The Sunflower WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY ’WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. 1969 VOL. LXXm NO. 53 i j Social Turmoil at ’Frisco State t : I Lit Violence Fuse, Report Says WASHINGTON— (A PI - Social also to restore student and pu1> and Democratic state legislators, turmoil on the American scene Uc confldence in the educatonal that violence at San Francisco -not the plots of outside agita- process by closely reviewing pol­ ^ t e and other public schools tors-llt the fiise of violent conf­ icies on admissions, curriculum, likely will result in legislation rontation at San Francl^o State stud^t discipline and stud^t par­ placing criminal penalties on cam­ C ollie, a report to the govern­ ticipation in school life. pus conduct deemed unacceptable. ment’ s antiviolence commissi<xi The researchers said they found, asserted today. after Interviews with Republican The staff study, entitled “ Shut It Downl-A College in Crisis,” warned, however, that angry FIR S T M E E T IN Q -T w t I m r t (Patty 0*NaM Dm QraMam) Hava public opinion m ay force that thfir first romantic moating in a teeno from WSU's Summer Theatre school, and most other U.S. uni- Army Drafts 29,500; production of *The Moon is Blue.’ (See Review, page S). versitles to withdraw behind guarded walls unless soluticms to a thorny tangle of national and lo­ cal problems can be forged. Plans 13,000 Cutback Liberal Arts Dean The 172-page r ^ o r t was made for the National Commission on WASHINGTON — (A P) — The world at just above 1.5 million the Causes and Prevention of Vi­ Pentagon announced Monday plans men. olence on the wave of violence td draft 29,500 men In August Defense lofficials also Indicated that swept over the 70-year-old To Speak in Series as well as a decision to allow there would be a savings ofaround college during the past academic Army strength to drop by 13,000 $130 million in the Army budget At the close of his last day highly important to the University. year. partly in connecti(xi with theNl)o)n as a result of the cutback. This as the dean of the Fairmount Col­ His speech w ill cover reflections ” It is misleading to attribut administration’ s plans for with­ is based on a rule of thumb es­ lege of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and projections ccHiceming the LA the causes of violence to outside drawal of troops from Vietnam. timate that it costs about $10,000 Dr. Kelley Soirards will reflect college. agitators,” the study group said. The August draft call com­ annually to keep a man In Viet­ upon his four-year experience as “ TTie causes lie much deeper.” pares with this year’ s monthly nam. a W l^ administrator and nine Dr. Sowards explained that since ” The students see themselves high of 33,700 In February and years as history professor. he is leaving his position as LA as noble people fighting battles the low of 22,300 announced for Ih lrd q>eaker In the Summer dean to return to teaching in the to uplift the nonwhite races and July. All the August Inductees m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lecture Series, Dr. Sowards w ill promote reforms or revolution foil, he felt the Summer Lecture will go into the army. q;>eak on **Harrass of Hereses; that will produce a better way Series was a good opportunity to In announcing the new call, the What’s liside Reflections on University Admini­ of life,” the report said at one review the accomplishments of Pentagon said about 8,000 soldiers Sunflower staff writer Bob Gar­ stration,** at 8 p.m. in the CAC point. *‘Offlclals who slow down the past few years. He also sees who are among the 15,000 Army vey conducts an Interview with Di­ TTieater, or interfere with this process it as an opportunity to view some men about to come out of Viet­ rector of City Parks Tom Allen, hi his speech, Dr. Sowards w ill are branded enemies of the peo­ oif the problems and plans for the nam will not be replaced when who defends the newly inacted re­ condder tfie different aspects of ple.” future of the College and the Uni­ they leave service. strictions on use of City parks. university administration from But the report calls for a rec­ versity. In addition, the Army does not (See page 4.) various viewpoints. He will pro­ ognition by students “ that the lang­ plan to r^ la c e another 5,000 men vide a look at his job as Liberal uage of the gutter, the shock rhe­ Shocker Head Football Coach “ whose terms of service expire Arts dean. '*I*m glad for the chance to toric, a willingness to mount bar­ Ben Wilson signs a junior college due to reduced support require­ Noting that the Liberal Arts speak,*’ said Dr. Sowards, **be- ricades, vandalism and personal All-American quarterback to play ments associated with the lower College is one of the largest col­ cause it will probably be one of assault do not constitute a valid for WSU. (See page 8.) Army strength.” leges at WSU, Dr. Sowards eiqiilain- my last opportunities to address or effective means of getting a ed that he feels the college Is such an audience.** better education.” The manpower reductiw will iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii leave Army strength around the IwkwIHi EolelM California officials are urged Black Panthers Attempt to 'Indoctrinate’ Community which have given our party the national scale. Two of the main everything to educate the Negro were violated because of a traf­ name of fanatics,” he continued. goals listed are: people and keep them o f f the fic violation,” he added. When asked of the strength of By BOB GARVEY ♦“ All black men are to be streets this summer,'' stated Beckwith and a small group of the party pn a national level and followers are presently Involved in exempt from military service;” Beckwith. Staff Writer the number of chapters. Beckwith what he called the “ Black Pan­ ♦“ All black men held in fed­ “ Its the association of the party replied, “ Those who know don’t “ People of the world, unite, ther Indoctrination Program” for eral, state and city prisons and with The Blackstone Rangers'of tell—and those who don’t know and defeat the U.S. focist aggres­ the Negro community as a whole. jails shall be set free.” Chicago and other radical groups —don’t know.” sors and all their running dogs.” To carry this indoctrination pro­ Concerning these goals Beck­ Thus reads the bold foced type gram out, classes In party be­ with explained, “ We want all on the back cover of “ TTie Black liefs, goals and general political black men to be exempt from Panther,,** national publication of education are being held, and some military service because, as the the Black Panther Party) now community action programs are situation exists now, the black tlTlng to establislf a chapter in the being put into existence. man is being used to exploit and Wichita area. The community action programt advocate racism, focism and ca­ con^st of free baby food for needy pitalism and protect the holdings Originally established in Oak­ fomllles, a health center and free of many white capitalist million­ land* Calif., by Huey P. Newton, breakfasts preceding the political aires. We should begin at home minister of defense for the Cen­ eduoatlon classes. Beckwith made in this country to clarify issues tral Committee of the party, the it very clear that the baby food here. Black Panther Party has set up and the food for the free ^reak- the goals to defend thd black com­ fosts were obtained through free­ Tills should be done by freeing the black men who are now Im­ munity in any possible way and will donations and not donations serve the Negro people asawhole. obtained through extortion. prisoned by the racist prisons The party believes that through a and jails. The Black nwa in system o f poHtical education, it “ The Black Panthers are here are victims of over-racism which can bring party beliefs before in Wichita to combat racism and exists at this time. H they were the pe<vla of the black community hate through socialistic programs released and a system were to without use of vlo l^ ce. designed to benefit the black com­ prevail that was not filled with munity,” Beckwith explained. hate, I don’t believe these men Starting the Wichita chapter is Although the party has stated would be in ja il.” Monty Beckwith, a member of the that they have no affiliation with Kansas City, Mo., chapter. For­ the Communist Party, their over­ The Black Panthers here arc merly from Chicago, 111., Beck­ all party structure Is quite simi­ sympathetic to the past action sand with is presently enrolled at V^U lar to that of the Marxist Com­ causes pursued by the Students as a freshman. He believes that munist ideology. The Black Pan­ for a Democratic Society (SR5) a greal deal of racism and hate ther Party is composed of a Cen­ and the Committee for Student now exist In the United States tral Committee which governs the Rights. which is at this time “ touching party on a national basis. It is On a national level there Is a on focism.” then divided into chapters on the coalition between the SD6 and the Black Panther Party. However, “ Racism is very evident In the state level and branches on the at the present time, there are no Wichita area which was derntm- various local levels.
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