7110 CONGRESSIOK.A_L RECORD-SENATE. l\l..1 _Y- 27, l IN THE HoUSE OF REPRESEXTATI'\"ES, immediate prohibition as a war measure; to the Co~mittee on May 21, 1918. the Judiciary. Resol~;ea by the House of Rep1·esentatives (the Se1wte concurring)• By 1\fr. RANDALL: Petition of the ·Young People's Society That the two Houses of Congress assembled in the Ball of-the House of the New First Congregational Church of Chicago for war­ of Representatives on Monday, the 27th day of May, 1918, at 1 o'clock in. the afternoon, for the ptll'pose of receiving such communica­ time prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tion as the President o:f the United States shall be pleased to make t() By 1\!r. REED : Evidence to accompany House bill 12274, to them. increase the pension of John S. Brannon; to the Committee on Mr. MARTIN. I move that the Sennte concur in the resoltl­ Invali<l Pensions. tion just laid before the Senate. By 1\fr. STEELE : Petitions of residents of Pen Argyl an<l of The motion was agreed to. Bethlellem, both in the State of Pennsylvania, for the amend­ ment of the Constitution to prevent polygamy in the United PETITIONS AND MEMORLU.S. States_; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. JONES of Washington. I hR\e a petition from the Woman's Civic Club of Seattle asking for the passage of the Susan B. Antheny amendment submitting the question of suf­ frage to the various States without delay. I ask that it be SENATE. printed in the RECORD. ~fONDAY, ay f17, 1918. There being no objection, the petition "as or<lere<l to be JJJ printed in the RECORD, as follows : ne,-. J. L. Kibler, of the clty of 'Vashington, offered the fol- SEATTLE, WASH., May 11, 1918. Hon. WESLEY L. JoNEs. lowing prayer: . United States Senate. In the plentitude of Thy mercy, 0 Lord, look upon us as we Whereas the women of our country are cordially responding to every call come humbly into Thy presence. Surely we need Thee as never of our Government in its endeavor to conserve materials and have not before. More and more do we realize the tremendous. responsi­ hesitated to add to their duties so as to release all a>ailable man power for the Army and Navy ; and bili.ty which rests upon us in the world conflict; and we tremble Whereas President Wilson believes that to ~rant woman sutrrage at this lest our sins rise up against us and be a reproach to our people. time is a simple matter of justice to patnotic womanhood: Therefore 0 Thou King of Kings, Thou God of mercy, blot out our trans­ be it gressions, and incline Thine ear to our supplications. Help us Resolt·ea by tlle Woman's Oivic Olub of Seattle, Wash., in regulm· ses­ siO?l asse-mbled, That we urgently pray the- United States Senate to pass to cling to Thy hand and to claim Thy power. Keep our motives the Susan B. Anthony amendment submitting the question of suffrage pure, and strengthen our hands for the mighty struggle. Help to the various States without delay, thereby assuring all women that democracy is as surely for them as for their brothers, thus enabling us to seek that wisdom which is from above, and that righteous­ suffragists to give their-undivided attention to war work; n.nd be it ness which. exalteth a nation; and may Thy kingdom come a·nd Resolvecl, That copies of this resolution be sent to President Wil on, over all nations prevail. 'Ve ask it for Christ's sake. Amen. to "Vice President Marshall, ancl to Senators MARTIX, GA.LI.INGER, BonAR, JO::\:ES of Washington, and POIXDEXTER. · Tbe Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and Representing 100,000 women voters. approved. Mrs. ConxELIUS G. Ru:s-n:, 1\!r. Sl\!OOT. 1\Ir. President, I suggest the absence of a Corresponding Secretary. quorum. 1\lr. JO~"ES of Washington presented a petition of McKinley_ Tbe VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. Grange, No. 596, Patrons of Husbandry, of Toppenish, Wash., The Secretary caned the roll, and the following Senators an­ praying for the enactment of legislation to provide for the lea~;~­ swered to their names : ing of Indian reservation lands ouly to persons, citizens, or in­ Bankhead Hardwick Nugent Smith. Ariz. Borah Hitchcock Overman Smith,_Ga. tending citizens of the United States, which .was referred to Calder Johnson, Cal. Page Smitb,Md. the Committee on Indian Affairs. Chami.Jcrlain Johnson, S.Dak. Penrose Smith, Mich. He also presented a memorial of the President of the Spokane Colt Jones, Wash. Phelan Smoot ulberson Kendrick Pittman Sutherland & Eastern Trust Co., of Spokane, 'Vash., and a memorial of the ummin~ Kenyon Poindexter Thomas Tacoma Savings Bank & Trust Co., of Tacoma, Wash., remon­ Curtls King Pomerene Thompson strating against the enactment of legislation granting to national Fall Kirby Ransdell Townsend Fletcht'r Lewis Reed Trammell bank.s ~ucll authority and power that the several States have not Fmnce McCumber Saulsbury Vardaman granted, which were referred to the Committee on Banking nnd Frelinghuyscn McLean · Shafroth Wadsworth Currency. Gallinger McNary Sheppard Walsh Gerrv Martin Sherman Warren He also presented a telegram in the form of a petition ft·om Guioi.1 Myers Shields Wilfley the local branch, Ohio Woman's Christian Temperance Union, ot llaruing Norris Simmons Columbus, Ohio, praying for national prohibition as u wat.· Mr. SUTHERLAND. I wish to announce that my colleague, measure, which was ordered to lie on the table. the senior Senator from West Virginia [Mr. GoFF], is absent Mr. 1\fcLEAN. I have received a large number of telegrams on account of illne~s. containing resolutions fa"\oring the adoption of the Susan B. 1\lr. SffiELDS. I desire to announce that my colleague [Mr. Anthony amendment. They are so numerous that I <lo not feel 1\lcKELLAR] is detained on . official business. I ask that this like asking to ha"\e them -printed in the RECORD, for I believe announcement may stand for the day. that is as unwise as it is unnecessary, but I ask unanimou con­ l\lr. GERRY. I wish to announce that the Senator from sent that one of them be printed in the RECORD, as it is a fair 1\lississippi [Mr. WILLIAMS] is detained by illness in his family. sample of the very large number which I have received. This announcement may stand for the day. There being no objection, one of the telegrams was ordered Mr. KIRBY. I uesire to announce that my colleague, the to be printed in the REconD, as follows : senior Senator from Arkansas [Mr. RoBINSON] is detained on NEW HAVm.·, Coxx., May !1, 1918. official business. I wish also to announce that the senior Sena­ G. P. McLEAN, tor from Kentucky [Mr. JAMEs]' is detained by illness. I ask Senate Office Building, Washington, D. 0.: Whereas there is tremendous increase in the favorable entiment toward that this announcement may stand for the day. woman suffrage in this country and widespread recognition of equal The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty-three Senators ha"\e ans"ered suffrage as a war measure i and to the roll call. There is a quorum present. Whereas the delay and opposition of the Federal suffrage amendment by undemocratic Members in the Senate is creating a country-wide con· MESSAGE FllOM THE HOUSE. demnatlon: Therefore be it ·A me sage from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, Resolved, That we, the political workers of the third congressional district of Connecticut, in a meeting called for this purpose, do hereby it Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the bill protest at the deferrc.>d nction nnu do earnestly request the Senate to (S. 2812) to encourage and promote the mining of coal, phos­ pass the Susan B. Anthony amendment at the earliest possible date, and phate, oil, gas, and sodium on the public domain, with amend­ we also request that this resolution be written into the CONGRESSIOXA.L RECORD. ments, in which it requested the concurrence. of the Senate. IlANNAH D. TOWNSIIEND, Ol!airmalh The message also announced that the House had agreed to GLADYS BRACDON, Secretary. a concurrent resoluti-on ( 45) providing tlJ.at the two Houses of 1\lr. McLEAN presente<l petitions of sundry citizens of the Congress assemble in the Hull of the House of Representatives on State of Connecticut, prnying for the submission of a Federal Monday, the 27th day of May, 1918, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, suffrage amendment to the legislatures of the several States, for the purpose of receiving such communication as the Pre,si­ which were ordered to lie on the table. dent of the Unlted Stntes shall be pleased to make to them, He also presented a petition of the State l\Ie<licnl Society of in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. Connecticut, praying for the enactment of legislation to provide JOL~T liEETING OF THE 'IWO HOUSES. advanced rank for officers of the Medical Corps of the Army, The \ICE PRE IDENT laid before tlle Senate the following which was referred to the Committee on 1\.lilitnry Affail's. concurrent resolution (45) from the llouse of llepresentatiY.es, · Mr. 1-.'ELSON presented petitions of sundry citizens of tile which was read. State of 1\Iinnesota, praying for the submission of n Federal 1918. CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-SENATE. suffr~ge nrnenument to the legislatures of the seyeml States, A bill (S.
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