MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from electronic originals (may include minor formatting differences from printed original) LAWS OF THE STATE OF MAINE AS PASSED BY THE ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH LEGISLATURE FIRST REGULAR SESSION December 7, 1994 to June 30, 1995 THE GENERAL EFFECTIVE DATE FOR FIRST REGULAR SESSION NON-EMERGENCY LAWS IS SEPTEMBER 29, 1995 PUBLISHED BY THE REVISOR OF STATUTES IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAINE REVISED STATUTES ANNOTATED, TITLE 3, SECTION 163-A, SUBSECTION 4 J.S. McCarthy Company Augusta, Maine 1995 SELECTED MEMORIALS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS JOINT RESOLUTION dent of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of MEMORIALIZING THE Representatives of the Congress of the United States CONGRESS OF THE UNITED and to each Member of the Maine Congressional STATES ON THE FUTURE OF Delegation. THE UNITED STATES NAVAL SHIPYARD AT Read and adopted by the Senate and the KITTERY, MAINE House of Representatives February 23, S.P. 252 1995. WE, your Memorialists, the members of the One JOINT RESOLUTION Hundred and Seventeenth Legislature of the State of MEMORIALIZING THE Maine, now assembled in the First Regular Session, CONGRESS OF THE UNITED most respectfully present and petition the Congress of STATES ON THE FUTURE OF the United States as follows: THE UNITED STATES NAVAL WHEREAS, the Department of the Navy has AIR STATION AT maintained a shipyard at Kittery, Maine since June 12, BRUNSWICK, MAINE 1800; and H.P. 426 WHEREAS, the United States Naval Shipyard WE, at Kittery has performed duties in an exemplary your Memorialists, the Members of the manner throughout its almost 2 centuries of history; One Hundred and Seventeenth Legislature of the State and of Maine, now assembled in the First Regular Session, most respectfully present and petition the Congress of WHEREAS, the Kittery shipyard is one of the the United States as follows: most up-to-date facilities available in the United States WHEREAS, for the repair, overhauling and refueling of naval the Department of the Navy has vessels; and maintained a naval air station at Brunswick, Maine during World War II and continuously since 1951; and WHEREAS, the communities in Maine, New WHEREAS, Hampshire and Massachusetts located near the Kittery the United States Naval Air shipyard offer an abundance of highly trained, skilled Station at Brunswick has performed in an exemplary and experienced workers who have an outstanding manner throughout its more than 4 decades of history; work ethic; and and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, the State of Maine is firmly the United States Naval Air committed to actively supporting the continuation of Station at Brunswick is one of the most up-to-date the United States Naval Shipyard at Kittery; now, facilities available in the United States for long-range therefore, be it maritime patrol; and WHEREAS, RESOLVED: That We, your Memorialists, the United States Naval Air respectfully recommend and urge the Congress of the Station at Brunswick is the only remaining operational United States to continue to operate, develop and naval air station in the northeast quadrant of the diversify the United States Naval Shipyard at Kittery, United States and the only military airfield in northern Maine; and be it further New England; and WHEREAS, RESOLVED: That we further urge the on the entire east coast, only the Congress of the United States to take all necessary United States Naval Air Station at Brunswick and Key action to ensure that the Kittery shipyard remains an West have been identified as having "strategic military integral component in a post-Cold War defense value"; and strategy; and be it further WHEREAS, the United States Naval Air RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this Station at Brunswick offers unencumbered air space, Memorial, duly authenticated by the Secretary of no encroachment problems and expansion capability State, be transmitted to the Honorable William J. to handle all 7 of the projected Atlantic Fleet VP Clinton, President of the United States, to the Presi- squadrons with no additional military construction required; and 1153 SELECTED MEMORIALS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS WHEREAS, the State of Maine is firmly WHEREAS, in 1992 the citizens of Maine committed to actively supporting the continuation of approved a bond issue in the amount of $3,000,000 the United States Naval Air Station at Brunswick; necessary to access these federally authorized funds now, therefore, be it for the initiation of this passenger rail service; and RESOLVED: That We, your Memorialists, WHEREAS, Maine's communities of Portland, respectfully recommend and urge the Congress of the Saco, Old Orchard Beach and Wells have assumed United States to continue to operate, develop and responsibility in planning, development and construc- diversify the United States Naval Air Station at tion of local transportation centers in support of the Brunswick, Maine; and be it further passenger rail service with connections to bus service and other transportation modes; and RESOLVED: That We further urge the Congress of the United States to take all necessary WHEREAS, conservative ridership demand action to ensure that the United States Naval Air forecasts that have been conducted in support of the Station at Brunswick remains an integral part of our passenger rail service verify this service to be a sound nation's defense; and be it further and viable financial investment for Maine; and RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this WHEREAS, the Federal Transit Administra- Memorial, duly authenticated by the Secretary of tion issued a "Finding of No Significant Impact," State, be transmitted to the Honorable William J. finding no significant environmental impacts from the Clinton, President of the United States, to the Presi- passenger rail service and further concluding that dent of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of integrated rail and bus service is economically feasible Representatives of the Congress of the United States in the Northeast corridor; and and to each member of the Maine Congressional Delegation. WHEREAS, increased passenger rail traffic, consistent with the federal directives of the federal Read and adopted by the House of Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, Representatives and the Senate will relieve pressure on Maine's highways and bridges, February 28, 1995. thereby promoting energy conservation, reduced vehicle emissions and reduced consumption of fossil fuels; and JOINT RESOLUTION MEMORIALIZING THE WHEREAS, Maine industries are petitioning PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS OF the State to upgrade freight rail service to enhance THE UNITED STATES TO their ability to access regional, national and global CONTINUE THE FUNDING markets and this rail restoration will significantly COMMITMENT NECESSARY TO improve the main rail line to Maine; now, therefore, RESTORE PASSENGER RAIL be it SERVICE TO THE STATE RESOLVED: That We, your Memorialists, OF MAINE recommend and urge the President and the Congress S.P. 272 of the United States to sustain and fulfill all of the previously approved and authorized financial WE, your Memorialists, the Members of the commitments of the Federal Government for the One Hundred and Seventeenth Legislature of the State reinstitution of passenger rail service between Portland of Maine, now assembled in the First Regular Session, and Boston; and be it further most respectfully present and petition the President RESOLVED: That duly authenticated copies and Congress of the United States, as follows: of this Memorial be submitted by the Secretary of WHEREAS, the One Hundred and Fifteenth State to the Honorable William J. Clinton, President of Legislature directed the Maine Department of the United States, the President of the Senate and Transportation to take all reasonably necessary actions Speaker of the House of Representatives of the to initiate passenger rail service between Portland and Congress of the United States and to each Member of Boston and to seek funding necessary in an amount the Maine Congressional Delegation. not less than $40,000,000; and Read and adopted by the Senate March 2, WHEREAS, the Federal Transit Administra- 1995 and the House of Representatives tion and AMTRAK have committed a combined March 7, 1995. capital investment of $58,600,000 for the rehabilita- tion of the railroad corridor and for necessary rail- operating equipment; and 1154 SELECTED MEMORIALS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS JOINT RESOLUTION ozone standard or that qualify for treatment as rural MEMORIALIZING THE transport areas; and be it further ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this AGENCY TO WITHHOLD resolution, duly authenticated by the Secretary of SANCTIONS ON MAINE WHILE State, be transmitted to the Environmental Protection THE STATE IS IN THE PROCESS Agency Administrator, Carol Browner. OF ATTAINING RECLASSIFICATIONS AND Read and adopted by the House of EXEMPTIONS Representatives March 14, 1995 and the Senate March 21, 1995. H.P. 634 WHEREAS, Environmental Protection Agency JOINT RESOLUTION Region I Administrator John deVillars has informed MEMORIALIZING THE Maine that several Maine counties previously PRESIDENT AND THE designated as ozone nonattainment areas are now in CONGRESS OF THE UNITED attainment of the federal standard for ozone and that STATES TO SUPPORT THE LOW other counties may be treated as rural ozone transport INCOME HOME ENERGY
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