April 2, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9411 By Mr. RANGEL (for himself, Miss Mr. KocH, Mr. HARRINGTON, Mr. MET­ Idaho, relative to interference with laws o! JORDAN, Mr. ROYBAL, and Mrs. CALFE, Ms. ABZUG, Mr. BURKE of nature governing the effiiciency of engines CHISHOLM); Massachusetts, Mrs. BURKE of Cali­ of science; to the Committee on Science H. Res. 1023. Resolution creating a select fornia, and Mr. SToKEs) : and Astronautics. committee to conduct an investigation and H. Res. 1024. Resolution creating a select study of the health effects of the current committee to conduct an investigation and energy crisis on the poor; to the Committee study of the health effects of the current en­ on Rules. ergy crisis on the poor; to the Committee on PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. RANGEL (for himself, Mr. Rules. Under clause 1 of rule xxn, MOAKLEY, Mr. MITCHELL of Mary­ land, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. 417. Mr. BINGHAM presented a petition DELLUMS, Mr. BADILLO, Mr. MAZZOLI, MEMORIALS of the Legislature of Rockland County, N.Y., Mr. WON PAT, Mr. HELSTOSKI, Mr. concerning eligibility of naturalized citizens CLAY, Mr. CoNYERS, Mr. HAWKINs, Under clause 4 of rule XXII, for the Presidency of the United States; Mr. YOUNG of Georgia, Mr. FAUN­ 411. Mr. HANSEN of Idaho presented a which was referred to the Committee on the TROY, Mr. DIGGS, Mr. QUIE, Mr. NIX, memorial of the Legislature of the State of Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A DISCUSSION OF THE ADMINIS­ to see that funds are expended in accord­ Training Act and under the Rural Develop­ TRATION'S PROPOSED ECONOMIC ance with them. ment Act. It would also permit coordination This decentralization of decision-making with the programs proposed by the Adminis­ ADJUSTMENT ACT responsibllities is accomplished through the tration in the Better Communities and Re­ automatic allocation to States of a minimum sponsive Governments bllls. of 80 percent of the funds available under State and community planning for eco­ HON. HOWARD H. BAKER, JR. the proposed act. The division of these funds nomic adjustment can also be accom.plished on a more rational basis because funds are OF TENNESSEE among States is based on a formula that rec­ ognizes State and community needs, taking appropriated a year in advance of actual IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES into account population dispersal, land area, allocation to the States. Thus, the problems Tuesday, April 2, 1974 and unemployment and income levels. The inherent in developing plans in a vacuum, remaining funds are allocated to States on a with little or no information as to the re­ Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, one of the discretionary basis to meet special needs aris­ sources that w111 be available !or implement­ important legislative matters before the ing from State, regional, or local problems, or ing those plans, are eliminated. Committee on Public Works this year is from Federal actions such as the closing of AUTHORIZING A BROAD RANGE OF ASSISTANCE the Administration's proposal for a new large installations. Under the proposed act, States have a economic adjustment assistance pro­ In recognition of the importance of basing broad range of tools at their disposal, and funding decisions on priorities developed these tools may be used for a variety of pur­ gram. through a problem identification and analy­ Our Subcommittee on Economic De­ poses. States may offer assistance through sis process, the proposed act requires that grants, loans, subsidies, loan guarantees, tax velopment, under the able leadership of each State develop an economic adjustment rebates or other forms of aid to public enti­ Senators MONTOYA and McCLURE, has plan. The plan, which is to be submitted by ties, private profit and non-profit organiza­ scheduled a hearing on S. 3041 which the Governor, is to specify the target areas tions, and individuals. This assistance can was introduced with bipartisan support selected for economic adjustment ,assistance be used to support not only the kinds of proj­ earlier this year. and the general objectives for each area. To ects and activities that are currently funded William W. Blunt, Jr., Assistant insure that the knowledge and insights of by EDA, but other appropriate economic ad­ those working at community, county and justment efforts as well. Among the types of Secretary of Commerce for Economic multi-county levels are reflected in these Development, recently outlined the ad­ State aid specifically authorized by the pro­ plans, the proposed act requires that local posed act are assistance for public facilities, ministration's proposal in a speech be­ government and multijurisdictional entities public services, business development efforts, fore the National Governors Conference. assist in its preparation. planning, technical assistance, and adminis­ Because I believe it will be helpful for Thhl emphasis on the planning process is trative costs. strengthened by linking the preparation of my colleagues to read and understand STRENGTHENING REGIONAL PLANNING AND the administration's position on this is­ State plans to the actual obligation of allo­ cated funds. The proposed act requires that COORDINATION sue, I ask unanimous consent that a copy State economic adjustment plans be approved The proposed act also authorizes interstate of Secretary Blunt's speech be printed by the appropriate Federal Regional Admin­ compacts to permit States to work together in the Extensions of Remarks. istrator before the funds allocated to a State on common economic adjustment effor~. There being no objection, the speech are made available to that State. These Fed­ States participating in these multi-State or­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, eral Regional Administrators, whose func­ ganizations may use funds allocated under as follows: tions will be outlined later, are responsible the proposed act for joint adjustment effort expenses. If regional organizations are DISCUSSION BY WILLIAM W. BLUNT, JR. for reviewing State plans and approving them if they are consistent with the proposed act formed, they may require member States to MARCH 6, 1974. and any regulations issued by the President. submit their plans to them for review or The proposed Economic Adjustment As­ There is, however, an exception 'tO this approval. Such participation by multi-state sistance Act is designed to improve the rule. Allocated funds may be released to a organizations should assure that State plans abilities of States and communities to adjust State prior to approval of a State plan for reflect regional adjustment needs: to future economic changes and to imple­ use in preparing that plan. Thus, States are DECENTRALIZING FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION ment longra.nge solutions to problems in entitled to use part of their allocations under currently distressed areas. It is structured The principal Federal authority and re­ the act for financing the preparation o! their sponsibllity under the proposed act is given to provide State and local ofilcials with economic adjustment plans. greater flexibility in spending Federal funds to ten Federal Regional Administrators, one Since funds are given to a State as a block for each Standard Federal Region. These to assist distressed areas, in the expectation grant, a State has complete direction as to that such an approach will be more suc­ Federal Regional Administrators are ap­ how they are used, as long as they are con­ pointed by the President and are respon­ cessful in reducing unemployment and rais­ sistent with the general purposes of the act. ing income levels in these areas. sible for reviewing State plans, obligating As a result, States have the abllity to fund a funds to the States, and evaluating per­ DECENTRALIZING DECISIONMAKING liimted number of areas, or even one area, formance by the States in using the funds. RESPONSIBILITIES thereby providing each area with sufil.cient The Administrators have no authority to A pr1mary goal of the proposed act is to resources to resolve its economic problems. make project-by-project allocations of Fed­ return to States and communities the prin­ Furthermore, States may use funds in areas eral assistance as the Economic Develop­ cipal responsib111ty for deciding how to use before economic distress becomes acute. ment Administration does under the Public Federal assistance to achieve program ob­ The block grant approach maximizes State Works and Economic Development Act of jectives. Since State and locl'l.l ofilcials are and local responsibility for planning and 1965. closest to the problems, they are in the best carrying out economic adjustment efforts. It The Federal Regional Administrators are position to analyze area needs and set priori­ permits States, and areas within States, to required by the proposed act to work with ties for addressing them. The proposed pro­ develop and implement their economic ad­ other Federal agencies whose programs af­ gram not only places these responsibllities justment plans in conjunction with related fect area economies, and are permitted to at State and local levels, but also insures programs, such as those under the recently participate in the activities of Federal Re­ that those who set priorities have the power enacted Comprehensive Employment and gional Councils to promote interagency co- 9412 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 2, 1974 operation. It is anticipated that the Presi­ these newspaper a:&:ticles to my col­ and born of an ethnic group, a group of alien dent will delegate to the Secretary of Com­ leagues. Japanese farmers," Yuge writes. merce responsibllity for the central Federal The articles follow: MEMBERSHIP GROWTH administrative and policy functions out­ A GOLDEN YEAR FOR CORTEZ GROWERS By law, however, aliens were prohibited lined in the act. from leasing, renting, or purchasing farm If there ever was a story of success through EXTENDING EDA FOR TRA.NCITION PERIOD unflagging cooperation in the face of shat­ land but the four worked around the law by Although the proposed Economic Adjust­ tering adversity, it is the story of the Cortez forming individual corporations naming their ment Assistance Act is designed to replace Growers Association.
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