COLLEGE STATISTICS □ Q m i f S ' S COLLEGE DEVELOPMEJIT COUKCIl M m m uliiVERsiTy UWIVERSITY OF MANIPl^. CANCHIPOR, WHAL-79Sm MANIPUR, INBI FOHeWOHD I ertB h^ppy that ,the Collage Development Council of the Unis/i^^Lty hgs, as in the past years, brought out the Collefis^ Statistics for the year 1989-90. Higher Education has an important and vital rol© to play in the development of the State and the nation. The need for an objective and ilf^list'^c planning for the development of Higher Education and tfr^reby for the development of the State needs po emphasi^. Informata.on is an integral pre-requisite Bny planning activity. I am certain that the E^ollege Statistics would prove to fee of value to our planners in t^teir efforts. I wish the College Devildpment Council all success in its endeavour. \/K AHLUHI^HA VICE - CHANCELLOR NIEPA DC D06608 . / U \ V p - ^ 0 , •0-'f5-sN,rE"E'i t :.S P/SGBS --g-T’ -- -'■■■-.T'- . F9RE.WQRD J.J ' / Colleges at- a glanjc'e np. _ 1 4 3.. Names Under Name and 6 arti cu 1 ar;s. oi* ■Course(s^?SU15>f4<ft(-b-y^%eft^^^^ _ . Faculty students*- ‘ C . I • Col'le ge , Bi s^^ypur ; Moirang College, ^ 54 -/33. ’CS) ' Nambol u,'- ^ 40 ^ 45' ' Presidenc54* ’ 3 i^riG ,- ■ 4 4 4y^ n d y Imphal CoJ.JLeje^.^ji;ii>ptial^ ^ " 48 - 5 I ’' (11)^ Manipur i^oll^,gei,- toE)^al_ / t " 52 r 56 '(12 )~ M odem Collegej-^'I^brdrapat, Imphal ' 57 -f-60 Cl3>'rtOrient^ ifi^hal" ^ 61 7 64 Ideal Girls * Colle^g^^g5 ^ 57 C/15): M;B.College' I ' ' ^ 8 ^ 7 0 (l6KrH..^*Coirsge, , 7t - 72^ (17): ^ ^Lilon^Hapreibi^ C o jL l^e, Li^'ofig \ 7? -- 76 ^ (T G) ' Lamka CoII^^b, dhurAc^andpur ' 77 *“ 7^ ' (£19)-. «Y.K.College, „ 9v}i • 8 0 - 8 2 ( 20)/ Churachandpur College^' *Chu3^a§ha^Mpur i 83"- 86 (21,).‘ ’'Pettigarev/ College,. Ukhru£ r , i-87 ^>”§8 ) ( 22)0v ffhoubal Colle'g%"sT?filoi^^l^^^ ^ ^ 8 9 - 9' "( 27) ' Govt. Polytechnic7 Imphai^-" -■■’ i'O? ( 28) Centre for'Elect :ppnics Design 6c" 108 'Technology ( CEDT) ^ J^anipur , ,, ; ‘ ' 'University Campus, fi^nchipur^ II. AFFILIATED PRIVATE COLLEGES Pi.GES ( 29) Elram angbl College^. Sawombung 109 - 111 'X3 0 ) Liberal .College, Luwarigsangbani. ' 112 - ^115 t 3l) Standard College, Kongba. ’116 - 118 ( 52) M ayai Lambi College, Yumn^n Hdidroiu 119 - 12? ^Tn'-tnibal M arik College, Oinara - " 123 - 126 ' 34| Brn th East M anipur College ,Kom lathabi 127 - :128 $ 3*9) K^i'cliing Khunou College, Kakching 129 ^ 13C '■ Knunou. - ^ 3 5 ) Kurbi College, i^umbl ' 131 - 1 3^! , 3 7 ) United C ollege, ^ Chandel 135 - 136 \ 3B) Waikhom Manx G irls* College, 137 - 138 ' ^ 'IhoubaX: Okranj# ( 3 9 ) S^Kulla Women’s College, Nambol 139 140 (40) Paul M?5niptir WomQn’ s^Collegey \h2 ■ M c-^g^angei, Im pha|t - _ (41 y;^c:.term'Cb^egef Konthou;j^» 143 - 14A' ( 4 2 ):-Pole Star C ollege, Wabagai 145 * 146 ( 4 3 ) .Kamakhya Penrton C ollege, Hiyangthang t47 • ( 4 4 )"^^Kakching G irls * C ollege, Kakching '148 - 149 <"4 j? M angoInganbi College, Ningthoukhong 150 - 152 ( 4 ')) Shri Shri Gour Govlnd G irls ’ College , 153 - I ■ Khu.r’ai *'" ^ v • ( 4?)^ D@aKlsl C htristian College^ Kanglatongbi. 15^ - - ' ill. PERMITTEp: PRIVATE COLLEGES: ^ ; ( 4 8 ) J iri College, Jiribam 155 ( 49) P.Y*College, Sagmg ,■ 1 5 6 : (pO) College , Lamboi^lioxignapgkbpng 1 57 - ■ |58 ( 5 1 ) rtsgional College of Social: 'I 59 ^ Sciences, KLilong.: ■ L ( 52) Ng. Mani, College^ Cl^irenthong, ' : ^ K h u r a i . ..... •' ■ ^ _ ( 53) 'C$nchipur' 6 o l l | g e , K yam gei,'Ifflphal 161 - 116 162 ( ^ 4^ JN .B irh^ri'/G oiaegeV ttandrak|>i^i - *163 - s(1 );- COLLEGES AT A GLANCE {1989 - _90) I* Number of Affiliated Government - 28 Colleges (including one Govt. Polytechnic & One GEDT) II. Number of Affiliated Private Colleges-. III. Number of Permitted Private Colleges « 7 54 IV. Numb e r of 'J e a che rs in the Colleges - 2,233 V. Number of students enrolled in the -43,071 Colleges (Pre-University* 22678-^- Undergraduate-20,393) BREAK UP : BT7“ of~the dbriigi . 'stiHentsCourses No. introduced tea** Under- chers * graduate I. Affiliated Govt, Colleges CADRE ~ «A« » 4 1. (1) D.M.College of TDC-Scienoe 9a 1266 Science^ Imphal (2) D.M.College of Arts TDC-Arts & 80 & Commerce,Imphai. - ^ 2216 Commerce 5. (3) G ,P 4Women*s College, PU Arts & Imphal* Science 77 1159 725 TDG Arts & Science (4) P.G.T^ColIege, ‘ ^ B.Ed. Imphal 483 (graduate) II..Affiliated Govt. Co lie ^ces (5) Kha-Hanipur College !^-Science, 46 366 669 Kakching Commerce - , TDC-Arts & Science 6. (6) C.I.College, TDC-Arts 34 447 Bishenpur (7) Moirang College, PU-Science 7. 51 200 376 Moirang TDC-Arts & Science 8 . (8) Nambol L.Sanoi PU-Science 49 187 491 College, Nambol TBC Arts & Science - :(2): - SI. Name of the College Courses No.of No,of studei- No, introduced tea- chers gradual T '------ 9, (9) Presidency College PU Science 45 794 842 Motbung TBC-Arts i ^Science 1 0 .(1 0 ) Imphal College PU Com,, <61 1535 Imphal, TDC A'rts Sc Science 11. (11) Manipur College, TDC-Arts 65 - 616 Imphal & Science 12. (12) Modern College, PU Arts & 58 671 764 Imphal. Science TDC Arts & Sc • 1 3 .(1 3 ) Oriental College, TDC Arts 63 318 1222 Imphal. &. Sc, , I I I . Affiliated Govt, Colleges CADRE - *C* - 6 PU Arts S( 14. (14/Ideal Girls' 35. 530 420 College jimphal TDC-Arts' 15. (15)M.B.College, FJ Arts 34 561 690 Imphal TDC Arts 16.(16) N .G • College, Imphal _'P*Ui*A3sts 36 722 570 TDC Arts i 17.(17) Lilpng Haoreibi PU Arts a< 40 1042 512 College, Lilong Science, TDC Arts 18.(18) Lamka College, PU Arts 27.. 636 113 Churachandpur TDC-Arts 19.(19) Y.K*Ccllege, PU Arts 41 435 174 Wangling TDC Arts IV* i\ffiliated Govt* Colleges - ^Cadreless” 20*(20) Churachandpur PU Science 54 249 ' ' 309 College, TDC Arts Churachanpur &Science 21 ,(21) Pettigrew College, PU Sc, 15 146 160 Ukhrul TDC Arts RI Sc* 22.(22) Thoubal College, 63 - 1239 Thoubal TDC Arts & Sc, - '(3); SI. Name of the College Courses No. of No.of students No. intro­ tea­ duced chers graduate 3 ... 15--- 23* (23) Hill- College, PU Arts 10 18? 56 Tadubi TDC Arts 24, (24) UW , . LL • B « 12 , 706 , Imphal (Groduate 25* (2 5 )I^xanipUr _A gric ul- B .S c . tural College. (Agri) 31 - 121 26. (26)Regional Medical M .B .B .S. College, Imphal M ,D,;M .S 173 411 2 7 . (27)Govt.Polytechnic Diploma - . 324 Imphal . xn Engg. ‘ 23 ‘ subjects 26. (28) Centre fp_r ' Ele c- Diploma , troni G s;' D e s i gn & ^'in Elec­ 7 27 Technology., tronics Cane hi pur' iliated PrivatG , Colleges, 29. (29)Bira'mango.l PU i^rts 46' 896 151 College 9 Savrombung ^ Sc. - TDC Arts Sc, 30* (30)Liberal^’CollegG, ?U iirts 50 2213 766 Luv/angsgngbara S< Sc. TDC 7irts h Sc. 3'1 • (31) Standard College ?TJ h r t s % L 1347 .546 Kongba •TDC Arts ' 32« (32)Mayai LambiColle'ge PU i\rts & aq 1316. 464 Yumnam Huidrom SC, TDC ^ /irts & Sc. 33* (33)Tharabal Marik PU Arts & 50- 805 217 College, Oinam SO. , TDC Utts Sc. 34. (3 ^ )South East Manif)ur PT;J Arts & 40 486 222 College ,Koffllathabl' '3g. TDC Arts & Sc, 35. (35)Kakching,K.hunou pU Arts ’& 4q 723 108 College -$c., TDC, Arts & fee. - U A ) s - ^ 1 . Name of the College Courses No. of No. Q f. stude nt s No, introduced tea­ PTOTT UncTer chers _ graduate T S 3 6 * ( 36) Kumbi College, Arts V6c 41 400 85 Kumbl f c ., TDC ArtsSo. 37. ( 37) Unite cl qCo lie ge FU Arts . 30 223 103 Chandel TDC Ajnts 38. (38) Waikhom Mani Girls* PU Arts 8< 40 724 98 , Thoubal ’ v SC ., TDC Arts 39. (39) S.Kuila Women’s PU Arts & 38 270 40 College, NafflbOtl TDC Arts 40. (40) PQul OPU A r t s & 59 ' " 547 ^ 47 Momen*s' C o lle • /S c le n c G roc Arts 41 • (41) Vtestelm <^D3JLe^e^ Arts 42 494 Konthoujam* 42. (42) Pole Star GolXege, PU Arts St 61^ ; 735 Wabagai Science Kaiiiakhya Pemton PU Arts ( 43) 20 192 , Pemton College 4 4 ^ (44) Kakching Girls* PU Arts & 48 159 — College, ^^cf4;ng Commerce (45) Mangolnganbl HJ Arts & 37 564 College ,Ningtiiou- khong, Science (46) Sri Sri Gour Govind PU Arts 26 213 Girls* College, 4 7 . (47)Damdei Christian PU Arts & 9 244 College Permitted Private Colleges (48)Jiri College, PU Arts 10 108 - Jiribam 49. (49)P.Y.College,Sagang PU Arts 21 114 5 0 . (50)N.R.College, Lamboikhongnangkhong PU Arts 45 435 , & Sc. (51)ftegional College of p^y.Arts 21 5 1 Social Scierices, 450 , ^.Lilong 5 2 . (52)NG.Mani College, PU Arts 22 495 Khurai & Sc. 53. ( 53) Canehipur College PU Arts&,Sc . 42 143 21 '209 5 4 . (54)N,Birahari College K? 'Ar_ts --— ^ GRAND 725^'— ^?3f57S‘'707J53’ NAMES OF P R IN G im S OF COLLEGES UNDER -------------------------- . ----------------— As bn December, 1990 I • Principals of Affilleted Govt.Colleges - Gadre 1, (1) Dr.Dwljashekhore Sharma, M.A.» Ph.D; D.M.College of Sciencje, Imphal. 2. (2) Smt. Y.Ibemtoinbi pevi, M.A.s D.M.College of Arts ^ Oommerce, Imphal 3. (3) Shri A.Rashumani Siiigh, M .A ., G.P,Women’ s College, Imphal.
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