' t 1 ^ .1 J ^WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1 »4 6 DnSy Opedetk* !4gi^'«ZGBistir jflanrtim ifr Eoptttng IjgraUt Tkf Wwtliar Of D. a. W enttar pc- The directora o f th i Manchea* returna for ^ ^ h o ^ year la 8,896 Claar and eoaianiMd eoal i If, Y M (’ A. wlU have a meet­ the College M Fine Arta. Friday fair srith r '--------1 tana. A bout Town ing next Monday evening. Sept. .•JO The meeting will take place Mr and Mrs. Harr) Bhankman of New York are vtalUng tba tarn- HALE'S SELF .SERVE Kt the y at eight o'clock. | j g » D E GREASER Htmch«9tieT*^A CUy o f VUlage Charm A BMCial mMUng of ai|fin« Iiv of thelT Bon and daugbtar-ln- The Original In New Entland. Bata Chi Sorority win b« held tbw law, Mr an*! Winalnaan lievanlng at 7:30 at the home of A daughter waa bom at the. of Center atreet. VOL. LXVn NO. 804 an ra m IS ) MANCHESTER. CONN^ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1946 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS a n b h e a l t h m a r k e t . ' Miaa Irene Benaon of 13 Orrhnrd Hartford hoapltal Monday to ! atraet. It la urged that everv Corp and Mra. William Dougan 11 mambcr attend. Koblnarm t'orporal Robinaon, the <nn oi Mra. Matilda Robinaon of THURSDAY SPEOALS! OIrl Scout Troop No. lo will 7P Spiuce atreet. la In the aerxlr" Fire-Strickrn Tanker Heads Towwrd Port hold tta 111 at fall meetlna tomor­ Bf Fort Knox. K y ^ Greece Completes Green Stampa Given M'Hh Ca*h Sale*! row avening at 6:80 in 5t Mary « Anti-Strike Decision pariah houac. I .Miaa Amelia K. Parr, daughter THE OLD STYLE » of Ml. and Mra. Joaeph A. Parr of Mra. Prank McGeown of tf* .IM Main atreet. left yeaterdav GOOD GOLD MEDAL FLOUR IS HERE AGAIN! Waat atraet haa an iCaater lily >" Plans to Welcome morning V> reaiime her atudiea at 5 ^ 1 0 — 2.VPound Bagra her Sowar bed with three beHiili- Pyraiiiar t’nlveralty. Mlaa Farr fill hloaaoma on It. Dissolved aaacb-Nat Stralaad Return of George 4 Jars 3 3 c Boby Food Private Duly Food A uctio n BMch-Nat Jwrier _ Nurses Aaaoriation Ktillnn Community Hall Athens to Close Down Secret Paper Street Chopped Food 2 Jars 2 3 c Completely Sotur- Saturday, September 2R WITHOUT SCOURING, WITHOUT SCRUIBIN6, WITHOUT RUBIIN6 Rummage doy Momidg; Fierce City Solicitor Petitioas Pkg. 2 5 c 2 P. M. Show s Ja p a n , Tootsie Fudge I. C. Degrtiser J iuoI m s grease. Old-fashioned fuls o f I. C. Degreaser, AM w ith hot water, wait Border Fighting and Queries A bout Meat For Removal; Entire Sale Home rooked Cakea, Plea, abrasives are no longer needed ro clean the 10 minutes, then you can rinse the dishes clean Civil Strife Reaches Proceedings Take Only Anaoar'a ( ooklea, Caadlea, Broad. JelHea, greasiest pot, pan, or roaster . , . Just All them under the hot water faucet. YoU will And that Nazis at Odds THURSDAY. SEPT. 2fi Five Minutes; Walk­ Evoporoted Milk 3 C an s 2 7 c Fnilla, baked Beaaa, Rtr. with hot water, add a few spoonfuls o f I. C. even bacon and egg dishes tre completidy Magnitude of War 9:20 A. M. Curbs Turned Aside BeneSt Degreaser, 10 minutes later the grease is gone! cleaned, that I. C. Degreaser has removed eve* Japanese Hoping for out on Street Car MASONIC TEMPLE Bfdioii Congregational Cknrefe stubborn lipitick stains. Athens, Sept. 26.—(/P>—- System Called Sudden­ All Kinds of Elbow Macaroni and naUdlag Paad. riM j W a H A M l Try I. C. Degreascr for the other unpleasant The Greek govemmfent com­ Peace Between Ger> (Banement) auweweetei A mo kitchen jobs. T o clean the oven or range with­ Try I. C. Degreaser. S ee(^ «i»^ *«X . pleted today Its plans for wel­ many and Russia "m hto, '^ '^ :jArw kihvners ly; Thousands With­ Spaghetti in 1-pound cellophane h o w much time and out hard, tiresome rubbing, just wipe on 1. C. coming King Grorge II back Hitler Urged Attack out Transportation pockogas I-I>- I^c Degreaser with a cloth, wait 3 minutes, then ' work it saves you! to his throne despite fierce ty> to DiwMM Pn.\ To Make Plea wipe ofiF the grease and dirt. border fighting and civil poMol by. McCormick' Bnllctlnl Pint..........5 .93 Washington, Shpt M .—m —A Chef Boy-ar-Doo strife in northern Greece German secret document publish­ Pittshargh, Sept. 26.—<4^ And, have you tried this amaZing N E W way ^^uatt,. 1 . 3 9 which Premier (Constantin Bulletin! | To Governor Spoghetti Dinner _____ Pkg. 3 6 c to wash dishes!* Saape dishes as usual, place Half Gallon... 2.50 ed by the State department dis­ —The Allegheay Coaaty HALE’S Tsaldaris aaya has reached closed today that Japan waa hop­ Waahington, Sept. 26.—</P)' Comnon Plaas cavrt taitey them in sink or dishpan, pour in a few spoon­ Gallon* ..••••• 3.93 the magnitude of war. ing to make peace between Ger­ — Charging that “ collualm” Driven Resume Man dlMohrcd its stern ssU-strlks Kroft Dinner... Mocoroni and Ataaa Penalta Snapeaded among packers is depriving Atbana will cloae down com- many and Russia at the very mo­ PidLetings on High­ Injunctloa—eras of the dty*s presents ment in 1943 when Hitler 1 The flre-atricken tanker Bennington heads toward port at Southport, N. C , with a hole In her bow afteif* the people of meat. Chairman three-day-oM power strike-- Cheese Phg. 15c plataly Saturday morning for tha ways as Deadline Set The J W .H A U COM klng’a recaption and police an­ urging Japan to attack the Soviet an explosion and lire. The 10,172-ton vessel pent out an urgent appeal for aid when fire broke out and ^bath (D., ltl.)» of the sad dropped coateaipt nounced that all permlta for car- an explosion followed while ahe waa 186 miles off Charleston. 8. C — (A P wlrephoto). a u u K H s a n k Co n n - Union. House Rules committee to­ On Action by O’Dwyer charges agsliMt 16 rrIm rjring a m a had been auapended. day asked for an investiga­ Police aald peraona lining the The document also offered new leaders whs had defied the la- FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES route of the parade marking the conflrmation for the Idea that tion of an “ apparent conspi­ New Tork, flept. 36—(T)—WhUa Junction. monarch’a return to Greece after Germany hoped by conquering all racy** to violate the anti­ striking AFL truck drivers rasum- western Russia to link forces with tl- five yeara of exile would not be Policy to Fire ad maos plcketlnga'on highways, Pitts^rgh, Sept. 26.—(/f) her eastern partner once Japan Conf er en ce. Ope n 8 trust laws. *This Is a atrlkc Corrots 2 Bchs. 17c pemltted to circulate and that any ~ _T “ " i « . « | truck operators said they would IPBaALllROUPotWETfliRS had accomplished the planned oon- of organihM grrad a ^ iM t appeal to Gov. Thomaa BL Doway — At the reiiuest of city offi- peraon waa liable to aearch. qtieat of India. cisls, Allegheny Ck>unty Oom- A ll peraona were forbidden to Any Employe the American people, he de-1 “to step in and aava Now Tork Celery Hearts Bch. 21c watch the parade from rooftopa or jhibRahed la Banetta! Full Dress Session clared in a (eleRram from hUMty" uniaaaMayor wiiiiamO’Dwy foon Pleas court today dis- terracea for a depth of about 100 The new document, one of 400 Not Faithful Chicago hoapital room to A t-1 " “7 8blved a stern sail-strike in­ Larva yarda from the route of march, tons of German official papers junction—a principal bone of AT GREAT SAVINGS captured by the American Army, torney (^neral In a telegram sent to tha maimr f/uo C‘ which will begin at Faleron Bay Secretariat General contention in trttsburgh’s Couliflower Ea. 2 9 c and continue to the Greek cathe­ la published In the official State Ready to Cast packers have contended dral In the heart of Athena. Department Bulletin. Litl^john Sheds No New Calls Meeting on are unable to obtain livcatock trucking companlos aald: power strike. City Solici­ The king waa to arrive at an air­ It la the German account of a Light on Where Re­ aupplieo. "W s demand that you uaa tha tor Anne X. Alpern petition­ O nions 3 Lbs. 10c We Ineluded in the group this season's popular furs made in the port on the Peloponneaua and then conference between Foreign Min­ Notice of Less Than ■....... prMtlge and powar of your offtca ed the thrcc-judfc oaurt t» dio- board a deatroyer for the Journey ister Ribbentrop, Japanese Am­ sponsibility May Lie Vote on Atom solve the preUmlnary Injunettoa latest styles. Despite their low prices they represent the highest bassador Oahihia and Major Gen­ 5 Hours; Agenda Up Washington, Sept. 26.—</P) aa mayor of t M city, and that you Mai. 1 Qaalllgr to Piraeua, the port of Athena. which Immediately was granted quality in each fur and carry the distinction of fine fur coats. (In London, a oource cloae to eral Okamoto in May, 1048, at the For ^False Letter^ on behalf of the esart by Judge the' king, oummoned home by a time when the American and Brlt­ Paris, Sept. 26.—(JP)— Sec­ Energy Issue turned Mide questions about dispute be submitted to sru Walter P.
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