Cheminova A/S P.O. Box 9 Tel. +45 9690 9690 [email protected] DK-7620 Lemvig Fax. +45 9690 9691 www.cheminova.com HELPING YOU GROW Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011 2 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011 Contents 3 Introduction 18 The impact of climate Appendixes: changes on Cheminova’s 4 About the report business 30 Action plan 5 Openness and dialogue 19 Biological diversity 32 Management statement 6 Fulfilling CSR targets for 20 Profile of Cheminova’s sub- 33 Assurance statement 2011 sidiary in China 34 GRI reporting 2011 8 CSR targets for 2012 and 22 Sales and product steward- beyond ship for plant protection 38 UN Global Compact products 9 Cheminova’s business area 40 Glossary 24 Production 10 Village projects in India 42 Special references 26 REACH - New EU chemicals 13 Banana project in Brazil regulation 14 Biology determines the 27 Supplier management products of the future 28 Human Resources 16 Registration of chemical plant protection products is based on science Front page picture: Harvesting rice in Thailand. Date of issue: March 14, 2012. The report is a translation of the Danish original edition. Contact: Lars-Erik Kruse Pedersen ([email protected]) Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011 3 Introduction ”We have reached many important goals and initiated significant acti- vities. We are now working on set- ting new long-term goals. The tar- gets will ensure that Cheminova’s mission continually is translated into higher food production through more efficient, safe and environ- mentally friendly plant protection.” Kurt Pedersen Kaalund Helping you grow - Chemistry with care The CSR Report for 2011 is in full our annual reporting In order to better visualize how Cheminova’s mission is required of members of the Global Compact. This report reflected in a long-term CSR perspective, we will during 2012 describes our progress towards implementing the principles elaborate on the target “Helping you grow - Chemistry with of the UN Global Compact and consequently Cheminova’s care”. contribution to the elimination of hunger and poverty, which is We will through our product range contribute to increase a key objective of the UN Millennium Development Goals. food supplies, reduce exposure to chemical products and use In this year’s report we have among other articles chosen fewer resources to produce products. We will therefore in- to convey the impression of how our company in China is creasingly address and make transparent our initiatives related involved in CSR work, as well as an article describing the pro- to one of the world society’s biggest challenges which is to cedure for approving the industry’s products. These approvals feed the earth’s growing population. The idea is to develop an are based on a scientific basis with ever increasing demands index that can actually measure and illustrate the momentum that contribute to reduce the risk of using plant protection on this and other goals, like we do on our other strategic and products. financial goals. Already in this report we present an article on Our many stakeholders have in 2011 shown great interest in how we develop new products in regard to “Helping you grow our work on CSR and the dilemmas and challenges associated - Chemistry with care”. with it. The dialogue has given us valuable input and inspira- A recurring theme in previous CSR reports has been the tion to our efforts on this part of our business. implementation of Cheminova’s ambitious plan to phase out It is my colleagues’ and my wish that this report will be the most toxic products, known as WHO class I, in developing well received and will create a basis for a continued positive countries. dialogue on CSR. We are the first company in the industry that has completed such an ambitious phase-out plan and have subsequently been able to focus on new tasks. Among these are our village projects which in line with our mission aims at demonstrating Kurt Pedersen Kaalund that living conditions for common people in rural areas can President & CEO be improved with modern agricultural techniques and proper Cheminova A/S product use. 4 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011 About the report This report provides a status on Chemi- nova’s work within the area of Cor- porate Social Responsibility (CSR) in 2011 and thereby fulfils the reporting requirements set out in Section 99a of the Danish Financial Statements Act (Årsregnskabsloven) in accordance with the exception in paragraph 7. The CSR report provides information about Cheminova A/S, all subsidiaries and joint venture companies with an ownership of more than 50%. The target audience of this report are employees, future em- ployees, the authorities, shareholders, customers and suppliers as well as any individuals and organisations who may have an interest in Cheminova. It is our wish that the report with its detailed articles on specific activities Exchange of experience with an Indian subcontractor. from 2011 will provide the reader with insight and understanding of the scope reporting on our CSR activities within a Dilemmas and shared responsi- of our CSR work, and how these ac- number of important areas. bility tivities are an integrated part of the day The inspiration for selecting the It is Cheminova’s mission to contribute to day business of the company. specific issues addressed in the present to the world’s food supply. Efficient agri- report is based on input and feedback culture is one of the prerequisites for Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) from the stakeholders which have achieving the UN goal ‘End poverty 2015 and Global Compact shown an interest in Cheminova’s CSR – The Millennium Development Goals’, The specific reporting on GRI indicators activities throughout the year. which among other things are about is undertaken at level B and provides a reducing hunger, poverty, child mortality systematic overview of our activities. Content of the report and improving public health. Neverthe- Furthermore, the report provides an up- The report includes facts and short sec- less, Cheminova faces a number of date on our progress under each of the tions on fulfilment of set targets. Fur- dilemmas as a supplier of products ten principles of UN’s Global Compact. thermore, the report contains detailed to societies and countries where the These items are reported in separate articles on progress in selected focus conditions are significantly different chapters of the report. areas from 2011 and special initiatives from those in Denmark, in particular with importance to our business area. when it comes to safety and correct Organisation of the CSR work The CSR targets and focus areas for use of the products. As a company we Organisationally, the CSR work is rooted 2012 and onwards are presented as an have a shared responsibility to improve in Cheminova’s top management, the overview table and as a detailed action environmental and working conditions, Global Executive Committee (GEC), with plan for the individual focus areas. especially in connection with our own whom the CSR work has been agreed Additional information on Cheminova’s production in developing countries, and who has approved this report. The CSR activities including progress on but also through supplier control and focus areas are selected by the CSR the 2011 focus areas and the targets product stewardship. The CSR report steering group with the objective of pro- for 2012 is available on our home page describes how we address such issues. viding an enlightening and systematic www.cheminova.com. Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011 5 Openness and Dialogue There was great inte- rest and inquisitive- ness at the open house arrangements in 2011. Cheminova strives to ensure and en- In 2011, three open house days were with Cheminova in promoting product gages in a continued dialogue with its held at the headquarters in Denmark stewardship and environmental respon- neighbours, e.g. the local community, and additionally we had several groups sibility among farmers. Information on authorities, educational institutions and of visitors (students, organisations etc.). the safe use of products – as mentioned politicians, while observing the limita- Altogether more than 1,900 people in the section on product stewardship tions due to stock exchange rules, pro- visited the premises. – is an integrated part of the marketing tection of sensitive personal information Further, several politicians including of products to end-users in developing and general data protection rules etc., ministers have visited our headquarters countries. as well as legislation and competition with the purpose of discussing energy Suppliers are audited with focus on rules impose on openness. We do of taxes and their implication on energy the environment, safety and labour stan- course engage in a continued and open demanding environmental protection dards in accordance with the company’s dialogue with the relevant authorities in facilities. With the purpose of improving Supplier Code of Conduct which forms the countries where we operate. conditions for people and companies in the natural basis for a constructive The company actively strives to keep the local area several items were dis- dialogue. well-informed within the many subject cussed with Danish politicians in 2011 areas of relevance to its operations on local, regional and national level, e.g. Employees as well as current and potential busi- location of a new hospital, pre-hospital In 2011, there has been focus on inte- ness areas. Via open literature as well response and infrastructure/highway. gration of the company values in the as scientific publications and trade Our operation in India has collabo- everyday activities. A range of examples sources, the press, specific searches rated with the Gujarat Pollution Board have been pulled together to illustrate on topics and the internet, information on a seminar on plume reduction.
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