PUBLIC 425 E.BROAD ST. ADV. .\ WE5TriELB.il. FREE PARKING THE WESTFIELD LEADER EVERY NIGHT THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Second C3)as8 Postage Paid SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 29 at Westtialil, M. J WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 0?9fi0, TOURSPAY, MARCH 9, 1967 Ev 30 Pages—10 Cents Rescue Squad Plea School Pay Scales, Starts April 6 FiremenToAsk The WestfleW Kescw Squad's annual appeal for •perailitg funds will befia April f, it w Leaves Approved announced t«day. Postponement at the usual March campaign The Board of Education Tuesday night approved three teacher resig- Public Help In date was decided upen becwue nations, the appointments of 10 to the. teaching staff, schedules of financial of the special development find provisions for teachers, office personnel, custodians and maintenance drive of the YMYWCA sched- staff, and a salary guide for nurses; uled for this month. As In tie In addition the board reappointed Bert L. Roeber as custodian of pact, residents will be solicited school monies, William D. Peek as board attorney, and Dr. F. B. Nelson, only by mail. Gutting Hours chief medical inspector. The board also accepted with re- $427,000 Tab FMBA Says Council gret the resignation of Mrs. HiAm- Rolarians To Flip Cogswell, executive secretary in trader the ftaawial provUluni Ignoring Request the office of the Superintendent of M***ved by the Board of Edu- Schools, Mrs. Cogswell's retiremMt eattmi Weaday night teacher* For 42 Hr. Week will become effective Aug. 1. Mr*?- ud all (ckeel pMwmael will re- ceive nisei of approximately • Flapjacks All Day The Westfieid Firemen's Mu- Sara M, Wood, was named to the post, and Mrs. Lillian Haines «u per c*nt for a total coil of M27,- tual Benevolent Association in- appointed senior secretary, The firm I. The money i§ provided for Saturday At WHS dicated today Us intent to appeal of Wright Long & Co. was retained la the 1967-68 budget recently to the public for support in its as auditors. approved by the voters. The new Rotarinns will be Hipping flapjacks as Giuditta and Irving Feimer, pro- effort to obtain the 42-hour work uUry schedule ulm provide! Saturday at WestfielU High School :ram and entertainment. week which was approved by the A number of sabbatical leaves tor health Insurance for all employ- cafeteria to raise $1,500 to support Tickets are available at the Band- voters in an advisory referen- the year 1967-68 were appiovcd in- ee* f*r the first time. Rotary's scholarship foundation. tand, Mode in America, Vance dum in 1964. cluding: Full year, Janet Connelly, Plans for the 12-hour Pancake Day florist, Taylor Hardware, Milady's The FMBA In a statement made senior high, educabie class, and include not only the cooking and ihop, Jane Smith, and may be pur- today charged that Town Council hat Vincent Washville, senior high, guid- PAKTICIPA-VTS-Refcert C. Fuller, adult chairman lor tfae Royal Banquet, and Lynne Roroberg and Woody serving of up to 3,000 hungry guests, hased at the door. ignored the only wage and hour re- ' ance. Miss Connelly will study full lm St. School but continuous entertainment as quest made by the firemen this year, Vrwnte, ywik «*«lnne», examine a leadership certificate, one of which wilt be presented each youth time at the University of Virginia Edward Ewen is general chairman «tte«41«i Oi* banquet Tuesday evening at W ally's. well. Customers will be served from ' the event. a request for a 42-hour work week. and Mr. Washville will attend the Study Planned a a.m. until 6 p.m. In November 1964, the town's vot- NDEA Guidance Institute in either ers gave approval. t» a referendum Florida or California. Club officials today extended a PAPER DRIVE Among the committee asslgn- special invitation to those who will to reduce the firemens' work week Second semester sabbaticals were nents announced Tuesday night at be attending the WHS National Hon- from 56 hoars to 42. This was an ad- B&nqiiet To Highlight A special fund raising paper Charter OK 1 drive sponsored by the senior approved for Melissa Fouratte, so- he Board of Education meeting by or Society's presentation of Leon visory referendum in that It di* not class of Wettfield High School cial studies, Edison Junior High; Gorman Morash, board president, Bibb in an evening of song in the make it mandatory on council to will be conducted April 8. Resi- Ruth Foster, science and biology, 'as that of a new group charged high school auditorium on Saturday In Assembly bring about the change. of Youth dents ore requested to save Roosevelt Junior High; Shirley Kent, with « study of the Elm Street evening, to attend the pancake event Following the approval of th« newspapers and magazines until sixth grade, Linccfisi "-School; Frank School. as a dinner prelude to the Bibb con- measure, and due principally to the Noide, history, Roosevelt, and Elis- First Step The first Boyal Banquet; Recog- Sponsored by the teenage clubs the pickup date to Insure the The committee is headed by Ed- cert. problem of insufficient manpower to of the YMCA and YWCA, the Royal success of this activity. abeth S. Pierce, fourth grade, Lin- In the forenoon, organ music by The Assembly passed and sent to cover necessary assignments with nition of Youth as Leaders, to be coln. mund T, poberts, board vice presi- held in We'stfNfl >llt take place Banquet is designed to recognize and dent, and its purpose will be to rec- Ton* Paulson will be served along he State Senate Monday legislation tlie shorter work week, council neut Tuesday /at;'1/p.in., at Waily's encourage all youth leaders. Open- Special non-cumulative grants of jinmend the best use to be made of with the pancakes, sausage and a )aving the way for a November ret- agreed to make the reduction, but TavenMin4hq-Hiu,< / ing the program will bo an explana- $150 each, payable between.July 1, the facility. ? beverage. While the chef's special •rendutn on the adoption of a spe- over a period of three years, tho Girl Scout Week will remain the same in the after- iial charter for Weslfield, FMBA said. The banquet/ wofch'if s being or- tion of the dinner discussion by 1967 and June 30, 1968, were ap- Under questioning the president ; proved for 63 faculty members and noon, the musical menu will vary Last year, during a period of !»• ganizeidd b tl i ¥; T d HlY Youth Chaiaman Woody Vroorae, to ltd the Elm St. School for several The measure, sponsored by three g tlie i ¥ Teen and Hl-Y be followed by an invouilicirt by Cur- Observance To special, grants cumulative for the with entertainment by the faculty Union County Assemblymen, Frank flation, the firemen were told that Council of the YWCA and YMCA, 'ears has been used to house the members, the Westfieid High School if they did not elect to "freeie" ole Plenty, Y-Teen Council presi- school year 1967-68 were approved overflow enrollment' of Franklin McDermott of WestficW, Henry will bring together the youth of dent. for 51 teachers. stage band, MacNamara's Band, the P. Gavan of Linden and Joseph J. their hours at 51 plus, their wag«» and adjacent commmu- Start Sunday School, • ", Four Saints and the Devil, Road would be frozen. Because trf the eco- tiea who serve m various groups in Dr. S. N. Ewan, former superin- Faculty resignations included Miss Higgins, passed the House, 53-0, after In addition, some cf the school Runners and a strolling tnmbador an oral assist from Mr, Wiggins. nomic conditions that exist today, a leadership capacity. Adult commu- tendent; of schools, will present cer- Sunday will matk (ho beginning of Mary Lou Evans, first grade, Frank- board's administrative and depart- the official observance of Girl Scout lin; Miss Nancy J. Martin, third Ray Barton, who will lead a dinner the FMBA says, tho firemen had nity leaders are sponsoring the teen- tificate! of recognitiogo n to each of the offices are in the Elm St. time "sing a long." The Elizabeth Democrat requested no choice but to acquiesce to the 51 youthyothiNtders' ^ Included-ocldn the prrfp - Week, In; many of the eommunity «r*de, Grant, and Mrs tht) support of his Democratic col- gram mil be greetings and introit - churches this1 sjofccisf JW* WJIl'l* Mtjttftfc fourth One hundred Rotary Club mem- cmgyeR saying. "Give the, town ot hour week. In #|ng », the Hre- „ Sefvlwt.W.aduIt chairman Is tiob- gram m tr MMWas h diicmmtcifl ' ^f fafi^f«tft to pip« tiw*t ansumcd that council WbuM ifr i , i^R^gb ; aiuslcftl l marked by tie "seiTflf 'swa* it' _ . .. 6*MTafi<*(r<ft«tfflt to pnHiaprte in Westfieid the legislation |t" itealre*" ert C' Fuller, executive director or ductions, ff&l the board is planning to «{*rd the Pancake Day, first to be held by tempt to solve the problem of man- the United Fund. Youth chairmen interlude, Cheryl Saiterbrun, Kathy tendance of an entice, troop in tuii- balance of this terra, Include Mi A two-thirds vote was necessary. JuditJl h i>e Prude at fa.&M: Miss MOO.OOO for a new adminislrt'ion the club as a means of providing its power and eventually reduce their are Lynne Romberg and Woody Stephens and Dave., Dillon; discus- farm, »ut girls wfo have-been CM- - "- »—--••- - «*-*- --- » Wrstfleld, under the new charter, hours to the 42 hour figure approved elected with scouting know that there bara J.
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