A Newspaper Devoted lo the Community Interest Presented Fairly, dent? Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete Newt Pictures Carteret, N. J., Thursday, November 21, 100. PRIC1 fEM CENTS Hearing u r o. outmt. a. J. Dec. 5 on Bills Begin Rolling In to Cover Cost of p,K,rd Want! More Taxpayers to Exprets Virwi on Apartment* Fight with Tidewater r\RTERET - Tin Carteret P ,,.ninp; Board has set Decem- \, -us the datt for s contlnua- Money In The Bank Emergent tl „ nf s public heprtag oa the nf Middlesex BuiMert, Inc M seven two-story, colonial School Children, Learning Thrift, Note huildings, comprising a 140- NoteVoted narden apartment project Have Over $120,000 In School Savings Acct. |r i; ^<.rvelt Avenue adjoining the CARTKRBX - This borough's school children are learning - ri cr«t Shopping Center. It about thrift.when they enter the kindergarten and right on HOLD IIISTKKT , lil he known as Carteret Gar- (ONF.MI: The (artfret Women's Hub. Kvenine Mem- Council for the evening. Shown m the pirtiirp are: Mrs, Leslie Trinity, president through High School. b^lup lirparln,.-!,.. held ihe Sixth District Fall Conference at St Mark's of Carteret Women's Club, with guests: Mrs. A. Laighton Seaver, vice- This Is evidenced by the fact that some l,tW youngsters • iABTERET - This borough to larlsh Hall rrrrnlh. Mrs. William Bfirnf, chairman of the department. TV Planning Board WM totd president of the Sixth District; Mrs. Arthur Fried, vice-chairman Evening all ages now have a total of $120,000 to their credit In tn ginning to pay out some of it* wlriwd ihr juosls, *ho inrlud«| Mrs. Thomas McCormlck, State chair- Or •!«• proposed project would Membership Department, Sixth District: Mrs. Tomhall Lawrence, Northern school savings department of the Carteret Bank and Tru 'enues in the battle to keep man; Mrs. \. |.»lKhtnn Sram. Jr.. Mr*. Arthur Fried, and Mrs. Leslie ilv 14 children to the public Company. Tidewater Oil Company from rnrrrasl, of department activities for the coming year were given Assistant of Project, New Jersey Federation of Women's Clubs; Mrs, Thomas » h ,,| system. There were about h* "Our principal reason hi conducting the school savings locating its terminal in Carteret. reprrvrMaiivrt 0| various department*. Mrs., James Flinn Introduced McCormick, State chairman Evening Membership Department, New Jersey penotw, who ftsfcw the parlment Is to teach the children to become thrifty" And « At its meeting Tuesday night, s«r,-t Adelines," a choral group. Mm. George Sheridan was host™ State Federation of Women'a Clubs. area who are J. Hila, secretary of the bank said. "They are learning some- Borough Council approved two , tn the plan. thing about banking early in life and eventually become Md emergency appropriations atx* •<•<; for rran es customers in their adult life." no provisions have been mad* in the budget this year to cover '• i line Sam ^ ? Erect Another Monument In Honor Council Backs The school savings account is increasing yearly as the .chool these expenditures. These expen- 1 firesidont of the com- enrollment grows. Mr. Hila explained that this fund I "sort ditures are to be included in tht of a revolving fund." Student* finishing High School may use ;>rstnn Rocker of Pertli 1964 budget. a traitor, and Jjhn H F«r Parents'Tea 0/ Late Bishop Zuk at Clover Leaf Water Co. Plea the money saved for college, or other purpoies. Often they •i! Perth Atriboy^iarwiKt- C\KTKI(F.I - On November 1 CARTERET — Borough Coun- shift their savings Into our regular accounts. One emergency appropriatkM i\id Pavlovsky of Fords. "f frchmen huve been CAHTERET - Rev. John Hun-! mitted to Tommasi Co. of New and a member of its committee, cil is going along with Middlesex was for $15,945 for legal fees and ,, ;ilmual another for $922 to cover steno- fir the company, said heinw t ''"' 'reshniiin ,jlak paslor of St. Demetrius Uk- j York City. !will have a cross erected on the Water Company in its move to ii-.i al Carteret High graphic work in the case. Bent- :>hn to rail any more raiman ()rl|i(K)ox (,hurc|) revea]o()| That concern ordered the j church lot as a token of his late acquire additional water for its Borough Makes 6-Pointdiet W. Harrington is special when the hearing con-j l da l ial ani)tne wife S| Nastunia and h S Wn erritjry. A resolution backing i;u<sts will a^ea**mm . " >' ' <' monument will jj ^^511? i^ble^itabasbasee t7bt7bee | counsel in the Tidewater case. bl.< in tl)>' ' ' ' ° *' the wmpany move was approved «h«re they be erected by the management (executed with a mosaic motiff.|[ection for tne church. The cross Names Surgeons ,- -.iid the builders plani ,!i Se p-wti-d by Mr. FAm uf thtn<e at Tuesday night's meeting of the Demand from DevelopersMayor Andrew Banick named w 1 u Clovi-r LeaLeaff CemeterCemeteryy iinn jj I Inn additionaddition,, aa nenew bronzbronzee plaqueplaque,, iis fashionefashionedd afteafterr aa patterpatternn ooff r:-t r lift and maintain a|S. Quin. Mr R.,h«Tt Borough Council. five police surgeons who will the SK(l,m a\\oU^ t0 st Demi; I presenteI d by Haimm Memorial Shevehenkok Monumentatll WorkWks CARTERET — Developers of stabilized by seeding or planting m ntetuion of Wedge- serve wtil Dee. SI, the time ot Mr Bernard Thomas, and Mr. trius parish in honor of the late Center of Woodbridge, will be of the Barre or Rock of Ages The Water Company, which is King George Estate in Claus on slopes of leas than twelve per- •»rivc which he said would their services to be rotated. D*. 'las King Facts about the Bishop Joseph A. Zuk and mem- placed on Bishop Zuk's grave. granite by a concern in Barre, supplying water to thet Borough, h-.iscd access to nearby have been given the green light cent as shown on the final grad- Narad were Dr. Maurice <3w» pofe'.tinlity nf the class and the hers of (he church interred there- The date of the blessing of Vermont. It is to be erected with- has made formal application to < -om*s He Mid the addi- to proceed with the job, must ing plan and shall be stabilized UU>.rtanoe «rf the hinh school in. The plan of the monumentiboth of these objects will be an-in one week, the date of its dedi- the State of New Jersey Depart- ' •' '"r mains to serve the carry certain provisions for full by soddings on slopes of twelve recDi! will be prnwtcd by Miss was prepared by Nick Bervin- nounccd by Rev. Hundiak. cation to be announced. Mr. ment of Conservation and Eco- v ild give • alternate qualifications. percent or over. Everybody Happy? E. l iro Mon.ihnn. director °' chak. a well known artist who isj Erect Crosi Wasiowicz, 83 years of age, re- nomic Development, Division of Borough Council at its meeting 3. Monuments are to be con- v- -m fur tft* pritate tbs ((''dance department currently painting the interior of I Jacko Wasiowicz, one of the tired, resides at 48 Jeannette St. Water Policy and Supply, for the Well, It Seemed So Tuesday night has set the follow- structed of the afate and shapp e < •* of breakage Awning with the program aro st. Demetrius Church, and sub-ifounders of St. Demetrius Church with his son Paul, right to purchase twenty million CARTERET - It may have ing terms and conditions for the required by N.J.S.A. «:»-9.U. •w -uoA would redure student committee* under the MI gallons per day of water from beep iht approaching Thanks- developers: 4. No building permit shall be m liirrteon S«rw< »nd pet-mion of the following leach- the Delaware and Raritan Canal. giving spirit, «r something 1, The subdivider provide a issued for the development of the •<-m lib «K*re are Irwn .ers: Mi* Wilson. Miss Pi»tro- Prayer and Pledge that everyone was in an at- Head The Borough has enjoyed phe proper contour of the subdivision subdivision except fifth permits •he area than there n-«l-'pinto. Mrs Yee. Miss Guilder,!*, pawntry peaceful and happy To Start Me'Sgs nomenal growth of population so as to. properly drain surface as are necessary for the instal- "* addition * the peo- Mrs. Mchintky. Mr. Mask*;,' mood at the Council meeting, and industrial location within the waters and prevent the accumu- lation ,<< tin imprwmaits set area wouM nowhere Mr. Clancy. Wr. Jacohowiu. Mr.' CARTERET — _A [)l 2 TuMNby night. Ingi <A th* Borough Counts' Borough, the population growth tatjwi «J surface wtycr*V forth above untestylEi tkibdMder o. ME L There were a* arguments be- - At the Novert being one of some 50"r m the 2. No top soil shall be removed shall We witU the BoM9gh <4 HlUi wtll start with a prayer ami twites the Demncrttlc and Re- van has been elected president of! ber meeting of Fire Co. 2, the fol- last decade. from the site or used as spoil. Carteret * performance quaran- pledge or allegiance. publican couDCilraon. No one, Carteret Fire Co. at the recent; lowing were elected for the year The company said It is of the Top soil moved during the course tee approved by the Borough At- r defended garden apart At Hi meeting Tuesday night, from tiie assemblage had an meeting He succeeds George 1964: utmost necessity to insure that of construction is to be redis- torney as to form, sufficiency .. oppced to other UM. __ J Council approved a resolution Michael A. Yarcheski, presi ugly word to say, even though Lauhsmnr.
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