THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. In this issue- Incorporated 1969 under Missouri General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act IRS Exemption Certificate No. 501 (C)(3)-ldentification No. 51-0187715 - Page 4- OFFICERS ACTIVE PA.ST PRESIDENTS Luck. or Providence: Narrow Escapes President Irving w. Anderson on the Lewis and Clark. Expedition David Borlaug Portland, Oregon Robert R. Hunt Box 492 Robert K. Doerk. Jr. Washburn. ND 58577 Cheyenne, Wyoming Page 13- President Elect James R. Fazio Cindy Orlando Moscow. Idaho The Chimneys of Fort Mandan Box 604-FC Robert E. Ganen. Jr. Dayton Duncan Astoria, OR 97 103 Greensboro. North Carolina Vice President H. john Montague Page 19- Barbara Kubik Portland. Oregon Burning Daylight with the Captains 10808 N.E. 27rh Court Clyde G "Sid" Huggins Vancouver. WA 98686 Mandeville. Louisiana Stephanie Ambrose Tubbs Secretary Donald F. Nell Ludd Trozpek Bozeman. Montana Page 24- 4 14 1 Via Padova Clark's Fort Osage journal Claremont, CA 91 71 I James M. Peterson Treasurer Vermillion. Souch Dakota Ann Rogers jerry Garren William P. Sherman 1O1 7 4 Sakura Drive Portland. Oregon Page 29- St. Louis, MO 63128 L. Edwin Wang Desoto Bend National Wildlife Rejuge­ Immediate Past President Minneap-0/is. Minnesota What Happens Wh en We Stop a James M. Peterson Wilbur P. Werner Vermillion, SD 57069 Mesa. tlrizona River's Meandering Executive Director Stuart E. Knapp Dan Botkins Sammye Meadows Bozeman. Montana Page 32- DIRECTORS A.T LARGE News Update Jane Henley Robert Weir Beverly Hinds Larry Epstein Chartouesville. Virgini'a Scranton. Pennsylva nia Sioux City. Iowa Cut Bank. Monrana Page 33- Robert Shactuck Frank Muhly James Holmberg Dark Rain Thom Crass Va/fey. Galifornia Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Louisville. Kentucky Bloomington. lndlana Book Reviews Jane Schmoyer-Weber Page 37- Creal Falls. Montana Chapter News Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. Inc. P.O. Box 3434 • Great Falls. MT 59403 (406) 454·1234 • 1·888-701-3434 • Fax (406) 771-9237 • Website: www.lewisandclark.org MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Membership in the Lewis and Clark Trail /lWftilll tVui8"b,/§,u/ IP 2JU r;/de..i"etl/&i ~~..%u~.1t, $u: &i Heritage Foundation, Inc. is open to the general .t~~ 'fP-1-eaaltil/t r;/de ..i"cw&i tl/ld' fff'tfri ii\Y~ll. .I CtJll.b-ddtiJ/l.f public. Information and an application are avail­ IP ..$t.erti:a .I k:t~~ uml..tfftt1rt-~ll., rueard, &ttebjV/Ztf/tf tVtdJVtYt'r" able by sending a request to: Membership Coor­ vatlil1t r;/de ..i"et//&i r;.m/ fff'iui ~bzce. dinator; Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Founda­ tion, Inc.; P.O. Box 3434; Great Falls, MT 59403. We Proceeded On, the quarterly magazine of the Foundation, is mailed to current members during the months of February, May, August, and November. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES* Regular $ 30.00 We Proceeded On 1s the official publication of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. Inc. Family 40.00 The publication's name is derived from the phrase which appears repeatedly in rh e collective International 40.00 journals of rhe famous expedition. Heritage Club 50.00 Regular-3 Yr. 80.00 E.G. CHUINARD, M.D., FOUNDER ISSN 0275-6706 Explorer Club 100.00 Martin L. Erickson. Ediror Jefferson Club 150.00 1203 28th Street South #82 Great Falls, MT 59405 Discovery Club 500.00 (406) 761-4 706 Expedition Club 1,000.00 [email protected] Leadership Club 5,000.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt Robert C. Carriker. Spokane, WA Editorial Consultant: nonprofit corporation: 501 (c)(3), IRS identification no. 5 1- Robert K. Doerk. Jr .• Cheyenne. WY Vivian A. Paladin 0187715. Individual membership dues are not tax deductible. Robert R. Hunt, Seaule, WA Helena, MT The portion of premium dues over $30 is tax deductible'. 2 WE PROCEEDED ON AUGUST 1999 by David Borlaug This past year has proven to be one that anyone ingly to place a statue of Sacagawea in the Capitol's would feel privileged to be president of the Lewis Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C. For never having and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. been paid for her valuable services, Sacagawea is fi­ Who could ever imagine a more crowning glory nally getting her due, and by extension, all Native for our cause than to have our own Sacagawea grac­ Americans. ing a gold dollar coin .. the first new coin of the mil­ While the year was filled with challenges, many of lennium! The warmth of her gaze, with j ean Baptiste which we met, here are some accomplishments I'd nuzzled against her back, makes this the most dra­ like to highlight for you: matic, most beautiful coin in our nation's history. • Completion of the curriculum guide and its in­ Add to her honors that the State of North Dakota, stant acceptance from educators across the country. in its recent legislative sess ion, voted overwhelm- (President's Message continued on page 4) by Michelle Bussard Lewiston, Idaho; Great Falls, Montana; New Town, Executive Director North Dakota, and Wichita, Kansas. Collectively, well The council's fourth annual national planning over 20 tribes have been represented at the four workshop, "Rivers of Exchange," held in Vancouver, summits to which the sovereign nations encountered Washington- the council's headquarters-was at­ by the Lewis and Clark Expedition were invited to tended by over 300 delegates represetiting 14 fed­ share with the council and many federal agencies eral agencies, 16 tribes, l 2 states, representatives of how they wished to be present, represented and par­ six congressional offices, and countless special inter­ ticipate in the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark est and individual city representatives. An event re- ' Expedition. From this experience, much was markable in and of itself, it was also preceded an d learned. lt is clear that many of the tribes wish to followed by four remarkable tribal gatherings: in (Bicentennial Council column continued on page 4) It is beginning to look a lot li~e Christmas out scending on the White Cliffs area in the coming there for anything and everything related to Lewis years leading up to and through the bicentennial and Clark. Manna is falling from heaven. Lewis and years. They see a major threat to their way of life Clark is a buzz phrase. We are going to have to get and their economic welfare. bigger and more band wagons for all the enthusiasts And, there are the Native Am ericans who want to to get on. It seems like everybody wants a piece of make sure their voices are heard, their side of the the cake. story is told. They are not at all sure this will happen. Well, almost everybody. We also need to be aware that there are more There are some mightily upset ranchers along the people in this country who are unaware of or don't Missouri River in Montana who are less than enthusi­ care about Lewis and Clark and the upcoming bicen- astic about all the people and boats who w ill be de- (Editor's Desk continued on page 4) ON THE COVER-Old Main, on the campus of Western Montana College in Dillon, Montana. WMC will be the site of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. AUGUST 1999 WE PROCEEDED ON 3 -- PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE First and foremost, my ever-pa­ BICENTENNIAL COUNCIL Cont. from p. 3 tient wife Ruth and daughters Cont. from p. 3 Nicolette and Cassandra, who toler­ This remarkable work will prove to ated my regular absences from participate in the bicentennial ex­ be one of our foundation's most en­ home life .. .ei ther off to another perience, but equally strongly w ish during contributions. Our challenge meeting, or at one end of the coun­ to enhance preservation of their now is to partner with enough state try or the other. There are few who cultures and languages, preserve and federal agencies to ensure that would be allowed the freedom I had and protect sacred sites along and near the Lewis and Clark Historical thousands of classrooms across the this past year to serve you, and it is Trail, pursue heritage tourism on country make use of this incredible due to their indulgence. reservations and Indian lands, and resource. Congratulations to Barb Kristie Frieze and Dana Bischke be fully engaged in interpreting the Kubick for heading this effort, and of the North Dakota Lewis and Clark Lewis and Clark story from the Na­ to the National Park Service, for pro­ Foundation shouldered many extra tive American perspective. The dia­ viding funding. burdens this past year, while I logue has just begun and as it • Reprinting of the Gary Moulton tended to national affairs more of­ grows will be increasingly inclu­ Volume One atlas. Your foundation ten than our own statewide con­ sive, challenging and compelling. provided the financial support to en­ cerns. And it was they who readily "Rivers of Exchange" was gener­ courage the University of Nebraska accepted the challenge of hosting_ ously supported by the Association Press to bring back this jewel of car­ our annual meeting, on short notice. of the U.S. Arm y, the City of tography. And, while it is available These two professionals have given Vancouver, State of Washington to the general public, a very limited me more hard work and dedication and National Park Service. These, number of signed, numbered edi­ than anyone should be allowed. and countless "in kind" partners, tions created especially for the foun­ Our long-time friend Dick Will­ including the Oregon Tourism dation are still available.
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