Torrance Herald

Torrance Herald

Automobiles !)5 %u(,oinobiles , 05 Automobiles 0.1 LAutomobiles 05 Automobiles 05 Anifoiii»l»il4>M 9J» Automobiles 95 _T PUCKS ETC.______ . _» » TRUCKS. ETC, . ..--^n, ^ RUCKS. _ETC. ________ TRUCKS, Etc. TRUCKS, Etc. TRUCKS, Etc. ^_1-RIJC_K9,ETC.^^^0>^^^>><^_ TRUCKS. Etc. 1950 Mercurys Clubs and Sedans. ^ 1949 Mercury Club Coupe. Atchison's Motors 1949 Oldsmobile Club Coupe, Hydramatic. PAUL DOES IT AGAIN! JANUARY 1951 Ford 2-Door, overdrive, radio and heater. JANUARY 1946 Oldsmobile 4-Door, Hydramatic. I94B Dodge Convertible. or Buts GET -ACQUAINTED .1947 Buick Sedanette. Clearance Sale! No Ifs, Ands, 1947 Mercury 4-Door Sedan. I 1949 Lincoln Cosmopolitan, Hydramatic.. You Can Now Buy PRICES MURDERED! Any '42 Model or Older Car ; SALE! I These Cars Are Priced at I To Move! 8%' S-L-A-S-H-E-D The Following Cars PAUL'S CHEVROLET For Sale At 1 FOR EXAMPLE: for I 1947 Studebaker Starlite £ $200 NO MONEY DOWN I DELUXE CLUB COUPE Hurry Down At I Radio and Overdrive Hurry Down While rices fh NO MONEY DOWN 24 MONJ- TQ pAY I $995 these cars are dang- .fhese ling at these un­ Terms on Balance 1 Lots of Pre-War Cars heard of prices! . won't last LONG!! Long Easy I Many More Makes and Models for Vour Selection (This Applies to Steady Employment and Approved Credit) THE BALANCE Most Likely, Your Present Car Will Make the I960 WILLYS STATION WAOON tf'Mrnc * TSoC pick out the car you want. We also have » - I Like new, 13,000 actual miles. ....... .. $ | 595 $1395 So, come in early and I Down Payment on Our Late Models. 1948 WILLYS STATION WAGON. 4 | | OC S. \ OOR a nice selection of late model cars that carry the famous Chev­ ' :. Subject to rolet "OK" Warranty and are priced lower, yes lower, than the STUDEBAKER CHAMPION ' Satisfactory Credit 1851 ...$1795 $1595 new ceiling price. PASCAL DILDAY 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION $1595 $1395 ' TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ., -. 1938 Nash 6 Lafayette 4-Door. I Lincoln - Mercury Dealer S,?eTUc?u?clEp" CHAMP10N ... $ 1 595 $ 1 395 1941 Pontiac 8 2-Door Sedan. R 345 W. ANAHEIM ST. R9e4ga|S DeluxeB 1Ku-oor Cs"a" PI ° N $1495 $1295 TORRANCE LOMITA 1937 Dodge 6 Coupe. 1947 DODOE 4. DOOR SEDAN. ' »l 1 OK 4OOK 1 Wilmington Loaded with extras, sh.irp. ............ !|> 1 1 YD « . !))VVO 1640 Cabrillo 2172 Pac. Coast Hwy. 1939 Ford 2-Door Sedan.. ' ' (Across from Bus Terminal) (Narbonne at 101 Hwy.) 1941 PONTIAC 4. DOOR SEDAN. , tRQg $495 1939 Oldsmobile 8 Club Coupe. 1951 CHEVROLET CLUB The Largest IJsed Car Lot 1950 STUDEBAKER 1941 Ford Coupe. Champion Sedan. Coupe. It's New. Never driven. 1938 Chevrolet Coupe. , In The Ha rbor Area ATCHISON MOTORS 1950 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan. 1949 CHEVROLET F. L. ' 1937 Ford Coupe. Authorized Studebaker Sales and Service ' 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE. Power Glide. 2-Door Sedan.. Overdrive. Radio, heater. Sharp.. ............. $1595 'l940 Hudson 2-Door Sedan. •<' 128 S. PACIFIC, SAN PEDRO TE 3-3585 1949 CHEVROLET 1949 CHEVROLET TRAVELER. 1934 Ford 4-Door Sedan. '..1950 KAISER Deluxe Sedan. 5-Passenger Coupe. Overdrive. Radio, heater. Your much wanted car 1940 Chevrolet Coupe. ............... JI395 1949 NASH 600 ' . 1948 CHEVROLET F. L. Aero 2-Door. 1949 OLDSMOBILE 98 CLUB SEDAN. THIS IS TOPS! Sedan. 1941 Oldsmobile 76 Club Sedan. Two to choose from ... .1 ............. SIB95 1948 CHEVROLET Before You Buy Anything, Come and 1950 OLDSMOBILE 88 1940 Buick Super 4-Door. 1947 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDA 4-Door Sedan. 4-Door Sedan. * ' 1939 Lincoln Zephyr 4-Door. With full equipment. One jwner car. See This Beautiful Car 1948 INTERNATIONAL Original tires ........ 1941 CHEVROLET i/2 -Ton Pick-up. 1937 Pontiac Coupe. 5-Pasfenger Coupe. 1941 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SED AN. REGAL 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 1 949 PLYMOUTH 1938 Chevrolet 4-Doc r Sedan. Radio, heater, rear speaker DELUXE STARLITE COUPE 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan. Whitewall tires ................... $545 2-Door Sedan. 1940 Chevrolet Super Del. 4-Pan. Cpe. 1 949 FORD SEDAN. 1941 Pontiac 8 Coupe Sedan. With Radio, Heater, Overdrive, 1946 FORD COUPE. Overdrive. Over 75 Beautiful Cars and Nice Seat Covers 1942 Buick Super 4-Door Sedan, Remember, It's 1940 Plymouth Club Coupe. ( To Choose From OUR SACRIFICE ALL SAFETY TESTED AND GUARANTEED ' FOR A QUICK SALE! ' PAUL'S CHEVROLET '. ' Cecil L. Thomas Terms the Way You Want Them F=r That NEW LOWER PRICES AND SONS . Cadillc.c, Oldsmob le, GMC Trucks Schultz & Peckham No Down Payment Plan . : fJEgSftStfL- Gaffey at Eighth, San Pedro DEALER Terminal 3-5291 YOUR FRIENDLY FORD On '42 Model Cars and Older . I949 p|ymouth 6 2-Door. Cabrillo A ve Torrance 3092 1 420 1640 Cabrillo at 5 Points, Torrance 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe, ' 19 NEW CARS 19 Phone Torrance 617 1949 Studebaker 6 L C. 4-Door. 2172 Pacific Coast Hiway at Narbonne, Lomita ' 1947 Frazer 6 4-Doo Sedan, Fewer Dollars No Fellows, Phone Lomita 3046 JANUARY Open Week Days 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 1946 Ford 8 Deluxe 2-Door Sedan. --I95I-- WE AREN'T CRAZY Sundays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Will Buy You a 1950 Chrysler Now. Yorker 4-Door. We Just CLEARANCE Studebakers 1946 Ford 8 Super Deluxe 4-Door. Better PRICE CARS OF Carl is Now Here Are MUST BE SOLD 1950 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Door. REGARDLESS OF COST Distributor for Used Car 1946 Ford 8 Super Deluxe 4-Door. WHILE THEY LAST LOW FINE CAR PRICES AS LOW AS 1948 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 4-Door. HERE To Make Them Go! International USED CARS VALUES 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 2-Door. $1852.42 1941 CHRYSLER TRUCKS 1947 Ford 2-Door Sedan. 1949 BUICK ROADMASTER (4. Door Sedan) CONVERTIBLE ....$395 1948 CHEVROLET AERO That You Will Like Dynaflow, Radio and Sedan. Radio and 1946 BUICK CONVERTIBLE. We Handle a Complete Line 1950' Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Sed. Cpe. heater. ......... $1 195 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR BELIEVE IT OR NOT New top and new I947 Sedan. New paint. 1949 Packard 4-Doo Sedan. ' 1946 PONT-IAC 8-CYLINDER WE WILL ACTUALLY 1947 OLDSMOBILE 8 .. Most Models Available for Radio. Lots of other 2-Door. Radio and ALLOW IN TRADE ON STATION WAGON. 1948 Oldsmobile 76 Sedan Coupe. ONE OF THESE CARS 1950 STUDEBAKER Radio, heater, IMMEDIATE extras. , Up to CHAMPION. " $1095 .. 1946 Plymouth Conv srtible Coupe. 1947 BUICK STATION 4-Door Sedan ....$1595 DELIVERY 1940's 1946 CHEVROLET CLUB 1946 Studebaker Ch mpicm Coupe. $500 on 1940 PLYMOUTH Also Parts and Service 1948 CHEVROLET CONVERT. COUPE. Radio and 1947 Chevrolet Aero Sedan. 1930 FORD, MODEL A 650 on I94l's Coupe ..... .,...$195 Available for Truck Owners IBLE. Very low milease. Lots of extras. , 1950 Studebaker Champion Coupe. II 50 on 1946's 1948 FORD SPECIAL 1937 CHEVROLET 1250 on 1947's DELUXE 2-DOOR. SEE US FIRST $1295 1949 Cadillac 62 Cor vertible Coupe. 4-Door Sedan ..... .$85 1450 on 1948's Alex Radio and heater. New FOR ANY UNIT . $1095 1947 Plymouth Spec Del. 4-Door. 1935 CHEVROLET (Give 'Em Away) maroon paint. Large or Small Many More Select-Buys 1650 on 1949's 1949 Chevrolet Stylemaster Del. 2-Doo- I860 on 1950's Low Down Payment 1938 CHEVROLET Mitrovich 40 More 1949 Oldsmobile 98 Club Coupi. Sedan ....'. $50 If not over OPS ceiling and 2-Door LONGER TERMS KENDALL Coupe. ready to sell. Late Model, "Safety Tested" 1948 Pontiac Convertible 1940 PLYMOUTH Motors Used Cars to Choose From. 1947 Plymouth Delux e 4-Door. COUPE ..........$210 Trade Now Don't Wait HUDSON DEALER CHEVROLET CARL'S 1 948 Ford 6 4-Door. WHEN THESE ARE SOLD 850 Pier Ave. RONALD E. 315 N. Pacific Coast MOTOR CO. 1948 Hudson Comm >doro 4-Door. YOU'LL BE TOO LATE Hermosa Beach FR. 4-9566 Highway McCOLLUM MORAN Chrysler-Plymoutrr Dealer 1949 Buick Super 4-Door, OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC Redondo Beach 1200 Avalon Blvd. 1949 Pontiac 8 2-Door. BUICK Wilmlnoton Terminal 42253 FRONTIER 2-8422 LES BACON 25 and 26 Pacific Coast Hwy. USED CAR I960 Dodge Middlobrpok 4-Door. 151 2 CABRILLO AVE. Your Studebaker Dealer HERMOSA BEACH FR. 4-3437 1950 Ford 8 Custom Club Coupe. Torwnce 2426 1200 and 700 Including Saturday Ail Day Sunday Open Evenings Pacific Coast Hiway SALE! Tom King JANUARY 1946 Chrysler 8 New Yorker 4-Do'or. HERMOSA BEACH FR. 4-899! - 4-6412 1949 Buick Super Sedanette. See Our JERRY HERFURTH'S SPECIALS SPECIALS OCEAN MOTORS 1950 CHEVROLET COUPE YEAR END 1949 BUICK SUPER. PLYMOUTH - DE SOTO 1940 FORD A Real Nice Car. new finish, DISPLAY 2-Door ..........$325 Radio, heater, ONLY $1425 white sidewalk USED CAR SPECIALS POST AVENUE MOTORS 1940 CHEVROLET 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SALE $1595 AD , 2-Door ...........1245 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR 1336 Post Avenue, Torrance SEDANETTE, dynaflow. Really a Bargain. A Complete Selection of Clean In Sharp .......... $1895 1941 PONTIAC H. W. HOWARD ONLY $765 Phone Torr. 578 New Car Trade-ins 440 E. Sepulveda This Issue 1949 DODGE CORNET CLUB 4-Door, Radio Wilmlnoton Terminal 4-0761 and heater .......$395 Always a Fine Selection of COUPE. Gyromatic. SPECIAL I94I'» THRU I950'i 1948 PLYMOUTH 1 950 CHEVROLET CLUB Sharp ........ ...$1645 USED CARS 4-Door. Radio 1949 FORD CUSTOM 2-DOOR DELUXE COUPE You Must Investigate This! Walter G. 620 N. Pacific Coait Hiway and heater. Radio and heater, Redondo Beach FRctntler 4-Mll Tom King $1495 $1295 KENDALL'S $1095 LINCH 1947 KAISER SEDAN. FORD DEALER H. W. HOWARD H. W. HOWARD H. W. HOWARD Established 29 Years Radio and heater. Northside 140 E. Sepulveda 440 E. Sepulveda South Shore 440 E. Sepulveda 336 Pac.

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