MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1989 HOMES HOMES 1321 APARTMENTS lijFO R SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT STORE/OFFICE MISCELLANEOUS I CARS FOR RENT L £ J FOR SALE FOR SALE 6 ROOM heated apart­ • • ment. $800 with secur­ MANCHESTER $165,000 ity. No pets. 646-2426. ELLINGTON END ROLLS CLYDE Weekdays, 9-4. Dcfit! MEADOWVIEW 2 7 W width — 90e CHEVROLET-HUICK, INC. MANCHESTER - 4 room 13" width — 2 tor 504 ROUTE 83, '7ERNON Refinancing plan apartment. Applian­ PLAZA Sweats top sites Newsprint and rolls can be 84 Line. Continental $9,995 ces, heat, hot woter, picked up It the Uenchaeter 84 Buick Centur/ Ybg $5,995 cable. 649-5249. Hereld ONLY before 11 a. m. may halt foreclosure/3 I f ' CARPENTRY/ 1000 sq. ft. Monday through Thureday. 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. $6,895 ■ ,*H at many stores/4 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ .r-Jd! ELECTRICAL Busy Rto. 83, new 1000sq. ft, 85 Eleclra 4 Dr. $9,995 room townhouse with REMODELING rental area. In attractive 85 Caprice Wagon $C,695 fireplace. All applian­ shopping plaza. Ideal for re­ ces, heat, hot water, DUMAS ELECTRIC tail. ofTioe, professional, serv­ CARS 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $7,295 carpeting, air condl- HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Service changes, ice. FOR SALE 85 Celebrity Vfegon $6,695 tlonlng. Call 649-5240. CleaninQ. Hauling, Caipentry, Remodelling additional wiring and Call 86 Honda Civic 2 Dr. $5,695 Reasonably Priced MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Free Estimates repairs on existing James J. Gessay PONTIAC, 1979, Station 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $9,995 room townhouse. All Wagon-Good condi­ All Cans Aratrafed homes. Quality work at 875-0134 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 appliances, heat, hot Risk's Handyman & affordable prices. tion, excellent shape, water, carpeting, air new tires, mony new 86 Cerilury Wagon $7,495 Carpentry Service Entirely owner operated. conditioning. Call 649- parts, motor work. 68 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 646-1948 27 years exp. Call 5240. INDUSTRIAL Asking $400. 875-6358. 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 Joseph Dumas E J PROPERTY 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 YOU CAN enjoy extro PAINTIN6/PAPERING 646-525*^ Schaller'3 86 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr $6,695 vacation money bv ex­ MANCHESTER-2 large 86 Pont Grand Am SE $8/495 changing idle Items in CONCRETE oarage bays and office. Quality vour home fo r cosh ... MOO square feet. 647- 872-9111 iHattrliPHtpr Umli Pre-owned Auto with an ad in classified. McHugh Himself 9976. Call 643-2711 to place vour Painting & wallpapering at WET BASEMENT? Value Priced ad. Over 40 Years Exptriencd Its best Free Estimates. Fully C A R D IN A L ATTRACTIVE & PRIVATE Wrilton Guaranies Free Estimates 83 Olds Clera Thursday, Dec. 21, 1989 Insured. Establisheed 1974 Hatchways, Foundation Cracks, Sunp I CHILD CARE BUICK, INC. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Luxurious, Townhouse Condos, only a couple left. ,>^or MANCHESTER - 2 bed- ATA/C.PS $2,900 1989 Centu7 Coupe $11,980 Newsstand Price: 35 Cents the New Year - if you are planning a move to a condo - room luxury town- 643-9321 Pumps, Drainage Lines, Basement Wa don't miss t h ^ . Central air and vac, private garage, terprooling of Floors & Walls & Mora. IN Need Of A Babysitter? 86 Ford Tempo 1988 Skylark Sedan $8,590 house. All appliances, AT.A/C.PS $ 4 4 9 5 tieautiful, eat-in kitchen, marble fireplace in spacious heat, cable, carpeting, Albert Zuccaro 646-3361 I'm available for even­ 1988 Chev S-10P/U $7,495 living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, full basement and air conditioning. Call ing hours. (5pm or 86 Ch e w / Is. ra 1988 S-10 Ext P/U $10,980 more. Many, many outstanding features. 647-1595._____________ Wall Papering and Painting after.) Looking for 1988 Buick Park Ave. $13,980 weekly |ob Monday- ATSte,30'-yu,995 30 years Experience MISCELLANEOUS 1987 Oldsmobile Firenza $6,490 Bucharest police MANCHESTER-4, 6, and D.F. REALE, INC. SERVICES Thursday and Satur­ 1987 Buick Regal $8,695 7 room apartments. Se­ Insurance, References and days or a few nights per 5r‘',S!’io L O ;|'S & REAL ESTATE curity. No pets. Now 1987 GMCS-15Spt P/U $6,380 Noriega still loose, Free Estimates week. Call 742-8758, ask 1987 Chev S-10 P/U $6,280 175 Main St., Manchester available. 646-2426, 9-5 for Cherel. weekdays._______ MARTY MATTSSON 1987 Cadillac Brougham $13,980 646-4525 649-4431 1986 Corvette Loaded $18,990 fire on crowd MANCHESTER-3 bed­ SNOW PLOWING Load^ V • U,H70 room apartment. $645. Commercial and ResidOTlial MISCELLANEOUS 87 Merr'i ugar 1986 Chev Monte Carlo $7,480 VIENNA, Austria (AP) — The unrest is the biggest chal­ Snow blower services available 1986 Merc. Grand Marquis $8,980 No security. Available [SERVICES V^. Looc Q 0 \ - U ftftC Security forces opened fire on lenge to Ccauscscu’s 24-year-Iong ILOTS/LANO LOTS/LAND Im m edlotely. 643-4421. WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. Call Mike 6494304 Like Now V O , 9 9 5 1986 Dodge 600 Sed $5,895 FOR SALE Quality work at a Mon-Sal 9am-9pm 85 Toyota Comry 1986 Pont Trans Am 26K $8,995 crowds of anti-government authoritarian rule and has rcjxmcdly vows ‘win or die’ FOR SALE MANCHESTER-Newer 3 GSL Building Mainte­ reasonable pricel AT, Loaded $ ^ 9 9 5 1985 Buick Skylark LTD $5,395 protesters in the Romanian capital of spread to a dozen cities. Access to bedroom Duplex. I'/j nance Co. Com m ercl- Interior & Exterior LOW RATES 81 Adams St., NORTH Coyentry-Apollo ANDOVER-Bear Swamp baths, appliances, al/ResIdentlal building 82 Pontiac Firebird Bucharest today, and several the counUy by foreign reporters is PANAMA CITY. Panama (AP) Wednesday, the first lime anything Gardens subdivision. deck, basement, wa- Free Estimates Manchester Road. Two 2'/} acre repairs and home Im­ V6,AT,A/C, Ayi i|O C demonstfators were killed, Yugoslav suictly curtailed, but wimcsscs have — U.S. U-oops controlled major other than an occassional landslide Prestigious area. Lot approved building lots, sher/dryer hookup. Call Brian Weigle provements. Interior Low Milos 9 4 , 4 y o radio reported. said hundreds and perhaps More on Panama 12 Satarl Drive. 1.8 649-4571 Rmamanian military bases today but has forced the 75-year-oId canal to high and dry, across $725 monthly + utili­ 645-8912 LAWN CARE and exterior painting, 88 Honda Prelude 'S' Military tanks rolled through the thousands of people have been acres. Area of new from state forest. Good ties. Security deposit light carpentry. Com­ met stiff resistance as they hunted close. homes. $79,900. Lot 24 perc rates. and references. No plete lanitorlal ser­ $ 1 2 , 9 9 5 city and formed a circle around killed. for the elusive Gen. Manuel Antonio Families w ait. page 18 Shortly before midnight Wednes­ Safari Drive. 1 plus TRUCKS/VANS $ 6 4 ,5 0 0 .Philips Real pets. 649-7874 a fte r FORGET THE REST vice. Experienced, rel­ 85 Toyota Celica several thousand mostly young Shots were also reported fired Noriega, who vowed over the radio day, a day of terror ended for 29 acres. Area of new Estate, 742-1450n 6pm._______________ YARD MASTERS iable, free estimates. AT Loaded $ 5 9 9 5 I FOR SALE people at a main intersection, said a today at protesters in the western homes. $84,900. Lots In CALL THE BEST! to “win or die.” Legal questions.. page 18 Aincricans and other foreigners at 4 ROOMS and bath. Cen- LEAVES RAKED & REMOVED 643-0304._____________ new phase 3. 1-2 acres. 86 Buick Res Yugoslav reporter. city of Arad, about 40 miles from tral location. Heat and Inferiof/Exterior Painting. INTERNATIONAL-1970, The United States Wednesday pul the Marriott hotel when about 90 Underground utilities. E ASTER N-Connecticut. Trees cut, yards cleaned, NURSE'S Aide-Years of V8, Loaded, A Soviet news report from Timisoara. There was no immediate Approved lots. Superb electricity not In ­ Free estimates. Insured. Lawns, B ru ^ removal, gut­ experience. Hospital Low Miles . - . - — % ton, good fo r parts. 4 a million dollar bounty on his head. New government... page 18 parau-oopers from the U.S. 82nd Close to shopping. wheel drive, 7 foot Bucharest said, “Along the central word on casualties there. People in Area of expensive wooded home sites. cluded. $675 monthly David Kay trained. Excellent ref­ 86 Honda Accord LX The general's loyalists apparently plus security. 649-1240 ters cleaned, Snow Removal. Fisher plow. Make an street of the capital, tanks arc Timisoara staged a general suike Airborne Division secured the build­ homes, less than 20 $39,900. New homes on erences. 742-6402. 5-Ppd, Loaded 9 9 5 still held at least a dozen Americans ing after firefight. these lots starting at otter 5pm. _________ 6 4 6 -0 7 5 4 6 4 3 - 9 9 9 6 otter. 1 977 Ram moving, following the lines of sub­ and defied a ban on public gather­ minutes to Hortford. SNOW Removal- hostage. There was sporadic gunfire U.S. troops were trying to halt the Deed restrictions 2,000 $ 1 1 4 ,9 0 0 . L o t 1 3 .2 HEBRON-2 bedrooms, 85 Pontiac Grand Am Charger. 643-2573. machine gunners pushing back the ings to denounce Ccauscscu, a wit­ Armed fhnamanians had raided acres. Lot 2 1.9 acres. heat and hot water Commerclal and residen­ V6.AT.A/C $ 4 ^ 9 9 5 through the capital, where armed looting. the hotel periodically and abducted square feet minimum.
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