofsch®Is. Michael Szewcykby calling 249-1331 and arrangements will be But the real surprise camein vote proveda school budget was Feb. ’13, Judgingbyrecent remarks made by madeto collect the clothing. tally for the three three-yearseats. 1974.And that was probably only severalcouncil members, includng Mr.Vetter, who lost a bidfor the board becauseitwas a notax increase plan. the mayer,who last weekmade an last year, managedto compilethe Followingtheprecedent since then, the1977-78 school budget was solidly outspokenappeal for the budget’s highesttotal of 1,441votes to Mrs. defeat, the scissors are goingto sea Grundfest’st,qI6 and Mrs.Salzman’s defeatedTuesday by a voteof 1,420to lots of action. Amongthose whoalso Honorsfor Mrs. Skillman 1,393. Mr. Ceasercame in 101 votes 758. So even though other school viewthe budgetdefeat as a victoryare behindwith 1,292. budgetsin the area werepassing with Franklin’s senior citizens, who MONTGOMERY-- A reception to honor retiring township Thethree incumbents."ran on an flying colors this week,it probably compla!nedloudly that they can’t administrator Beatrice S. Skilimanfor 27 years of service to the informalslate, and seemedpuzzled didn’tcome as muchof a shockto most affordany kind of tax increaseon their township will be held 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. April 17 at the Nassau that Mr.Ceaser came in last whenthe residents that Franklinwould stick final voteswere tallied Tuesdaynight withits fledglingtradition. fixed incomes. Inn in Princeton. Friends of Mrs. Skillman should call Otto at the MiddlehnshSchool. "I’m going The doomed$9,063,409 current Thebudget was approved by the Kaufmanat 466-2844before April 11 for reservations, The cost to miss not having the full board expensebudget was part of an overall entire board,with the exceptionof back" said Mrs. Salzman,. whoex- $12,285,203package approved earlier Margaret Scherbina, and was sup- ¯ ~il[ be $7.50 a person. plainedthat she was"very happy" to thismonth by the board of education. ported by all six candidates for havewon, but that she wouldalso miss Itwould have meant a school tax in- election. boardvice president WilliamZdep, creaseofabout $44 on a $40,000home. Boardpresident Sandra Grundfest, whochose not to run for reelectionthis Butclearly, thevoters weren’t about whowas reelected to another term andinside ... year.This wasMrs, Salzman’s first tobuy It. Ironically, thebudget was Tuesday,was disappointed about the arts ......................................... boardelection, since she had been $84,094lower when budget hearings outcomeof the budget vote. "I had 1-3B appointedtothe board last spring to began,but several cuts were restored hopedthat the communitywould calendar ....................................... 9A fillthe unexpired term of Wasy bythe board in response to public realizethat it was a fairbudget, it classified ........................................ 4B D’Cruz,who moved out of the thwn- demand. wasn’ta paddedbudget," she said letters ......................................... 4A ,l,li ship. Statelaw requires that the budget yesterday."It wasa goodbudget flint lifestyle ..... , ................................. Mr.Davidson went into theelection mustnow go to thetownship council wouldhave provided a goodeducation. 12A fairly .confidentthat he could top his withintwo days of theelection. The I can’t commenton whether the obituaries ..................................... 14A ¯ Janet Sol:man Bruce Davidson opponent.Fred Badessa became the councilthen has an additional15 days communitywants a goodeducation." I ht’ Frdnklitl NEWSRECORD Th~ay,March 31,1977 Leagueexplains primary deadlines Elevenseeking council seats, Don’tlose your right to vote (l) youwish to vote In a party available from the league in this year’s highly contested different from the one you president or from the township 3 in First Wardrace primary
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