182 The Sooner Magazine April Calling the roll of Sooner classes 1924 YEAR BY YEAR Key to Abbreviations O. B. Campbell, '24as, has been promoted to the position of manager of the Vinila Daily 1905 Arts and sciences degrees, either Bachelor lournal. He has been assistant manager for the Charles Alexander Long, '05as, is now pastor of Arts or Bachelor of Science '00a - fine engineering, 'OOeng ; last year and a half . (if the Methodist church at Santos, Brazil, South arts, 'OOfa; busi-'s ness administration, 'OObus ; pharmacy, America, and is superintendent of the Sao Paul) Harrington Wimberly, '24as, presided as gen- 'OOpharm ; economics, 'OOhe edu- District of the church . home ; eral chairman at a meeting of the circulation cation, 'OOed; journalism, 'OOjourn ; master managers' department of the Oklahoma Press 1911 of arts, '00ma; master of science, 'OOms: Association March 7 at Oklahoma City . 11 . An address on "The Spirit of Oklahoma doctor of philosophy, 'OOph.d ; doctor of Merle Woods, '17as, publisher of the El Reno education, 'OOed .d ; library science, 'OOlib . Pioneers" was the subject of a recent address ,4naerican, was on the program to give a report by Dr . F. E. Dale 'llas, head of the Depart- sc ; doctor of medicine, 'OOmed ; bachelor on the convention of the Midwest Circulation ment of History, at a meeting of the Gibbons of science in medicine, 'OObs.med . Managers' Association which was held at Kansas Dinner club at Oklahoma City . City in February. Paul Bolton, '24ex, has been appointed press 1915 representative on the Texas Civil judicial Coun- Neil Johnson, '15as, '171aw, and Mrs, John- 1922 cil by Governor James V. Allred of Texas . The son, '16as, of Norman, plan to sail from New Gladys Dickason Harrison, '22, is now living council makes recommendations for changim_" York City May 22 for Nice France, where Mr . and improving state laws of Texas. Bolton is in New York City and is representative of vari- Johnson will represent the Norman Rotary club a staff writer for the International News Service )us textile workers' unions . at the Rotary International convention . Mr . at Austin . Johnson has been appointed chairman of the A request for the Notional Prouressive Edu- Byrne A. Bowman, '24ex, Oklahoma Citv at- convention committee on livestock raising, whic'i cation Association to hold its 1939 convention torncy, filed as candidate for city councilman is included in the organization's agricultural pro- in Oklahoma City was presented at the recent in the First Ward in Oklahoma City . gram . St . Louis meeting of the association h., Carl W. A. Franklin, '24as, '28ms, '34ph.d, is now Cress, principal of Harding 1917 '22as, '31ed.m, director of curriculum in the Ponca Citv schools. Junior High School at Oklahoma City . Howard F. Wilson, '171atv, is a member of 1925 a new law firm organized in Blackwell witli 1923 firm and King. Mr . Wilson Rollin Boyles, '25ex, received favorable press the name Wilson Ed Kerrigan, '23as, reporter on the Tulsa 1924, comment for his characterization of the leading was Kay county attorney from 1921 to Tribune, recently engaged in a coast-to-coast male role in a play, "Passerby," which was pre- Blackwell city attorney for six years and muni- Los reporter, to see aerial race with a Angeles sented recently by the Theater Guild of Oklaho- cipal judge for a year before that . which could make the speediest ro"tnd trip ma City. Bill Cope, '34fa, also was in the cast . 1919 across the continent on regularly scheduled air- Harold W. Gardiner, '25ex, has been appointed Dr . Maurice H. Merrill, '19as, '221aw, pro- lines. Kerrigan wrote a full-page feature story telling about the trip, and claimed victory in assistant to the general agent for the Northwestern fessor of law, has been appointed to member- Baltimore, the race . Mutual Life Insurance Company at ship on the committee named by the Association Md . of American Law Schools to co-operate with Mrs. Martha O'Daniel Rinsland, '23as, '26ms, David R. Milsten, '25as, '281aw, was elected the American Law Institute for the present year . by the state superintendent '36cd, has been asked supreme vice-president at the recent national con- of public instruction and the Federal Division Della Brunstctcr, '19as, assistant professor of vention of Signaa Alpha Mu fraternity . of Education to become state supervisor of Fed- French in the University, gave an illustrated eral Fmergency Nursery Schools. 1926 lecture on Mexico at a recent meeting of the Anadarko Business and Professional Women's H. A. "Doe" Bowles, '23ex, is now jobber Dan Baker, '26ma, superintendent of schools club . salesman with the Continental Oil Company, at Prvor, Okla ., has four Sooners oil his staff. 1920 Los Angeles, Calif. They are Ruth Hogan, '20as, English; Wall Ab- Miss Bennic Henry, '20as, formerly teacher of literature at Durant, is now teaching the same subject at Sulphur. Joseph Bentonelli, '20as, '21fa. singer with the Metropolitan Opera Company, has been nomi- nated as a candidate of the University chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha for the Chicago alunuu chapter's annual award to the fraternity's most distinguished member . The award is given yearly to the member of the fraternity wh "a through his contribution to society brings greatest recognition to the order. Prescription cases designed by Dr . Loyd E. Harris, '20, '22, '23, '24, professor of pharmar,, have been put into use by the School of Phar- macy during the second semester . The new laboratory, which has been under construction fOr four months, is located on the west end of the ground floor of the Pharmacy building. Sixteen individual model prescription cases are arranged on the floor in groups of four . The cases were Little Miss Helen Kathryn designed with the idea of duplicating actual Speed, shown looking out at the conditions usually found in retail drug stores . world with considerable interest, 1921 is the daughter of Dr. H . K. Dixie Young, '21as, '22aua, assistant professo Speed, Jr., '33med, and Mrs. Ruth of zoology in the University, is doing special re- baby search work at Yale University (luring the second Speed, '32, of Sayre, The semester . was born last August. 184 The Sooner Magazine April butt, '20ex, basketball coach and science; W. C. 1929 Gentry, '30ex, football coach; Dorothy Fults Joseph A. Kornfeld, '29ex, has announced the Hatfield, 25ex, home economics . opening of offices as consulting petroleum ge- Buy a Ted Start, '26as, is in the federal Indian Ser- ologist and engineer, in the Kirby building, Dal- vice, Federal Building, Tulsa, Okla . las, Texas. He will make production reports and appraisals, and also will continue as geologist Cyril Wagoner, '26as, is employed by the for the Barnett Petroleum Corporation, Dallas . Amerada Petroleum Corporation at Tulsa. New Elmer I,. Kirkpatrick, '29, is superintendent 1927 of schools at Boynton . been () M I mk. '7`_ Ltw has practicing' Mrs . Clco Kirk MosleY, '29as. '3llih .sc has law in Tulsa since his graduation from the been appointed physical education teacher at University and is now associated with the firm Norman High school in addition to her duties Chevrolet of Rogers & Stephenson. its high school librarian . She has taken over vacancy left by the res- vice-presi- the new work to fill a Phil Burns. '27as, has been made ignation of Mary Sonterville, '31 phys .cd. dent of the Selected Investments Corporation of Fairview, Okla. The appointment was made 1930 Thc ONLY COPIPLE'I'E CAR com- by Hugh A. Carroll, '05ex, president of the is high school prin- school Mr . Burns was on the H. H. Wilson, '30(x, pany . While in cipal at Bixby. PRICED SO LOW editorial staff of the Souner yearbook and the leaving school he has worked Jessie Fremont Bender, '30ma, is head of the Whirlwind. Since Cleve- as supervisor for the Pictorial Review company Science Department in the high school at and various publishing companies, and as su- land, Okla ., where she has taught for the last pervisor of retail stores for Goodrich Tire and seven years. Rubber Company, with offices in Oklahoma City Mrs. Ruth White, '30as, has been sworn in and Tulsa. as postmaster at Medford, Okla . She taught woodlands have been school four years after graduating from the Results of burning of University, then she married and with her hus- analyzed by Dr. Elbert L. Little Jr ., '27as, '32ma, Service . Experiments band has been successful in the abstract busi- for the Oklahoma Forest at Medford . conducted since 193(1 with Dr. Charles E. Olm- ness stead, also of the Forest Service, have shown Robert H. Shernwn, '301aw, Oklahoma City that the practice of burning woodlands to "get attorney, has been elected president of the Young rill of weeds" as is customary in parts of Okla- Men's club at Oklahoma City . homa, actually only gets rid of the grass and J. Howard Brisco, '30ex, has resigned as ad- lets tvee(ls develop more freely . It was found vertising manager of the OFemah Daily Leader that summer fires are much more destructive to join the staff of tile Bristow Record as news than spring fir(, but thatt both kinds do ir- editor . Brisui has worked as reporter on the reparable damage to grass and young trees. It Seminole Producer and Seminole Morning News, ii was found that areas burned over lost soil and became advertising manager of the Okemah rapidly . An unburned plot had a covering of paper in 1934 . (lead leaves which absorbed moisture and held 1931 it there. Mary Somerville, '31phys .ed, has resigned her Sarah Katherine Davis, '27ex, is now Mrs. hus- place as physical education teacher at Norman E. H. Miller, of Desert Center, Calif.
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