ADVERTISEMENTS. THE AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY Is the Oldest and Most Prosperous Life Assurance Society in the Australasian Colonies. Invested Funds - - Over Eleven Millions Sterling. THE AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY is the ONLY Australasian Life Office which DECLARES A BONUS EVERYYEAR. Amount Divided for 1892 - Over Half a Million Sterling. pireci.ors : The HON. SIR J. P. ABBOTT, M.L.A., Chairman. JAMES R. HILL, EsQ., Deputy-Chairman. J. T. WALKER, ESQ. I THO'M'AS LITTLEJOHN, ESQ. R. J. KING, EsQ. A. W. MEEKS, EsQ. BENJAMIN SHORT, ESQ. General anagrr anb tctuarp RICHARD TEECE, F I.A., F.F.A. etretax ROBERT B. CAMERON. HADOFFICE. 87PITT STREET, SYDNEY. Members may engage in any occupation, and travel all over the world without payment of extra premium, or permission from the Board. ADVERTISEMENTS. IF theaverage . price of the ESTEY ORGANS sold in the last fifty years is $100, and payment had been made in one dollar bills, these bills wouldmake a con- tinuous band of money reaching a distance of 2,485 miles. WeHe PALING, 1 &Co.. Uj-"' °i0%1 LIMITED. o M' 0 ESfi. .BBLXSH ED :1853. f SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED PIANOS OF STEINWAY AND SONS 5 JULIUS FEURICH, GORS AND KALLMANN, UEBEL AND LECHLEITER , CARL PCKE.- The "VICTOR" and the "BELLING." PIANOS BY ALL GOOD MAKERS. ESTEY ORGANS. BOOSEY'S BAND INSTRUMENTS. 338 GEORGESTREE T, SYDNEYI Largest Stock of New and Popular Music. VXOLINS , BANJOS, & MANDOLINES. ADVERTISEMENTS. AUSTRALIANAND ITALIAN MARBLE WORKS. EST.A822S23E2 185_ HEAD OFFICE : 302 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. Oldest, Largest, and Most Complete Sculpturing Establishment in Australia. 0o (D s tee __t ,,;,i;:,,,,,,,:' ¢' I's x tj) {i iiiiiliiilililillii ghlllll'1! -- C) cumno ... ?-w 1 .. ...........:..:.... ..... OARSMAN .... ..:. , jliii y o :iii:iiiii ... ; .4.) •1- D , WORL (D (D-+ PATTEN BROTHERS SCULPTORSAND IMPORTERS. ADVtRTISEMENTS. The Leading Fire OfficeinAustralia. I COviIfIl, IIJCIALUNION ASSURAN CE CO.I LIMITED. FI=RFI 6z M.R2NF. CAPITAL ... ... •• • £2,500,000 ACCUMULATED FUNDS •• • £3,306,742 ANNUAL INCOME ... •. £ 1,541,528 HUNTER STREET, SYDNEY. J. ST. VINCENT WELCH, Local Secretary and Underwriter. W.C. PENFOL D & CO., GENERALSTATIONERS, Printers, Lithographers, Engravers, ACCOUNTBOOK MAKERS , ETC., 183 PITT ST., SYDNEY. Importers of Parchments, Legal Stationery, Architects', Artists', and Surveyors' Materials. ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAMS,CR1FFITHS &McLEOD, FAMILY GROCERS AND 542 George Street, OPP. TOWN HALL, SYDNEY. FAMILIESWAITED ON FORORDERS. 0:0 Finest Teas and Best Brands of Butter alwayson hand. G. A . SMITH & SON 9 MANUFACTURERSAND IMPORTERS OF AUtHATS & CAP S, 3Q2 G1-EC>R9rWE STREET, SYDNEY , 3 Doors South of Hunter Street. A DVERTISEMENTS. AUSTRALIANMUTUAL FIRE INSURANCESOCIETY, ESTABLISHED 1872. Oldest Mutual FireOffice in Australia. FIFTEEN DAYS GRACE ALLOWED for renewal of Policies, a protection afforded by no otherFire Insurance Company. HEAD OFFICE head Office: CORNER op PITT AND KING STREETS, SYDNEY. :o: WALTERCHURCH, Manager. PER CENT. BONUS PAID EVERY 20 YEAR SINCE 1878. ADVERTISEMENTS. Box 53, G.P.O. TELEPHONE No. 915. THE BritisliiColonial INSURANCECOMPANY LTD. CAPITAL - £ 250,000. HeadOffice M27 O'CONNELLSt., SYDNEY. BRISBANE OFFICE- 204 QUEENST. London Office-27 Walbrook, London, E.C. DIRECTORS! SYDNEY BURDEKIN, EsQ., CHAIRMAN. WILLIAM TROTTER, EsQ. W. H. MAHONY, EsQ. Fire , Marine & Accident Insurances Effected. Accident Insurance a Speciality. Lowest Rates, Prompt & Liberal Settlements of Claims. FORALL INFORMATION APPLYTO THE OFFICES OFTHE COMPANY. GEORGEH. HOLLAND, GENERAL MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVERPOOLLONDON i GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY . i _/ 4,ees I T 'l ti`ED OTIa FIRE. LIFE. The only Company which has protected the rights of the Assured in all the Colonies. Assets, 1891 - - - - £8,888,113. General and Fire Reserve - - £1,947,000. Total Net Claims Paid, Australasian Colonies - - - - £1,840,000. lCo.cal 1xrrctcrz : HON. HEN$Y MORT, ESQ. I W. C. WATT, ESQ. A. STANGER L EATHES, EsQ. H. E. KATER, EsQ. ReadOffice for Australasia , 62 Pitt Street,Sydney, M. W. S. CLARKE, Res. Secretary. ADVERTISEMENTS. TELEPHONE No. 616. 64 Sussex Street North, Sydney. Rev. Sir, We desire to draw your attention to our Importations of CHURCH WINES as follows :- "VINO-SACRO," The Perfect Altar Wine, which is supplied to the Primate at Lambeth, to Westminster Abbey,, to over 200 English Churches, and also to the Right Rev. the Bishop of Riverina, St. Peter's, St. John's, St. Philip's (Sydney), St. Thomas' (North Shore), St. Jude's (Bowral), and many other Churches in N.S.W TERWIS .-45/- per case of I doz. qts., and 48/- per case of 2 doz. pts. UNFERMENTED WINE, From FRANK WRIGHT, MUNDY & CO., London, is used in Spurgeon's Tabernacle (London), Burton Street Tabernacle, Wesleyan Church Centenary Hall (Sydney), Baptist Church (Parramatta), etc., etc. This Wine is FREE FROM ALCOHOL, and specially prepared to keep after being opened. TERMS .-40/- per doz. qts., and 22/- per doz. pts. ; or 3/6 and 2/- per bottle repectively. If not already being supplied by us with Wine for your Church, we shall be pleased to receive your esteemed orders, which will command prompt and careful attention. We are, Yours faithfully, TURNER & CO. ADVERTISEMENTS. W . E. SM I TH , WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING STATIONER, 'Iefferpre!55ana ifbograpbic PRINTER, ..ccotr Bcc MAKER AND ENGRAVER. CATALOGUES FORWARDED To Bankers, Insurance Companies and all large Consumers on application. BRIDGE STREET, SYDNEY, ALSO AT NEWCASTLE AND LONDON. Zbe 1jurctj pocietv FORTHE DIOCESEOF SYDNEY. bbtczz: THE SECRETARIES, THE CHAPTER HOUSE, BATHURST STREET, SYDNEY. Vankers : THE COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY OF SYDNEY. ! cvn.t lexical $;ccrttarp : THE REVEREND J. D. LANGLEY. jurt. gap $tcretarp : ROBERT HILLS, ESQ. organising ecretarp : THE REVEREND S. S. TOVEY, B.A. THE CHURCH SOCIETY HAS FOR ITS OBJECTS :- 1. -The support in part or wholly of Clergymen, and Catechists who may also act as schoolmasters, including Grants for the payment of passage money and assisting Clergymen or Catechists em- ployed by the Society to reach their destination. 2.-The support in part or wholly of Missionaries to the Aborigines- 3.-TheEndowment ofChurches. 4.-The Erection and Repair of Churches and Parsonages. 5.-To assist poor parishes or Ecclesiastical Districts , in discharging pecuniary obligations imposed upon them or the Clergyman licensed to any such parish or district by Ordinance or resolution of Synod. 6.-To provide Pensions for aged and infirm Clergy. The Committee meets on the first Monday in each Month at 4 p.m. The Sub-Committee of Finance meets on the Wednesday before the 1st day of each Month, at 3.30 p.m. Reports, Leaflets, Collecting Cards, Boxes, and all information can be obtained on application to the Secretaries. DIOCESE OF SYDNEY. DIOCEFrCAN R,F431-X ' Xt'W'v BATHLTRST STREET WEST, ROBERT ATKINS, Registrar. OPEN FROM 9.30 TO 5 EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY, WHEN IT IS CLOSEDAT NOON. BISHOP'S DAYS OF ATTENDANCEAT REGISTRY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, FROM 10.30 A.M. TO 1 P.Df. SPECIALRELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. CHURCH OF ENGLAND SYNOD COMMITTEE. MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE : The Most Rev. the PRIMATE. The Very Rev, the DEAN OF SYDNEY. The Ven. the ARCHDEACON OF CUMBERLAND. The Ven. the ARCHDEACON OF CAMDEN. The Rural Deans (ex officio). The Rev. H. L. JACKSON. The Rev. T. B. TRESS. The Rev. W. A. CHARLTON. His Honor Judge WILKINSON. Mr. G. W. F. ADDISON. Mr. J. T. WILSHIRE. Mr. J. PLUMMER. 14Ir. J. KENT. Mr. F. L. BARKER. Mr. E. W. MOLESWORTH. Mr. C. R. WALSH. Mr. A. BOND. ARTHUR W. PAIN, lion. Secretary, St. John's Parsonage, Darlinghurst. F. W. UTIHER, Hoee. Treasgi re ', 359 George Street. TWELVESALARIED TEACHERS EMPLOYED. Donations and Subscriptions may be sent to the Hon. Sec. or Hon. Treas. SUNDAYSCHOOL, INSTITUTE, DIOCESE OFSYDNEY, President : The Most Reverend the Loan Bisitor or Sraarr. lion. Secretary : Rev. E. C. Brcic, A.K.C., St . Clement's Parsonage , Mosnian's Bay, North Sydney. Icon. Treasurer : Mr. W. M. FAIRLAND, 2 O'Connell Street, Sydney. The Secretary is at any time glad to hear from Clergy de- sirous of receiving a Deputation , and to make arrange- ments for sending the same. I I 1 J. LW41I , b q nn ,1 nnnnnn 111111 10t 1111 I II h I 0 Vli_U ll' U.al I O mall ult Ilan inlt Illlllb ul 1 11111 111I I 111II ST. ANDREW 'S CATHEDRAL , SYDNEY Consecrated. 30th November, 1868). xccc an lircctor, X0r the ` ew of 0iti orb, 1893. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. AV. E. SMITH, BRIDGE STREET , ;SYDNEY. 1893. A DIOCESANDirectory for the Diocese of Sydney was first issued in the year 1881, followed by second and,third issues in 1886 and 1888 respectively. The Standing Committee of the Synod having resolved that if is desirable to publish a Diocesan Directory annually, this may be regarded as the first of a new series, the continuance of which, it may be hoped, nothing will be allowed to interfere with. Com- pared with former Directories it will be noticed that the present issue is much enlarged, that a considerable amount of matter, not strictly Diocesan, has been omitted, and that an effort has been made to supply full information regarding the Church in the Diocese of Sydney. The Editors very much regret that unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances have delayed the date of publication. They confidently hope that in future the Directory will be ready in January in each year, and that preliminary difficulties having been surmounted, the Diocesan Directory will each year occupy its proper position in the organisation of the Diocese. The book will, the Editors firmly believe, prove very useful to the Clergy, Churchwardens, Trustees and other officials, while it will be scarcely less useful, and will certainly supply interesting information, to the members of the Church in general. The Editors desire to express their acknowledgments to the Rev. H. L. Jackson for his interesting sketch of the Diocesan Theological Library, and to Mr.
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