GERNSBACK,Edifor Teleuísíon Sound Receiver Instability in Apparatus A Small Recording Studio RADIO -ELECTRONICS IN ALL ITS PHASES Model 315 Signal Generator. Designed down to the most V minute derail for highest ac. curacy, greatest stability, min- imum leakage, and good wave form $67.35 a real Model 305 Tube Tester Tests ... gives servicemen all tubes. Provides for filament voltages from .5 volts to and in. cluding 120 volts. Spare sockets for profit- making set -up future tube developments....149.50 Model 260 High Sensitivity Set The successful radio serviceman today must have the finest in test instru- Tester. 20,000 ohms per volt. D.C. ments a very reason his only hope of present and con- Voltage ranges to 5.000 volts A.C. for practical -that's and D.C. Resistance ranges to 20 tinued profits. To meet the tremendous volume of business available he megohms. Current ranges to 500 mil- must be able to "trouble-shoot" fast and accurately every time. Only thus liamperes 531.95 can he correct trouble speedily, with satisfaction to the customers. Simpson offers you, in three basic test instruments, the accuracy and ad- vanced electronic engineering which have given Simpson the proudest name in the industry. They are tried -and- tested examples of the kind of instruments Simpson has always built. Their use will demonstrate that from Simpson alone can you expect "instruments that stay accu- rate" with construction and design that lead the field. To dealer and to serviceman alike, Simpson offers today the assur- ance of continued profits that only quality can give. No Simpson in- strument is ever marketed, or ever will be, unless its makers feel that. o of its kind, nothing finer can be produced. S I M P S O N E L E C T R I C C O M P A N Y 5200-5218 West Kinzie Street, Chicago 44 I N S T R U M E N T S T H A T S T A Y A U R A T E r I WILL TRAIN YOU i0 START A SPARE TIME OR FULL TIME J. E. SMITH. PRESIDENT RADIO SERVICE BUSINESS National Radio Institute E7rd Year of Training Ned fer success In Radio WITHOUT CAPITAL tf; APPROVED The men at the right are just a few of many I have trained. at home n vC '.q in their spare time, to be Radio Lodi. Technicians. They are now operating You G.I.BILL their own successful spare -time or Build These and Many full -time Radio businesses. Hundreds of other men I trained hold good jobs Other Radio Circuits with in practically every branch of Radio. Doesn't this PROVE my "60 -60 method" of home train- ing can give you BOTH a thorough knowledge Big Kits of Parts 1 Supply of Radio principles and the PRACTICAL ex- tbn+f bua1ncás perience you need to help make more money rO tfine Bad you tralningnlprogsaóof my °w+ad EIM. By the time you've in the feet- growing Radio industry? due conducted 60 sets of L+et ear ratelrpd to hico. hag Experiments with Radio Parts I supply, Let one send you facts about opportunities $a th made hundreds of measurements and ad- in the busy Radio field. See how knowing Radio pg, ß$(Sed °ymiSÓ Courget justments, you'll have valuable PRACTI- can give you security, a prosperous future , . Bo+t,r CAL Radio experience lead to jobs coming in Television, am dofs Nw- for a good full or Electronics, 7me. part -time Radio job! Send coupon NOW for FREE Sample Lesson and 0ná r+dlo wo and 64-page, illustrated book. Read how NRI pboubf trains you at home in spare time. Read how Calelry&Inlylam grjd Óby, A1 you practice building. testing, repairing Ra- Chasoley. 1 with NortDa7 ;dND Ét¡: ' dios BIG KITS of Radio parts I send you. "u21' " Many Beginners Soon Make Extra Money In Spare Time While Looming am tBd¡+laklnmonths aftor ' The day you enroll I start sending EXTRA IDoK°arrlln MONEY JOB SHEETS. You LEARN Radio mee atnggaandrat0141u rad2t BENN¡p°rlJ gy,' principles from my easy-to-understand, illus- M FGOÓ 7llatonb rat Iq aoder, lñ ht trated lessons- PRACTICE what you learn by low¿ ABENDg Ry,11a)et oae building, testing and experimenting with parta I send -USE your knowledge to make EXTRA money fixing neighbors' Radios in snare time while still learning! From here its a short step to your own full -time Radio Shop or a good Radio job! Future for Trained Men Is Bright In Radio, Television, Electronics It's probably easier to get started in Radio now than ever before. because the Radio Re- pair Business is booming. Trained Radio Tech- You build the nicians also find 'No( SUPERHETERO- profitable opportunities in long e DYNE CIRCUIT Police, Aviation, Marine Radio, Broadcasting, Now above containing Radio Manufacturing. Public Address work. at.,760°":1eng a¡atlorw, ikst !6 preselector oscWator- Think of even greater opportunities as Tele- course os radio pull + we,t mixer -erst detector. vision. FM. and many nets, war -developed TFT a en week rit ces You build MEASUR- 1.f. stage, diode -de- Electronic devices become gam. ]39.lOth T Cho171BÁ+Ì ING INSTRUMENT tector-a.v.c. stage and available to the pub- dänó lic I Soon, will +. Sldne,. above audio stage. will there be more Radio equipment Nap, early in It to install. operate. maintain and repair than l° Course. useful for bring in local and over aloug aalÍl Radio work to pick UD distant stations. Get before in all history! Get the facts on all g f the these opportunities. Send g Dor EXTRA spare time thrill of learning for FREE books nowl a p. radi money. It L a vacu- at home evenings in er.. -ï'gad oft a'fratewár s,l+ +hard um tube multimeter. spare timo while you Find Out What NRI Can Do for,You Ava, gt.a4rig,RÌVwfoúntliLSY76i40o1f measures A.C.. D.C.. Dut the set through Mail Coupon ter. Sample Lesson. "Getting Newfoundland R.F. volts, D.C. cur- fascinatheg tain Acquainted rents, resistance,, re- with Receiver Servicing," and my FREE 64 -page book. Its packed with facts 1 ceiver output. about making Radio's opportunities for you. Read the MY over Building the A. M. details about my Course. Read letters from men I trained. men «h jet hoes. SIGNAL GENERA- telling what they are doing. earn- bec¿áße aros¡ :e2lG TOR at right will give ing. See how quickly, easily you can get start- MdN dflyLE$they ke ¡p sradu- 8okon rNa'ra NOB.f you valuable experi- ed. No obligation I Just MAIL COUPON NOW . ence. Provides ampli- in an envelope Or paste it on a penny postal. tude- modulated alg J. E. SMITH, nais for teat and ex- President, Dept. 7BX, National perimental purposes. Radio Institute. Pioneer Home Study Radio School, Washington S. D. C. SAMPLE LESSON FREE I will send you a FREE Lesson, "Getting GOOD FOR BOTH SAMDLEELB001f Acquainted with Receiver Servicing," to FREE show you how practical it is to train for J. E. SMITH. President, neat. 78X Radio at home in spare time. It's a valuable National lesson. it without Radio Institute, Washlneton 9. D. C. Study -keep it-use it- Without obligating me. Lesson and rlcúl Interested& pthe obligation! Tells how Superheterodyne Cir- below..I (eto In Radio Qechecckked cuits work, gives hints on salesman will Can. Please write plainly.) own Radio Service Bust. f ) ope ting Bxoadnstlog Receiver Sec vicing, Lo- ( ) My Station ( ) Sparo Time Radio Servicing t ) Industrial Electronics cating Defects, Repair of allY i cmlxc RCWRIaRD Technician for Radio ( ) Public Address Systems S[RYICINC ( ) Serviced Loudspeaker, I. F. Trans- , ICBM Gov't. Mill. former, Gang Tuning, ( ) Aviation r Radio ( ) tan' Raáirbor, (If you nave not decided which branch you prefer -mall coupon for Condenser, etc. 31 illus- facts to help you decide.) trations. Nane Age My Radio Course Includes Address TELEVISION ELECTRONICS City Zone State FREQUENCY Approved for Training Under Cl Bill MODULATION L NJ RADIO -CRAFT for FEBRUARY, 1947 National Union Announces an PRESENTATION MODEL No. G619. for Service Engineers 6 Tubes. AC -DC. Tuned R.F. Stage. Super- heterodyne Circuit. Loop Aerial. Automatic Volume Control. Illuminated Slide -Rule Dial. Standard American Broadcasts. Mahogany Ve- neer All -Wood Table Cabinet, 13 "x 8%"x 61/2". HERE IT IS AT LAST ! The radio line thousands of service engineers have been waiting for -yes, the radio that has everything the service trade needs to cash -in on today's big pent -up new set demand. And who else but National Union could provide a merchandising plan for radio sets -so perfectly fitted to the service engineer's special needs ? For over 15 years National Union products, COMPANION MODEL No. 571.5 Tubes. AC- plans and policies have been shaped for the exclu- DC. Superheterodyne Circuit. Built -in Antenna. Auto- matic Volume Control. 2 -Gang Air Condenser Tun- sive benefit of service dealers. ing. Illuminated Slide -Rule Dial. Standard American And now N.U. RADIO SETS are here -for the Broadcasts. Walnut Veneer All-Wood Table Cabinet, 13%" x 7%" x 85ú ". same service men who have so long known and used other N.U. products -and have found the OTHER MODELS NOW BEING PLANNED N.U. way of doing business a better, more profit- A 3 -Way (AC -DC- Battery) Portable Model. able one for their special type of operations. A Combination Table Model Radio -Phonograph with Automatic Record Changer. THE LINE -5 models, of which one 5 -tube and one 6 -tube A 6 -Tube Battery-Powered Form Rodio Table Model.
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