COURIER AND OKANAGAN ORCHARDIST NUMBER 33 VOLUME 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1908 BOARD OF TRADE The monthly mooting of the Board of Trade was hold on WodnoHday % W e have one of the largest evening of last week, in Ilaymor’s NOVELTIES Hall. A dozen members wore in at­ TREES tendance, and President Sutherland Just Received per Fxpress and best stocks of Furniture filled the chair. A considerable V quantity of business was disposed and Carpets between Win- of, and some of the matters dealt Fashion's Newest Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs for with caused a good deal of dis­ sale, all of which are growing- in my Nursery. cussion. Novelty in Belts Call and rice stock and know that you are get­ nipeg and Vancouver. The question of the summor time­ ting live trees and shrubs. table for tho "Okanagan” led to a I also have a few tons of seed potatoes for sale, lengthy discussion for and against E a rly Rose and W h tc P eerless, a t $20.00 per Our Prices are Reasonable the proposal to recommend Okana­ ton. Rhubarb roots, Strawberry plants, at gan Landing as the night port for the “Zodiac” $1.00 per hundred. Grape vines from one to tho boat instead of Penticton. three years old. Hedge plants of different Mr. W. A. Pitcairn strongly sup­ The Sign of Your Birth Month kinds, and a long list of the best roses. We sell Pianos cheaper than ported the proposed change, consid­ on each, also Ties to Match. they are sold elsewhere in ering that the benefit of expedi­ Order Early while Canada. Get our prices tious; shipment of fruit would out­ Stock is to be had weigh any possible damage done to before purchasing from the trade of the town with south­ New Kid Belts, the latest I have a fresh milk cow for sale, or will trade agents, as we can save you ern lake points. styles. aB part payment for a good farm horse, 4 or 5 Mr. R. B. Kerr thought the time y ears old, w eighing about 1400 lbs. ' from $150 to $200 between east and west-bound trains New Turn-over Collars and Don't forget that I have a long list of the finest at Sicamous was too short to per­ Cuffs. residential lots in the city limits, with bearing mit of a round trip being qmde as trees o n 1 them, also two ten-acre lots with on* the price of a Piano. far as Penticton in time to connect New Em b’y’d Linen Collars. bearing trees. Very easy termB. with the evening train to the Coast, but it was pointed out to him that New Neck Ruchings. the summer train service on the main line would allow ample time. New Chiffon Lace Insertions. Mr. F.'R. E. DeHart agreed with New Real Laces and Insert­ Mr. Pitcairn on the benefits to the ions. F. RE. DeHART KELOWNA fruit industry in securing quicker transit and less handling, while Mr. New Natural Chamois Gloves, S. T. Elliott thought the loss of trade to the town by the change elbow length, (washable). would be serious. - Mr. T. G. Speer considered the time-table of last summer fairly convenient, and if better handling KELOWNA OUTFITTING STORE of fruit was the main reason for the proposed change, it should be stated when writing the C. P. R. au­ W. B. M. (aider thorities in the matter. , PROPRIETOR Finally, a resolution was moved by Messrs. Pitcairn and McTavish and carried, that the secretary Mr. Raymer said he had been ask­ write Mr. Coyle, of the C. P. R., ed to submit to the Board an offer and ask if he has any further in­ from Mr. J. G. MoKinder of the bal­ formation to give in regard to the ance of the illustrated ^‘‘Souvenirs summer time-table. of Kelowna” got out by him,, at The Vernon Board of Trade had 12 1-2 cents each. written favouring the proposal of Mr. J.' W. Jones thought the pam­ the Kelowna Board in regard to phlets of little avdertising value, as federating the Okanagan Boards in- the information contained in them : to an Associated Board similar to was scant, and no action was taken the Associated Boards of Trade of on the offer. S o u th -eastern B. C., b u t th ey sug­ An animated discussiop then ensued gested that the scheme be ex­ on the general question of advertis­ tended to include any Boards in the ing and who should foot the bill. Similkameeen, Kamloops, Nicola, Motions, amendments and counter Ashcroft and Cariboo districts. Sey-’ motions were proposed, and, while Ladies, we have opened up eral of the members favoured the there was general agreement that idea of the Vernon Board, but it a good booklet should be issued, was pointed out by Mr. G. C. Rose there was a decided division of opin­ all our New Spring Goods. that the proposed association would ion as to the apportionment of the embrace a district in which the expense. New Prints, New Muslins, means of transportation, having in Mr. G. C. Rose held that the mat­ view the attendance of meetings, ter of publicity was essential to were not of the best and the inter­ the progress of the city, that it New Embroideries, New ests of which were not entirely id­ concerns the whole community, and, entical. He moved, seconded by for that reason, instead of a few Chambrays, New Hosiery, Mr. Raymer, and it was carried, individuals such as the subscribers that the secretary be instructed to to the Board of Trade and the real New Duck, New Ribbons, point out to the Vernon Board of estate agents shouldering the bulk Trade that the original sugestion of the expense, it should be bornq of the Kelowna Board was to se­ by the whole' population through a New Dress Goods, New cure community of action amongst grant from the city funds. He in­ the Okanagan Boards of Trade, stanced in support of his views the Top and Underskirts, New and that, if any wider scheme be policy pursued by Victoria, Vancou­ desired, the inclusion of all. the ver and Nelson, the first giving an Silk and Lawn Dresses Boards of Trade of the province un­ annual grant of $5,000 to its der one organisation should be con­ Tourist Association, to be spent in sidered. any form of advertising that might for Children It was moved by Messrs. Kerr and seem advisable, while the other DeHart and carried, that, in the cities also gave large grants for event of an Okanagan organisa­ similar purposes. : tion being formed, the Vernon Board President Sutherland said appro­ of Trade be invited to call the first priations had been laid out for all meeting there. the civic funds available this year, Mr. Raymer enquired what was and, speaking for the Council, he being done with regard to the new could not hold out much hope of C. P. R. slip, and said it would be their undertaking the larger share a serious matter for the town if of any advertising expenses. it was not constructed this year. Messrs. -Lawson, DeHart, Jones, No one present seemed to -know McTavish and Kerr Joined in the much about it, and to elicit infor­ discussion, and a resolution was mation a resolution by Messrs. passed by a majority vote, on the Pitcairn and Raymer was passed, motion of Messrs. Lawson and De­ that the secretary write Superin­ Hart, after an amendment by tendent Kilpatrick, of t]he C. P. R.. Messrs. Kerr and Elliott had been asking at what date construction of tacked on to it, that a committee the wharf will commence. consisting of Messrs. Jones, Rose Mr. S. T. Elliott brought up the and Raymer be appointed to wait matter of letters for Kelowna put on the City Council and ask for a on the boat at southern lake points grant of $500 for advertising pur­ being taken through to Vernon and poses, and to take whatsoever oth­ brought back- again by the regular er steps they might consider necess­ GEO. E. RITCHIE, m all. ary. The form of the resolution, however, did not seem satisfactory C a r p e n t e r a n d B u il d e r ^ It was stated by several members that the present arrangement was to the members,' and, the question Axel D. W. Crowley & KELOW NA. B. C. only by courtesy of the C. P. R.t and being re-opened, it was rescinded Jobbing promptly attended to. that, if any complaint should be and two separate resolutions passed Orchard City Realty Mart Company made, they would probably abrogate in place of it. The first, bjr Mess­ the privilege altogether. It would rs. Lawson and DeHart, provided be necessary to have either a mail for the appointment of a standing clerk on the steamer to attend to committee on advertising composed Tomatoes! way mail, or the Post Office depart­ of the three gentlemen named in Value for Vour Money ■ Wholesale and ment would have to pay one of the the rescinded resolutioh, and the staff of the boat to ‘do the work. second, by Messrs. Kerr ■ and Rose, An orchard containing 15 Retail- Butchers and NOW is the time to get your On the motion of Messrs. Elliott asked the City Council to grant acre9, bearing first cropland Tomato Seed. I ‘ make a and Lawson, the secretary was in­ $500 to the Board for advertising 5 acres ready for trees.
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