Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1993-1994 Eastern Progress 9-2-1993 Eastern Progress - 02 Sep 1993 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 02 Sep 1993" (1993). Eastern Progress 1993-1994. Paper 3. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94/3 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1993-1994 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • At i I rji ARTS ACTIVM I" WEEKEND FORECAST THURSDAY: HOT AND UNCOMFORTABLE, Campus politics Steely Dan Cheers to EKU ESPECIALLY FOR WEST ERNFANS Campus Democrats and Republicans Concert wows fans Meet this year's FRIDAY: HMHSM, LOWS 70. STRONG have ideological face off in Cincinnati squad THUNDERSTORMS LIKELY SATURDAY: PARTLY Page Bl Page B3 Page B4 CLOUDY. HIGHS SOS THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 72/No. 3 18 pages September 2,1993 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 ©The Eastern Progress. 1993 FBI crime stats don't match Eastern's By DeVone Holt either the state police computer-linked Public safety officials spotted, on in the number of higher-reported News editor system or the FBI's computer. the FBI list, several instances of one crimes is not a serious problem, but Walker said the university's re- particular crime being reported more when the numbers are incorrect on Crime statistics for the 1992 uni- ported crimes are logged into a com- than once, creating an inflated number lesser-reported crimes, it makes the versity community were released by puter to which the state police's com- of crimes. public safety department look bad. the FBI last week, with numbers that puter connects to. The crimes are then Walker said another likely dis- The other eight crimes statistics don't coincide with the university's compiled by the state police's com- crepancy between their numbers and reported in the brochure have not yet public safety department. puter and sent to the FBI for publish- the FBI's surfaced after learning what been checked against the numbers On Monday, university public of- ing. the FBI considers aggravated assault. reported by the FBI. ficials noiiced upon checking the 1992 The public safety department's fig- Their computer picks up wanton Walker said, in the future, public crime statistics that computer malfunc- ures indicate 12 reported cases of ag- endangcrment and other peuy assaults safety would monitor the crime statis- tions had caused an inaccurate count gravated assault and three robberies as as aggravated assault. We don't," he tics much closer than they have in the in aggravated assaults and robberies. opposed to 17 aggravated assaults and said. "We consider aggravated assault past to belter display accurate figures. Wynn Walker, assistant director five robberies printed in the Public in instances where bodily harm is In reference to the FBI's figures, of public safely, said the discrepancy Safety Information brochure by the done." SEE CRIME PAGE AID in numbers resulted from a glitch in FBI. Walker said small discrepancies Source: FBI/Public Safety Progress/TIM BLUM Police warn PLAY BALL University insurance campus of under new rapist at large company By Joe Castle - offender then fled the area on fooL Editor ■ Richmond rape The victim suffered several minor victim describes injuries, and was treated and released WARNING: The lives of univer- from Panic A. Clay Hospital. sity employees are now in someone her attacker The offender is descri bed as a white else's hands. male 5'8" to 6' tall, of average build, in,a Medical Life Insurance Company By Brett DunlaP«, wearing a dark ski mask and carrying became Eastern's' new life insurance Assistant news, a white bag. Anyone with information carrier yesterday as Kentucky Central's or possibly seeing a person fitting that term as insurer ended following more All campfis residents are advised description in the Lexington Road area than 20 years of working with the that a man wanted by the police for in the early morning hours of the 26th university. sexqaj assault is stilgat targe in the are advised to please contact the Rich- The university's vice president Richmond area. mond Pol ice Department at (606) 623- for business affairs Earl Baldwin said According to a release issued by 9811. the Toledo, Ohio-based Medical the police, on Thursday, Aug. 26, at Wynn Walker, assistant director Life company won the open-bid approximately 4:3r5 a.m., a 31-year- of public safety, said their office was contract over numerous other com- old female resident of Richmond was finally notified yesterday by the city panies. abducted and sexually assaulted in the police in this matter. He said since the "We opened it up for competitive Lexington Road area of Richmond. incident occurred on the outer edge of bids over the summer," Baldwin said. TWwhite male offender, armed with town and there were no university "Several companies were interested, a small blue handgun, forced the jog- students involved he guessed the city and we took several bids." ging victim off the road into a small police didn't feel it was something the The university rebid the contract wooded area. He bound and gagged SEE RAPE PAGE A4 over the summer after deciding to find her, and sexually assaulted her. The a company lo replace the troubled Eastern's football and Kentucky Central. volleyball teams both The state look control of the Ken- had maroon and white tucky corporation last fall after evi- Low registration scrimmages last week In dence of mismanagement and cor- preparation for this ruption in the investment and real season's openers. Brian estate divisions of the company led to Dickerson, above, gets a massive defection by insurance cli- cancels courses covered up by the ents. Eastern defense during However, director of personnel By DeVone Holt Enzic said some of the classes last Thursday's services Dale Lawrcnz said the uni- Naws editor were salvaged after the hiring freeze scrimmage. Natalie versity didn't jump ship because of was lifted, but said others were not as Guerrera, right, returns a Kentucky Central's financial or legal A lack of qualified professors and fortunate. serve for the maroon. problems. registered students has resulted in sev- Now that the university is able to The football season kicks "Their insurance business wasn't eral class cancellations in varied col- fill the once-frozen positions, the new off tonight at 8 p.m. in trouble," Lawrenz said. "That's the leges throughout the university caus- issue becomes filling those positions against Western. The pan that they're still selling for a ing some students prolonged gradua- with qualified professors, he said. volleyball season opens profit." tion dates. "The deans and chairs have been Sunday with Eastern Lawrenz said the idea for Eastern Russell Enzic, vice president for able for the most part to find qualified hosting the Volleyball to switch insurance carriers came from academic affairs and research, said the part-time faculty for these positions Fest. See Sports page Kentucky Central administrators, who lack of professors came as a direct that were frozen, the biggest example B6. brought the proposal to university of- result of the hiring freeze that was where that didn't work was in the ficials over the summer. issued for all university employees on sociology department," Enzic said. "Actually, they approached usand June 16 in preparation for Go v. The sociology department has had asked us if we would bid it (the con- Brereton Jones' budget cut announce- continuing problems in finding quali- tract) out," Lawrenz said. "We said, ment. fied professors to fill the empty posi- 'Sure, no problem.'" The minimum 2 percent budget tions for this semester. The change turned out to be for cut handed down by the governor al- Kimberly Jones, a freshman nurs- the best, Lawrenz said, since acccpt- lowed the university to lift the hiring ing major, felt the end result of one of freeze, but only after an unreported Progress/JIMQUIGGINS number of classes had been canceled. SEE CANCELLATIONS PAGE A10 SEE INSURANCE PAGE A9 WXLT talk shows gain popularity INMIH ■ Western Kentucky comes By Angle Hat ton etry to fit the discussion. the kind of harassing phone calls DJs to Richmond tonight to take Managing editor Callers have been known to spend sometimes get on the Colonels. See Sports up to 45 minutes trying to get through Callers sometimes get out-of-hand for a preview of the game. Countless television talk shows to the call-in shows. when they call in to the shows, too. See Page B6 such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, The shows air after midnight, so This happens more often on "The Geraldo and Rush Limbaugh have the hosts can have more freedom in Wild Side with Kevin and Charlie" captured a huge audience in this coun- choosing what kinds of topics may be than on "Eyes on Campus" because This week's try. People just can't get enough of discussed and in keeping the discus- the wild side comes on Wednesday class pattern: MWF them. sion on an adult level.' nights at midnight when students are The same is true for the campus This semester, on Sunday nights coming home from downtown. versions of these industry giants. from midnight to 2 am., "Eyes on Drunk callers like to call in to curse Accent B1 The campus radio station, WXII, Campus with Jeff Gillem and Rene and sometimes forget the guidelines Activities B5 now airs two talk shows and is prepar- Taylor" will be aired.
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