: y M '/ <'• •- Avirafs Dally Net Preds Rna Bhr The Week Ended Mtwch » , 1W7 . ,.aoudy:,ia^: ‘W a chance of drtede, lo # , mostly cloodF and 15,113 morrow, hlgli 4B-S0. Manch6$ter~—A City o f yHlage Charm • VOI^ LXXXVI, NO. 149 (TWteNTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.* MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1967 (Olaaeified Advertlslhe on Page 17) pRicie s e Vb n ejE^rfi reme ^ ' \' „v /> : ‘ p •>< < ^ V V .. ‘/ y.*'! 'Oi«r« c f *, Huge Railroad Wants Check i * I ItMtiM' Mmw V B it ^ , FU m f. HM M IT f m A On F ate of ilU pl M m t m i rmcu eouTM or— Small Lines knUod Donubo DOW prooporlnc kDd west. 'JouF> WASHINGTON (AP)— VieiM DboAFd •Ian passencer Tbe Suprenje Court held up I BalKans and tbe merfirer of tbe Penbsyl- ■ah Iron Cur- Sechoalovaklan vania and New York Cen­ I riser Just be> tral railrbAds today. Fewsi 8yeHS( Justice Tom C. Clark, an­ nouncing the li-4 deoialcn, said larDrht the merger should be delayed D iary" '4S. until the Interstate Commerce Icotplon" *87. }(a ra Cor< Commission determines the fate Hundreds of people stood around New York’s Cen­ a protest-and no planned program. Tha most no­ of smaller railroads. Hits tral Park yesterday — i not doin^ anything, just U). Bette Davis ticeable activity was a spasmodic “ring-around-the- Clarit made It clear the court ;M Show (0> standin’ around. It was p^rt of a huge "be-in,” not rosie." (AP Photofax) r Carson was not paulng on the validity m TV • of the merger, the biggest cor­ I Adam " d the Meviea porate union in the history of la lallKOSi, American business. ik BepoH, Siga State News College Revelers Too Late! Justice Clark noted that the Beats of fieas- bankrupt New Haven Railroad, I ■ rsree Rellateas ONEONTA, N.Y. (AP) — the sixth largest In the North­ on <0) Three-year-Old WlUie Cor­ Fred Zelleir east and the largest in New Uher. Heawat Ilea on nell excitedly urged his England, would be controlled by End Holiday Fling sleepy mother to come see Freed After the merged company. the Easter bunny early yes­ The IOC had ordered the SHOW NEW YORK (A P ) — Youth leaving some beaches strewn terday. ^emisylvania and the Central to bad its fling over the with beer cans and other debris. Mrs. Cornell arrived too Nine Months absorb the New Haven when tar in a one* 'Easter weekend, mainly at sev­ At Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the late. The bunny she had S on May 14. they merged. Details of the ab- eral East and Gulf 0>ast re­ bulk of 30,000 college boys and been'awakened to see al­ SOMERS (AP) — Fred >aar: A. Fun- sor^lon are being worked on by torts, to climax their holiday girls began a mass exodus to ready had eaten the cro­ Zeller, fromer stote comp­ the commission. The carrier % I on th« Way cuses she was growing near vacations. But it wasn’t all riot­ various campuses. There were troller and onetime Repub­ had a ^ ed early actiem by the II take a bu- the house. | ing, and arrests as the mod set BOO in the young army of revel­ l i c s candidate for gover­ Sopremd Court on the Petm- I (Urn capitaL Staged a West Oqast “ Lovc-In" ers arrested for drunkenness, include rare nor of Connecticut has Cavtralunerger itself. and a Manhattan -‘Be-In.” , rowdyism, loitering and Inter­ Delay hiad been requested by ae Hollywooil Police heaved sighs of relief fering with police activities been released after serving (AP PhofafaxT aar appeared Trawler Saved Sunday as more than 40,000 col­ from ’Hiursday through Sunday. nine months in prison for raiir^ds. Split Tanker Pours Mote OH Toward Beaches igr Happened legians headed back to classes. Early Sunday, 10 youths were embezzling |28,000 from the W hite By Cargo Sluft, The inoposed |6-billion merg­ Huge seas during tbe night wrenched the giant American tanker, Torrey Can­ arrested by Fort Lauderdale bis cburcb. er had been under study and police after they pelted oncers Zeller, a 67-year-<dd resident yon in two and left it at this 40-degree angle today. The split c a u s^ more at 4 Men Missing dlBOUWHdn by the Interstate its cargo of heavy oil to spill toward the beaches of"southwest England. A fleet with firecrackers. A van taking of Stonington, walked out of ihe OonUilepcs ; Commission for state prison last Monday it wiu them to'Jail burst into fbunes some 10 years. It approved the 'o f tugs is spraying detergent on the oil trying to sink it. Britons call the float­ NFO Pickets 7HORSHAVN, Faroe Islands learned today. The state pardls but the driver quickly opened deal last A ^ ^ , saying the ing oil slick "the greatest peacetime disaster to hit the W est Country.” (AP) — In a risky theneuver, board arxl the prison r e fill to the door and averted serious meiger ooidd "fall ^part” by h h T w b ^ e a ^ into Show Up at injury. (May. kt SI t , * r r The visiting''^ung people at tbs Mssles to shift cargo by h an d -ead ^ ‘Ihe' thrto smaller raiiroedF' Easter PUsrims Shiver " ' 3aioon" Nadia Daytona Beach, Ela., found that <« «8ast^today (pTragliig hose future is involved in the ' .... .'.■■n’ e' ' ' ' ' - ^ ilmOre. An un- Dairy Plants tobleman ends Attanttc stonn, .But four delay are the Brle-Lhckawanna. IT fo r his eoua> mrrriartrt tviw “WO rolsterhig With a ban on men who left the sMn In d «* to r y f pModed gmltjr H , - 'Are AGLudeon ahd.tha beer^lrinwng^ to Ifie heach.‘ torb e rnUt.were ^ r X r ^ “ mlailiw. ^ to pfa-sier tanner pickete appeared outside ttOETl tnH BAptlNt GuOK^dl le" ‘Sd-Straago be included in a niajor rail sys­ ird a renerada some■ome dairydai ptants today as the J”*® **^^®*’ of Stonington Borough. Be had Interest in Jblnis^s* tem, saying they Could not aur- ter, bouno tor National FarmersFanmns OrganisationOrsMdsatlon and headed for Thor- served as treasurer of tbe > Wayne, Lana strove to dramatise its 25-sbaito the roUlcldng activities of some shavn under her own power, vivk^As independent carriers. limter, JanyM 10,000 college atudents, accompanied'by a West German church fo r numy years. effort to raise producers’ prices He was releasto from prison The Justice Department bad adge a t y " TS- “ It seems to have taken "the trawler, the Danlto naval cop- by -wRhholdiiig mUk from the after nine months, when he be­ asked (bat the merger be de­ m arket cool out of them," a Biloxi mand said. She had sent /mt layed until toe three,' refe-red to lek . BepoH —' ' policeman said. * distress signals Sunday night came eligible for parole on bis Indianapolis processing plants by D.S. Solicitor General Thur- WASHINGTON (AP) —Oill- dren and their parents, ’The parentiy expected the White Before the rain, however, after she began to Hat in heavy sentence of one to tl&ee years. were targets of some NFO 86 good Marshall . as "Httle or- dren romped on 'the White chances looked slim. House to provide the eggs, came youths I had been arrested, on seas. Flsree Bellchnis members. Similar picketing oc­ imans,” get a home. House lawn today as the fir s t . The Johnsons have not re- empty handed. M f (C> such charges as disorderly con- Despite the high seas the crew Weather —Mo- curred In other cities. NEW (A w "- A 88- CtoA seld the ootirt had given «>ntoiued the traditional vealed when they would return First waiting to enter the duct, destroying property, decided to risk opening Uiei Uoa —Sira OK But demonstrations appeared year-oM womto pleaded guilty wdght to IOC estimates that it Monday egg-roUl^. to the Whke Bouse from their Whke^ Hbuse ground's was drunken driving, interfering hatches and undertake the task Ineffective except in- Tennessee today in U.8. District Court to can conclude' ' in “a relatively Rnt seemed less i«t.interest weekend at the presidential re- George Destefano and Ms fami- AOK with highway traffic and inde- of shifting the salt cargo to put where members of the Team­ embezzlement of about $ short time” its proceedings in egg rolHng than in whettier treat at Camp David. ly of CSark, N. J. !>)—SebaaUaa ctot exposure. ' ' tbe trawler on . even keel. Di­ 100,000 sters Union, refusing to tsuck from the OonnectMut NationM regard to inclusion of the three P^erident and Mre. J^ten By mid morning nearly 8,800 gir. and Mrs. Destefano and ' FamU)rA<-; Police Chief- Louis Rosetti recting the (operation was the dairy products, shut off the flow Bank in- Bridgeport^ , would return, from Capip David, ohUdren and adults had been their 11-year-old son Qearm deer trouble, said, " It ’s a mess. They’ve been toawler’s captain, Ludvig (See Page Bight) ■'"inMd., time to greet the chll- admitied to the south lawn at j_ waked more thtn no of milk to homes and stores 'n 'toeaking windshields of cars, The plea ' was -Wered by in the April Ryggstein, 88 the White Htouse. G i^ d s keep- nriAutes before White House ; his abeenhe much of the state. tearing up lawn dialrs, and Theresa piGinriamo, an ha- A Danirit .navy spokesman slstant branch m anner of the era had already, installed pro- guards opened the gates; to nily factotum NF9 picketing was reported tearing down piers to bulid bon- sal4 the maneuver had succeed- bwk.
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