University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-16-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-16-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-16-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/720 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - ALBUQUEJJOUE MORNING JOUENA; HJUrV-TIMK- l) VKAH New Mexico, Monday, October 16, 1922. mien five; cents, VOL. CIXXV. No. 10. Albuquerque, ENGLAND TO PHI AGRICULTU R E Territorial Effects of Turk Armistice LEGION MEETING HARD S BEGINS AT CONGRESS K FIRST INTEREST SAT "BLACK'' Ml W I' N6UTRAL.' DEFINED I"S TO AMERICA RTCA L STAGE 5 ORLEANS TODAY IN A LETTER TO s : A f A X M O LOAN TODAi Combined Effort On the Part Fourth Annual Convention Is) G SO iR of Farmers to Reduce the Scheduled to Accomplish, lifliinU Dnrinncc- - tn ChonD'' Has .0 Laborers' Wages of the Re- - Federal Reserve Bank Will Future Policies i Accomplishments Created an Uproar '- Receive Checks and Treas- CALUtoUl puuiiuaiia navtj dbuii nui(.- Oct. 15 London, Oct. 15. (by the Asso- ZONE 06' New Orleans, La., (by. ul; Believes Will Certificates Totaling news- the Associated Press.) Soldiers." They ury ciated Press). The English SAMOTHV,! AT'S papers are saying that Brigadier r K sailors and marines of four years Appeal to the People $50,000,000 General Sir Henry Thornton, who nirn. members of the American rail- were here tonight for the is leaving the Great Eastern legion, WORK 0F"M0NDELL IS MORGAN AND COMPANY way to take charge of the Canadian fourth annual convention wnicn system, registered one great beclns tomorrow. GIVEN HIGH PRAISE ACTING AS AGENTS in in he It is a convention which Is achievement England that to much organized the most efficient sys- scheduled accomplish tem for an enormous sub. business, and shape policies for Plan of Britain's Debt of About Four handling course of the loginn. Our Congressional urban passenger traffic under JTUa U .WW. I ll"- - tho future Bi Dollars steam that In and out of any ist jvar's American legion Government Is Proving and a Haf ion passes convention In Kansas City, with depot in the world. Karl of Has Been the Center of was when General Marshall Foch. Admiral Equal to the Strain It planned Peatty, of Kngrnvd, General Diaz, Thornton came to London in 1914 and General of These Times, He States Discussion from the United States, whAe ho of Italy, Jacques, Belgium, as distinguished guests was general manager of the Long nr 13. President Oct. 15. The British was a combination of pages Washington, Oct. New York, Island railroad, New York, that the on a scale. will make the first and reunion gigantic Harding in a letter to Representa- government Great Eastern suburban traffic What tho legion's future policy of interest on her Ameri- would be clcctritied, but the war tive Mondcll of Wyoming, repub payment will be on adjusted compensation, of the house, express can war loans to the United States and its consequent financial strain JMf ...... what, if any, criticism will be lican leader upon the railroads rendered that es belief that the re- government tomorrow when checks made of the Washington adminis- his general impossible. because of President Hard- sults of the accomplishments of and treasury certificates totaling The are also the tration will be to the papers recalling veto of the bonus measure, sixty-sixt- h and $50,000,000 paid admissions tho directors ing's the republican federal reserve bank here for the frank by were outstanding questions. Dis- congresses "have been account of the treasurer of of tho Great Eastern, when Gener- cussion of tho progress made In so to American welfare that. general al Thornton was in the helpful the United States by J. P. Mrf.n imported caring for the disabled, the work thoy will not fall to appeal 10 me aa agents of face Of much opposition, that the of the United States veterans' American & Co.. acting were in people." government. English railways lacking bureau, tho part played by Briga- The president, in his letter made The British war loans of appror-matel- y men capable of dealing with big dier General C. K. Sawvar, the public tonight, further declares a halt billion of problems. The explanation is Under the terms of the Mudania territorial settlements made after the area. N'ew neutral lones In the peninsula, has been set. as has that physician in have been four and of stra- The president's personat that "few congresses has been for some timo the given here that England is such a armistice eastern Thrace will lie the war and has been sought by Chauak und Inhmld areas, of tho Galllpoli peninsula. connection with hospitalization called upon for such arduous ser- dollars the marc tegic value tho Dardanelles map indicates the approximate line center of discussion regarding smull country that her railway turned over to tho Turks within the Turks ever since. The allies, along also were scheduled for sharp dis vice ns has been exacted from the to this country by her can gain no experience in handling and Bosphorus will be defined by of both zones. Other terms of the cussion. and adds that ho payment This was will num- ' of loans of more than systems such as a big con- thirty days. territory however, pass upon the commissions. The boundary of the armistice relate to evacuation of Committee meetings went for doubts "if congress in our war allies great in of allowed In neutral zone In eastern any eleven billions of dollars. tinent affords. taken away from the Turks the ber Turkish soldiery the Constantinople Thrace, ward today, with completion of history has accomplished so im A British commission with pow- The new scheme of organizing the reports of commissions np pressive a volume of work, touch- er to negotiate terms for the pay- the English roads into four groups pointed by the legion to deal ing so wide a range of national in- ment of the British loans is ex- is about to be started, and with its with Americanization, rchnblhti-tio- n, terest." pected to arrive here soon to dis- beginning goes the foremost figures "CRIPPLE" IS FOUND OPPOSITION TO hospitalization, legislation In addressing his letter to Mr. with Washing-A.pnriltn- when CLAIMS PEOPLE CLAIM 2 FRENCH and similar having to do is cuss the situation - in the British railway world topics Mondoll, who the republican to unOIIi- Lord Claud Hamilton passes Into BY POLICE TO HAVE with veteran welfare work. nndidute for the senate from Wy Great SO ne ciol advices from London, retirement. He is years of age. SNUG BANK ACCOUNT oming, the president asserts Britain has promised iuu puj REBELS REPORTED TO docs so "in testimony of my ap Great Britain's agricultural In- BEING DEVOURED FLIERS THE VIVISECTION IS preciation of the great public ser '"previous payments to the Unit dustry is said to be in a critical IN Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. HAVE ENTERED MEXICO vice of yourself us its majority , w Vi Rrlllsh envern 15. a leader." or state, and a combined effort on the "Help poor crippled FROM AMERICAN SIDE ment have been for the account part of the farmers to reduce the fellow," was the plea that came The executive s letter written un purchases or silver a mourning iu laborers' wages has created such FLIES DURATION FLIGHT from the lips of a beggar in GAINING GROUND der date of October 11 follows: several hunnrea nuiuuus vi an uproar that delegations of tho ALIH front of St. Mary's church this El Paso, Texas. Oct. 15. Reports "t am addressing you in testi lars,1 made during the war for th are to morning. that 28 Insurrectionists had crossed mony or my oi tne .tnhiiixinsr the ellvrl farmers and farm workers appreciation jjuiyuno u. c visit Lloyd George and lay their Crippled he was. for one log from the American sido to Mexico great public service of the present currencies of Indian and other eased before him. was cut off and the other ap- this morning at a point near San house or representatives ana or . Conditions in Smy- Asserts Dr. Walter R. Hadwen Has British colonies. The union declares the Sanitary Aerial Federation parently useless. Hut his cluini Acustin. 20 miles southeast of yourself as its majority leader. It farmers' I re- No explanation has been forth financial of of its Bossou-tro- ut of poverty was not borne out to Make a Juarez, were being investigated to is an acknowledgment which i . n n.h0thfir tnmor position many rna Are Unspeakable; the Mark Set by Been Engaged members by his admissions to the police, night by federal authorities on notn cord in this manner with the more will be considered makes it imperative that Is who took him into of same because of warm row's payment wages should bo reduced, as expen- Bodies of Animals and and Drouchin a custody. Sneakina Tour the sides of the border. At the satisfaction, my British government as part Tho claimed possess- sentiment for yourself as by the on ses are still considerably above the in cripple time denartment of Justice agent personal " interest Humans Found Streets New World's Record ion of a thousand dollars in a United States and Mpxican political exiles in El well as my high estimate of your debt or for the account 1914 figures.
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