SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN East Godavari Dfetriict DISTRICT ELEMENTMY EDUCfiTION PLAN - 5 ^ 8 A S 572 AND-S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH UBKAHY Jk BUCUM&NTATfON CENTil Njstiaa^I losirituce of SducAtioaal MennHiJ .md m t!n3ini*triition. bn f^Lyol iudo M aif, Niew U l h i - l l f 0 1 6 MANDALS OF EAST GODAVARI DISTRICT 1 Mandal Mandal Mandal Mandal Mandal Mandal iCode Name Code Name Code Name 1 .MAREDUMILLI 39 RAMACHANDRAPURAM 2 Y RAMAVARAM 23 KAKINAOA(RURAL) 40 RAYAVARAM |3 ADDATEEGALA j24 KAKiNADA(URBAN) l4 RAJAVOMMANGl 41 KAPILESWARAPURAM 25 SAMALKOTA |5 KOTANANDURU 42 ALAMURU 16 TUNI 26 RANGAMPETA 43 ATREYAPURAM 7 THONDANGI 27 GANDEPALLE 44 RAVULA PALEM 8 GOLLAPROLU 45 PAMARRU 28 RAJANAGARAM 9 SANKHAVARAM 46 KOTHAPETA 10 PRATHIPADU 29 RAJAHMUNDRY(RURAL) 47 PGANNAVARAM RAJAHMUNDRY 48 AMBAJIPETA 11 YELESWARAM 30 12 GANGAVARAM (URBAN) 49 AINAVILLI 13 RAMPACHODAVARAM 31 KADIAM SO MUMMIDIVARAM 51 I.POLAVARAM 14 DEVIPATNAM 32 MANDAPETA 15 SEETHANAGARAM 52 KATRENIKONA 33 ANAPARTHY 16 KORUKONDA 53 UPPALAGUPTAM 17 GOKAVARAM 34 BICCAVOLU 54 AMALAPURAM 55 ALLAVARAM 18 JAGGAMPETA 35 PEDAPUDI j19 KIRLAMPUDI i 56 MAMIDIKUDURU 136 KARAPA 57 RA20LE i20 PEDDAPURAM I i 137 THALLAREVU 58 MALIKIPURAM 21 PITHAPURAM 59 SAKHINETIPALLE 38 KAJULURU 22 KOTHAPALLE CONTENTS Page No. Executive Summary SSA - East Godavari - Plan Overview I - XI Targets on Key Performance Indicators xii - xiv of UEE Budget Abstract XV - xix Appraisal Comments - Action Taken XX - xxiv Norms & Interventions under SSA XXV - XXX Chapter - I Demographic profile of East Godavari District 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Silent features of East Godavari District. 2-3 1.3 Population 3-4 Chapter - 2 Educational Profile of the District 2.1 Access 6 2.2 Enrollment 6 2.3 Educational facilities in the District 11 2.4 Community Organisation 11 2.5 Diagnostic study 12-19 2.6 Existing scheme for the improvement of elementary education 20-22 2.7 Chaduvukundam programme 23 2.8 Interventions for the improvement of SC,ST 23 2.9 Assistance to school committees for the services of Vidya Volunteers. 24 2.10 Community participation act 1998 24-25 2.11 Educational scenario in the Agency Area 25-28 Chapter - 3 Planning Process in the context of UEE (SSA) 3.1 Introduction 29 3.2 Objectives of SSA 29 3.3 Planning of process 29 3.4 Formation of core groups 30 3.5 Development of data base 31-32 3.6 Training and Capacity building 33 3.7 Preparatory actives for mobilizing the community and holding gramasabhas 34 3.8 Development of habitation education development plan 35 3.9 Development of mandal plans 35 3.10 Development of educational plan 36 3.11 List of NGOs working 37-41 3.12 Convergence with other departments 41-42 3.13 SSA - E.G.Dt. - Phasing 42 3.14 Success stories 42-45 Chapter - IV Objective wise interventions 4.1 Access 46 4.2 Enrollment and Retention 47 4.3 Quality initiatives 48 4.4 Improvement of Infrastructure facilities 49 Chapter - V Issues , Strategies and Activities 5.1 Introduction 50 5.2 Access 50-56 5.3 Enrollment 57-60 5.4 Projected population .School age children 60 5.5 Intervention for enrollment and retention 61-63 5.6 Targets to achieve 100% enrollment 63 5.7 Retention 64-66 5.8 Main streaming of OSC 66 5.9.2 Objectives 72-74 Chapter - VI Quality Issues in Elementary education 6.0 Primary Education 75-79 6.1 Academic conventions primary & Upper primary 80-81 6.2 Quality teaching & learing, Teacher training 81 (a) Primary Stage 81 (b) Upper primary stage 82 6.3 Constitution of DRG / MRg 83-84 6.4 School support - Professional support 85-89 6.5 Functional aspects 90 6.6 Quality teaching 91 6.7 Development of TLM 91-92 6.8 TLM to Up schools 92 6.9 Categorisation of schools 93 6.10 Improved school management 93-94 6.11 Proposed strategies for school improvement 94 6.12 Academic monitoring of schools 95-96 6.13 Curriculum and Text books review 96 6.14 Cum'culum groups specific Tribal, lED and child labour 97-98 6.15 Pupil assessment procedures 98-101 Infrastructure facilities 101 Training to Civil Engineers 101 6.16 Training to Habitation Education committees 102 Chapter - Vli Coverage of special focus groups 7.1 Girls Education 103-105 7.2 Early child hood care education 105-107 7.3 Interventions for disabled children 107-108 7.4 Tribal children education 109-111 7.5 Migrated children 111 7.6 Street children and Platform children 112 7.7 Child labour 112-113 7.8 Convergence with other departments 113 Chapter - VIII Research, Evaluation, Supervision and Monitoring 8.1 Research 113(1) 8.2 Evaluation Aspects 113(2) 8.3 Supervision and Monitoring 113(2) 8.4 Management Information system 113(3) 8.5 Objectives of MIS 113(4) 8.6 Inputs under SSA 113(4) Chapter - IX Improving School Infrastructure facilities and other civil works 9.1 Introduction 114 9.2 Execution of civil works 115 9.3 Community contribution 115 9.4 Civil works proposed under SSA 117-122 Chapter - X Implementation arrangements 10.1 Organisation responsible for implementing the 123 Programme 10.2 Executing Agencies at various levels 123-131 10.4 Participation arrangements 132-136 10.5 District project office(DPO) 136-138 10.6 Flow of funds 138 10.7 General expenditure 139 Chapter - XI Programme Initiatives - Component-wise interventions 11.1 Project Management 140 -143 11.2 Planning l\4anagement 144-146 11.3 Research, Evaluation, Monitoring and Supervision 147-149 11.4 Community mobilisation and Participation 150 -152 11.5 Access and alter native schooling 153 -156 11.6 Civil works 157 -159 11.7 Pedagogy & School improvement 160 -165 11.8 Focus groups - Girld child education 166 -168 11.9 Early child hood care and education 169 -171 11.10 Education of focus groups - SEN 172 -173 11.11 Distance education programme 174 -175 11.12 Media & Advocacy 176-178 11.13 Management Information System 179- 181 Chapter - XII Budget Summary & Implementation Schedule 182 - 213 Chapter - XIII Annual Work Plan & Budget 2001 - 02 & 214 - 246 Q ABBREVIATIONS AAS Access and Alternative Schooling AC Awareness Campaign APC Additional Project Coordinator AWP &B Annual Work Plan &, Budget AWC Anganwadi Centre BC Backward Caste BL Books & Libraries CAP Capacity Building CMO Community Mobilization Officer CMP Community Mobilisation & Participation CO Consumables & Office Expenses CW Civil Works CWS Civil Works DEO District Educational Officer DEP Distance Education DIET District Institute of Education and Training DISK District Information System for Education DPO District Project Office DRC District Resource Centre DRG District Resource Group ECE Early Childhood Education EGS Education Guarantee Scheme E M IS Education Management and Information System EQ Equipment FAG Focus Areas / Groups FU Furniture GCDO Girl Child Development Officer GED Girls Education GER Gross Enrolment Ratio GOAP Government of Andhra Pradesh GOI Government of India GWK Girijan Vidhya Vikas Kendra HO Honorarium ICDS Integrated Child Development Society lA S E Institute of Advanced Studies in Education lE D Integrated Education for the Disabled IN Innovations ITDA Integrated Tribal Development Agency JRM Joint Review Mission JRY Jawahar Rojgar Yoj ana LC Local Consultants MED Media MEO Mandal Education Officer MIS Management Information Centre MLL Minimum Levels of Learning MRC Mandal Resource Centre MRP Mandal Resource Person MRG Mandal Resource Group MTA Mother Teacher Association NCLP National Child Labour Project NGO Non-Govenmental Organisation OBB Operation Blackboard OP Equipment Operation & Maintenance OSE Out of School Children PEC Panchayat Education Committee PED Pedagogy & School Improvement PLM Planning and Management PMIS Project Management Information System PMT Project Management PTA Parent Teacher Association R&E Research & Evaluation RE Research Studies RWS Rural Water Supply SA Salaries SAM State Appraisal Mission SC Scheduled Caste SCERT State Council of Education Research and Training SCPR School Complex Resource Person SEC School Education Committee SEN Children with Special Educational Needs SHG Self-Help Groups SIEMAT State Institute of Educational Management and Technology SIET Stat^ Institute of Ed\icaUonv\\ Technology SPD State Project Director SRG State Resource Group SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ST Scheduled Tribes TC Teachers Centre TC Training Cost including TA & DA TLE Teaching Learning Equipment TLM Teaching Learning Material TPR Teacher Pupil Ratio UPE Universal Primarj'^ Education UPS Upper Primary Schools VEC Village Education Committee VH Vehicles W Vidya Volunteers (Para Teacher) ws Workshops & Seminars SSA - EAST GODAVARI P lan O v e r v ie w Broader Sfrategies Community involvement to develop the school as centre of village and child os centre of the school. • School os a place to protect Childs rights • Planning for Special focus against child labour • Planning simultaneously for the schooling of all the children in the age group of 5 - 14 years. \ • Teacher involvement and motivation. • Child tracking and focus on actual completion rates and 100% transition from primary to upper primary stage. • Effective convergence with NGOs and other departments for UEE. 1. What are the items planned for? A) Access Improving access by way of opening of 275 New Primary Schools. Improvement of access remote, rural and tribal habitations by way of opening of 1 25 Alternative Schools in scattered agency area. Enhancing access to Upper Primary Education by way of upgradction of 7 0 4 existing Primary Schools to Upper Primary Schools. Access facilitation for the Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) by making provision for Integrated Education in selected existing primary and UP schools. Providing 2 New teachers for primary schools and 4 for New Upper Primary Schools. Bj Enrolment Community mobilization and Awareness Campaigns for sensitizing the community and parents on child labour and their education.
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