All Forms IJ luation Of Dollar Insurance Has not affected cI pontiac liThe Acadian" THE DAILY NEV S Watcr St. NOVA MOTORS (1962) LTD. Elizabeth Av, 5·6 • • • rl aln ees ras' IC I s l !Seven Ministers , I Soviets liah AI'e Dropped ~EET Anti-Nuclear from Cabinet monstration By DAVID OANCIA B\' PETER JOHNSON LONDON (CP) - Prime Minister Macmillan 'I Reuters)-Sevel'al Russians who turned a third of his 21-man cabinet out to pas­ thcm~el\'(~s as "simple Soviet citizens" tried ture Friday in one of the most extensive cabinet lip ct pruhibited demonstralion by a dozen, <lllti'llu;"\ca\, campaigners in Red Square I shuHles since he assumed British leadership ! '1 \' after the 1956 Suez crisis, Bl;t the \\'c;;ternel's, mostly members of Britain's Selwyn Lloyd, 58, faithful lieutenant of both for ~uclea\' Disarmament, held their Ma':millan and fonner prime minister Anthony "nd ar'"lIcct with crowds of Russians for two Eden, was ousled from his post as chancellor of , in a ~cc~e believed unprecedented here since 91; Sol'ic( :'e\'olution, the exchequer, ; , S [] lie I policeman, said-and a tall Russian in II R, A, Butler was re~noved the House of Commons and 'hI" without interferin~-I beret immcdiately began discus· I [rom the post of home secretary chairman of the Conservatil'e io 'hoI\' fine of the Rus., sing thc issue with him, amI gil'en a newly-created port· party despite the party's recent t' ',~ :r , . to take tllO banners By this time several hundred folio,-firsl secretar), 01 state, lIe setbacks in parliamentary hy· t1'.:' .. WJs replaced by lIenry Brooke, elections, (~1--,,, from the d"ll)(,nstralors, Russians were gathe~ed arou~d eli'" ' \\c,tCl'nm. here attcnll· the Westerners in animated diS· chief secretary to the treasury, But the cahinct announcement 1'::"';- \; L c 'oliel,spon."ored Peace c us s ion NBC photographer LONDON' D . b I . P 'd T b f Allogether s e v c n minist~rs dcsigned Butler as deputy prime :' ;" 'Ilcot ahead with the Frank Bourgholtzer tried to film ' esplte an um rella held over t 1eJr heads, Queen Ellzabeth II und rest ent u man, 0 i were dropped Irom the cabinet. minister-a title nerer oefore , ,\ 'i. after the), were Ithe crowds but was interrupted I Liberia, Clre lashed in the face by driving rain as th ey drive in state to Buckingham Palace from Victoria Besides Lloyd, those dropped med by ,~lacmillan in making rdn,cd pcrmis~ion nt a by "simple Soviet citi~ens,", Station here July 1Oth, The African Chief of State is here on CI state visit.-(UPl Photo), include Defence ~linister Harold cabinet appointments. ".nute mcetin~ with Soviet I The bunners read In Enghsh -- ----- -------- Watkinson, Education Minister Among those filling the I'acan· and RUssian: "We condemn Sir David Eccles, Housing 1lin· cies caused by the reshulfle Ill'e, ister Dr, Charles Hill, Lord Commonwealth Secretary !lun· : 1I:,lkClI quietlv [rom IAnglo·American tesls," "We de· 'S B I " ( A ·t Chancellor Vis count Kilmuir, can Sandys, who b e com' e s Mtrl40C thc1';II'(l< ~I";kl'u: all'ay to Redand mandand "All no peoplemore netRussian against tests" nll ex'_. "0 O. '·K . 0 ntIt' _ ro" ~'_II'f~A,_I~ f.!d r5'1'-: _ _.', ~~. a~ s· Secretary for Scotland John I colonial secretary; A v i a t ion ~laclay and Lord ilIills, minister ~Iinistcr Pet e I' Thorn~ycrolt. lInrolli~~ their hanners I' tests," I t~c Lenin' mausolenm, Ronald Sampson o[ Britain, without portfolio, who hecomes defence mlOlSter, n,.\:\\ Ens , Isurrounded by a group o[ Rus· . The reconstruction o[ the ad· and Financial Secretary Sir Ed· ministration lefl Butler still in ward Boyle, who becomes edu, 1\1I>'ion 1I'0man nf 50 sians, gcslured toward II stocky IA I did I position as l\lacmillan's heir· cation minister, dress ~I'ahbed two Russian in a brown suit and R· B taM I apparent. In his new job as Attorney·Genera! Sir Reginald banntrs, declaring she snid: "This gent torc my banner U I }I,: .ft'V.&f 'irOll rGll?~ rrv; a ";implr citizen," awny . , . I claim the right to ng. -y' t -aI secretarY of state, Buller will Manningham - Buller becomes , ! ~ol'ict ~ ~ il I .' ~ ~ m~:: , (ouri retdn his special responsibilities lord chancellor. head of the handfd till'm 1.0 two young protest ngainst tests tvery· I in 'mart grcy suits whcrc," for the European Common 1lar· judiciary, and thus goes to the said th('y wcre "simple A Russian woman In a bl,ack HALIFAX (CP) - Focus' in pUblications at Jack Marshall's men for not backing his stand, PrrsbytN~' found him guilty IIf ket negotiations and Central i H01lse of Lords, " dress retorted: "It is all right the At 1 ant i c provinces "~ex drug slore in. Corner BroQK. :>'!r, Rockwood wa~ a Presby. taking "a devisive course" in a African affairs, I John Boyd.Cal'pcutcr. minister ',.;X,n\·",lr:""r, h ~ ;; til Y I for yO\! to demonstrate ~n y(l~r book" coulrovel'sy 5 h i r t 5 to l'ltESENTED TO JUIlGE terion minister until 1947, He serics of sermons on "lI'hat is Lloyd, at one time re~arried of pensions and nation~l inSU- thl"I' third bannrr, own conntry but not In thiS Newfoundland next week, A 'l'hey then presented them to resigned from the church then IVrong \nth the Prolestant as a possible successor to :lIac· rance, entered the cabmet as r.11;,ian man in a country," judge's ruling due Wedncsd~y Judge Kent fOr his opinion on arterthe Halifax • Lunenburg church," millan, has been under heal'Y II chief secretary to the treasury ashd IInc o[ the ~rey· The brown·suited man told in Corner Brook could innuen~e whether the contests violate the --------.. -----.---.. ------------- --.----....._- firc' fOI" his "pav pause" and and paymaster.general. , men Whill was written on Sampson: "We stopped tests a the co u I' Se of a newstand new section 150a of the Criminal : other economic policies, I Sir Keith ,Joseph, minister oE 1.111 the lattcc long time ago nlready." "clean·up" drive in Nova Sco· Code, The section defines as ob, Jain ~lacleod, also seen as 11! state at the hoard of :rade, to Ilthe:' R u s S I a ~ 5 Niels Mathiesen 01 Norway tin and New Brunswick by Hal· 'scene publications with "undue likely successor to Uacmillan, ihecame minister of hOllsing and " "\\'i1o wilnts to rend I inlerjected: ."But last fall you ifax radio preacher Perry F. exploitation" of sex. crime, hoI" held onto the posls of leader of Wetsh aHairs, h:1l1nN ,'!" broke the moratorium," Rockwood, 1'01', cruelty and violence, rlsr. hOlVever, told A middle·aged RlIssian with R Publishers and distl'ibutors ),Ol1n, man that the work·lined face put in a word: The Newfoundland Attorney· were given Oppol'tunity to show protc:,ted against hoth "Nobody wants war," General, L. R, Curtis, took the cause whv the magazine should Dispute , issue to court last month, Dis· not be' confiscnted, Plnyboy, On Condition and SOl'iet nuclear Sampson replied: "Nobody wants war in America or Eng· trict ,Judge W, R. Kent was ' f I ' I I' asked to decide whether 2:1 \hlh. ~la~a::ne, one, ~ t \O~e, In:o I',el, I. 1Iy CI.AUE l\ICJ)E1tMOTT area of Kashmir in recenl,! s~rrl'," tile young man land, BtIt the tests go on," , 'I' ~ngagcd a tOI ncr Blook 1.1\\ 1'1,'t'iNG (I' t,.. C '"I" Iicutlons SClze( In a Cornel' firm to present its C'\'e I,\ , ,ell US) - ,lilli" I\ec ", Brook dl'ug stOl'e are obscene ' " , i mllnist China declared today I I An Indian prolest note said ~mproveme.nt in tCl'ms of a recent Cl'iminal If ,Judgc Kent filiI'S thc mag~, i it~ IOllg-~tan,dillg horder <[Ilarrei I t~l<It" "ag~l'cssi\'c ,:1I111 Pl'OI'O,c~, Sho\$'JS Code amendment. I zincs arc o\)scene charges cout!1 With India 'has developed (0 a' live Chmcse military actll'l' jury, But antihiotics apparently (h~vrier Returns be Inid, However, dl'ui! store point where an explosion may 1 ties in the arca created the LO~DO:-< (AP) - Doctors re, Peter O'Hearn, llalifa)( Counly proprietor Jack J\1arshall says be touched off at any moment." threat of a clash "at any mo, ported Friday that Sir Winston sqllc\Ciled the infection, Crown prosecutor, says Judge he has discontinued ~ale of the A Chinese fOl'eign ministry mcnl." Churchill has beatcn huck a Ladv Churchill disclosed' to Kent's decision may help decide 2~ in question and will abidc by spokesman made the 1I':J1'I1ing (The note also :ls,l)rtcd that IlI'onchial i n fcc t i 0 11 which repllrtcrs nfter her regular !uture po~icy here, Prosccution the COllrt's dccision, ill ~iving rcporicl's copies of a six of the nine new posts "~re threatener! his ret'OYc)'y from a midday Yi~it to the hospital timt To Stormont In R Halifax case launched by A spokcsm:m fm' the ~ml" Pcldn~ note to New Dclhi dwrg, 1I0t only wt'll inside Indi:m tcr·l fracturcd lefl Ihighl>one, the stitches inscrted' after an npcl'aion nn th~ injured [high· n.. .I 11'\, IlEST I'('ccplinn aCI'onlet! Lionel Chel" 1MI', nockwood WIlS s,uspcncted [ol1l1dlmlll 111101'11('>' • ~elwl'nl's_l-inl( t1wt.
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