Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1962-04-06 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1962). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2126. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2126 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME XLVI CINCINNATI, OHIO. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1962 No. 21 Governor DiSalle to Speak at Xavier Sodality Installs Ohio Executive To Come Next Year's-Officers At Invitation Of Students Sodality House officers were re­ l\Uthael V. DiSalle, Governor of and one unsuccessful try for the cently installed for the academic Ohio, will arrive at Xavier on governorship, he won the job aa year 1962-63. Ernie Vagedes was Monday, May 14, to address a appointed house president suc­ Ohio's chief executive in 1958. student convocation. The 1958 campaign revolved about cecdiq.g Pat McCann. Bob Wilkins the proposed "right to wo1·k" law, is the new treasurer of the house. The invitation to the Governor which DiSalle opposed. More re­ The Board members consist of was extended by Gary Deane, As­ cently Governor DiSalle has been Mike Mullen, Craig Kinzelman, sociate Editor of the NEWS and menticncd as a possible appointee Jl)hn Wilhelm, Bill Masterson and a member of the Student Coun­ lo the Kennedy cabinet. Jim Lawler. cil Speakers' Committee. Gerry The Sodality House will con­ Turner, chairman of the Speakers' tinue its policy of inviting faculty Committee said, "This is the first members and foreign students to attempt organized by students to Physicist Talks On the house for dinner and short bring better speakers to Xavie1·. discussions a·fterwards. The new The Governor is being brought Nature Of Gravity officers feel that this practice has here by Xavier students, for Xavier By Tim Canfield students. In Governor DiSalle we done much to further student­ Dr. Dieter R. Brill, a member of teacher relationships. To date are presenting a figure of national prominence and one who. has a the Physics Faculty at Yale Uni• Rev. Paul L. O'Connor, S.J., Rev. versity and a leading expert in Victor Nieporte, S.J., Rev. Patrick decided effect upon higher educa­ tion in this state." the field of gravitation, spoke on H. Ratterman, S.J., and Dr. that subject in his lecture at Xa­ The Governor's appearance at Thomas Hailstones are but a few vier University on March 28. of the faculty members ·who have Xavier will be preceded by a In his well-attended lecture, Dr. been guests of the house. major crisis in his long public Brill outlined the progress being Vagedes states that the house Some ol &be newlr-appolntecl officers of the SoclaUb House are career. The May 8 primary will made today to understand the na• hopes to reach full capacity for shown above perusing one of the popular perlocllcals &o be found In decide the fate oC DiSalle's con­ turc of gravity. next year, for improvem~nts and the Ho11&e. Seated from left &o rlcht are: Cralc Klnulman; Ernie test with Ohio Attorney General expansion of house facilities are Vacedes, President; and .Jim Lawler. Behind them are Bob Wilkins, Mark McElroy, who is waging a Dr. Brill observed that in spite already being considered by the left, Secretu7-Treasurer; and Biii Masterson. Other Bouse officers, whirl-wind campaign for the of the fact that gravity is such a board. not-present for the photopaph, are .John Wilhelm and Mike Mullen. Democratic gubernatorial nomina­ weak interaction force and thus tion. The winner of the DiSallc­ difficult to measure, it is more McE!roy strug.gle wiH probably fundamental than other forces en• face Auditor James Rhodes in the countered in the universe. This Scholarships, F ellowsl1ips Awarded· fall election. is true because it is an intrinsic Governor DiSalle first achieved property of matter and energy, To Seven Xavier Students And Assistants national notice as head of the The physicist went on to sa~ Office uf Price Stabilization in the that accordin•g to Einstein's theor7, Xavier students are receiving Dame for advanced studies in and a fellowship from the Univer­ Truman Administration. Aft c r scholarship and fellowship awards philosophy on grant o! tuition and sity of Indiana. Mr. Strcnk, who several terms as mayor o( Toledo from various foundations and col­ fees. will be pur21uing his doctor.al leges across the country. Edward L. Spitznagel, a winner studies in Mathematics, would Robert G. Meyer received a of a Woodrow Wilson Foundation teach and study at Illinois with a United States Public Health Serv­ fellowship, has received numer­ grant which would depend on the Faculty Dean ice fellowship at Michigan State ous other offers for advanced number of hours he taught. The to study for his doctorate in clm­ studies in mathematics. He has University of Indiana fellowship Announces ical psychology. The fellowship been offered a National Defense provides for a gr:mt of $1900, but inckdes tuition, fees, and a sti­ Act award for studies toward his he would have to pay the mini­ Promotions pend for each of his three years doctorate in Math at Rutgers. This mal residence rate of tuition. of study at Michigan State. award includes fees, tuition, and Robert Kolesar, a student teach­ Rev. Jeremiah J. O'Callaghan, Ralph H. Johnson, a senior, was a living allowance from $1800- er in the Math Department at S.J., dean of the faculties of Xa­ awarded a Notre Dame fellow­ $2000 through three years of study. Xavier, will join the John Carroll vier University, has announced the ship fo1· study in philosophy. Mr. He bas also received a National University faculty as an instruc­ following faculty promotions ef­ Johnson, who received an honor­ Science Foundation fellowship and tor in Mathematics. He will prob­ fective September 1. able mention in the Woodrow Wil­ an offer of an assistantship at ably do his graduate work at Case Raised to the rank of professor son Fellowship competition, will Notre Dame. The National Science Institute of Technology in Cleve­ were: Rev. Clifford S. Besse, S.J., study f.or three years at The Uni­ fellowship provides for tuition, land. chairman, economics department; versity of Notre Dame. fees and Hving expenses. It can Rev. John M. Felten, S.J., the Dr. Edward J. Goodman, history be renewed at the conclusion of A Fordham University fellow­ coordinator of the scholarship pro­ department; Dr. J. Kaney Hayes, shi·p was awarded to James R. each year. gram at Xavier, emphasized that chairman, management and indus­ Klein, a member of the Physics R i c h a r d Strenk has been trial relations department; and Dr. this is only a partial list, and that Dr. Dieter R. BrHI depa1·tment. Nicholas P. Kostra awarded a graduate assistantship Gilbert C. Lozier, education de­ from the University of Illinois other awards have been noted-. will attend the University of Notre partment. Promoted to the rank of asso­ space is curved. The radius of ciate professor were: Dr. Owen J. curvature of space at the surface McCafferty Appointed Final Program Carroll, philosophy department; of the earth has been calcu~ated John B. Hart, chairman, physics to be 10 billion meters. This large department; the Rev. W. Henry distance prohibits any accurate Director Of ·Athletics Set On 'M & M' Kenney, S.J., philosophy depart­ observation of the curvature of will also be a popular choice with light on earth at the present time. .Tames J. Mccafferty, head bas­ This Sunday. April 8, at 8:00 ment; Glen A. LaGrange, psy­ ketball coach at Xavier Univer­ the faculty because of his long c11-0logy department; the Rev. To measure the radius of curva• p.m. the' final program in the cur­ sity for the past five years, was demonstrated interest in the ac­ Frederick P. Manion, S.J., English ture of the universe is more dif­ this week appointed Director of ademic and personal as well as the rent series on "Mater et Magistra" department; Bernard L. Martin, ficult since it is necessary to know Athletics by the Very Rev. Paul L. athletic development of the young will be held in the armory. "Na­ chai1·man, marketing department; the total amount of mass contained O'Connor, S.J., President of the men under his guidance. tion.al and International Organiza­ the Rev. Charles E. Ronan, S.J., in it. There is known to be more mass than can be seen, and the University. "His knowledge of people and tions" is to be the topic of this history department; Dr. Karl P. total mass can only be estimated. McCafferty will continue to be institutions and his popularity with Wentersdorf, English. department; final progiram. The Rev. Robert From a consideration of th i • the head basketball coach at his fellow coaches earned o v e r Rev. Maurice Link, S.J., history J. Buschmiller of The Athcnaeum space-time geometry, an extreme­ Xavier. more than two decades in college department. athletics will be a wonderful asset of Ohio will serve as Chairman; ly complex differential equatioa Commenting on the appointment, Named to the rank of assistant in the increased relationship he while the panel will consist of Dr. professor were: the Rev. Edward has been developed which strong­ Father O'Connor a aid: "It is a ly suggests that there are gravita• will now have on Xavier's behalf Gerald Harriman, Dr.
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