China Opposition SEE STOBY BELOW Cool tty £p& cool but dewing WEBMLY FINAL ,. % ,• : and cooler tonight and to- ' Red Bonk, Freehold Z" .morrow, Fair Sunday. .Long Branch J (In DeUlU. Put J) EDTHON Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years OL. 93, NO. 99 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 19T0 22 PAGES TEN CENTS Income Tax Is Galled 'Inevitable9' for Jersey By TOM CANNON major source of revenue," has "contributed to Freund also said that to keep up with in- TRENTON (AP) — New Jersey residents can the decline of our cities and the enormous urban flation, state revenues should increase by five look forward sometime in the future to paying problems we face. per cent a year to meet increasing costs. ' a state* income tax, if a coitamittee studying the "Clearly, reliance on the property tax will Rutgers Professor Richard P. McConnick State's taxation policies accepts the advice of the have to be de-emphasized, lest we drive the last traced New Jersey's history of sailing to meet experts. vestiges of conurierce, .industry and population its fiscal needs and said residents "are all but One expert was Dr. William C. Freund, a from our cities," Freund said. unaware of the relatively light total tax burdens member of the state Economic Policy Council, PACE SLOW they bear." who is also vice president and economist for the He said that both property and sales taxes EDUCATION NEEDED New York Stock Exchange. Freund said yester. "fail to keep pace adequately with the growth He said political leaders must educate the day an income tax for New Jersey was "in- in the state's economy." He said they are not public to accept the fact that more revenue was evitable." . elastic and thus do not generate "added revenues needed to solve state problems. • SPOKE AT HEARING proportionate to the rise in state incomes. The people, he said, have responded to such Dr. Frcund spoke before a hearing called by "If I can emphasize one message for this, programs in the past and said; "When they un- a task force oif the state Tax Bolicy Committee, committeee today," Freund said, "it is the im- derstand the tragic consequences of neglect, which is studying the "state's entire tax structure portance, indeed the inevitability, of an income when they are no longer deluded by the canon of and will recommend changes to Gov. William tax if our state is to have any hope in the 'no new taxes,' when they see that the course T. CahiH. future of matching revenues to our most urgent we have been pursuing is self-destructive, our Dr. Freund said that the property tax, "a fiscal needs." . citizens must respond." U.S. Softens China Stand UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Many delegates were in- tions. In the past, the United — membership on the Secur. the assembly will probably (AP) — Diplomats speculated trigued by Phjllips' use of States has described the fty Cp-"cil. vote a seat for the Commu- today whether tihe mildness of such expressions as "ex. China question as a contest Ph—«s' speech heightened nists In a few years, and Hie the U.S. delegate's speech In pelling a member"'and "ad. between two rival regimes for speculation that after the re- Americans now are going to the U.N. General Assembly nutting Che People's Republic the one U.N. seat allotted to cent decisions of Canada and concentrate on trying to keep of China," as though he was China, a seat that carries the Nationalists in the organi. indicates an easing of Ameri. Italy to recognize Peking, the : can opposition to a seat for referring to two separate na- with )t permanent — or veto U S government has decided nation also. ' • Communist China. UAW PRESIDENT SPEAKS — United Auto Worker's President Leonard Wood- Ambassador Christopher cock (sitting) and UAW-©M Debt, director Irving Bluestone , (hand on table) Phillips in his. speech yester. day gave far more emphasis •peak to newsmen after meeting of tha UAW's 350-mamber &A Council at De- to opposing tine expulsion of troit's Veteran's Memorial Building Thursday, where ™pr(M8ritatives of the 394,- Nationalist China trom the . 000 *+rMdnj General jMottws workers; raeortimeindBd ratification.<>f.a proposed new world forum than he did to eomtracit. Delegates make exit on Jeff,,. \ IA.P..WirephoW) ..-opposing,.the admission "of . teking. Phillips did not make the usual U.S. charge that Red China is not fit to hold U.N. Viet Casualty Lull Ends membership because it has a record of aggression. He SAIGON <AP) - A mine 'It was the third major American casualties' in In, pointed out instead that the explosion and an attack on a booby-trap or mine casualty dochina to mines, booby traps •United States has been trying, patrol killed seven American the division has suffered in and grenades. ' ' • to improve its relations with soldiers' and wounded 10 in Quang Ngai this year. On Oct. North Vietnamese troops Peking. Vietnam yesterday after two 13, a booby trap rigged from ; ripped into a patrol of the Phillips made clear, how- days of n6^ U.S. combat an American artillery shell 25th Infantry , Division • 33 deaths, the U.S.' Command killed nine Americans and ever, that his government miles northeast of Saigon, thinks it would be unwise and announced. wounded- five. On April 15 a triggering sporadic fighting similarly rigged 155mm shell unjust to make expulsion of The mine blew up a 2^-ton from morning until nightfall. the Nationalists the price for truck.of the /tanerical pivi- killed 14 Americans and Headquarters said one Ameri- SILENT TRIBUTE — Parisians march up tho Champs Elysees to tho Arch of Triumph to pay a «il«nt tribute to wounded 32. • '• ' seating the Communists. This sion on a road in Quang Ngai'• can infantryman was killed is the procedure called for in General de Gaulle whose burial took place in Colombo y-les-deux Egliises. • : ' (AP Wirophohj) Province,' killing six soldiers Military officials attribute and six were wounded. Ene- the resolution 18 supporters of and wounding four. ' rat least 15 per cent of the my losses were not known. Peking have submitted to the North. Vietnamese troops assembly. also ambushed a six-truck South Vietnamese convoy on ^Debate on the resolution, ACLU Asks Wider Vietnam's main, north-south continues today. Agnew Backs GOP Tactics highway 30 miles northwest of Saigon, killing two South Viet- namese soldiers and wound- WASHINGTON., <AP)' - satisfied" the party and the President Nixon, who sent a he can't understand why it Is Police Suit Listing ing one. It was the first am- Weintraub Vice President Spiro T. Ag- administration "did &11 that telegram from Paris saying so often termed rhetoric in- bush on the highway in sev- new has dismissed as hog. could have'been fairly ex- Agnew has brought "new stead of plain speech •— had pected." : force and distinction to the (he flavor of. the campaign, NEWARK (AP) — The New on behalf'of a Jersey City eral months. wash complaints about Re. vice presidency; Martha Mit- about it, as he discounted/ Jersey chapter of the Ameri- resident. The suit was filed in Hit on Car publican campaign tactics. If The dinner, billed as a sa- Quiet Reported chell, who introduced him, can Civil Liberties Union the Chancery Division of Su- any mistake was made, he lute to the vide president, was "the whimpering from .our In-i In Cambodia, spokesmen talking into a fake red tele- (ACUL) yesterday asked perior Court in the spring of said, it was "that- we under- sponsored by the District of veterate critics," and • said'. reported the government's en- phone; some 30 mehibers of Superior Court to expand the 1969. Judge Robert Matthews sold ourmessage.'" Columbia and the national that in the face of off-year tire northern front was quiet Insurance House and Senate who signed list of plaintiffs and defend- ruled the dossier system un- Agnew, the'administration's Republican committees. More election history, "on Nov.'8,! after heavy attacks earlier a scroll attesting to his prow- ants, in the ACLU suit aginst constitutional at' the time, TRENTON (AP) — The than 1,100 tickets were sold, we Republicans made politi- this week. No significant act- hard-line campaigner, said ess as a campaigner. the state police dossier sys- Nagler said, but was over- aboard Trustees of the New at $150 a plate. cal water run straight up- ion-was reported elsewhere in .Republicans nationally ac- Agnew's speech — he said tem. '. Jersey Bar. Association k yes- Among Agnew's saluters: hill. .." ; ruled by- the State Supreme Cambodia, etiher. complished their overriding Stephen Nagler, ACLU pres- Court. • terday challenged Chief Jus- and critical election-day ob- A large,part of a 4,O00-man tice Joseph Weintraub's ad- ident, said Frank Askin, an 'Chilling Effect' jective by improving Presi- attorney and Rutgers Law South Vietnamese task force vocacy of a "no-fault" auto Matthews said in his decl- dent Nixon's "precarious po- School professor attached to, which joined the Cambodian insurance plan for New Jer- sition in the United States the group, asked the court to ' sion that the dossier system troops, in a sweep 20 miles sey and said judges should re- "produced a chilling effect on Senate." Brookdale Joins Move include in the suit private in- south of Phnom Penh were frain from commenting on dividuals and police chiefs the exercise of individual headed home today, a Spokes, such matters. • . ' • The vice president, talking from Linden, Camden, New- rights, and deterred people man said.
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