Monitoring the Effectiveness of Culverts Replaced or Retrofitted for Fish Passage in the Upper West Fork of Smith River, Oregon Bruce P. Hansen Gordon H. Reeves Aquatic and Land Interactions Program, PNW Research Station Corvallis, OR SUMMARY history stage. Motivation for movement includes response to changing environmental conditions either seasonally All of the culverts in this study passed juvenile coho or from the alteration of existing conditions, and meeting salmon and cutthroat at a wide range of flows, suggesting reproductive needs and age or life-history stage specific that the current design criteria for these culverts were habitat requirements (Kahler and Quinn 1998; Hoffman adequate to ensure juvenile fish passage. There appear and Dunham 2007). Preserving connectivity among to be patterns in the timing, frequency, and magnitude habitats within a watershed is crucial to the persistence of of upstream and downstream pre-smolt movement. The species dependent on periodic movements (Young 1994; upstream movement of both juvenile coho salmon and Fausch et al. 2002). cutthroat trout in the West Fork of Smith River was triggered Barriers, anthropogenic or natural, can have important by the first fall freshets and tapered off through the rest of ecological effects on fish movement. They may limit access the year. Downstream movement was spread throughout to food resources, reproductive sites, and seasonal refugia the year. Virtually all of the upstream movement occured (Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000). They can also restrict during flows at or below the 2% exceedance level (i.e., 2% interactions among populations of a given species, which of the flows at the site are greater than this flow), with the may reduce the likelihood of persistence of some populations vast majority happening at or below the 10% exceedance. (Lacey 1987; Rieman and Dunham 2000; Wofford et Determining the timing and magnitude of flows when fish al. 2005). How the influence of individual natural and move could help to refine the design criteria for crossings. anthropogenic barriers differs is not immediately clear. While these findings might be used to justify crossings that However, the large number of human-related obstacles do not match the stream channel dimensions, slope and (relative to natural barriers) suggests that they may have substrate (stream simulation), many other factors need to major impacts on fish populations in basins in the Pacific be considered as crossings are sized and designed. Stream Northwest and elsewhere. simulation crossings provide for many more benefits and Culvert passage issues are gaining national and functions than just fish passage. Maintenance of stream international focus because they are implicated in the channel processes and ecological functions are of equal or decline of many fish populations. Agencies responsible for greater importance and should be considered in stream managing fish or their habitat are increasingly concerned crossing design. about the potential impact of culverts on fish movement, particularly for those fish listed under the Endangered INTRODUCTION Species Act. Culverts can impede movement of fish and other aquatic organisms either at all times or under certain Movement within the stream network is an integral flow conditions. They may pose a barrier to upstream part of the life-history of many stream fishes (Fausch et movement of organisms by disrupting stream flow in one al. 2002; Schrank and Rahel 2004). The length, timing, or more of the following ways, by creating: (1) a jump and duration of movement vary with species and life- that is impossible to negotiate, or (2) a velocity barrier. A single impassable culvert can have effects that extended far METHODS beyond the stream on which it is located (Porto et al. 1999). Network fragmentation resulting from barrier culverts can Study Area affect the dispersal of individuals, the genetic integrity of local populations, and community and ecosystem dynamics The West Fork Smith River (WFSR) is a perennial 2 throughout the entire watershed (Wofford et al. 2005). stream draining a 69 km watershed in the Umpqua River Millions of dollars are being spent in the Pacific Northwest basin of the Oregon Coast Range (Figure 1). The WFSR by the USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and was chosen for this study for multiple reasons; the Coos USDA Forest Service to remedy fish passage problems Bay District, BLM had a mix of existing and soon to be created by culverts. The agencies have identified a multiple replaced culverts along the valley floor road. The U.S. hundred million-dollar backlog of fish passage projects in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was conducting Oregon and Washington (US General Accounting Office a study investigating relationships between landscape 2001). Current designs for fish passage culverts consider attributes and coho salmon productivity. Additionally, all life-history stages of selected salmon and trout. Until the WFSR is a life cycle monitoring basin of the Oregon recently, however, the primary emphasis was on adult fish. Department of Fish and Wildlife [ODFW] (Solazzi et al. Now there is increased concern about the movement, 2003). particularly upstream, of juveniles. Obviously, conditions The watershed is covered with a multi-aged forest, for the movement of juveniles will be quite different from dominated by Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga( menziesii), with those of adults. The Government Accounting Office mixed broadleaf and conifer species in the riparian areas, (GAO) review also found that there was a lack of systematic including red alder (Alnus rubra) and bigleaf maple (Acer monitoring to determine whether replacement culverts are macrophyllum). The WFSR has an elevation range from effective in fish passage. 60 to 850 m, with an average gradient of 2.5% (ODFW Land management agencies increasingly recognize and 1997). The underlying geology is Tyee sandstone. acknowledge the ecological importance of small streams, The watershed was splash dammed during a period of including those that may only flow during wetter times intensive forest management in the late 1800s and early of the year. Juveniles of many species move from larger 1900s (S. Klein, EPA, pers com). As a result, in-stream streams to smaller tributary streams seasonally (Kahler and habitat conditions in the lower portions of the West Fork Quinn 1998; Ebersole et al. 2006). They generally move Smith River have been relatively simplified through loss of into tributaries on increasing flows in the fall and early large wood structure that historically would have provided winter, and leave on falling flows in the spring. These points of accumulation of streambed sediments, and streams are often a major part of the stream network, and associated hydraulic and morphometric complexity (Reeves they often have culverts in them, particularly in more et al. 2002). There is, however, substantial variation in in- heavily managed watersheds. stream physical habitat conditions associated with more A literature review by Kahler and Quinn (1998) recent accumulations of large wood pieces and sediment in identified a number of studies that have shown upstream the channel. In the mainstem reaches, the amount of large movements of juvenile anadromous fish throughout the woody debris (LWD) greater than 0.1 m in diameter and 3 2 year. Juvenile steelhead (Onchorhyncus mykiss), cutthroat 1.5 m in length ranged from 0.0004 to 0.263 m /m . In trout (O. clarkii) and coho salmon (O. kisutch), species the tributaries studied, the amount of LWD ranged from 3 2 of interest in this study, have a generalized upstream 0.015 to 0.052 m /m (J. Ebersole, EPA, unpublished migration pattern into small tributaries from larger rivers data). in the late fall and early winter (Kahler and Quinn 1998). Fish species present in the West Fork Smith River Small streams generally served as crucial productive habitat include coho salmon, a small introduced run of fall for juvenile salmonids (Ebersole et al. 2006). chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha), winter steelhead, both The specific objectives of this study were to: (1) determine sea-run and resident cutthroat trout, sculpin (Cottus if recently replaced culverts on selected tributaries of the spp.), speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus), Umpqua dace West Fork Smith River, Oregon, allow upstream movement (R. evermanni), redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus), of juvenile anadromous salmonids; and (2) identify water largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus), northern conditions under which juvenile anadromous salmonids pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis), western brook move through culverts on selected tributaries of the West lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni), and Pacific lamprey (L. Fork Smith River basin. tridentata). 2 Figure 1. Location of West Fork Smith River stationary receivers. allow fish passage (Pat Olmstead, Coos Bay BLM, pers. Study Culverts comm.). Green crossings are judged most likely to pass Road crossings at Crane Creek, Moore Creek, Beaver fish at a wide range of flows and all life stages (Clarkin Creek, and Gold Creek were originally selected for the et al. 2005). Grey crossings are judged to have conditions study (Figure 1). The Crane Creek culvert was dropped that may not be adequate for all species and life stages of from the analysis due to excessive antenna down time and fish to pass the crossing. Red crossings are judged to have a short period of record. Each was recently replaced, and conditions that are assumed not adequate for fish passage. had been designed to allow passage of fish over a range The Upper West Fork Smith River bridge crossing, where of flows (Table 1, Figures 2-4). They were classified as road 20-9-27 crosses the WFSR (Figure 5), was added to Green or Grey using the “Coarse Screen Filter”, a rapid the study to monitor fish movement in a reach of stream assessment tool to identify the potential of a culvert to not affected by a culvert. Table 1.West Fork Smith River culvert specifications. Length Width Height Year (ft) (ft) (ft) Gradient % Stream Coarse Crossing Type Installed [m] [m] [m] (%) Simulation2 Filter3 Crane Cr.
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