Archives Charge Out- 4/26/2017 'The.-, .. ,~ I, ~ k.-, ~ Return to Archives When Complete /5\,nr;;(, h ..re~.i ,.. w,~ ••• II I Item Requested: 229311 ~ ~.~ II II II II 1111111111 1111 11 Archaves 229311 Item Location \\I II II II I II\ 1\1 II\ \\ I\ I 11 87274F Other# 1381605 PrQJe;t Completion Report - July 16. 1980 R1981-015 46-14 10:Si5B N-249-3-01 Requestor MUNOZ, J::.:sE-MARIA 1 "'v\1 ednec,day Apnl 26. 20H at 10 11 30 AM ( 1111111111 ll 11111111111111 II ::,:: u u, C/l rl E--l u, u rl w ', c:: E--l 0 (ij p:; p:; 0 0 p_, ,-::i p_, w ;:,.. "Q p:; c:: 0 ~ (ij z co z ::c 0 0\ 0 0 ::,:: H rl 0 H u E--l p:; iil N ~ 0\ ,-::i N '°,-j ! § -:::t ~ u H 0 t>, ::c: w u rl E--l •ri ;:l 'O E--l ', p QJ u H µ:i ~ u ', -....... 0 ::,:: p:; f@ u p_, 0 u Lf') µ:i 01 C/l 0\ c:: (ij c:: 31 0 c:: ·ri 0 (){) ·rl (I) rn p:; ·ri > (ij ·rl cJ p ·rl H rn 4-l t>, (ij ~ ::;: .w .c rn oO (I) ,,-f :s: tr: Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Public Authorized Disclosure Public Authorized Disclosure Public Authorized Disclosure Public CAMEROON SECOND AND THIRD HIGHWAY PROJECTS Loan 935 CM/Credit 429 CM and Loan 1515 CM PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER BAS IC DATA SHEET ..••••••..•••..•.•••..••.•••••••••...•• I 11' INTRODUCTION e • 0 • ,0 & .., & 10 & • 0 0 • & 0 0 ••• 0 0 0 • 0 •• 0 & & • & " • & 0 • 0 e • 10 0 & 1 II. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION, PREPARATION AND APPRAISAL..... 4 III. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND COST........................ 8 IV. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT.............................. 16 V. ECONOMIC REEVALUATION •••••••••••..••••.•••.•••• ,....... 18 VI. BANK PERFORMANCE. • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • . • 22 VI I. CONCLUSIONS .••••••••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • . • • 24 TABLES 1. Actual and Expected Project Implementation 2. Actual and Appraisal Estimates of Project Costs 3, Schedule of Disbursements, Second Highway Project 4. Schedule of Disbursements, Third Highway Project 5. Traffic on Project Roads 6. Vehicle Operating Costs 7, Motor Vehicle Registrations 8. Growth of Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption 9. Economic Reevaluation MAP CAM:EROON SECOND AlID '!'HIRD HIGHWAY PROJECTS - L0AN9JS CM/CREDIT 429 CM A.''10 LOAN ~515 CM ?ROJEC'! COHPL!::T"!ON REPOR'l' 3aslc Data Sheet KEY PROJECT DATA ------Atrpraisal E:iroectation------- Ori3inal Supplementary Addition.al Actual or Gurrent Loan/Credit Creait l/ ~ Sstimace Toe.al rt'oject Cose tJSS :-!Ulion): June l97J (Aouraisal Second ?reject) 70, j ?ebt'uat'v !.976 1.Reaupra1.sal Second ?roJectl :.21 Januai:'V :.978 ~Aopraisal 7hird Project.) 25.2 150.S )venun \':::) ai:i: Loan/Credit Amount (:.:S$ Million): 24/24 15 16. 5 79. 5 Jisoursed 24/ 24 15 15 .8 S.:ancelled 1 lleuaid co \oril 30, 1980 J Outstandin~ 2J. Zl 24 15 16. 5 Dace ?hvs ical Conmonents ·:omp le ced: 06/77 12/77 06/79 J6/i9 ?rono:rtion CorC"Oleted '.)y 06/77 Z) 70 P!"oPorcion of Time Over-run Ct) 50 Economic :late of Return (Z) 20 15 20 20 OTHER PROJECT OATA ---------Original ?lan------ ----------Actual-------------- Second Sul)p. Third Second Supp. Third Project: ~ Project Project ~ Project First ~encion in i les or 1'1.mec.able 11/05/71 06/20/74 06/ll/76 Government's Application 06/12/74 Negotiat.ions 01/09/73 Boarct App-roval 07/03/73 03/02/76 01/)1/78 Loan/Credit A~raement. Date 09/26/73 '16/25/76 04/0)/78 Effectiveness Date 12/20/7] 10/05/76 10/17 /78 Closing Dace rtoan/Creait) 12/31/ 79: 06/30/78 06/)0/82 06/30/78 06/30/78 06/)0/82 Sorrower United Re't)ublic of Cameroon Execut.ing Agencies Min. of Econ. Affairs &. ?lanniog filn. of Equi't). & Housing Min. oi Transport Fiscal 'fear of Borrower July l - June 10 follow-on ?roj ect Name fourch Highwav Project Loan/Credit ~!umber 1723 a!/926 CM t.oan/Credit Amount (USS )1.illion) )8/10 Loan/Credit A1sreement Date August 23, 1979 MISSION :)ATA '!:_/ !'hunber ~umber ~Utnber Month/ of of of Sent ':iv ~ ~ ?en9ns ~ Date of RetiOt't Se~~:: t ~~r~=~~0~r:7 ect ?re-oarat.ion 10/72 10/27/72 Appraisal 01/73 12 06/11/7) Sup~rvision RMWA 10/7) 6 02/15/74, U/15/73 II 05/74 1.5 3 07 /23/74 III 11/7< 0.5 0.5 12/10/74 IV 09/75 LS 4. 5 10/13/75 V 12/75 2 01/16/76 VI 06/76 08/17/76 vn 10/76 10/21/76 02/77 04/29/77 IX 05/77 06/09/77 {)4/78 2.5 05/08/78 :u 10/78 LS 11/16/78 XII 02/79 2 04/04/79 XIII :2/79 l 01/11/79 Third "d:i.gnway Project Identification/P-re't)aration ! 11 'JAPHW 12/75 01/20/-;5 ?reparacion II :./ J5/77 06/09/77 Appraisal - 10/77 11/23/77 21 t 10/78 11/16/78 n 02/79 2 04/04/79 :n 12/79 1 01/11/30 IV 03/80 1 04/24/80 06/80 o. 5 07 111/80 COUNTRY !'XC!!ANGE SATES Name of Currencv (Abbreviation) C'!?A F,:-a.ncs t CFAF) Year: Ex.change Rate: 1973 Appraisal Year Average IJSS1 = 230 :97!. Average 240 1975 " 214 1976 :39 1977 246 1978 Appra1aal Yea.r ..l..veraie '.JSS1 = 245 1979 .:12 At the time ::his Credit t..1as oade, one section was removed !:rom the Secono ?reject 'l.nd formed :he main component ;:if r;he :hird ?reject. Z/ -:ncludes Cdrou.a-r'tguil ::oad only, ?lus '3ome additional technical assistance ]J ?roject.s ',,'ere idencified and ;ireua:red under prev1.ous l.enclin~ ooerncions :~_I ?re!larat1on work ·,1as also acne by suoerv:ision ,:nissions VIl! and :x for the Second 1-!i")hwa.v i!to~ect. 2.t Jate .:;f '11ssion · s report~ ':nere was no :lppraisal re-po-rt, :,ut Pres1.dent 's ?.e-oort: ·.tas ~ssuea 'Jl/13/78 July <1, !..980 CAMEROON SECOND AND THIRD HIGHWAY PROJECTS Loan 935 CM/Credit 429 CM and Loan 1515 CM PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT I. INTRODUCTION 1.01 East Cameroon and West Cameroon gained independence in 1960 and 1961 respectively, and united to become a Federal state in October 1961. Part of the task of unifying the country involved the improvement of the transport links between the important population centers of the country, and to stimulate and support the evolving integration of the national economy. A further task was to establish administrative responsibilities and strengthen the institutions responsible for transport. The objective of the Government of Cameroon through its five year development plans and of the Bank Group through its lending program has been to accomplish these tasks. Considerable progress in upgrading the transport system has been made over the past two decades since the country was formed; however, much slower progress has been made in developing its transport institutions. 1.02 Bank Group assistance in carrying out the above tasks has been made available to most parts of the transport sector. 1./ In 1964, the Bank provided a Technical Assistance grant of US$200,000 for feasibility studies of two key roads followed in 1968 by an Engineering Credit of US$600,000 for detailed engineering of these roads. These pre-investment studies led to the preparation of the First Highway Project in 1970 followed by the Second and Third Highway Projects in 1973 and 1978, respectively. A Fourth Highway Project was approved in 1979 and a Fifth is currently under preparation. The Bank Group has also provided funding for four railway projects and two port projects as well as one feeder road project. In all, since 1964, the Bank Group has provided a total of US$226.5 million in loans, credits and grants to Cameroon for the transport sector. 1.03 The improvement of the 2,000 km rail/road Transcameroon route extending from the port of Douala north to the Chad border has been a high priority objective in the development of the country's transport system since the early 1960s. The route not only connects the country's main port and its capital Yaounde to the heavily populated and highly productive northern provinces but provides access to the southwestern part of Chad and serves as a secondary route to CAR. The existing railway from Douala to Yaounde and on to Belabo was extended to Ngaoundere during the early 1970s with the assistance ]:_I See Cameroon Transport Sector Memorandum dated June 6, 1980 - Report No. 3030-CM - for an overall review of the sector. - 2 - of FAC, FED, USAID and EIB. The improvement of the existing road from Ngaoun­ dere to Garoua was a major component in the First Highway Project and the continuation of this road from Garoua to Mora was included in the Second Highway Project and completed in mid 1979 under the Third Highway Project, The remaining section of road from Mora to Kousseri near the Chad border was completed in 1972 with the assistance of KfW. 1.04 Another high priority improvement was the completion of the road linking Douala to Victoria via Tiko and the improvement of the road between Douala and the highly productive and populous hinterland of western Cameroon. The Tiko-Victoria section was completed under the First Highway Project, while reconstruction of most parts of the road from Douala to Bafoussam and Foumban was included in the Second Highway Project.
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