E1798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 28, 1996 quality services to some of America's most un- bring vital information from Poland to the Al- participate in the construction of an integrated, derserved populations. lies. Later, he directed Radio Free Europe's Democratic Europe.'' Frankly, Mr. Speaker, f Polish Service, and was a voice of hope to Russia's Democratic credentials are not yet millions of his fellow Poles. firmly established. One need look no further TRIBUTE TO THE NOME CULT Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor these two than the killing fields of Chechnya to see the ``TRAIL OF TEARS'' great men, and to celebrate the contributions limits of the Kremlin's commitment to genuine of all Polish-Americans during this very special democracy. Let us not forget that President HON. VIC FAZIO week. Yeltsin signed the decrees, later made public, OF CALIFORNIA f that launched the large-scale Russian military operations which laid waste to Grozny, leveled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES V.F.W. POST 5267 50TH scores of towns and villages, led to the dis- Friday, September 27, 1996 ANNIVERSARY placement of hundreds of thousands of Rus- Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise sian and Chechen civilians, and resulted in today to recognize the 133d anniversary of the HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI tens of thousands of deaths. Nome Cult ``Trail of Tears.'' OF PENNSYLVANIA As Chairman of the Helsinki Commission, I Not long ago, native Americans from Chico IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES am particularly disturbed by Secretary Chris- were forced to relocate across what is now the Friday, September 27, 1996 topher's attempts to gloss over Moscow's Mendocino National Forest to Round Valley. campaign of death and destruction in In September 1863, 461 Indians were Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Chechnya. ``Though their [the Russian peo- marched under guard from Chico to the Nome ple's] struggle is far from complete,'' Chris- Cult Reservation, nearly 100 miles across the (VFW) Post 5267 of Hanover Township, Penn- sylvania. The post is celebrating its 50th anni- topher acknowledged, ``as the 20-month as- Sacramento Valley and rugged north cost sault on Chechnya demonstrated, the Russian ranges. Most of those removed from Chico versary and I am pleased to have been asked to participate in this milestone event. people have rejected a return to the past and were Maidu from the north Sacramento Valley vindicated our confidence in democracy.'' In and adjacent foothills, but members of other On November 5, 1945 thirty veterans return- ing from overseas duty in World War II accept- keeping with the tendency of the Clinton ad- tribes were also relocated. Only 277 Indians ministration to turn a blind eye toward completed the journey to Nome Cult Reserva- ed the invitation of the late Edward Dozyk, a WWI veteran, to formulate initial plans for a Chechnya, the Secretary's remark papers over tion. the Chechnya's negative consequences for Although the path has disappeared, we now V.F.W. post in Hanover Township. Application for a charter was sent to the National Head- democracy in Russia. call this route the Nome Cult Trail. Currently, Instead of heeding the Kremlin's brutality in U.S. Forest Service signs mark the route quarters and the charter was granted in 1946. The first group of officers were founder of Chechnya as a wakeup call of the threat to where the Indians and their military escorts Russia's fledgling democracy, Secretary Chris- camped along the most grueling part of the the post Commander Edward Dozyk, Senior Vice Commander Nelson Gray and Adjutant topher and others in the administration trail in the Mendocino National Forest. seemed content to push the snooze button Today, I wish to acknowledge this tragedy and third year Commander Michael Juls. During the next few years the post spent and roll over while thousands of innocent men, but also to celebrate in full recognition of our time moving from one location to another. In women, and children were killed and those past. While the Nome Cult Trail is a tragic 1967 the post purchased its current home. truly committed to Democratic principles in- chapter in my State's history, it is also a story Mr. Speaker, since its beginning in 1946 the creasingly came under fire for their opposition about the resilience and strength of California post has grown from 30 members to over 700. to Yeltsin's Chechen policy. Indians. It is an important legacy for their de- The post provides valuable community serv- Russia must consolidate democracy, human scendants and for all Californians. ices to the active veterans community in the rights, and rule of law at home, Mr. Speaker, f Wyoming Valley. During its history members before she can ever be considered a credible TRIBUTE TO GEN. WITOLD of the post have participated in over 2100 mili- partner in constructing an integrated, Demo- URBANOWICZ AND JAN NOWAK- tary funerals as well as numerous Veterans cratic Europe, envisioned by Mr. Christopher. JEZIORANSKI Day Celebrations. Welcoming the Russians as full partners in Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor these building a new Europe that is free of tyranny, HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY dedicated men and to join the Hanover Town- division, and war, as the Secretary has done, ship Board of Commissioners and Commis- is premature at best. A fundamentally new re- OF NEW YORK sion President Pat Aregood in proclaiming the lationship with Russia can only be built on a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES week of September 22nd as V.F.W. Post 5267 firm foundation of trust and confidence based Friday, September 27, 1996 week in Hanover. I send my best wishes on on concrete deeds. Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in their 50th anniversary. Secretary Christopher's smug assertion that honor of Polish Heritage Week, and to remind f no power in Europe now poses a threat to any my colleagues of the contributions made to DOSE OF REALISM NEEDED IN other belies the fact that Russian missiles, our society by Polish-Americans. DEALING WITH RUSSIA once targeted at the United States, can be re- First, I would like to pay special tribute to programmed within a matter of minutes. His Gen. Witold Urbanowicz. I was saddened to HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH claim is also easier made in Stuttgart than in hear of his death on August 18, 1996. General places like Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, or for that OF NEW JERSEY Urbanowicz was a true hero to the Allied matter, Kiev. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forces during World War II, serving as a fight- While the United States should continue to er pilot in the Battle of Britain and in China Friday, September 27, 1996 encourage cooperation among countries in the with the Flying Tigers of Gen. Claire L. Chen- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, Baltic region, Mr. Speaker, it is important to nault. For his distinguished service, General earlier this month, in a major policy speech keep in mind that such cooperation cannot Urbanowicz received Poland's highest decora- delivered in Stuttgart, Germany, Secretary of substitute for NATO membership. tion for valor, the Order of Vertuti Militari. He State Christopher presented his vision for the We cannot ignore that historical relationship was also awarded the British Order of Merit future of a ``New Atlantic Community'' and between Russia and her neighbors, many of and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Last year, called for the elaboration of a formal charter whom have understandable concerns for their he received a formal promotion to general in between NATO and Russia as an integral as- sovereignty and independence, given decades the Polish Forces from Polish President Lech pect of the alliance's process of enlargement. of brutal domination and suppression by Mos- Walesa. His brave service will not be forgot- The headstrong determination of the Clinton cow. Such apprehension can only be height- ten. administration to forge ahead with some form ened by the current leadership crisis in the Additionally, I would like to honor Jan of formal partnership between Russia and Kremlin and by the fact that some Russians Nowak-Jezioranski. On September 20, 1996, NATO should give cause for concern. yearn for the recreation of their empire. All the Nowak was awarded the highest civilian honor I am not convinced that such an initiativeÐ while, Russia's neighbors continue to seek in the United States, the Presidential Medal of which is fraught with risksÐis warranted. normal relations with the Russian Federation Freedom. The award honored his service dur- In his address, Secretary Christopher boldly based on mutual respect and sovereign equal- ing World War II, in which he risked his life to proclaimed that ``a Democratic Russia can ity..
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