Calendar of Events July 2021 Notes: 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 2. Dates, times and functions are subject to change without notice. Especially schedule of outdoor events and flower festival may change due to the weather. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. Tanabata 七夕 3. The access shows only major route. Please refer to following URL for alternative transportation from the station where you want to start. Tanabata, Star Festival is held on July 7 in most parts of http://www.hyperdia.com/en/ Japan or August 7 in some areas. Based on a Chinese folk 4. Japanese words appearing in the column provide the name of the event, the place and access for you to point out to Japanese passerby when you need help. legend in which two starts - Altair (Cowherd) and Vega 5. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. If you have further questions, please call TIC, JNTO at following number. (Weaver) - love each other but only allowed to cross the TIC, JNTO Tel : (03)-3201-3331 from overseas +81 3 3201 3331 Milky Way to meet once a year on this day. Wishes are written on long colored strips of paper and Glossary︓ Special Remarks: hung from a bamboo branch with other decorations. Matsuri Festival, Event Dates and Times are shown as follows which is common in Japan. Dates : M/D April 3 ⇒ 4/3 Ukai 鵜飼 Time : 24 hours system 8:00am ⇒ 8:00 Cormorant fishing, an ancient method of catching Ayu (sweetfish or trout-like fish), handling cormorants. 8:00pm ⇒ This usually takes place at night under the blazing torches fastened to the prows of fishing boats from May until October. The following events are still to be confirmed. (as of Jun.23) Please check the latest information in advance. Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Wild Horses Chasing with over a 1000-year history, designated as one of Minami- the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties. Tohoku Fukushima Minami-Soma Soma Noma-oi http://soma- 7/24 〜 7/26 Soma ★The event is not open to the public, but it will be held online this year.★ -- 東北 福島県 南相馬市 相馬野馬追 nomaoi.jp/ 南相馬市 Schedule & Key events: Please visit the website for the details Summary: Cormorant fishing, an ancient method of catching Ayu (sweetfish or trout- like fish), handling trained cormorants. It will be held every day during the period except on the night of the full moon (9/21 this year) or when the JR Tokaido Honsen Line to https://www Nagaragawa water is excessively muddy. Fee is 3,200 JPY or 3,500 JPY without meal. Chubu Gifu Gifu Nagara River Gifu Sta. From there, take bus JR東海道本線岐阜駅よりバスで .ukai- 6/21 〜 10/15 Ukai For reservation, please call 058-262-0104 (Gifu City Ukai Kanransen 中部 岐阜県 岐阜市 ⻑良川 to Nagara-bashi Bus Stop (20 20分⻑良橋下⾞ gifucity.jp/uk ⻑良川鵜飼 Jimusho), or reserve through major travel agencies. min.) ai/ Schedule & Key events: ●daily (except 9/21) 19:45-20:30 (Departure time: 18:15, 18:45, 19:15) ©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 1/7 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Cormorant fishing. Fee is 3,000JPY without meal. For reservation, please call 0568-61-2727 (Kisogawa Kanko) or reserve through major travel JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line to Nagoya Sta. From there, take JR東海道新幹線名古屋駅より Chubu Aichi Inuyama Kiso River Kisogawa Ukai agencies. http://kisoga 6/1 〜 10/15 Meitetsu Inuyama Line to 名鉄犬山線で犬山遊園駅下⾞ 中部 愛知県 犬山市 木曽川 木曽川鵜飼 wa-ukai.jp/ Inuyama-Yuen Sta. (East (東口)、徒歩3分 Schedule & Key events: Exit), and then walk 3 min. ●6/1-8/31 19:30-20:15 ●9/1-10/15 19:00-19:45 Summary: Festival featuring Bugaku (ancient court dance with music) by children and adults in colorful attire, designated as one of the National Important JR Tokaido Honsen Line to Mori- Yamana-jinja Shrine Yamana-jinja Intangible Folk Cultural Properties. https://www Chubu Shizuoka Fukuroi Sta. From there, take JR東海道本線袋井駅より秋葉 7/17 〜 7/18 machi and others Tenno-sai .mori- 中部 静岡県 Akiha Bus to Tenno Bus Stop バスで20分天王下⾞ 森町 山名神社ほか 山名神社天王祭 kanko.jp/ Schedule & Key events: (20 min.) ●daily 16:00- 21:00 Twelve kinds of Bugaku performances on the stage in Maiya Hall of the shrine Summary: Hachiman Folk Dance Meet, one of the most popular folk dancing events. http://www. -cho, Hachiman-cho, ★The event at the site has been cancelled, but it will be held online this Chubu Mid. Early Gifu Gujo Odori gujohachima 〜 Gujo Gujo year.★ -- 中部 Jul Sep 岐阜県 郡上踊り n.com/kanko 郡上市 郡上市八幡町 / 八幡町 Schedule & Key events: Please visit the website for the details Summary: Cormorant fishing. Admission is free. Fuefukigawa JR Chuo Honsen Line to https://www Chubu Yamanashi Fuefuki Fuefuki River JR中央本線石和温泉駅より徒 7/20 〜 8/19 Isawa Ukai Isawa-Onsen Sta., and then .isawa- 中部 山梨県 笛吹市 笛吹川 Schedule & Key events: 歩20分 笛吹川石和鵜飼 walk 20 min. kankou.org/ ●every Thu. and Sun. 20:00-20:50 Ukai on Fuefuki River ©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 2/7 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL JR Joetsu Shinkansen Line to Aikawa Niigata Sta. From there, take Aikawa Haneda- Summary: JR上越新幹線新潟駅よりバスで Haneda- bus to Niigata Port - Sado- https://www machi, Gold Mine Festival. The town was once a gold mining town in feudal days. 15分新潟港佐渡汽船乗場下 Hokuriku Niigata machi, Kozan Matsuri Kisen (15min.), and change to .visitsado.co 7/24 〜 7/25 Sado ⾞、ジェットホイルに乗り換え1時 北陸 新潟県 Sado 鉱山祭 Jetfoil to Ryotsu Port in Sado m/event/354 佐渡市 間両津港下船、バスで50分相 佐渡市 Schedule & Key events: Island (1h.), and then take 2/ 相川羽田町 川下⾞ 相川羽田町 Details are still to be arranged bus to Aikawa Bus Stop (50 min.) Summary: (1) Keifuku Arashiyama Ukyo-ku, Honsen Line to Arashiyama Cormorant fishing. Fee is 2,000JPY without meal. Tickets are put on sale (1) 京福嵐山本線嵐山駅より Nishikyo- Sta., and then walk 10 min. on the day from 18:00. No reservation is necessary unless you charter a 徒歩10分 https://arash ku, (2) Hankyu Arashiyama Line Kinki Kyoto Oi River Arashiyama Ukai boat for a group. (2) 阪急嵐山線嵐山駅より徒 iyama- 7/1 〜 9/23 Kyoto to Arashiyama Sta., and then 近畿 京都府 大堰川 嵐山鵜飼 歩15分 yakatabune.c 京都市 walk 15 min. (3) JR嵯峨野線瑳峨嵐山駅よ om/ 右京区、 Schedule & Key events: (3) JR Sagano Line to Saga- り徒歩15分 ⻄京区 ●7/1-8/31 (except 8/16) 19:00-, 20:00- Arashiyama Sta., and then ●9/1-9/23 18:30-, 19:30- walk 15 min. Summary: Cormorant fishing. Fee is 2,000JPY (child 1,000JPY) without meal. Tickets are put on sale on the day from 17:00. No reservation is necessary unless (1) Keihan Uji Line to Uji Sta., (1) 京阪宇治線宇治駅より徒 http://www. Kinki Kyoto Uji Uji River Ujigawa Ukai you charter a boat for a group. and then walk 10 min. 歩10分 kyoto-uji- 7/1 〜 9/30 近畿 京都府 宇治 宇治川 宇治川鵜飼 (2) JR Nara Line to Uji Sta., (2) JR奈良線宇治駅より徒歩 kankou.or.jp Schedule & Key events: and then walk 15 min. 15分 /ukai.html ●7/1-8/31 18:30-20:00 ●9/1-9/30 18:00-19:30 ©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 3/7 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL (1) JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line to Kyoto Sta. From there, take Kintetsu Kashihara Line to Kashihara Jingu-mae Sta., (1) JR東海道新幹線京都駅よ Summary: and change to Kintetsu り近鉄橿原線で橿原神宮前駅 Religious lesson of story-telling. One of the biggest events of the temple. Yoshino Line to Yoshino Sta. にて近鉄吉野線に乗り換え吉野 The ritual of Renge-e , in which parishioners on the boats pick up lotus (2) JR Nara Line to Nara Sta. 駅下⾞ Zao-do Temple Renge-e flowers and donate them to each temple. The ritual of Kaeru-tobi, in From there, take Kintetsu (2) JR奈良線奈良駅より近鉄 Yoshino- (Kimpusen-ji Temple (Kaeru-tobi http://www. Kinki Nara which the frog pantomimes the story of the impious local man who was Nara Line to Yamato-Saidaiji 奈良線で大和⻄大寺駅にて近 7/7 cho on Mt. Yoshino) Gyoji) kinpusen.or.j 近畿 奈良県 transformed into a frog and then transformed back to a human being Sta., and change to Kintetsu 鉄橿原線に乗り換え橿原神宮 吉野町 蔵王堂 蓮華会 p Kashihara Line to Kashihara 前駅にて近鉄吉野線に乗り換え (吉野山⾦峯山寺) (蛙跳び⾏事) thanks to the Buddhist Sutra cited by a pious priest. Jingu-mae Sta., and change 吉野駅下⾞ to Kintetsu Yoshino Line to Schedule & Key events: Yoshino Sta. 吉野駅よりロープウェーで3分山 16:00- Ritual of Renge-e and Kaeru-tobi at Zao-do Temple 上駅下⾞、徒歩10分 From Yoshino Sta., take ropeway to Sanjo Sta. (3 min.), and then walk 10 min. Summary: Festival of the shrine, registered as the Intangible Cultural Heritage by Hakata Gion UNESCO. Yamakasa (gorgeously decorated floats topped with elaborate Kushida-jinja Shrine: Yamakasa 櫛田神社: Kushida-jinja Shrine decorations including miniature castles, flowers and historical heroes' JR Sanyo Shinkansen Line to https://www Kyushu Fukuoka Fukuoka (Kazari JR山陽新幹線博多駅より地下 7/1 〜 7/15 and others dolls) are on display at 12 different places in the city during the festival Hakata Sta. From there, take .hakatayama 九州 福岡県 福岡市 Yamakasa) 鉄空港線で祇園駅下⾞、徒歩 櫛田神社ほか Kuko Subway Line to Gion kasa.com/ 博多祇園山笠 period. 5分 Sta., and then walk 5 min. (飾り山笠) Schedule & Key events: daytime The following events have been cancelled or postponed. (as of Jun.23) Shiogama-jinja Summary: http://kanko Shrine, Shiogama Minato Port Festival featuring a parade of two giant Mikoshi of the shrines. JR Senseki Line to Hon- ubussan.shio Tohoku Miyagi Shiogama Shiwahiko-jinja JR仙石線本塩釜駅より徒歩10 - Matsuri Shiogama Sta., and then walk gama.miyagi 東北 宮城県 塩釜市 Shrine and others 分 塩竃みなと祭 Schedule & Key events: 10 min.
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