Information Guide for Non-Local Students 非本地生資訊指南

Information Guide for Non-Local Students 非本地生資訊指南

Information Guide for Non-Local Students 非本地生資訊指南 Last updated 版本更新: 12/2019 目錄 • Welcome note 歡迎詞 • Electricity 電 • About IFTM 學院簡介 • Food and dining 飲食 • Pedagogic Affairs Department (PA) 教務部 • Weather 天氣 • Visa 簽註及簽證 • Religions 宗教 • Entry visa and student visa 入境簽註及 • Measures 量度單位 學生簽證 • Transportation 交通 • Visa to Hong Kong 赴港簽註 • Language 語言 • Visa to Mainland China 中國內地簽證 • Monetary matters 貨幣 • Studying at IFTM 於旅遊學院學習 • Health care 健康護理 • Student Handbook 學生手冊 • Regime of Tobacco Prevention and • Dress code 衣著守則 Control 預防及控制吸煙制度 • Academic report 成績表 • Prohibition of illegal production, sale and use of narcotic drugs and • Fees and expenses 學費及其他雜費 psychotropic substances 禁止不法生產、 • Accommodation 住宿 販賣和吸食麻醉藥品及精神藥物 • Welcoming Programme 迎新活動 • Telecommunication 電訊 • City guide 城市指南 • Getting to Macao 前往澳門 • Time difference 時差 Welcome note 歡迎詞 WELCOME to the Macao Institute for 歡迎蒞臨澳門旅遊學院! Tourism Studies! 作為學院的一份子,您或許希望多了 Being a student member of this Institute, 解學院一點、認識多些同學、參與學 you may be eager to know more about it, 生或學院活動、爭取學習機會以及善 to get acquainted with other students, to 用學院設施。 participate in students’/Institute’s activities and to make good use of the 非本地生資訊指南冀為您們可能想到 learning opportunities and available 的問題提供答案。 facilities. This Information Guide for Non-local students serves as an information directory to answer the questions you may have before your departure to Macao. About IFTM 學院簡介 Macao Institute for Tourism Studies 澳門旅遊學院於1995年成立,是一所 (IFTM), established in 1995, is a public 隸屬於澳門特別行政區政府社會文化 institution of higher education that falls 司的公立高等教育機構,提供一系列 under the governance of the Secretary for 旅遊範疇的學位課程和專業培訓,包 Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao 括酒店、旅遊、文化遺產、會展、零 Special Administrative Region 售及市場推廣、休閒娛樂、康體活動、 Government, People’s Republic of China. 文化創意及廚藝等。此外,學院亦與 IFTM offers degree and professional 國際知名院校合作開辦高級管理課程。 programmes in a wide range of tourism- 在調研方面,學院受特區政府及其他 related disciplines such as hospitality, 機構委託作旅遊規劃及發展的政策研 tourism business, heritage, events, retail 究。 and marketing, leisure and entertainment, sports and recreation, creative and Recognitions cultural studies, and culinary arts. IFTM 成就及肯定 also delivers various programmes at the executive level in partnership with leading Mission Statement tourism schools in the world. The Institute 使命 is entrusted by the local authorities to conduct policy level research related to IFTM Corporate Video tourism planning and development. 學院宣傳片 The mission of IFTM is to become an international 學院使命是成為提供國際化旅 tertiary institution of choice for tourism and 遊及服務業課程的首選高等教 service industry studies. Not only for the benefits 育機構,不僅為澳門,更為亞 of Macao, but also for the Asia Pacific region, it 太區域培養具有專業知識和技 will equip students with professional knowledge 能的學生,在業界擔任領導角 and technical competence in preparation for their 色。為了實踐使命,學院擁有 future leadership responsibilities in the industry. In 以下三個特性: order to fulfil the above mission, the Institute has the following three characteristics: 1. 獨特性 - 獨立運作,專注 1. Unique Identity - The Institute operates 提供旅遊及服務業管理方 independently, specialising in providing higher 面的高等教育及專業培訓。 education and professional training in tourism 2. 融合性 - 將學術發展及專 and service industry management. 業培訓各自的優點和特質 2. Integration - It blends the best approaches of 合而為一。 academic development and professional 3. 國際性 - 與外地相關院校 training. 及機構發展互利合作關係, 3. Internationalisation - It seeks mutually 積極推廣學術及國際交流 beneficial cooperation with similar institutions 活動。 abroad, actively promoting international learning experience among faculty and students. We are here 學院位置 Pedagogic Affairs Department (PA) 教務部 PA is dedicated to providing administrative 教務部中有四個職務範疇: services and support for academic, students’ and alumni’s affairs, with four functions as listed in the table below: Area Contacts Email 職務範疇 聯絡電話 電子郵件 Admission and Registration Division (853) 8506-1512 [email protected] 招生及註冊處 Student Affairs Division Counselling service: 8598-1239 / [email protected] 學生事務處 8598-1442 / 8598-2030 Alumni service: 8598-1472 Frontline Support Team (853) 8598-1252 [email protected] 前枱服務範疇 International Affairs (853) 8598-1279 / 8598-3038 [email protected] 國際事務範疇 Staff handling International Affairs assist 國際事務範疇人員為交換生提供行政 exchange students in going through all the 支援,協助他們順利完成交換生課程 formalities, from application to completion of 及準備所需文件。 their exchange programme at IFTM. Visa 簽註及簽證 Entry visa and student visa 入境簽註及學生簽證 Entry visas are NOT required by most nationals who 持大多數國家和地區有效護照 could stay visa free in Macao from 30 to 90 days (see 或證件人士入境都無需簽證, details here). Hong Kong residents are entitled to 並獲准予在澳合法逗留30至90 remain in Macao visa-free for up to one year. 天(按此了解)。香港居民則 Updated visa information is at 可獲一年合法逗留期。有關資 訊可瀏覽以下連結: IFTM assists non-local students in applying for a op5_4_1.html。 temporary resident permit (student visa) soon after their arrival in Macao. The processing time can be 澳門旅遊學院安排非本地生在 around 45 days. 抵步後儘快前往辦理“逗留的 特別許可”(學生簽證)申請。 上述許可一般可於申請日起計 45天內發出。 Non-local students can assist in academic activities only at IFTM with maximum weekly hours of 15. However, Holders of student visa are prohibited by law to engage in any paid or unpaid job in Macao. 非本地學生只能在澳門旅遊學院內協助不多於 15 週時之學術相關工作。 持學生簽証不容許在澳門從事任何有薪或無薪工作。 Visa to Hong Kong 赴港簽註 Applicable for Mainland China students 內地生適用 This visa can be applied at China Travel Service 在校內地生可前往中國旅行社 (Macao) Ltd. A testimonial for the purpose of visa (澳門)有限公司辦理赴港簽 application to Hong Kong could be required. This 註申請。申請人或須向上述機 document is available upon students’ individual 構遞交用以辦理赴港簽註申請 application at Please refer to the 的在學證明書,學生可自行於 Student Handbook for handling time and per-copy向本學院申請 fee. 此文件,處理時間及收費標準 已登載於學生手冊。 Visa to Mainland China 中國內地簽證 Applicable for non-Mainland students 非內地生適用 If you intend to visit Mainland China during 非本地生如欲於修讀課程期間前往中 your study period in Macao, it is 國內地,建議在抵澳前先行於其所屬 recommended that you apply for your 國家或地區的中國大使館/領事館辦 Mainland China visa at the nearest P. R. China 理有關簽證。 Embassy / Consulate in your home country before departure to Macao. 如打算在本澳(領取其學生簽證後) 才辦理赴中國內地簽證申請,可選擇 Those who only wish to apply for Mainland 以下渠道: China visa in Macao (after your Macao • 中華人民共和國外交部駐澳門特別行 student visa is finally ready), you may check 政區特派員公署的領事業務部 out the following sources: ( • Department of Consular Affairs, Office of • 中國旅行社(澳門)有限公司 the Commissioner of the Ministry of ( Foreign Affairs in the Macao SAR ( • China Travel Service (Macao) Ltd. ( Studying at IFTM 於澳門旅遊學院學習 Student Handbook 學生手冊 All students studying at IFTM are 所有在校學生都必須遵守登載於學生手冊的 are required to comply with and 學生守則和規章制度,請務必細閱有關內容。 abide by the Institute rules and regulations per detailed in the Student Handbook. Please make sure that you go through the content carefully. Dress code 衣著守則 All students of the Institute are obliged 所有學生在校內或代表學院時必須遵 to comply with this Code of Student 守此守則,詳情已登載於學生手冊, Discipline whilst on campus and/or 敬請細閱。 when acting in a capacity of representative of the Institute. Please 某些課堂或會安排學生出席特別活動, refer to the Student Handbook for 建議非本地生帶備正裝衣著。 details. For non-local students, it is recommended to bring along your business attire for specific events required by some courses. Academic report 成績表 All exchange students, upon completion 所有交換生及其所屬院校將於課程結 of their programmes at IFTM, are given 束後約一個月各免費獲發一份成績表, an academic report free-of-charge for 成績表將郵寄至所屬院校。 the first issue. This is usually sent one 隨後倘需額外份數,學生可聯絡 month after the last date of the final [email protected] 了解申請辦法。處 examination to their home institutions 理時間及收費標準已登載於學生手冊。 which are also given a copy. Should extra copies be needed afterwards, students may contact [email protected] for details of application. Please refer to the Student Handbook for handling time and per- copy fee. Fees and expenses 學費及其他雜費 Tuition fees and other major expenses (e.g. uniforms 有關學費及其他主要雜費 and accessories, study materials and hostel rental) (包括校服與配件、學習用 are detailed in the Institute’s Diploma and Degree 品及宿舍租金)的資訊,已 Programme brochure for your perusal. 登載於學院文憑及學位課程 簡章。 Students from institutions with which IFTM has a student exchange agreement are usually required to 來自與澳門旅遊學院有協議 pay tuition fee to their home institutions only. 之院校的學生一般只需向所 Uniform purchase is also not required. For those 屬院校繳付學費,亦毋須購 taking practicum courses, uniforms in stock 買校服,如須上實踐課,可 (excluding footwear) at IFTM Linen Room are 向學院布草房借用(不包括 available for borrowing; should no appropriate size 鞋襪)。倘尺碼不合,則須 be available, you will be advised the best suitable 按導師建議自備適合於提供 attire you could be in during the implementation of 服務時穿著之裝束。 service rendering tasks. Food and other expenses 飲食及其他 Besides cooking their own meals, students can 學生可自行煮食,亦可光顧學院 buy meals at the Institute’s Windows Cafeteria at 內學生及員工餐廳,價格相宜, reasonable prices of around MOP25 to MOP30 一份主菜加一份湯大槪為澳門幣 for soup plus main course. 25至30圓。 Food is charged reasonably here. However, prices 本地食品以合理價格出售,然而, of food vary slightly from shop to shop. Some 不同商戶間亦存在價格上差異。 consumer price information can be found at 部份消費品價格更登載於澳門特 Macao SAR Government Consumer Council. 別行政區消費者委員會網站。 Accommodation 住宿 Student Hostel 學生宿舍 Non-local students requesting our assistance to 需要學院代為安排住宿的非本地生 find accommodation will be placed in Student 將被安排入住學生宿舍,宿舍地點 Hostel. The building is located in Taipa, within a 位於氹仔,距離氹仔校舍(展望樓) few minutes walking distance from IFTM Taipa 幾分鐘路程。有關學生宿舍的更多

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