ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY Editor; FRANCIS R. PACKARD, M.D., Philadelphia CONTENTS OF NEW SERIES, VOLUME ONE, 1929 Thompson, Strenuous Life of a Physician in the 18th Walsh, Date of Galen’s Birth; Pitfield, A Pitiful, Rick- Century; Johnson, William Potter Memorial Lecture. In- etty, Gasping, Staggering, Stuttering Tomfool; Miller, Dis- troductory; Cohn, Development of the Harveian Circula- easesof AndentMan;CRUMMER,CopyofJennerNoteBook; tion; Burger, Appreciation of the Medical Profession and Strecker, Reminiscenses from the Early Days of the Penn- the Divine Origin of Medicine; Chance, Squier Littell, m.d., sylvania Hospital; Wiese, Larrey; Garrison, Brief Note on Krumbhaar, Bibliographical Matters Pertaining to the Medical Philately; Pirkner, Epilepsy in the Light of History; Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood; Wood, Martin Pool & McGowan, Surgery at the New York Hospital Lister; Woolf, Hunterian Epoch; Harvey, History of One Hundred Years Ago; Rolleston, Samuel Johnson’s Hemostasis; Miller; William Beaumont and His Book; Medical Experiences; MacPhail, Evolution and Life; Burr, Dr. James and His Medical Dictionary; Moore, Gab- Middleton, Philip Syng Physick; Taylor, S. Weir Mitch- riel Honore de Riquetti; Roddis, Garcia da Orta; Rush, ell; Wagoner, Statuette Depicting a Posterior Superior Arnold Adolf Berthold; Toomey, First General Medical Dislocation of the Hip; Weeks, David Ramsay; Waring, Treatise Published in the Western Hemisphere; Peachey, Incident in Early South Carolina Medicine; Todd, MedL John Fewster; Power, Memorial Group of the Harvey Fami- eval Physician; Friedenwald, Manuscript Copies of the ly; Krumbhaar, Bath Olivers—Doctor and Biscuit; Wood, Medical Works of Isaac Judaeus; Diploma of a Jewish Grad- Julius Millingen; Robertson, “Castel of Helth” and its uate of Medicine of the University of Padua in 1695; Brun- Author, Sir Thomas Elyot; Adler, Albrecht von Graefe; schwig, Hieronymus Brunschwig, Shryock, Origins and Parsons, Haitian Medicine; Hammett, Anatomical Significance of the Public Health Movement in the United Knowledge of the Ancient Hindus; Gudger, Illustrations States; Pleadwell, Ninian Pinkney, M.D.; Moodie, Sur- of Comparative Osteology; Beiter, Charles Edward Isaacs; gery in Pre-Columbian Peru. CONTENTS OF NEW SERIES, VOLUME TWO, 1930 Rolleston, Sir Thomas Browne, m.d.; Sudhoff, Tuberculosis and Other Adversities; Major, The Papyrus Sketches; Crummer, An Original Drawing of the Title Ebers; Moorman, Tuberculosis and Genius as Manifested Page of Vesalius’ Fabricia; Chance, On Hippocrates and in St. Francis of Assisi; Goldstein, The Influence of the Aphorisms; Major, The History of Taking the Blood Claude Bernard on Physiological Concepts; Ballard, In­ Pressure; FrAnchini, Lazarro Spallanzani; Hall, General cunabula in the Boston Medical Library; SuDEN, Incunabula and Medical Science One Hundred Years Ago; Beeson, Owned by the Lane Medical Library, Stanford University; Orfila—Pioneer Toxicologist; Scarlett, Jean Paul Marat, Middleton, John Syng Dorsey; Freeman, Lewis Morgan; The Physician as Revolutionist; Wiese, Semmelweiss; Von Storch, An Essay on the History of Epilepsy; Pleadwell, Ninian Pinckney, m.d., Part II; Leake, Roman Hoover, Significance of the Scientific Conquest of the Air; Architectural Hygiene; Cooper, The Medical School of Inauguration of the Department of the History of Medicine Montpellier in the 14th Century; Hancock, The Irish of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Opening of the School of Medicine; Jacobsen, John Coakley Lettsom and William H. Welch Medical Library; Adaptation of a Muse- His Relations with Jonathan Carver, Explorer; Camden, Jr., um to the Teaching of Medical History; Packard, Medical Elizabethan Astrological Medicine; Miller, Children of Incunabula; Packard, An American Physician’s War Book Appolo; Bragman, The Medical Wisdom of Nathanial about the Revolution; Krumbhaar, Proceedings of the Hawthorne; Rolleston, Medical Friendships, Clubs and Sixth Annual Meeting, American Association of the His- Societies; Wilson, Alphonse Francois Marie Guerin; Hume, tory of Medicine; Leake & Larkey, San Francisco Medical Medicine in China, Old and New; Howell, Doctor George History Seminars; The History of Biology; Stretchers, The Fordyce and His Times; Beeson, Corvisart, His Life and Story of a Hospital Unit on the Western Front; L’Arte Dei Works; Shryock, Public Relations of the Medical Profes- Medicine Speziali Nella Storia, e Nel Commerico Fiorentino sion in Great Britain and the United States: 1600-1870; dal Secolo XII al XV; The History and Traditions of the Incunabula in New York Academy of Medicine; Medical Moorfields Eye Hospital, One Hundred Years of Ophth- Incunabula in the Library of Washington University School aImic Discovery and Development; Devils, Drugs, and Doc- of Medicine; Medical Incunabula in the Medical Library of tOrs, the Story of the Science of Healing from Medicine-Man the University of Rochester; Warthin, The Physician of to Doctor; Kyklos, Jahrbuch des Institute fur Geschichte the Dance of Death, Parts I-III; Hare, Stephen Girard Jer Jvleciizin an der Universitat Leipzig; Die Arztlichen and the Great Epidemic of Yellow Fever in 1793; Den- Kenntnisse in Ilias und Odyssee; History of Blockley; The NINCBR, A History of Substances Known as Apbnxta.es; L;fe Hermaml M Modem Miller, History of Syphilis; Montgomery, Hieronymus r . _ _ Fracastorius, The Author of a Poem Called Syphilis; ™e History of Hemostasis; Human Biology and Racial Hirsch, An Historical Survey of Gonorrhea; Leopold, Walffe; CI1° ^edlca’_ V?k* x?.’ Egypt Aretaeus the Cappadocian; His Contribution to Diabetes and ASSyna Mec^ne m the Bnush Isles, Anatomy; Letters Mellitus; Jones, The Practice of Medicine Among Our Ricka'd D* Am°Id’ A T^se °n ,the Ca”on of Aborigines; Incunabula of the Cleveland Medical Library Medicine of Avicenna; The Creed of a Biologist; Biogra- Assodation; Lloyd, Benjamin Rush and His Critics; phies Lexicon des Hervorragenden Aerzte Aller Zeiten und Peachey, William Hunter’s Obstetrical Career; Caulfield, Volker; Benevenutus Grassus of Jerusalem; Great Painters The Infant Welfare Movement in the Eighteenth Century, an<^ Their Works as Seen by a Doctor; Edward Jenner and Parts I-II; Rogers, The History of Craniotomy; Tello the Discovery of Smallpox Vacdnation; Early Sdence in & Williams, An Andent Syphilitic Skull from Paracas in Oxford; Clio Medidne. Internal Medidne; Medical History Peru; Pitfield, John Keats, The Reactions of a Genius to of Michigan; Kolner Anglistijche Arbeiten. ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY New Series, Vol. Ill, No. 6 NOVEMBER, 1931 Whole No. 58 EDITOR FRANCIS R. PACKARD, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. ASSOCIATE EDITORS LE ROY CRUMMER, M.D.....................................................Los Angeles HARVEY CUSHING, M.D............................................................... Boston IRVING S. CUTTER, M.D............................................................Chicago CHARLES L. DANA, M.D................................................New York GEORGE DOCK, M.D......................................................... Pasadena FIELDING H. GARRISON, M.D.............................................Baltimore HENRY BARTON JACOBS, M.D............................................Baltimore HOWARD A. KELLY, M.D........................................................Baltimore ARNOLD C. KLEBS, M.D................................................................. Nyon SAMUEL W. LAMBERT, M.D....................................... New York THOMAS McCRAE, M.D....................................................... Philadelphia LEWIS STEPHEN PILCHER, M.D......................................... Brooklyn SIR D’ARCY POWER, K.B.E., F.R.C.S.(ENG.), F.S.A. London DAVID RIESMAN, M.D.........................................................Philadelphia SIR HUMPHRY ROLLESTON, BART., K.C.B., M.D. Cambridge JOHN RUHRAH, M.D.................................................................Baltimore CHARLES SINGER, M.D..................................... London EDWARD C. STREETER, M.D.................................................... Boston WILLIAM H. WELCH, M.D....................................................... Baltimore CASEY A. WOOD, M.D..................................................................Chicago NEW YORK PAUL B. HOEBER, INC., PUBLISHERS SEVENTY-SIX FIFTH AVENUE ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY New Series, Vol. Ill, No. 6 NOVEMBER, 1931 Whole No. 58 Original articles are published only with the understanding that they are contributed exclusively to the ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY. Manuscripts offered for publication, books for review, and all corre­ spondence relating to the editorial management should be addressed to the Editor, Dr. Francis R. Packard, 302 South 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Communications regarding subscriptions, reprints, and all matters regarding the business management of the ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY should be addressed to the publishers, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. 76 Fifth Avenue, New York City. [Cable address, Formed N. Y.] The ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY is published six times a year, the six issues comprising one volume. No advertising is carried. The subscription price is $10.00 a year, foreign $11.00. Current single num­ bers $2.50 per copy. A few sets of first series, Volumes I-X, are available in parts as published at $100.00 per set, or bound in boards, paper sides, canvas back, paper label, $125.00 per set. Price on available single volumes or numbers will be quoted on request. Entered as second class
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