VEGAN ORGANIC GROWING The Vegan-Organic Network GUIDE Vegan-Organic Information Sheet #4 (60p) Vegan-Organic Growing - The Basics Growing with concern for people, ani- information is needed. mals and the environment Whilst conventional cultivation relies Organic growing involves treating the on synthetic chemicals and animal prod- soil, the growing environment and the ucts, traditional organic production also world environment as a resource to be generally relies on animal wastes and by- preserved for future generations, rather products. Both involve the exploitation than exploited in the short term. Vegan- of living creatures, and the inefficient use organics means doing this without any of land, water and energy resources. Ve- animal products at all, which is not dif- gan-organic methods minimise these ficult when you know how. All soil fertil- drawbacks. Many people who are not ity ultimately depends on plants and min- themselves vegan or vegetarian are com- erals - these do not have to be passed through ing to appreciate that animal-free grow- an animal in order to work. Fertility can ing is the most sustainable system: it is be maintained by plant-based composts, the future of organics. green manures, mulches, chipped branch wood, crop rotations and any other Vegan-organic information sheets are method that is sustainable, ecologically produced on various topics by the Ve- benign and not dependent upon animal gan-Organic Network, and are aimed exploitation. mainly at those with allotments, kitchen The guidelines below do not attempt gardens, or other small growing areas, to be fully comprehensive. The extent to although many of the techniques will also which you adhere to any system really de- apply to larger-scale situations. We wel- pends on you, your conscience and circum- come feedback on this information sheet stances. We can only do our best with our and any other related topics. available time and money. The Vegan- In adopting these methods you will Organic Network has now published certainly not be alone! Various groups comprehensive Stockfree Organic Stan- exist to help out and many are listed be- dards, which are available to commer- low. Whether or not you grow some of cial growers and can also be used as a your own food, it is still possible to sup- reference for home growers. Of course, port the Vegan-Organic Network and no one person or organisation knows ev- other organisations that promote animal- erything about the subject, so constant free growing, and thereby lend a hand in co-operation and updating of ideas and the movement towards a cruelty-free and • 1 • environmentally friendly world. The option of buying animal/cruelty- free food is open to very few of us at the moment, unless we are for- tunate enough to live near one of the small but increasing number of commercial vegan-organic producers. There are one thousand million rea- sons for growing vegan-organically; this being a conservative estimate of the number of sentient creatures killed just in the UK every year to provide food and raw materials for the UK population. Here is some advice about grow- ing your own crops. First of all, remember to use appro- priate protective clothing; some materi- Worms thrive in mulches. als such as limestone, can irritate the eyes Drawing by Christine Mackay and skin, as can some plants such as com- be available at root level and not be bur- frey (not to mention nettles!) ied out of reach. It is advisable to dig heavy clays as Preparing the soil exposure to frost and rain can result in a Most bacterial activity and soil organisms more workable soil, especially over win- live in the top few inches of the soil help- ter. Compaction, caused by standing or ing to create drainage and build up fer- running the wheelbarrow over the soil tility. Constantly digging the soil and when it is too wet, can be avoided by exposing it to erosion from the elements making permanent beds that are never disturbs the natural balance resulting in stood on. These can be timber lined Stéphane Groleau Photograph by as the loss of availability of organic matter raised beds, with soil from the paths be- and the breakdown of soil structure. ing placed on the beds to raise them. When cropping you need to constantly Where soil has been compacted it may replenish soil organic matter levels by the be loosened by forking. addition of plant-based composts, When clearing land for the first time mulches and by using plants grown to it is important to remove all the peren- improve fertility, i.e. green manures. nial weeds such as bind weed, couch With the exception of green manures, grass, ground elder and horsetail whose digging is not necessary for incorporat- roots are deep and wide spreading. Dan- ing materials as organic matter spread on delions, docks and thistles have a long the surface will soon be drawn under by taproot. You remove them through a pro- worm activity and plant nutrients will cess of digging a trench, at spade depths • 2 • across an area. Work backwards by push- stage rather than having to uproot estab- ing the soil continually forward, almost lished weed clumps by hand, which is like a sieving process so that you can in- far more arduous. spect every part of the soil and remove Weeds are not all bad as they contain all the weeds. Do not stand on your new nutrients that have been brought to the soil tilth! Finally when all the weeds are surface level via the roots. Rather than removed rake the soil level with the back waste this valuable resource, annual of the rake to reduce hillocks and weeds (if not seeding!) can be composted mounds. All weeds will re-grow from a and perennials can be chopped and small piece left in the ground so it is added to water to make a liquid feed, as important that you are thorough. outlined below. After digging, the soil will soon be covered by germinating weeds blown in Mulching and no dig or brought in by birds etc. therefore it is Mulching is the method of applying or- important to manage weeds so that they ganic matter to the soil surface, provid- do not outcompete the crop. Weeding is ing a constant supply of material to break a constant task for the vegan-organic down, suppressing weed growth, ensur- grower but it is always easier to hoe small ing more even soil temperature and mois- weeds when they are at the white stringy ture. Mulch can be applied at any time Stéphane Groleau Field-scale mulching at Organic Growers of Durham • 3 • except when the soil is frozen or dry. comfrey for this purpose. When using no dig methods, weed- • Composted garden waste: some infested sites can be cleared by firstly cov- councils now have recycling centres ering with a barrier, e.g. cardboard boxes where garden waste is shredded, (flattened and wetted), newspapers composted, bagged and sold as soil con- (avoiding toxic-coloured inks), carpets or ditioner. coconut matting (only those made from • Compost: all organic material from natural materials such as hessian and cot- your own kitchen and garden or from ton, avoiding synthetic mixtures and local suppliers can be composted (see foam backing). A sufficient quantity of HDRA leaflets); using cooked food is not organic material is then spread over the recommended. barrier. Plants can be planted into holes • Seaweed: use washed-up seaweed, cut into the barrier. Any weeds growing stack and allow rain to wash out salt, or out of the planting holes can be removed buy seaweed meal. by hand. After two years of covering • Chipped branch wood (ramial): the weed-infested land, most perennial weeds shredded growth of young branches and should have died off. leaves; see Information Sheet No 9 for details. Organic material Green Manures Obtaining sufficient organic matter is There are many plants that can be grown often the most difficult aspect of vegan- in order to increase the fertility and hu- organic gardening. These are some po- mus content of the soil. Basically you sow tential sources. • Grass cuttings: rich in nutrients, mix with compost or fork into the top of the soil, or use as a mulch. • Old hay: ideal for mulching, contain- ing a balance of nutrients. It must be at least a year or two old so that no seeds will germinate. • Spent hops: an excellent soil condi- tioner, containing some nitrogen, avail- able from many breweries. • Tree leaves: obtainable from your own trees or from local councils. Be care- Stéphane Groleau ful of street trees, which may contain lit- ter, dog faeces or lead pollution. • Comfrey: leaves can be cut when ready and added to water to make a liq- uid feed (see HDRA leaflet) or applied when wilted; you can grow your own Vegan-organic box scheme • 4 • the seed and allow the plant to grow, then cloudy days. See Information Sheet No cut it down before it flowers. Many gar- 1 for fuller details. deners will then incorporate this into the soil, though it is also possible to either Human Manure let it break down in situ or to remove it Composting human manure properly re- and compost it. A number of green ma- quires great care and skill and should only nure crops, in particular peas, beans, clo- be attempted if you really know what you vers and winter tares will enrich the soil are doing. While many consider with nitrogen as well as providing organic humanure an essential part of a closed matter.
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