动物学研究(DONGWUXUE YANJIU) 第 34 卷第 6 期 2013 年 12 月 目 次 论 文 珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区鸟类区系及其垂直分布特征 ··························································李晶晶,韩联宪,曹宏芬,田 园,彭波涌,王 斌,胡慧建 (531) 鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)种群数量变化与气候的关系 ·························································································缪泸君,李言阔,李 佳,谢光勇,袁芳凯 (549) 切断鸣管神经支对红嘴相思鸟鸣声的影响 ··························································吴 敏,吕 源,郑志强,林桂霞,王怡淳,王松华,李东风 (556) 通过光谱与视觉模型研究动物体色 ·················································································杨灿朝,梁 伟 (564) 随机限食和重喂食对小鼠体重、能量收支及瘦素的影响 ·············· 赵志军,魏文涛,李明振,曹 静 (574) 研究报告 氯胺酮和乌拉坦对猫视皮层细胞中刺激诱导的 c-fos 表达的影响 ·········································· 王 珂,朱 慧,陈翠云,李 鹏,金彩虹,王紫露,姜 三,华田苗 (582) 激活大鼠前额叶下边缘区 GABAA 受体对被动回避记忆巩固的影响············王晓琴,李仙丽,王功伍 (589) 扁颅蝠(Tylonycteris pachypus)和褐扁颅蝠(T. robustula)理毛行为比较及其与体表寄生虫的关系 ········································································································ 张礼标,张光良,唐占辉,洪体玉 (596) 广西弄岗喀斯特森林繁殖鸟群落的集团结构 ········································································· 陆 舟, 杨 岗, 赵东东, 吴映环, 蒙渊君, 周 放 (601) ND-FISH 技术在两栖类中的应用 ····································································常晓嫒,夏 云,曾晓茂 (610) 软鳍新光唇鱼(Neolissochilus benasi)的人工繁殖与胚胎发育 ··························································潘晓赋,刘 倩,王晓爱,杨君兴,陈小勇,李再云,李 列 (617) 金沙江中上游中华金沙鳅(Jinshaia sinensis)产卵场的发现及意义 ···········刘淑伟,杨君兴,陈小勇 (626) 草鱼引入对滇池湖体海菜花消亡的影响 ·························································杨君兴,舒树森,陈小勇 (631) 滇池金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus grahami)与抚仙金线鲃(S. tingi)肌肉营养成分初步分析 ········································································· 赵亚鹏, 潘晓赋, 杨君兴, 陈小勇, 李再云, 王晓爱 (636) 综 述 常用系统发育树构建算法和软件鸟瞰 ·········································· 张丽娜,荣昌鹤,何 远,关 琼,何 彬,朱兴文,刘佳妮,陈红菊 (640) 社会关系网络分析在行为生态学中的跨学科应用········································································· 张 鹏 (651) 鱼类线粒体 DNA 重排研究进展 ······················································ 龚 理,时 伟,司李真,孔晓瑜 (666) 鱼类体表粘液凝集素研究进展·········································································黄智慧,马爱军,雷霁霖 (674) 澜沧江中下游鱼类现状及保护·········································································郑兰平,陈小勇,杨君兴 (680) 中国翼手目动物区系分类与分布研究进展、趋势与前景 ······························刘志霄,张佑祥,张礼标 (687) 牛虻作为中药药材的认知及其利用 ·················································································莫国香,王思明 (694) 简 讯 白腹黑啄木鸟(Dryocopus javensis)在内蒙古暨福建的近期记录 ·························································································何芬奇,郭玉民,任永奇,江航东,叶振伟 (700) 本刊继续接收中文稿件的启事································································································ 本刊编辑部 (701) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [期刊基本参数] CN53-1040/Q * 1980 * b * A4 * 172* zh + en * P * ¥40.00 * 900 * 22* 2013-12 http://www.zoores.ac.cn ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH Volume 34, Issue 6 Dec. 2013 CONTENTS Articles The fauna and vertical distribution of birds in Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve ··································Jing-Jing LI, Lian-Xian HAN, Hong-Fen CAO, Yuan TIAN, Bo-Yong PENG, Bin WANG, Hui-Jian HU (531) The correlations between population of Oriental white stork and climate change in the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve ·················································································· Lu-Jun MIAO, Yan-Kuo LI, Jia LI, Guang-Yong XIE, Fang-Kai YUAN (549) Effects of syringeal denervation on the vocalization in red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) ································ Min WU, Yuan LV, Zhi-Qiang ZHENG, Gui-Xia LIN, Yi-Chun WANG, Song-Hua WANG, Dong-Feng LI (556) Using spectra and visual modeling to study animal coloration······················································ Can-Chao YANG, Wei LIANG (564) Body mass, energy budget and leptin of mice under stochastic food restriction and refeeding ······································································································ Zhi-Jun ZHAO, Wen-Tao WEI , Ming-Zhen LI, Jing CAO (574) Reports Effects of ketamine and urethane on stimulation-induced c-fos expression in neurons of cat visual cortex ··························· Ke WANG, Hui ZHU, Cui-Yun CHEN, Peng LI, Cai-Hong JIN, Zi-Lu WANG, San JIANG, Tian-Miao HUA (582) Effect of prefrontal infralimbic cortex GABAA receptor agitating on passive avoidance memory consolidation of rats ······················································································································ Xiao-Qin WANG, Xian-Li LI, Gong-Wu WANG (589) Relationships between ectoparasites and grooming behavior of Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula ·············································································· Li-Biao ZHANG, Guang-Liang ZHANG, Zhan-Hui TANG, Ti-Yu HONG (596) Guild structure of forest breeding bird community in Nonggang Nature Reserve of Guangxi ···························································Zhou LU , Gang YANG , Dong-Dong ZHAO, Ying-Huan WU, Yuan-Jun MENG , Fang ZHOU (601) Application of ND-FISH in amphibians ·································································Xiao-Ai CHANG, Yun XIA, Xiao-Mao ZENG (610) Artificial propagation and embryonic development of Neolissochilus benasi ···········································Xiao-Fu PAN, Qian LIU, Xiao-Ai WANG, Jun-Xing YANG, Xiao-Yong CHEN, Zai-Yun LI, Lie LI (617) Discovery and its significance of spawning grounds of Jinshaia sinensis from upper and middle Jinshajiang River ···················································································································Shu-Wei LIU, Jun-Xing YANG, Xiao-Yong CHEN (626) Effect of grass carp introduction of the extinction of Ottelia acuminata in Dianchi Lake ··················································································································Jun-Xing YANG, Shu-Sen SHU, Xiao-Yong CHEN (631) Analysis of the nutritional components in muscle of Sinocyclocheilus grahami and S. tingi ·············································Ya-Peng ZHAO, Xiao-Fu PAN, Jun-Xing YANG, Xiao-Yong CHEN, Zai-Yun LI, Xiao-Ai WANG (636) Reviews A bird’s eye view of the algorithms and software packages for reconstructing phylogenetic trees ·················Li-Na ZHANG, Chang-He RONG, Yuan HE, Qiong GUAN, Bin HE, Xing-Wen ZHU, Jia-Ni LIU, Hong-Ju CHEN (640) Social network analysis of animal behavioral ecology: a cross-discipline approach·············································· Peng ZHANG (651) Rearrangement of mitochondrial genome in fishes ············································Li GONG, Wei SHI, Li-Zhen SI, Xiao-Yu KONG (666) Progress in study on the skin mucus lectin in fish························································ Zhi-Hui HUANG, Ai-Jun MA, Ji-Lin LEI (674) Status and conservation of fishes in the middle and lower Langcangjiang River ··········································································································Lan-Ping ZHENG, Xiao-Yong CHEN , Jun-Xing YANG (680) Research perspectives and achievements in taxonomy and distribution of bats in China ···············································································································Zhi-Xiao LIU, You-Xiang ZHANG, Li-Biao ZHANG (687) Functional identification and application of horsefly as a representative form of traditional Chinese medicine ············································································································································Guo-Xiang MO, Si-Ming WANG (694) Note Recent records of the White–bellied Woodpecker (Dryocopus javensis) in Fujian and in W Inner Mongolia of China ·········································································· Fen-Qi HE, Yu-Min GUO, Yong-Qi REN, Hang-Dong JIANG, Zhen-Wei YE (700) ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH Call for Papers ····························································································································· (702) Zoological Research http://www.zoores.ac.cn/EN/volumn/current.shtml 动 物 学 研 究 2013,Dec. 34(6): 531−548 CN 53-1040/Q ISSN 0254-5853 Zoological Research DOI:10.11813/j.issn.0254-5853.2013.6.0531 珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区鸟类区系及其垂直分布特征 1,2 1 2 2 3 4 2,* 李晶晶 ,韩联宪 ,曹宏芬 ,田 园 ,彭波涌 ,王 斌 ,胡慧建 1. 西南林业大学,云南 昆明 650224 2. 华南濒危动物研究所暨广东省昆虫研究所,广东 广州 510260 3. 湖南省西洞庭自然保护区,湖南 汉寿 415900 4. 湖南师范大学,湖南 长沙 410081 摘要:珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区拥有世界第一峰珠穆朗玛峰,地跨古北界和东洋界。但一直以来由于缺乏详细调查而未 能掌握其区系特点,影响了对珠峰生物资源的深入认识。2010 年 10 月― 2012 年 10 月(126 d),采用样线法在保护区全境 范围内对鸟类进行了 7 次系统实地调查,将原有记录从 227 种增加至 390 种。区系组成中,东洋界物种数多于古北界,分别 为 172 和 113 种。南北坡区系差异明显,北坡以古北种为多,共 55 种,占北坡物种数的 71.4%;南坡以东洋种为多,共 168 种,占南坡物种数的 56.8%。在南坡,随海拔的升高,东洋种不断减少,而古北种先增加,在 4 000 m 后开始减少;两者在 海拔 3 100~4 000 m 时数量相当。据此认为珠峰地区东洋界和古北界的分界线在南坡,且位于海拔 3 100~4 000 m,而不同区 系物种在垂直方向上的适应是有差异的。 关键词:鸟类区系;垂直分布;珠穆朗玛峰;喜马拉雅山脉 中图分类号:Q958.1;Q959.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0254-5853-(2013)06-0531-18 The fauna and vertical distribution of birds in Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve Jing-Jing LI1,2, Lian-Xian HAN1 , Hong-Fen CAO2 , Yuan TIAN2, Bo-Yong PENG3 , Bin WANG4, Hui-Jian HU2,* 1. Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China 2. South China Institute of Endangered Animals & Guangdong Entomological Institute, Guangzhou 510260, China 3. West Dongting Lake Nature Reserve, Hanshou 415900, China 4. College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China Abstract: From October 2010 to October 2012 (total 126 days), we used the line transect method combined with interviews applied during seven individual surveys to explore the bird resources of Qomolangma National Nature Reserve (QNNR). Based
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