Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln (1272-1311), as locum tenens et capitaneus in the duchy of Aquitaine Lawton, Reginald Philip The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author For additional information about this publication click this link. http://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/jspui/handle/123456789/1494 Information about this research object was correct at the time of download; we occasionally make corrections to records, please therefore check the published record when citing. For more information contact [email protected] 1 Henry 1. Lacy,Earl of Linco].n(1272-13]].) , as locuin t.nens .t caplianeus in $ki. duchy of Aquitain. by Reginala Philip Lawton Presented for the degr.. of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of London 1974 2 ABSTRACT This thesis is a detailed reconstruction and analysis of the terms of appointment,functions,events and success of Henry do Lacy,Third Earl of Lincoln,ae bourn tenens et capitaneus in the duchy of Aquitaine.!!. acted in these capacities in the years 1295-1298 during the second half of the Gascon war.Although the earl of Lincoln's tenure of office was brief,it was important for the outcome of the Anglo—French struggle for possession of the duchy.Henry do Lacy's great contribution lay in his success in stabilising the military conflict and maintaining ducal resistance to French attempts at a total annexation of Aquitaine.By so doing,he ensured the duchy's continued existence as a Plantagenet fief. Through examination of contemporary diplomatic and narrative sources both published and unpublished,I have been able to clarify Henry de Lacy's particular rle in events,to identify beyond question the site of the battle of Bellegarde,to examine the battle itself more fully than before,to establish the paucity of Henry de Lacy's troop—resources as capitaneus of the King's men in the duchy,and to confirm in greater detail than hitherto the measure of Gascon loyalty to King Edward I throughout the war.The administrative and military powers of the earl of Lincoln have been analysed in relation to royal authority,and thereby the King's personal continuous involvement in the affairs of his duohy has been .stabliehed.I have based this work on contemporary evidence, mainly at the Public Record Office,London,and on both English and French chronicles of the period.I have also compiled an appendix on Gascon troop—resources and a Calendar of references to Henry do Lacy found in contemporary records,which can be submitted to the examiners if they wish it. 3 CON1r1N1rS Page ABSTRACT 2 List of Abbreviations 4 CHAPTER I s HISTORICAL B&CKCLOTH CHAPTER II $ lAcY'S WAR - 1296 44 CHAPTER III $ LACY'S WAR - 1297 77 CHAPTER IV i DUCLL MILITARY RESOURCES $ (a) ENGLISH 112 * (b) GASCON 192 CHAPTER V $ LIEUTENANT OF AQUITAINE 218 APPENDICES Appendix I $ French—occupied areas of Guienne circa January 1296 298 Appendix II s Itineraries of ducal oomm.nders outside the precincts of Bayonne during the 1ieutency of Henry do Lacy 1296-8 302 Bibliography 303 MAPS Map I * Map of Guienne showing urban areas of French and ducal occupation during the Gasoon war 309 Map II $ Section of the Carte de Cassini showing the situation of the battle of B.11egarde 310 4 List of Abbreviations Anciennes Chronigues de Flandre - 'Extraits d'une Chronique Anonyme' in Reoneil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. Annalea de Dunstaplia - Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia in Annales Mona stici. Annales de Wigornia - Amiilea Prioratus de Wigornia in Annales Monastici. Archives hist.Gironde - Archives historiques du Dpartement de la Gironde. BAT.AScUE & DULAURENS - J.Balasque et E.Dulaurens,Lee EtudesF historigues sur La Ville de Bayonne,II. BONT - Introduction of R1es Gaecons,III. BEMONT,Simon de Montfort - C.Bmont,Simon de Montfort,Earl of Leicester. C.C.R. - Calendar of Close Rolls. C.Ch.R. - Calendar of Charter Rolls. C. Chy. W. - Calendar of Chancery- Warrants. C.F.R. - Calendar of Fine Rolls. Chronica Buriensis - The Chronicle of Bury St.Edmunds. Chronica de Melsa - Chronica Monasterii de Melga,II. Chronicon Brevius - Chronicon Brevius ab incarnatione usgue ad annum domini MCCCLXIV Chronographia Regum Francorum - Chronographia Regum Francorum,I. COMP&IGNE - Bertrand Compaigne,roniguede la Ville de Bayonne. COTTON - Bartholomaei de Cotton,Historia Anglicana. C .P. - Complete Peerage. C .P .R. - Calendar of Patent Rolls. CUTTINO - G.P.Cuttino,English Diplomatic Administration 1259-1339. D.N.B. - Dictionary of National Biography. D .5. - Summons of the Nobility,ed.Sir W.Dugdale. DUGDAL The Baronage of Kr1gland, 5 , W.Dugdale. DULAUR.EWS - Inventaire—Sommajre des Archives Communales. EH.R. - English Historical Review. Eulogium Historiarum - Eulogium Historiarum sive Temporia. Flores Historiarum - Flores Historiarum,III. Foedera - Foedera,00nventiones,litterae by Thomas Rymer.. GERVAISE - Gesta Regum in Gervasli Opera Historic,a. GLOTZ - Histoire Gnerale,ed.G.Glotz. GUIART - G.Guiart,La Branche des Royaua Lignagea. GUISBOROUGH - The Chronicle of Walter of Guisborough. KNIGHTON - Chronicon Henrici Knighton Monachi. Leyc estrensi. s. LkNGTOFT - Chronicle of Pierre de Langioft. LAVISSE - Hietoire de France depuis lee originee jusgu'. la Revolutions ed.E.Lavisse. Lee Grandes Chronigues - Lee Grandes Chronigues de France,VIII. LETTR - Leitree de Rois,Reinea et autres Personnages. Livre. des Coutumee - Livre dee Coutumes,ed.H.Barckhauseii. LODGE - Miss E.C.Lodge,Gaecony under English Rule. LOT - 7.Lot,L'Art Militaire et lee Armies au Moyen Age en Europe et dane le Proche Orient. LOT & FAWTIER - Histoire des institutioø françaiees an mqyen ge,ed.F.Lot and R.Pawtier. LUBIMENKO - I.Lubimenko,Jean de Bretagne,Comte de Richmond. MONLEZUN - L'Abb Monlezun,L'Histoire de la Gaecogne 4puie lee tempe lee plus reculs juqu' nos jours,III. MORRIS - J.E.Morria,Phe Welsh Wars of Edward I. N.&NGI - Chronigue de Guillaume do Nangis. OGILVY - O'Gilvy and J.de Bourronese do Laffore, Nobiliaire de Guyenne et de Gascogne. OMAN - C.Oman,History of the Art of War in the Middle Agee,II. Opus Chronicorum - Opus Chronicorum in Johannie de Prokelowe et Henrici de Blaneford,Chronica et Annalee. 6 POWICKE - FJ.Powicke,Phe Thirteenth Century. POWICKE,King Henry III - F.M.Powlcke,King Henry III and the Lord Edward. P .P .1. - Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons, ed • F .Palgrave. PRESPWICH - M.Prestwich,War,Politice and Finance under Edward I. PRITWICH (thesis) - M.C.Prestwich,Edward I's Wars and their Financing, 1294-]. 307. RAMSLY - Sir J.Rainsay,The Dawn of the Constitution. Reoognitiones Feudorum - Recogriltionee Feudorum in Aquitania.. R.G. - Rhea Gaacons,III(1290-1307) ed..C.Bmont. RI SH&NGER - Willelmi Rishanger,Chronica et Annales. STEVENSON - Documents Illustrative of the History of Scotland,1286-1306, ed.J.Stevenson. The Gascon Calendar - The Gascon Calendar of 1322,ed.G.P.Cuttlno. P.R. - Treaty Rolls,ed.P.Chaplais. Th&BUT-CUSSLC - L-"P.Prabut-Cussao ,L'Adminietration anglaise en Gascogne sous Henri III et Edouard I de 1254 a 1307. TRA.BUT-CUSSLC, L'Administration Anglaise en Gascogne - 4-P.Prabut-Cuseac ,L'Aminietretion Anglaise en Gascogne sous Henri III et douard 1er de 1252 . 1307. Trabut-Cussac Revue hist. / Bordeaux(1952S - J.-P.Trabut-Cussac,Le Prince Edouard et lea riva1its municipales 'a Bordeaux. P.R .H • S. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. TRIVET - Nicholai Priveti,Annales. (N.B. Unless otherwise ind.icated,all manuscripts cited are in the Public Record Office,London). 7 CHAPTER I HISPORICAL B&CKCLOTH On 3 D.cemb.r 1295,H.nry d. Lacy,third sari of Lincoln,was made lieut.iiant of Aquitaine and given command of King Edward's war in the duchy against the French.The appointment was laconically recorded as follows s 'Memorandum quod ista littera et littera proximo sequens mutate per regem,ita quod eandem potestatem quam rex commiserat Edaundo, fratri suo,in ducato Aquitam1e,commiiit postmodum d.. verbo ad verbum Henrico de Lacy,comiti Lincolni.; nec •rat aliud mutatum quam nomen unius pro nomine alterius. Datum apud Westm'. tercio die Decembris,anno regni regis E. xxiiij (1295).' The above memorandum,written in the margin of a letter dated Westminster 20 October 1295 concerning powers in the duchy of Aquitaine granted to Edmund,sarl of Lancaster and brother of the King,transferred thoss powers to Henry de Lacy. 1 This suprem, command that hi received superseded the existing commands in the duchy accorded to John of Brittany,th. King's nephew,who had sailed for Guienne on 9 October the previous year in coinina'id of the first expeditionary force,and to Earl Edmund,who was yet to embark. Th. royal letter of 20 October in favour of Edmund shows the magnitude of the powers bestowed. 2 They were 'absolut, and general' - governmental, 1. Rj7ole.J G(ascons ,III( 1290-1307), ed.C.Bmont,Paris,1906,in Collection do Documents Ind.its eur 1'Elstoire di France,entryJ3944; Lettr.s dc Rois,Reines et autres Personnages des Cours di France et d'Angl.- terre,tireei des Archives dc Londr.s par Brequigny,I(1162_1300),ed. J—J.Champollion—Fig.ac,2 vols. ,Paris,1839-47,in Collection de Documents Indits sur l'Histoire do France (hereinafterzi.WPRES),p.416. 2. For the text of it v.infra,Cap.V,wher. it is more fully considered. 8 administrative,financia]. and diplomatic - and extended •vsn to counter- sanding or replacing any previous ducal appointm.nt,provision or award. Th. letter of appointment and memorandum conferred full military and civil authority to act in ev.ry way and With the same legal validity as would the King-duk.
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