Volume 67, Issue 3 17 Wing Winnipeg / 17e Escadre Winnipeg February 7, 2018 The 17 Wing Community news source since 1952 The long cold spell on the prairies his made for some interesting phenomena, like these parhelia, better known as sun dogs. Parhelia, parhelion singular, comes from the Greek meaning beside the sun. Sundogs form when there are hexagonal ice crystals in high, cirrus clouds. Thanks to Rick Carleton of the IPSC for the information. Photo: Cpl Justin Ancelin, 17 Wing Imaging. GOVERNMENT TIME TO STAR 2 CAD MAJOR TO PRANKSTER LOGISTICS SAVE THE DATE ANNOUNCES TRAINING FOR BE GENDER PRODUCES BRANCH - WINTER FEST INCREASED 10th ANNUAL ADVISER FOR OP PRECIPITATION CELEBRATES COMING SOON FUNDING FOR RCAF RUN REASSURANCE INSTEAD OF 50th BIRTHDAY MFRCS REMOVING IT Page 2 Page 5 Page 6 Page 9 Page 11 Page 12 THEVOXAIR.CA FACEBOOK.COM/THEVOXAIR FREE 2 VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 7 February, 2018 Government Announces Additional Funding for MFRCs at Winnipeg MFRC this year for 15 initiatives they put forward. In follow- tor of the Winnipeg MFRC. “This new funding goes a ing years, the Winnipeg MFRC will receive $218,000 long way in helping us answer those needs.” per year. In 2016, members were requested to identify areas “Providing support to military families is a prior- that could be improved with a Community Needs As- ity for this government,” said Sherry Romanado. “Last sessment. In 2017, MFRCs were given the results of the summer I met with families in Winnipeg and listened assessment and were asked to request funding to meet to what is important to them. Today, I am pleased those needs. to announce that additional resources are being put “I was honestly astounded a few months ago when forward to support our families. As a military family I was advised that the funding we requested for member myself, I appreciate how important this help programs and services under the Strong Secure and can be.” Engaged policy announcements were already being ap- Some of the new initiatives put forward by the Win- proved,” said Joel Roy. nipeg MFRC which are funded include: “Combined with the tremendous support we get • Expanding the drop in service for parents accessing from the community here, this new fund will continue services at the MFRC; in the coming years to enable us to make a very posi- • Extending the children’s programming for 2-4 year tive impact on the families that serve our country,” he olds to 5 afternoons per week, using the South side added. Youth Centre facility; • Opening the South side Youth Centre 5 evenings per week instead of 3 with homework assistance as part of the program; The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Veterans Af- • New games and equipment for both Youth Centres; fairs, Sherry Romanado, addresses guests during the govern- • Hiring a new relocation assistant to help families ment announcement for additional funding to the Military with moves; Family Resource Centres on January 24, 2018 at the Winni- • Equipment to support volunteers on the deployment peg MFRC. Photo: Cpl Justin Ancelin, 17 Wing Imaging program; by Bill McLeod, Voxair Manager • Hiring an additional part-time social worker with an Sherry Romanado, Parliamentary Secretary to the emphasis on better support to families of the fallen and Minister of Veteran’s Affairs and Associate Minister families of ill and injured members; of National Defence, announced $6 million per year • Developing new seminars and workshops for families in new funding for Military Family Resource Centres and couples; and across Canada at an event at the Winnipeg MFRC on • New Wi-Fi for the MFRC which will lead to creation of an electronic resource library and new opportunities Jan 24. 17 Wing Deputy Commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Gen- for programs. The additional funding is part of the Comprehensive evieve Lehoux (L) and former 17 Wing Commander & Military Family Plan outlined in the Strong, Secure, “The community needs assessment done in 2016, Executive Director for the Winnipeg Military Family Resource Engaged defence policy. pointed clearly to mental health support, childcare Center, Mr. Joel Roy (R) speak with the Member of Parlia- The funding will benefit MFRCs across Canada. The accessibility, children and youth support, as well as op- ment for Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingly, Dr. Winnipeg MFRC requested and received $145,000 for portunities for spouses,” said Joel Roy, Executive Direc- Doug Eyolfson. Photo: Cpl Justin Ancelin, 17 Wing Imaging 17 Wing Working Together to Reunite Families for the Holidays by Sgt Nicole Fagan, 17 MSS Air Movements of the 2017/2018 Special Christmas/New Year’s Leave determined to make Christmas successful for all travel- Section and LCol Brian Quick, CO 17 MSS Travel Programme. A combined total of 2,288 passen- lers. Every member had a job to do and contributed to So what does it take to get military members and gers transited through 17 Wing Winnipeg, made pos- mission success. 17 Wing has already been credited for their families home for the holidays? Once again sible through the collaborative efforts and coordination excellent service and turnaround time. this year, members of 17 Mission Support Squadron, of many such as the Wing Operations Centre, SNIC, In addition to the various sections that regularly 402 Squadron, and 17 Operations Support Squadron cooperate to ensure success, 17 Mission Support devoted countless hours during the holiday season to Squadron also provides its Air Movements Section with reunite military members and their families as part additional volunteers to assist with passenger check in, baggage handling, and passenger movement during the Christmas flights. These volunteers often come in THE VOXAIR during their leave to ensure the flights are a success. MCpl Mike Kirk from the RCEME Section said that “if OFFICE HOURS CONtact it was me on one of those flights, I would appreciate it Monday to Friday Ad Sales/Main Office Submissions/Reporter if someone was helping to make things go smoother and 0830 -1500 hrs (204) 833-2500 ext 4120 (204) 833-2500 ext 6976 [email protected] quicker”. MCpl Johnson, also from RCEME, echoed Accounting +VOXAIR@PersSvcs@Winnipeg (204) 833-2500 ext 4121 this sentiment. When asked why he volunteered to VOXAIR Staff help out he said “I wasn’t going anywhere and thought that it would help the Traffic Techs to get passengers LCol Genevieve Lehoux Martin Zeilig Broose Tulloch Dep Wing Commander Photojournalist Layout/Ad Design on their way home at Christmas to their families and (204) 833-2500 ext 5281 (204) 833-2500 ext 6976 Military families board a CC-150 Polaris at the start of the Misra Yakut make their job a little easier”. This was the sentiment Christmas season at 17 Wing, Winnipeg. Photo: Submitted Rick Harris Maureen Walls Accounting from all the volunteers. Both the 17 MSS CO and DCO Managing Editor Sales Coordinator (204) 833-2500 ext 4299 (204) 895-8191 Traci Wright enjoyed the challenges faced by those who routinely Proofreading Capt McCulloch-Drake Refuelling, Air Movements, 402 Servicing, the Com- handle the aircraft when they found themselves on the Bill McLeod Printed By Wing Public Voxair Manager Derksen Printers missionaires, and even an Air Canada employee (who ramp at 0300 hours in -35 degree weather. A very cold Affairs Officer (204) 833-2500 ext 4120 204-326-3421 drives the cargo loader for the CC150 Polaris). LCol Brian Quick said, “I have tremendous respect Upon flight arrival, members of 402 Sqn marshalled for everyone who does this on a regular basis. It looks Visit Us Online: thevoxair.ca the aircraft into position followed by the Refuelling like a fun job in July, but this is a real challenge in the VOXAIR is the unofficial Service newspaper of 17 Wing Winnipeg and is published every two weeks under the authority of the Wing Commander, Col Cook. Opinions and views expressed do not necessarily reflect Section providing at times up to 28,000 L of fuel. Air winter.” those of the Editor, the Wing Commander or the Department of National Defence. The Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any editorial or advertising material. We will not be responsible for any loss or dam- Movements staff loaded and offloaded over 68,000 The Wing Commander, Col Andy Cook, commented age to any advertiser or third party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear in any of our editions or from any error or omission in any advertisement which is published. pounds of baggage and processed 1,645 passengers. that 8 Wing Trenton staff has been singing the praises This was also the successful initial trial for the new of the Winnipeg portion of the Special Christmas/New Correspondence should be addressed to: Promotion of Private Businesses in articles sub- The Voxair mitted for publication is not permitted except in Commissionaire WOC Duty Officers who worked spe- Year’s Leave Travel Programme. Col Cook said, “I am 17 Wing Winnipeg, cases of appreciation for donations where only the company name is included. (Companies cific shifts to support each flight. not surprised considering the great team we have here PO Box 17000 Stn Forces or individuals that are currently in arrears shall Winnipeg, MB R3J 3Y5 not be published.) Individuals or groups shall Battling classic Winnipeg winter weather with tem- in Winnipeg and how well the units cooperate to get This newspaper is printed using not make any offer of promotion in The Voxair peratures dipping into the mid -40s, plus some flights the job done. Well done to everyone involved in making environmentally safe inks. Newspaper of products and/or services for Publications Mail Agreement No.
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