insight Fall 2008 A publication of the Center for Health Systems & Design at Texas A&M University Ulrich, actor promote evidence-based design Dr. Roger Ulrich, professor of architecture at Texas A&M University and holder of the Julie and Craig Beale ’71 Endowed Professorship in Health Facilities Design at the Texas A&M College of Architecture, joined famous Irish actor Gabriel Byrne in an effort to raise public awareness of the benefits of evidence-based design as part of the Irish government’s multibillion-dollar effort to modernize its healthcare infrastructure. “Despite becoming a wealthy country in recent decades,” said Ulrich, “Ireland’s hospitals and other healthcare buildings remain among the most obsolete in Europe.” A mainstay on the silver screen for nearly 30 years, Byrne has appeared in “The Usual Suspects,” “Little Women,” and “Excalibur.” Currently, he portrays Paul, a therapist in the critically acclaimed HBO series “In Treatment.” “I conveyed the science, data, and design recommendations and Byrne brought the emotion and framed key issues in “Gabriel’s participation ensured much personal, human terms,” said Ulrich, at right, of their tour promoting evidence-based health facility design in Ireland. greater public interest and attendance, and helped to increase awareness of the research findings,” said Ulrich. “I conveyed the to an audience of upwards 1,000 people,” importance of using evidence-based design science, data, and design recommendations, said Ulrich. “It was a novel departure from to create better healthcare buildings,” said and Byrne brought the emotion and framed C-105 (a classroom in Texas A&M’s Langford Ulrich, who has been advising government key issues in personal, human terms.” Architecture Center).” entities and foundations in Ireland about At one of their public appearances, the An article on evidence-based hospital the benefits of evidence-based design in crowd was so large that organizers had to design published in the Irish Times healthcare architecture for the past few years. move the event to St. Ann’s, a cavernous old newspaper, includes a description of “Gabriel’s presence, eloquence, and his church that has stood in the heart of Dublin Ulrich’s appearance with Byrne at St. ability to bring humanity to the topic of for more than 300 years. Ann’s. The story can be accessed online at: healthcare environments empowered the “I spoke for an hour on evidence-based http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ public and political impact of my barrage of design from an elaborately carved pulpit health/2008/0610/1213005981471.html. HEALTHCARE DESIGN.08 New CHSD Faculty Fellow quoted in Time magazine Article examines high rates of childhood obesity in low-income families Xuemei Zhu, a new member of the Texas refused to allow kids to walk to A&M College of Architecture faculty and Fac- school, fearing they would be- ulty Fellow for the Center for Health Systems come victims of crime or traffic & Design, was quoted in the June 12 issue of accidents,” said Zhu, quoting Time magazine in an article about childhood her research findings. The Center for Health Systems & Design’s second an- obesity. The research was conduct- nual “First Look” Research Colloquium was held Nov. The article discusses how children from Xuemei Zhu ed as part of her dissertation 8-11 at the Gaylord National in Washington, D.C. in low-income families have higher obesity study at Texas A&M’s College conjunction with the AIA/AHA Healthcare Design.08 rates, and quotes Zhu’s research in Austin of Architecture. For Bryan Walsh’s story in conference. neighborhoods. Time, visit http://www.time.com/time/maga- “Even in dense communities, parents often zine/article/0,9171,1813984-1,00.html COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Research eyes factors encouraging, Shepley honored for Rodiek earns ‘best paper’ accolade impeding children’s walks to school relevant research on from Senior Housing & Care Journal pediatric facilities Two CHSD Faculty Fellows earned a portion examine the personal, social, and physical en- The description of a new tool for deter- of the $3.3 million in grant funds presented in vironmental correlates of active commuting For research that has significantly mining the effects of the built environment 2007 by the Robert Wood Johnson Founda- (walking) to school. The project team includes influenced medical practices, Dr. Mardelle of residential care facilities on their residents, tion to support research on active living in the Lee, co-P.I., James Varni, a professor with co- Shepley will receive developed by Dr. Susan Rodiek, won an award United States. appointments to Texas A&M’s departments of the 2009 Stan for best research paper from Seniors Housing Xuemei Zhu, an assistant professor of ar- Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning and Mavis Graven & Care Journal. chitecture and Chanam Lee, an assistant and Pediatrics, and Oi-Man Kwok, assistant Award for Leader- Rodiek, assistant professor of architecture professor in landscape architecture and professor of educational psychology. ship in Enhancing at Texas A&M and holder of the Ronald L. urban planning, received funding to Additionally, Lee was awarded a the Physical and Skaggs Endowed Professorship in Health Fa- study environmental impacts on $252,000 grant for her proposal, “The Developmental cilities Design, responded to a need for tools Issue 9: Fall 2008 the physical activity of elementary ‘Why’s’ and ‘Why Not’s’ of Active Environments for to objectively capture detail about the built school children, especially those Living: Barriers and Motivators the High Risk Infant. environment’s effect on residents at residen- Newsletter for the at high risk of physical inactivity among High Risk Children.” This Shepley has fo- tial care facilities. and obesity. three-year study is evaluating cused on pediatric Dr. Mardelle Shepley The National Investment Center for the Center for Health Systems & Design Their research focuses various interventions re- facilities design Seniors Housing & Care Industry (NIC), an- Dr. Susan Rodiek, received best paper award from Darren on children in the Austin lated to children’s physical since initiating research on neonatal nually publishes the peer-reviewed Journal Alcus, left, president of Commercial Finance for GE Health- College of Architecture • Texas A&M University Independent School Dis- activity. For instance, it intensive care units in 1991 while serv- that contains applied research papers for care Financial Services, and Robert Kramer, president of Texas A&M Health Science Center • College of Medicine trict, the same location examines environmen- ing as a project architect for The Design providers, financiers and developers involved the NIC for the Seniors Housing and Care Industry. as Zhu’s dissertation tal factors such as Partnership for the San Francisco General in the industry. Rodiek was recognized at the HEALTH INDUSTRY ADVISORY COUNCIL study, “Community the quality of side- Hospital NICU. She has published exten- Annual NIC Conference where she received a “The quality of the physical environment Environments and walks, distance sively and coauthored “Healthcare Envi- plaque and $5,000 cash award, which is spon- has a major impact on residents’ quality of PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Walking-to- of schools from ronments for Children and their Families” sored by GE Healthcare Financial Services. life, staff satisfaction and market appeal,” she BSA Life Structures Jacobs School Behav- homes, street- (1998). A member of the Committee for Rodiek donated the award for the paper, “A said about her winning paper. “Yet in spite of Earl Swensson Associates, Inc. iors: Multi-Lev- crossing safe- Recommended Design Standards for New Tool for Evaluating Senior Living Environ- its importance, few instruments have been FKP Architects, Inc. el Correlates ty and the de- Newborn ICUs, she served on the board ments,” to the Design for Aging Scholarship developed to sensitively and objectively HDR Architecture, Inc. and Underly- sign of streets, of the Association for the Care of Chil- Fund founded by Rodiek and offered through evaluate environmental conditions in assisted HKS Architects, Inc. ing Disparities.” Aided by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funds, CHSD playgrounds, dren’s Health. the College of Architecture’s Center for Health living settings. That became our motiva- Haynes Whaley Associates The research, researchers could help combat obesity in schoolchildren. and parks. The The award will be presented January Systems & Design. tion: to see if such an instrument could be HOK The INNOVA Group Zhu said, aims research is also 2009 in Florida during the 22nd Annual The instrument Rodiek developed focused developed and could also be adapted for use KMD Architects to “identify the most effective environmental identifying barriers and motivators of active Gravens Conference on the Physical and on the psychosocial needs of older adults and by operators.” Karlsberger Companies interventions that will encourage physically living and comparing different sub-groups of Developmental Environments for the “the extent to which the physical environ- This is the second time Rodiek has Erdman, A Cogdell Spencer Company active lifestyles among children, specifically, children. High Risk Infant. ment supports their specific behaviors and received an award for best paper from the PageSoutherlandPage walking to school.” Lee’s team includes Zhu, Varni and Daniel activities,” she wrote in her paper. journal, an exceptional accomplishment. Perkins + Will Zhu received $186,000 for her proposal, Sui, professor of geography. RTKL Associates, Inc. Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott “Safety, Health, and Equity for Active School Both studies will employ objective and Stantec Architecture Transportation: Interactions among Multi-Lev- subjective measurement tools together with Syska Hennessy Group el Factors and Specific Needs of Low-Income the use of geographic information systems, Student healthcare architecture group begins 4th year Tsoi/Kobus & Associates, Inc. Hispanic Children.” The two-year study will surveys and field audits. WHR Architects Architecture-for-health students at Texas Wingler & Sharp, Architects & Planners, Inc.
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