Your local source since 1951. One Dollar I Thursday, September 20, 2012 I Ai PO(TS companyI A CHICAGO SUN-TIMES publication I nilesheraldspectator.com Nues Herald-Spectator Go Rob Lorenz makes direc- tonal debut [Page 46] Food German pizza highlights Oktoberfest fare [Page 39] William, the Nues Teen Center coordinator, keeps an eye on the back-to-school dance in Nues on Read the full story [Page 5] IMarkSaturday. The center opened in September 2007 and is a place for teens to go after school for a variety of activities, such as to play video games, hang out with friends or get help with their homework. I JON DURR- For Sun-Times Media Mommy Taking the scramble out of Building community dinner [Page 38] Nues Herald-Spectator I © 2012 Sun-Times Media I All Rights Reserved 2,9 1 ii!L IFASHON EVEN VTT COMING 10.11.12 2 WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 20 2012 NIL lellilcil Where Home Begins1 You RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Hiles $549,900 Morton Grove $499,000 Hites $399,000 Mortnn Grove $319,000 Morton Grove $350,000 Jack Mccabe 847-384-7571 Maria Schneider 847-724-5800 8213DLEANDER.INFO Maria Schreir 847-724-5800 Barbel Servos/Elaine Kaplan 847-673-0060 9O306abem irloSharon Dolerai847-361-0884 0k-t ' 4.' Open Sun 1-3 ' 'r ' ii \ ' Morton Grove $339000 Hiles $320,000 Morton Grove $308,000 8622 N Ozark Ave, Hiles $299,900 Gina Jordanov 847-809-2856 8346t.lWaÑo 0oaMekØ 847-866-82Çx37 lsiia Fomina 847-384-7565 Harnet Servos/Elaine Kaplan 847-673-0060 Morton Grove $299900 Morton Grove $299,900 Morton Grove $299,000 Morton Grove $295,000 583/Monroe irloElena Maliavina 847-494-8425 5901Gapuna intoCalviace Kiurnaruk M/-866-8200 Skokie $1,000,000 i 51 Kedvalejillu Fa uc Zw 847-384-7517 Tadeusz Szmelter 847-384-7562 OpenSunl-3 OenSunl-4 4952 Dobson St, Skokie $285,000 4501 Jarvis Ave, Lincoinwood$270,000 Morton Grove $269,000 Mortoo Grove $249,900 Elaine Kaplan/Hansel Servos 847-673-00/Il Salem Gorail 773-467-5300 Mari Ber log GRI ABR 847-724-5800knapr-'YllOB4lelnrte into 3cn & Coonk Fuler 847-208-7lI Morton Grove $239,000 Morton Grove $229,000 Miles $219,900 Morton Grove $200,000 Morton Grove $195000 Edward Khachi 312-851-6300 l525LyonsintoAllyn Rawling847-866-8200 Maria Schneider 847-724-5800 Harriet Servos/Elaine Kaplan847-673-0060 Josie Vorda 847-866-8200 Open Sun 1-3 '1 Morton Grove $189,000 4147 W Howard St 306, Skokie $182,000 Morton Grove $179,000 Morton Grove $159,900 Anne DuBray 847-724-5800 4747Howard-306 mio Joyce Snr 84-866-8200 723SPalmaido Bryce & Corone Fuller847-208-/888 Jouir De Bao 773-398-3989 Ask us about a )me warranty. 866.7974788 Morton Grove $124,900 Hites $69,500 Morton Grove $59,500 5SOOLiiicoÌo-400W.irio Debra Hymen 847-433-5400 Frank Genualdi 847-384-7573 Harriet Servos/Elaine Kaplan847-673-0060 Nitos $719.900 Chao Walters 773-868-3080 '2iil2 Coidweil O,inkcr veal minie iic Ail 0100w 000ervr(r coieweil Oanor rs a feqisinred iiadomark icoosod to Ooidweo looker Real Enraie IC An Equal OoporwnhtyCompany. Equal Housrn OppoituvOy. Each Coldweii Oonker Residentral BrokoraOv Office is Operated tin Coidweil Oanker Rvsrdentrar Real Entat LLi[ Glenview ColdweflBankerOnline.com 847-724-5800 NIL THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM 3 BANNER KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOM WINS "SHOWROOM OF THE YEAR!" Decorative Plumbing & Hardware Association, 201 i f e We proudly carry JADO faucetst and?c,t4cr fixtes THE NATION'S #1 KITCHEN AND BATH SHowiooM IS IN BUFFALO GROVE! SORRY NEW YORK, LA AND MIAMI- THENORTH SHORE IS WHERE IT'S AT! Interactive displays Beautifully designed 15,000 sq. ft. space Products to suit all budgets Knowledgeable & Friendly Design Consultants i 020 E. Lake Cook Rd, Buffalo Grove 847.520.6100BannerPlumbing.com M-T-W-F, 9-4:30 Th 9-7 KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOM Sat i O-4 Closed Sundays P.4 Thursday, September 20, 2012 This Week P14 Police blotter Obituaries H Nles HeraId-Spctator 5Cover Story 15A Closer Look 21CSW Teens know they always have Niles continues to provide A state agency and the ACLU Tax dollars CSW Contact Us (Page 11] a place to go after school at governmental support for agree to evaluate living con- the Nues Teen Center. human service needs. ditions for juvenile offenders. Opinion Weekly question School 22Opinion 24Weekly Question25School 28Neighbors Neighbors Columnist Randy Blaser says We asked local residents, Students signing up for the D207 Board member shares we should get used to teach- "Where are you going to see Adventure Club this year are experience at Republican Na- ers' strikes. the fall colors?" eager to try new activities. tional Convention. Puzzles Ji Calendar Business Real estate a. 30Puzzles 34Business 39Food 45Go Get your weekly fix of our Revolution Dancewear con- Oktoberfest hïts a sour note Look inside for your arts & crossword puzzle, Sudoku tinues its tradition of partner- (in a good way). entertainment guide for the and horoscopes. ing with dance studios. weekend and beyond. Food Worship Movies Classifieds 47Jenny's Top 5 59Go Calendar 90Sports Visit us online . Here are the top five events Looking for arts and en- Opponents struggle to run Take a snapshot of this OR to add to your plans this tertainment events in your the ball against Nues West's code and go directly to your Sports u week. town? Check out our list. Dennis Gargovic. online community paper. P.5 C ommunity Thursday, September 20, 2012 flthI Cover Story Teens know where to go in Nues [BYTRACY GRUEN I Contributor NI LES Teens know they always have a place to go after school at the Nues Teen Center, whether it's to play video games, hang out with friends or get help with their homework. The Nues Teen Center opened in September of 2007 and was formerly Io- cated at a Nues Park District building. Today, however, it runs at the Golf Mill Shopping Center. The teen center has grown over the years and now has about 300 annual members and on an average day sees about 40 to 55 kids after school. The center offers the teens a safe place to hang out with their friends after school and make new friends, play video games, watch new movies, play games, use the comput- er, play basketball and more. The center also provides help with homework. 'The kids can do what they want to do," said Mark Wil- hams, the director of the Niles The DJ hands out hula hoops Saturday to the girls for a contest at the Nues Teen Center's back-to-school dance in Nues. I JON DURR-ForSun- Teens [Page 6] Times Media I!T.fLR BUI! GES P.6 Community .' I Thursday, September 20, 2012 pioneerlocal.com Call us now for details! Special does not apply to priorsales I Teens I Continued from page 5 j'LiftMter. .Ii 16x7 PROFE AL C_H.I. Garage OpenerStoat Garaqe Ooo Ratsed Panel Teen Center. Williams said that the center is www. bette rb u ltg a rag es. corn 1/2 h.p. 1tfl rme remote estaIIa51 noi rndue Dono OnI open to all teens looking for a posi- Professional Door Installation Available tive place to visit after school. "I come here every day after FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE school," said Dennis Narsso, who at- tends Maine East High School and ARRANGED & PREPAID FUNERALS AVAILABLE enjoys visiting the teen center to visit with friends, make new friends and play video games. 'They rent new movies every day," said Ashley Bezares, who also goes to Maine East. Bezares said she has made a lot of new friends at the teen center and it's a good place to go .}'±'1fJonì where you don't have to do chores. "lt doesn't matter where they live Uflfl\L]flEDJ(JFE$ or where they go to school," Williams Ryan Sorensen and Alexandra Macmi, both 13, dance together at the Nues Teen said. He said he has kids from Niles, Center's back-to-school dance in Nues To Be Worthyof Your Confidence Schaumburg, Chicago and other cit- on Saturday. IJON DURR-ForSun-Times ies who visit the center. Media 3918 W. Irving Pk. Rd. CHICAGO, II 60618 625 Busse Hwy. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 The membership to join the center Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279.9802 Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax (847) 685-1005 is $20 a year for a teen who lives in Nues or attends school in Nues and center, they go home and they are $35 a year for other teens. unsupervised," said Nues Police Chief I MANOREALTORS The center also has some struc- Dean Strzelecki. uiur; 5800 Dempster- Morton Grove tured activities such as an arts and According to Strzelecki, recent (847)967-5500 _ crafts project every other week and a statistics show parents of more than , (OUTSIDE ILLINOISCALL 1-800 253-0021) new writer's club that will allow kids 28 million schoolchildren work out- The Gold Standard wwwcentury1rnarino.com to get creative and enhance their side the home and about 15 million writing skills. children go home to an empty house o Each month, Williams arranges after school. no jf1 g ! someone from the community to "They can wander and commit t:°*.', .4 n make a presentation to the kids on crimes or be victim of crimes," said "1 . fr . st various topics. The kids also attend Strzelecki. He said kids have a lot of . .....'. l- two dances a year and take field tripsenergy and that energy should be di- to places such as Sky High Sports in rected toward positive activities, like FABULOUS "BARCELONA' CONDO!" EVERYTHING YOU'RE LOOKING FOR! Niles, ice skating and water parks.
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