The Chanticleer JSU purchases land for 'master plan' Businesses affected by acquisition unhappy wanted to give up their business lo- By KAREN PARR cations on campus. The University 66 News Writer It's not really the does not plan to renew their leases. schoo/*s (JSU) fault, Cobb and Sahel received a let- JSU has purchased land on the ter dated Aug. 24 from JSU in- cornerof W. Mountain St. andFor- They just inquired forming them that their lease would ney Ave. in what University ad- about a properly and not be renewed. Cobb contends, ministrators are calling a "master before the University bought the planMfor expansion. boughti 1tGju~tthat land, her lea, was gdfor sev- On~ug.14~sup~rcha~ediots they didn't make it era1 more years. ~heand ahe el from Tom Cunningham and David clear that have moved their business to the Pearson. Two businesses,The Pub, they former Golden Boat restaurant. "1 a tavern. and The S~hinx.a restau- wouldn't renew the can't afford to keep fixing things rant, are located on the property. lease. " over there, knowing I have to move David Turner, owner of The out," saidcobb. "When weopened Pub, said the University is also The Sphinx up, there were no ceil- trying to buy land from local prop- David Turner ings." Thorn Pannell mowing around future Delta Chi house, story on p. 2. erty owners on the campus side of Owner of The Pub Cobb said that Pearson and W. Mountain St. Cunningham rented her the build- Don Thatcher, assistant to the ing for $450 per month during the time of repairs. "That's why he Support plan developed president, said that the acquisiuons Thacker'sexplanation andadded,"the (Cunningham) wouldn't raise the are part of a plan that the board of area is to become an attractive en- rent. He just wanted to keep the mstees is developing in conjunc- trance to the campus." for student soldiers building open so the property value tion with aconsulting firm. He said The land purchase has caused would be up," said Cobb. the money to the organization or that the University is trying to de- conflict with the business owners of When the University took over By GEORGE DUNLAP agency providing the support. fine entrances to the campus. both The Sphinx and The Pub. Nei- The students' academic records George Miller, vice president News Writer ther Turner or Willie Cobb and Mike See Acquisition, p. 3 will show that they dropped passing for bus~ness affairs, affirmed Sahel, joint owners of The Sphinx, JSU has not forgotten its stu- regardless of their class standing at dents who may have tojoin our forces the time. If a student has completed in Saudi Arabia. the majority of the course require- The University has developed ments, the student may decline the plans to support students who must tuition refund and take a grade of leave their studies because of mili- "Incomplete" for the course which tary duties during the Persian Gulf would be completed after demobili- crisis. The support will help to ease zation. the academic and financial burdens Students who are called to ac- of a call up. tive duty or active duty students who "The University will do every- receive orders to leave Fort Mc Clel- thing possible to aid students called lan to support Persian Gulf opera- to activeduty", saidLieutenantCo10- tions must bring a copy of their or- nel Bill Stone, Professor of Military ders to Lieutenant Colonel Stone at Science. The financial support will Rowe Hall for verification. If the Sphinx Restaurant closed for business after University buys property. be in the form a full refund of their student is unable to do this before tuition. Dormitory and meal pro- they depart, they can do it upon their gram fees will be prorated based on the amount used. If a student is re- See Support, p. 3 Killings terrorize Florida campus ceiving financial aid JSU will refund JSU police address crime prevention programs Judy Plunkett, editor-in-chief of Nichols said that accord~ngto a By SHANE McGRIFF study done last spring, 67% of crime Editorialslp. 10 Check out our new pull-out Florida'scampus ncwspaper,saidthat News Editor students don't know where to hide on campus occurred in residence halls sports section. Take the middle from the fear. "We're terrified, mad or University owned apartments. four pages of The Chanticleer out and angry because we don't feel safe Based on those results, some changes 4 Featureslp. 16 to catch up on the Gamecocks. Five ghastly slayings have para- at our own homes," she said. were made on how patrols work the Inside those four pages you'll find lyzed The Univesity of Florida cam- For students at JSU and other campus. game stories, features and the pus. caqpuses everywhere, the question During the nighttime hours one Comicstp. 23 statistics that keep you up-to-date. Last week police arrested sev- eral suspects to the killings that have is "could it happen here?" armed officer walks the area around made headlines across the country. David Nichols, Director of the dorms. Additionally, two student patrol officers without guns walk in 4 Sportsip. 11 But the arrests have done little if Public Safety at JSU, won't say it I couldn't happen, but he will say what anything to squelch the nightmares See Crime, p. 3 of Florida students. , ,+* the U?iy$rsity,'s ~oi~gto prevent i!. , - ," ," -*, , .. L.~*rirust.sir+r .*r.r"crtvr*r *rcw+r.c.a. .", ,,a . " . '4 *". *", I . t Thursday, September 6, 1990 The Chaaker '- HO~S&-' Frat moves to mayor's house pit El sity and we're out of the public spot- By SHANE McGRIFF light," Singleton said. News Editor The Delta Chi's will save money by moving to the new house. Single- The Delta Chi fraternity has pur- ton said that several brothers would chased Mayor John Nisbet's house be living at the new location and their on 211 W. Mountain for an undis- rent will help defray payments and closed amount. maintenance costs. Delta Chi Treasurer Doug Single- The fraternity has 40 brothers at ton said the relocation was an inde- present, up from a low of 17 in the fall pendent action of the fraternity and of 1988. Singleton attributes the wasn't affected by the subsequent re- growth to internal changes in the I zoning of the former house on the fraternity and in particular an effort comer of W. Mountain and Pelham to increase its academic performance. as commercial property. The Delta The Delta Chi's offer a scholarship Chi's have been looking for a new to the brother and pledge with the .- location for about two years. They highest GPA. Singleton said that the expect to be moved in the new house fratemity'scumulativcGPA was2.34 by the end of the month. for the fall semester. Singleton said that plans were Singleton hopes the new house will underway to build a 1000 ft. expan- help withgrowth."It'seasy toantici- sion to be used as a party room. The pate60 to65 members by thespring." existing home includes four bed- The Delta Chi fraternity was the rooms, a presidential suite and three fist fraternity established at JSU in formalrooms.Behindthehouse,plans 1968. Lt. Col. Bill Stone of the Mili- are in the works to build a basketball tary Science Deparunent is the frater- court, volleyball court and horseshoe nity's faculty advisor. He takes over pits. for Lee Manners, retired art profcs- "We think we have the ultimate sor and one of the founding members (house). We're closer to the Univer- of the JSU chapter. U S POST PFFICE I I ... enough said. The Chanticleer e ~$&opbr 4- 1990 "1 . *. 2 4, i I *. * &<Y Crime.. ............... Acquisition ...................* + From p. 1 the lease the rentreturned totheorigi- rumors that the University was buy- him the building. "I would bet my bar naIcoritract~riceof$600~ermonth. ing th$ land. "If I hadn't found out on it-which is not worth much," .from a source, I would have spent Turner said laughing: the vicinity of the residence halls. Turner said he would not have $5000 on a back patio, which would "It's not really the school's (JSU) The women's dorms have a female bought The Pub if he had known be down the tubes," said Turner. fault," added Turner, "They jusl in- guard with a two-way radio posi- "Women shouldn't be about the University's plan. He be- Turner said that he thought the quiredaboutaproperty and bought ~t. iioned to report any kind of problem. scared of reporting gan leasing the building on April 6, former property owners knew of the It's just that they didn't make it clear For women walking on the 1990. Three weeks later he heard University's plan when they leased that they wouldn't renew the lease." campus at night, the campus police rape; it's not what you offer a female escort service. By see on TV...77 calling 5050 students can get an offi- Support .................... cer to escort them from any location on campus to any other place on Da vid Nichols campus. return. The Military Science Depart- will include assisung them in getting ment will ald the familles of students ID cards and enrolling them In the When a crime does occur on the Although Stone said no students called to actwe duty by serving as milltary health care system.
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