PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID 808 Wisteria Drive Cocoa, FL Melbourne, FL 32901-1926 32922 Permit 20 ©2013 Space Coast Area Mensa Permission to reprint non-individually copyrighted material is hereby granted to all Mensa publications, provided proper credit is given to both Author and Editor, and a separate copy of the publication is sent to both author and editor. For permission to use individually copyrighted material, contact the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of Space Coast Area Mensa or American Mensa Ltd., as neither holds any opinions. Mensa is registered at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as the collective mark of the international membership association. Send your change of address to both The SCAM at the above address and to: American Mensa Ltd., 1229 Corporate Drive West, Arlington, TX 76006-6103. The SCAM logo designed by Keith Proud The Volume 31, No. 6 Meet ourNEW ExComm: George Lebovitz Congratulations to All. Karen Freiberg Dennis Logan Wynn Rostek Terry Valek June, 2013 SPACE COAST AREA MENSA The Last Minute George Lebovitz, RecSec Website: www.spacecoast.us.mensa.org (All Area Codes are 321 except as noted) he ExComm met at the home of Karen Freiberg at 876 Buxmont Ct., Rock‐ T ledge, FL 32955, on Wednesday, May 1st, 2013, called to order by LocSec Recording Secretary Wynn Rostek at 6:14 pm. GEORGE LEBOVITZ Executive Committee 1649 PGA Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935 Members Present: Wynn Rostek, Terry Valek, Karen Freiberg, Dennis Logan, and [email protected] George Lebovitz. Local Secretary Member-At-Large Guests: George Paerson and Zanne Rostek. WYNN ROSTEK KAREN FREIBERG 3456 Willis Dr., Titusville, FL 32796 876 Buxmont Ct., Rockledge, FL 32955 Officer/Commiee Reports (details may be found in the footnotes): 267-9391 [email protected] 633-1636 [email protected] Treasurer’s Report1. The ExComm discussed and agreed to close the RG account Assistant Local Secretary Treasurer (this is grammacally awkward, but I couldn't figure out a way to re‐word it TERRY VALEK DENNIS LOGAN 626-8523 285 Tangelo St., Satellite Beach, FL 32937 tersely which is now a moot point since this parenthecal comment is far longer [email protected] 501-7547 [email protected] than had I just taken the me to word the statement properly in the first place – oh well!) since it has a requirement to maintain a minimum $500 balance to RG Committee Chair avoid a fee. It will be integrated into the General Fund. SCAM Appointees GEORGE LEBOVITZ Tesng Coordinator, Hank Rhodes, reported via email2. Aer the Treasurer’s report, George P interjected “Speaking of money...” SCAM Bylaws Committee Proctor Coordinator and proceeded to tell us about “The Big Shot,” a book he is reading about the HANK RHODES MICHAEL MOAKLEY [email protected] [email protected] cause of the market crash in 2007‐2008. What this had to do with the SCAM treasury report, I have no idea. Membership Publicity Committee Chair GEORGE PATTERSON GEORGE PATTERSON The ExComm elecons are coming! The ExComm elecons are coming! Not [email protected] [email protected] that anyone really cares. Fortunately, there is a high probability that the sing members will volunteer to sit again. Just because we're Mensans, doesn't mean S.I.G.H.T. Mediator KAREN FREIBERG MICHAEL MOAKLEY we're smart. [email protected] [email protected] The proposed new format for the calendar in the SCAM was discussed ex‐ tensively with the consensus being that we didn't like it. (Señor Editor: Please Editor Assembly/Circulation note that we love you dearly and appreciate your reless, thankless efforts.) MICHAEL MOAKLEY GEORGE PATTERSON The SCAM 808 Wisteria Dr., Melbourne, FL 777-3721 Rather than relate the tedious discussion which ensued, suffice it to say that Editorial Staff 32901 George P was tasked with contacng Meister Moakley and conveying our con‐ [email protected] cerns and suggesons. Webmaster Calendar George L will become the official SCAM Gied Youth Coordinator (GYC) by KAREN FREIBERG DOUG STARKE subming a background check and taking a training course. In order to qualify 633-1636 633-1636 [email protected] [email protected] to receive the Young Mensan report as well, LocSec Wynn Rostek (who is look‐ ing much beer these days) will also complete this protocol. MEL DAHL, RVC10 AMERICAN MENSA, LTD. American [email protected] 1229 Corporate Drive West George P got a p from a USPS drone behind the counter at his local post Arlington, TX 76006-6103 office that there was a printer in Titusville who could save us the $200 annual Mensa (817) 607-0060 bulk mailing fee we pay for SCAM mailings by using his services and leng him [email protected] Ltd. (Continued on page 17) 2 Space Coast Area Mensa Space Coast Area Mensa 19 T T S Mel Dahl, RVC‐10 Vol. 31, No. 6 The June, 2013 he me has come for all good things to come to an end, and that includes T the privilege of having been your RVC for the past four years. Thank you for the trust you placed in me in allowing me to serve you. It has been a great ex‐ All submissions must be received by the Editor before the 10th of the month preceding perience. I've learned a lot; I've loved meeng members and aending events; publicaon. Please allow extra me for mailed submissions, which may be typed or and I've enjoyed being able to help people and groups with issues as they have legibly handwrien. Whenever possible, we prefer submissions via e‐mail. They may arisen. be in e‐mail text or any of most word processing formats. All submissions should be sent to the Editor, whose contact informaon appears on Page 2. Overall, the region is in good shape, and I'm sure Thomas Thomas will make it even beer. He has superb local group leaders to work with, and one thing I Mike Moakley, Editor have learned is that it is local group leaders who truly make Mensa a great place Inside the Pocket Protector for its members. An RVC can only do so much; it's the local leaders who deter‐ mine whether members will keep coming back or not. And Region 10 has some t is June, which marks the end of a hardly fought ExComm campaign and of the finest leaders I've ever been privileged to work with. I the beginning of yet another hurricane season. More significantly, how‐ If anyone needs anything that I can help with, please feel free to let me ever, is since my last column, I have received several e‐mailed comments know, even aer I leave office. I will look forward to seeing you at RGs and oth‐ (one by snail mail, too) from some of our members. While the comments er local group events. Thanks, one and all, for all that you do. were favorable, I was not fishing for praise. Construcve cricism is equally welcome. Mel Dahl I would also note that last month’s column was not intended as an ex‐ ercise in self‐pity on my part; rather it was to express my senments di‐ rected toward the apparent apathy that I find that we, as many other groups that rely on volunteers to survive, all too oen experience. M S V Connued However, in reading these comments, I find there is another perspec‐ (Continued from page 17) ve as well. At age 58, I do not feel as young and energec as I once did. I Tachmukhammet Brian Hospital and Llama Grooming Center. believe most of you reading this can readily understand my perspecve. Ironically, however, I find that, at my age, I am one of the younger members My travel agent is trying to find me a freighter which will allow me to stay of SCAM. in one of the cargo containers for the crossing, then I can arrange the interior travel on one of the infrequent camel caravans that brave the dangerous pas‐ The author of one of the comments I received lamented that he is una‐ sage through the Turan Lowland. ble to aend our funcons due to his failing health. His only connecon to our group is The SCAM. I am sure he is not alone. Moreover, I believe there Wish me luck! are also some in our number who are caregivers for a loved one who is no longer able to care for him/herself. They, too, may find it virtually impossi‐ The George ble to be acve in our group. Perhaps it is me that we reach out to our fellow SCAM members who find themselves in these circumstances. Given our demographics, it may be necessary for the vitality of our group. Your thoughts? The SCAM sells classified ad space. SCAM members, non‐commercial, no charge. Others: $20 full page; $10 half‐page; $5 quarter‐page per month, we offer discounts for mulple inserons, and we can help with layout and design. Subscripons: SCAM members, included in dues; others, $10 for 12 issues. 18 Space Coast Area Mensa Space Coast Area Mensa 3 J ‘T’ O B G M Stacy Strickland My Summer Vacaon: M B H © 2013 The George his being my birth month and with my interest in science and mathe‐ 've had this wonderful story to tell you, my faithful readers (and I have T macs, I thought it appropriate to menon a person whom I admire who I this horrible sinking sensaon that it is you two over there amongst the fallen was also born in June.
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