October 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1373 As a member of the U.S. House of Represent- DAVID DREIER RECEIVES ORDER SCIENCE COMMITTEE COS atives, I take this opportunity to commend and OF THE AZTEC EAGLE AWARD JENNIFER Y. BROWN TO RETIRE congratulate the Cardoza Family on the occa- sion of their 100th Anniversary and Family Re- HON. LAMAR SMITH union which was held at the Bird Ranch in HON. DAVID E. PRICE OF TEXAS Gustine, California on Saturday, September 9, OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2017. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 12, 2017 There is nothing quite like a family reunion. Thursday, October 12, 2017 Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow Family from far and wide gather and share in is Jennifer Young Brown’s last day as Chief of the joy of fellowship, love and precious memo- Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, Staff of the Science, Space, and Technology ries that reunions generate. Therefore, I com- I rise today to honor a friend, former col- Committee. For more than 28 years she has mend and congratulate them and pray that league, and leader in promoting international helped me represent the residents of the 21st they had a wonderful weekend. cooperation and understanding, who was re- District of Texas and, more recently, helped cently recognized by a key U.S. ally for his the Science Committee enact numerous poli- The Cardoza family story begins in the early outstanding work. Last month, David Dreier re- cies that benefit the American people. 20th century. In approximately 1915–1916, ceived the Order of the Aztec Eagle, the high- Jennifer started working in my personal of- Manuel S. Cardoza, an orphan, emigrated est honor bestowed to a foreign national by fice after she graduated from the University of from the island of Terceira, Azores, Portugal. the Government of Mexico. Colorado. She has held five different positions, He was sponsored by his uncle, Joe S. Car- Those of us who served with Representative including Chief of Staff. For several years, she doza, and arrived to the San Joaquin Valley to Dreier know him as the former chairman of the served as COS both in the personal office and work on his dairy farm. Manuel worked for House Rules Committee, as a faithful rep- on the Science Committee, a rare double room, board and a cow as his compensation. resentative of his Southern California district COS, before becoming the full-time Science Their implied agreement was that as soon as for more than three decades, and as a forceful Committee Chief of Staff in 2016. Her talents Manuel had a string (15) of dairy cows he champion of democracy, free trade, and the and skills are many. She has mastered the dif- would go out on his own as a dairy farmer. He rule of law. An avowed ‘‘Reagan Republican,’’ ficult art of multi-tasking—no one does it bet- quickly accomplished his goal. Dreier was instrumental in crafting many of ter. At approximately the same time, Manuel our nation’s trade policies, including the North Jennifer is simply a remarkable woman. She Coelho emigrated from the island of Terceira, American Free Trade Agreement. manages to balance well the demands of hus- band, children, school activities, Science Com- Azores, Portugal. His name has never ap- What some may not realize is that Rep- mittee work, and friends, almost 200 of whom peared on any ship roster, but it is rumored resentative Dreier was also a leader in culti- attended a reception for her yesterday. vating closer ties and cooperation between the that he was a stowaway destined for Stratford, If Jennifer is going to leave us, at least it is United States Congress and its partner legisla- California in the San Joaquin Valley. By 1916, for a worthy cause—Texas Tech University. tures around the world. Through our work on Manuel had earned enough money to send for Over the years Texas Tech has supplied our the House Democracy Partnership (HDP)— his family. Shortly thereafter, his wife, Rose, office with impressive interns and graduates which he served as the founding chairman her daughters Lucy, Lucille, Olympia, and and even made me an honorary alumnus. Margaret, and sons, John and Manuel, and I as chairman during the years of Demo- Jobs may end but friendships continue. Jen- boarded the Cornucopia and sailed for the cratic leadership—we had the opportunity to nifer and her family—husband Barry, son United States. work together to advance the cause of par- Leighton, and daughter Gipson—will always liamentary democracy, traveling widely and be special friends and I know I will continue to Shortly after, Manuel S. Cardoza met Lucy memorably to parliaments from Peru to Paki- Coelho, they married and started a dairy farm see them often. stan and hosting dozens of delegations of vis- So Jennifer, I thank you for all you have in partnership with another Azorean immigrant. iting legislators and staff in Washington. Dur- The two were blessed with three sons and 5 done for me. Her family is fortunate to have ing these engagements, Representative Dreier her as a role model. And I am fortunate to daughters, whose descendants are here was a consummate diplomat and a skilled have had her influence on my life for over 28 today. Through hard work, tenacity and faith, mentor, navigating sometimes-difficult bilateral years. they survived World Wars and the Great De- issues but also the practical questions of how As I’ve learned to say, ‘‘Go Raiders.’’ pression. They always managed to have parliamentary institutions could be more effec- f enough to eat, clothes on their backs, and a tive. Our work together epitomized the maxim roof over their heads. that partisanship should end at the water’s HONORING DIANE GLASSER (1928– 2017) The first generation consisted of dairymen; edge—a spirit that persists today under the a butcher; an HVAC specialist; and a grocer. leadership of current HDP chairman PETER The occupations of the second generation ROSKAM. HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ consist of a wine specialist; a graphic artist; a While our work with HDP focused on less OF FLORIDA doctor; a nurse; a teacher; an accountant; developed democracies, Representative Dreier IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HVAC specialists; a real estate appraiser; a always had a special interest in—and fond- Thursday, October 12, 2017 real estate broker; a politician; a cattleman; an ness for—the parliamentary democracy on our Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, office manager; CEO and a medical supplies southern border, Mexico. He was an active I rise today to honor the memory of Vice specialist. The third generation includes mar- member of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Com- Mayor Diane Glasser of Tamarac, Florida, keting professionals; lawyers; accountants; mission, a leader of the U.S.-Mexico Inter-par- who passed away Tuesday, October 10, 2017 teachers; financial advisors; construction man- liamentary Group, a co-chair of the U.S.-Mex- at the age of 89. ico Congressional Caucus, and a frequent par- agers; a pharmacist; tech professionals; an Diane was a woman who wore many hats in ticipant in congressional delegations to Mex- environmental consultant; and a software engi- her time. She served as a Commissioner and ico. During our work with HDP, he often in- neer. What the next generation will achieve Vice Mayor on the Tamarac City Commission, voked Mexico as an example of democratic only time will tell. as Broward County’s State Committeewoman development and spoke fondly of his work as to the Florida Democratic Party, and as a del- Mr. Speaker it with great pleasure that I an election observer in the country. egate to six consecutive Democratic National congratulate the Cardoza family on the occa- It is fitting that Representative Dreier has Conventions. sion of their 100th anniversary and family re- been acknowledged for this work by receiving In an era when western Broward County union. The Cardoza family truly embodies the the Order of the Aztec Eagle, joining leaders was synonymous with massive developments American dream. They are one of hundreds of such as President Eisenhower, Nelson of senior condos, Diane became a nationally- thousands of Portuguese that came and set- Mandela, and Queen Elizabeth II as well as known political powerhouse through her ability tled in California to seek the opportunities that cultural icons such as Walt Disney, Pla´cido to bring the ward-style organization from her our state has given to immigrants past and im- Domingo, and Bono. I know I speak for many native Brooklyn to the 5,000-unit 55-plus com- migrants present. I ask that you join me in in extending him my warmest congratulation, munity known as Kings Point in Tamarac. wishing them continued success and pros- and in wishing him well in his continued post- If you were a candidate or elected rep- perity. congressional service. resentative planning to set foot in Kings Point, VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12OC8.023 E12OCPT1.
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