THE COMPLETE WORKS OF "_T l'_N ER A B L E B E I)E, IN THE ORIGINAL LATIN, COLLATED WITH THE MANUSCRIPTS, AND VARIOUS PRINTED EDITIONS, _CCOMPANIED BY A NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE HISTORICAL WORKS, AND A I. IFE OF THE AUTHOR. I-_Y-l-lll_I_EV. ,| \. ¢;II,E_, I),CA,., LATE FELLOW OF C,C,C,_ OXFOKD. VOL. 1. LIFE, POEMS, LETTERS, &c. I,ONDON : WIIITTAKI_R k_l),'_J. _VI,, _IARIA LA_NL MI)CCCXLIlI. Wl, / VENERABILIS B E I) JE OPERA QUJE SUPERSUNT OMNIA, NUNC PRIMUM IN ANGLIA, OPE CODICUM MANUSCRIPTORUM, EDITIONUMQUE OPTIMARUM t,;!_II)tT J, A. (;lI,Es, t.t, lk. ECCLESI._ ANGLICAN_ PRESBYTER, ET COLL. CORP* CI1R. OXON. OLIM SOCIUS, VOL. 1. VhTA, POEMATA, EPISTOL,ZF, &c. LONDINI: VENEI_NT AI)[I) '_.IIITTAKEt¢ I,.T S()CIt)S. MDCCCXLIll. THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF \"E N E It.\B L 1.2I}J,;I}I_;. IN THE ORIGINAL LATIN, COLLATED WITH THE MANUSCRIPTS, AND VARIOUS PRINTED EDITIONS, ACCOMPANIED BY A NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE HISTORICAL WORKS, AND A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. i;1 llii{ I_t;'_ ) t _11,I'- I_ t L_'rF, FELLOW ftF C*C,C., OXFORI). VOL. 1. LIFE, POEMS, LETTERS, &c. LON DON : MDCCCXI,II I. TO HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, THIS FIKST EDITION OF THE COMPLETE GENUINE WORKS OF VENERABLE BEDE, IS, BY PERMISSION, RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY HIS GRACE'S MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT, J. A. GILES. CONTENTS O1_ TH_ SIX VOLUMES OF THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS O¥ VENERABLE BEDE. VOL I. List of Subscribers - - xiv General Preface - - xvli Smithii Pr_fatio in Bedm" Opera Historica - - xxvii Life of Venerable Bede xii Vita Bedm Venerabilis Auctore Auonymo - - cxrdi Alia Vita - clxl Cuthberti Epistola de Bed_e obitu clxili POEMATA. Preface to Poemata, Epistohe, &e .... cixvi I. De Miraculis S. Cuthberti - I II. Cuculus sive Veris et Hiemis Conflicttm - $5 III. Passio S. Justlni Martyris - S8 IV. Martyrologlum Poetieum - 50 V. Hymni - - - 54 EPISTOLtE. I. Epistola ad Albinum, an Epistle to MSbot Albinus 106 II. Epistola ad Egbertum Antisfitem, an Ep/st_ to BishOl_ Egbert .... 108 IIL Epistola ad Plegwinum Apologet. de VI tEtatibus Mundi .... 144 IV. Epistola ad Wiehredam de 2Equinoetio Vernali 155 V. Epist. ad Aecam de principio Geneseos 169 VI. Epist. ad eundem de templo Salom. 171 VII. Epist, ad Notbelmum de XXX Questionibus 174 VIII. Epist. ad Accam de expos. Evang. Marei 176 xii CO_TENTS. IX. Epist. ad Aecam de Evang. Lucsv 179 X. Epist. ad Aecam de expos. Actuum - 186 XI. Pr_efat. de Retrsctatioue Actuum - ] 87 XII, Epist. ad Eusebium de Apocalypsi 189 XIIL Epist. ad Accam de expos. Samuele 195 XIV. Epist. ad Accam de Mansionibus filiorum Israel, _nunc p_imum Ed/ta] - 198 XV. Epist. ad Accam, de eo quod ait Esaias, &e. [nune primum Edita] 203 XVI. De VII Epistolis Canonieis 215 Opuscula Moralis--Libellus Precum - 217 Vari_e Lectiones &c. 247 VOL. IL Preface - - 5 Historia Eeelesiastica Genti_ Anglorum. Ecv_s/ast/ea/ H_/of _ EnOt_hN_._ . - - Liber I. Book I. - - 22 Liber II. Book IL - - 156 Liber III. Book III ..... 260 VOL. HI. Preface " - 1 Liber IV. Book IV .... Liber V. Book V. 158 Epitome sive Recapitulatio Chroniea totius Operis--- Epitome co"Ckronolouical SummarIj of the whole Work - - - SO0 Notitia de se Ipso et de Libris Suis---Not/ce of the AutIurr himself and ?f his Works - 312 Bed_e Chrouologia eontinuata Auctore Anonymo 323 Varim Lectiones. CoUatio hujus Editionis cure Editi- onibus Heidelberg. et Stevenson. $29 Vari_ Lectlones qum in textu Editionis Smithianm reperiuntur .... 364 Varietates Lectionis quas Smithius ad imam paginam subjecit - - 372 .o. CONTENTS. XIII Table of the duration of the Kingdoms of the Anglo-. Saxon Heptarchy - - 396 Index to the Ecclesiastical History - - 403 VOL. IV. Preface .... iii De Septem Mundi Miraculis---Ofthe Seven Wonders of the Wor/d - - lo Martyrologium de natalitiis Sanetorum ; cure auctario Flori 16 Vita beati FeUeis Confessoris---The Life of St. Felix 174 Vita Sancti Cuthberti--The Life of St. Cuthbert - 202 Vita Abbatum Wiremuthensium et Girvensium--The Lives of the Abbots of Weremouth and Jarrow - 858 De locis Sanctis--Of the Holy Places - 402 Variva Lectlones ...... 444 VOL. V. Homiliarum Evangelii libri II. [quinquaginta novem homilim sunt, quarum quinquaginta procul dubio genuinm, cmterae dubise sunt mstimandm.] VOL. VI. Preface ...... i De Orthographia .... 1 De arte Metrica - - - 40 De Schematis et tropis Sacr_e Seriptur_e - - 80 De Natura Rerum - - - 99 De Temporibus ..... 123 De Temporum Ratione ..... 139 Appendix to the Miscdlaneous Wor_ of Venerable _de. I. Vita Sancti Cuthberti, Auetore Anonymo - - 357 IL Historia Translationis Sancti Cuthberti 883 III. Vita Abbatum Wiremuthensium et Girvensium 4i6 IV. Supplementum Variarum Lectionum, errorum typograph. &c..... 433 NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS TO VENERABLE BEDE'S WORKS. His GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY THE RI{_IIT REv. THE LORD BISHOP or WINCHESTER THE ]_IGHT REv. THE LORD BISHOP oF LINCOLN THE RIGHT REV, THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP 09 CARLISLE THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF LLANDAFr THE RIGHT REV, THE LoRn BlsHor 01_ EXETER THE RIGHT RRV. THE LORD BISHOP OF SALISBURY THE RIGHT REV. "rile LoRD BisHoP oF ST. DAVID'S THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF CHICHESTER THE RIGHT l_Ev, THE LORD BISHOp 01_ GUIANA THE RIGHT REv. BISBOP LUSCOMBE, PARIS, Rev. J. H. Abrahall, M.A. Bruton J. W, Bramah, Esq. Merton College, Mr. Abrams, Oxford--2 copies Oxford J. Alien, Esq. Burnham, near Bridg- The late Rev. Dr. Bridges, President water of C.C.C. Oxford Rev. M. Anderson, M.A. East Dal- Messrs. T. G. & T. E. Brown, wich Leicester Rev. W. Archer, M.A. Rector oi A. B. Bryer, Esq. B.A. 6, Canter. Churchill, Somerset bury Row, Newington The late Rev. Dr. Arnold G. Burges, Esq. M.A. 21, Bayhem Rev. T. K. Arnold, Rector of Lyndon Street, Camden Town Rev. James Bagge, Torquay, Devon The Very Rev. Dr. Butler, Dean of G.T. Bagot, Esq. Ex. Colh Oxford Petarborough, Northamptou Rev. J. B. Bennett, M.A. Second Rev. G. Butt, Hampstead Master of Macclesfield Grammar Rev. R. Cattermole School J.D. Chamber, Esq. Oriel College, G. Berford, Esq. Upper Clapton Oxford Rev. E. Bickersteth, Vicar of Wat- The Very Rev. Dr. Chandler, Dean ton, Herts of Chicbester Mr. Black, Wellington Street North Library of Christ's College, Camb. Rev. J. Blakesley, M.A. Fellow and The Library of C.C.C. Oxford Tutor of Trim Coll. Cambridge Rev. W. J. Coope, M.A. Rector of Mr. James Bohn, King William Falmouth Street, London--25 copies Mr. Coebran, Strand--2 copie_ Rev. Archdeacon Bonney, King's Rev. E. Coleridge, M.A. Eton , Cliff, near Wansford Key. J. Coffe, Exeter NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. xv Bolt.on Corney, Esq. Greenwich W. Hutchison,Esq. BmLkofEngland Mr. Cornish, Newgate Street--2 co- T.M. Horsford, Esq. Barrister at pies Law, Lincoln's Inn Messrs. Currie & Son, Jun. Dublin Rev. W. J. Irons, B. D. Vivar of Mr. W. Cornish, 37, New Street, Bir- Brompton miugham--2 copies Rev. J. Keble, Fellow of Oriel Coll. Mr. Cornish, Mid. Row, Hoiborn-- Oxford 3 copies Mr. Kerslake, Bristol--2 copies Roy. H, Cotterill, Chap]ain to the J.C. King, Esq. Northwick Terrace, Hon. East India Company,Madras Maida Hill Roy. C. B. Dalton, Fulham Palace Mrs. King, Cossington Mr. Darling, Clerical Circulating Li- G. IL Kingdon, Esq.Trin. Coll.Camb. brary Roy. H. Kirwan, B.A. King's Col- Messrs. J. and S. Delghten, Cam- lege, Cambridge bridge--6 copies Rev. J. E. Lance, Rector of Buck- H. Dickinson, Esq. land St. Mary, Somerset Rev. SoL Donavan, Carnew Mr. Leslie, 52, Great Queen Street Mons. Duprat, Paris---6 copies --2 copies Mr. Ede, Dorking W. Lockhart, Esq. Ex. Col. Oxford Rev. J. ]3. Dyne, Master of Cholme!y Rev. F. V. Lockwood, Prebendary School, Highgate of Canterbury Rev. It. Eden, Vassal Road, Ken- T. Lowndes, Esq. Eaton Place, Bel- nlngton grave Square Roy. N. Ellison, Rector of Hunt- Venerable Archdeacon Lyall spill, Somerset L.M. Mackenzie, Esq. Exeter CoIL T. G. B. Estcourh Esq. M.P. Oxford Dean and Chapter of Exeter Rev. R. Macmullen, M°A. Fellow Exeter College Library, Oxford of C.C.C. East India College Library, Halley- Mr. Maepherson, Oxford--2 copies bury Roy. Dr. Major, Head Master of Rev. James Ford, Exeter King's College School, London Rev.Dr.Gaisford, Reg. Prof. ofGreek, Roy. Ft. Martin, Fellow of Trinity and Dean of Ch. Ch. Oxford Coll. Cambridge W. Giles, Esq, inn. Frome Rev. J. Morris, Exeter Coll. Oxford F. Giles, Esq. Frome Rev. H. Melvill, B.D. Camberwell Roy. J. D. Giles, M.A. Vicar of Grove Swinstead, Lincolnshire W. Middleton, Esq. H. Giles, Esq. Steurbridge Mons. PAbb_ Migne, _ l'imprimerie Profeasor Goeller, Cologne Catholique du Petit Moat Rouge, Roy. J. A. Gower, M.A. Stoke, Bucks Paris Mr. Graham, Oxford--2 copies Roy. J. H. Newman, Fell. of Oriel Roy. E. Greswell, B.D. Fellow of Coll. Oxford C.C.C. Oxford Mr. Nuth Fleet Street, London--10 Rev. C. Greswell, Rector of Torts- copies worth, near Wotton-under-Edge, Mr. Parker, Oxford--25 copies Gloucester-shire Newcastle Institution Mona rAbb6 Halfreingue, &renclos F.C. Parry, Esq. Court of Bank- de la Cath6drale, Boulegne sur Mer ruptey, Birmingham $. Harmer, Esq. Ingress Abbey R. Nares, Esq. Queen's College, Rev.T.Hartwell Horne,B.D. London Cambridge Rev. C. A. Heurtley, M.A. Fellow of Mr. Pocock, Bath--2 copies C.C.C. Oxford Rev. T. Pope, B.A., Jesus College, W. Hichens, ESq. Threadneedle Cambridge Street J.C. Prior, Esq. CamberwelI xvi NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. Rev. Dr. Pusey, Reg. Pro£ of Heb. Rev. Dr. Symons, Warden of Wad- Ch.
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