E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 No. 122 House of Representatives The House met at 12 noon and was Mr. UNDERWOOD led the Pledge of tegrity, his intelligence, and his distin- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Allegiance as follows: guished public service. In selecting a pore [Mr. HASTINGS of Washington]. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Republican, the President has wisely f United States of America, and to the Repub- determined to act in a bipartisan fash- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ion. He is to be congratulated. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The irony that a Senate controlled TEMPORE f by the same political party as a nomi- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE nee has not even given Governor Weld fore the House the following commu- the courtesy of a public hearing reveals nication from the Speaker: A message from the Senate by Mr. an intolerant aspect of public discourse Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- WASHINGTON, DC, today. It is an embarrassment to the September 15, 1997. nounced that the Senate had passed Republican Party and to the Congress. I hereby designate the Honorable DOC without amendment a concurrent reso- lution of the Senate of the following In addition, the capacity of a single HASTINGS to act as Speaker pro tempore on U.S. Senator to prevent a nomination this day. title: NEWT GINGRICH, from being considered underscores the S. Con. Res. 50. Concurrent resolution con- need for the Senate to reform itself. Speaker of the House of Representatives. demning in the strongest possible terms the f bombing in Jerusalem on September 4, 1997. The Constitution posits within the f Senate the power to confirm. The PRAYER Founding Fathers carefully and pru- The Chaplain, Rev. James David SPECIAL ORDERS dently crafted this provision to ensure Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under that highly qualified persons would oc- er: the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- cupy high offices. They did not devolve Let us pray using words from Psalm 107: uary 7, 1997, and under a previous order this power over nominations by the O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; of the House, the following Members President to an individual Senator. For his steadfast love endures for ever; will be recognized for 5 minutes each. Presidents, under the Constitution, are Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, f provided veto authority over legisla- whom he has redeemed from trouble tion. Individual Senators were never and gathered in from the lands, GOVERNOR WELD DESERVES A provided such authority over nomina- from the east and from the west, HEARING tions. from the north and from the south. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Indeed, the American Revolution was Whoever is wise, let him give heed to these previous order of the House, the gen- premised on the notion that demo- things; tleman from Iowa [Mr. LEACH] is recog- cratic decisionmaking involving insti- Let all consider the steadfast love of the nized for 5 minutes. tutional checks and balances was pref- Lord. Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, while the erable to kingly dictates and capri- f House of Representatives does not have cious decisions of a landed nobility. a role in the process of confirming indi- Governor Weld deserves a hearing. Sen- THE JOURNAL viduals to high-level Government posi- ate procedures demand reform. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tions, I feel compelled to object today Constitution requires respect. Chair has examined the Journal of the to Senate intransigence with regard to Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance last day's proceedings and announces a particular nomination, both because of my time. to the House his approval thereof. of the significance of the nomination Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- itself and because of the reflection it f nal stands approved. casts on Senate procedures and Amer- f ican politics. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER First, with regard to the individual PRO TEMPORE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE involved, it should be stressed that the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the President of the United States has des- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- gentleman from Guam [Mr. ignated a superbly qualified former bers are cautioned not to urge action UNDERWOOD] come forward and lead the Governor to be our Ambassador to or inaction by the Senate during the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mexico. Bill Weld stands out for his in- confirmation process. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7265 H7266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 15, 1997 FOREIGN AIR CARRIER FAMILY been in effect. With prior arrangements ment which will have a continuum. It SUPPORT ACT there could have been greater coordina- will not be a stop-and-start sort of sit- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a tion not only with family members but uation, but it can be a road of steady previous order of the House, the gen- with NTSB officials and military per- improvement. But we cannot do that tleman from Guam [Mr. UNDERWOOD] is sonnel. unless we understand that the window recognized for 5 minutes. I encourage my colleagues to support of opportunity that we have now re- Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, the Foreign Air Carrier Family Assist- quires a comprehensive approach to re- today I will introduce the Foreign Air ance Act. This bipartisan legislation form. It requires that we not vulcanize Carrier Family Support Act which assures us that victims' family mem- our attempts to improve education. would require foreign air carriers to bers of a foreign air carrier accident We understand that it is good to have implement a disaster family assistance will not receive not merely sufficient so much concern at every level; all plan should an accident involving their assistance but efficient assistance as Members of Congress concerned, par- carrier take place on American soil. well. ents concerned, people in general con- As many of my colleagues know, the f cerned about education. That is won- accident involving Korean Air flight derful. COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH It is also a fact of life that everybody 801 has spurred the momentum for this NEEDED IN EDUCATION REFORM legislation. Two hundred and twenty- in America who is an adult considers eight individuals perished from that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under himself to be an expert in education. tragic episode, and countless friends the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- Everybody has their own set of pet and families have been affected by the uary 7, 1997, the gentleman from New theories about how education can be loss of a loved one. York [Mr. OWENS] is recognized for 60 improved and what should be done. Ev- Various civil, military, and Federal minutes as the designee of the minor- erybody has their own theory and ap- personnel were involved in the search ity leader. proach to instructions on how to raise and rescue mission, as well as assisting (Mr. OWENS asked and was given kids and how to handle young people in family members on Guam and those permission to revise and extend his re- the school system. who traveled from South Korea and the marks.) Lots and lots of people are involved continental United States. Under the Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, we are al- in the process, and that is good. We conditions at the time, all personnel ready in the process of debating the should not try to turn that off. It is contributed their time and energy to Labor, Health and Human Services, good that millions and millions of peo- preserving life, searching for remains, and Education appropriation. We have ple care about education and they care and helping families cope with their spent most of last week on that debate, about school reform. and that debate will continue tomor- grief. b 1215 However, I do point out that there row. I think it is very interesting some were many criticisms made on behalf of the kinds of amendments that have I would like to, however, caution of family members regarding the been introduced with respect to using those of us who are in power to under- search and rescue efforts as well as funds from other places to assist var- stand that although it is good to have media involvement in the aftermath of ious programs in education. everybody involved in the process, the Korean Air crash. My legislation While I am all in favor of increased there is a danger that any one person will aim to coordinate the complex funding for education, I did not support who thinks he has the truth can do a procedures associated with an airline amendments that sought to take funds great deal of harm if he also has a lot accident. from Health and Human Services or to of power. Those who are concerned, The foreign air carrier's clear delin- take funds from labor programs, pro- who have a lot of power, who want to eation of responsibilities will clarify grams related to working people. I put their pet theories into practice can and streamline efforts when providing think we should take this opportunity wreck the process, or certainly throw assistance to family members.
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