/ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ENCLOSURE COVER SI-JET SUBJECT: 41f1Qg-l*_ FILE: 9"/45706: szcnc-1: /7 0? 7:? THIS SECTION IS COMPRISEIT OF PAGES WILCE .1-.&#39;E_F1ERE&#39;92"IEh&#39;Y.D T515 FOE F. &#39;EASE. _Q[,3 PAC-ESABE AV.1.ILA_51-EFROl~i TEES SECTION FOR RE.._|EnT *5? ._- THIS IS ENCLOSURE1 OF g ENCLOSUIKFKS! NO DUPLICATION FEE L/I FOR THIS PAGE £5?! P5,?» /==?77/»§:~&#39; _ _ _-.- . __,. :1... __ - "--* §I. - -&#39; I 8&4...-» . &#39; &#39; -1 ; * Hum... BUREAU or INVESLGATION / ii eP0|-nnq 7 I>*fi1.¢-aW VA diflce of Or1?lnV 77* 92Dll 7; l""9&#39;-q°""° P*°i W _ 7 JACKSO - N JACKSON 12/19/6Q 6/21/64 - 12/19/64 J 0 Tille of Carlo . K &#39;I - W K 7 i i I 7 ReporTE:.17du by J 7 J 7 i 7 W Typed By: sg-u-_ .I t o * ER . "__, t BERNARD L. AKIN, ET AL; Clwarocfar 0| Casi _ _ c &#39;__ _.__ _j i __ _ H j §,.,_ &#39;-F. &#39;;_ 1/ JAMES EARL CHANEY&#39; CIVIL RIGHTS - ELECTION LAws-- MICHAEL HENRY SCHWERNER aka _ - I ~ 7- . L-.7 3 I _ _" P . &#39;. *5 ,&#39; 9292 Mickey, ANDREWGOODMAN I ; g§¬¥géS§ggY0§C¥§L0NYi qUV?NIFE - Q ... _ VICTIMS - . _, . __ R g.; r»- _g_g92 g jg ,,_ _: gt . v &#39;1&#39; " ~ Z AA§Lurn &#39;" miunv -"*" i" -- . i ._-_ E B Q §.E E H Z L 3.2 § H E E 5.5.1. &#39; i7f" --.__ _- -_ - _, ___ _. - _____ _ .__....... -._.._._._,________. ;+_t REFERENCE . - _ . f ,-- &#39;&#39; -- *1-~ I. Report of SR. _ dated 12/10/64. at Jacksorf ;i&#39;fl_,l- 4;.- . &#39; - -&#39; -~ _ -112 _-._ ,_,...- R . _ _¢&#39;:; .; " I _&#39;4 . Y-V-*T77&#39;;Amumsmmnwn _ _- 92 .- .. .. T;;;_ .&#39;:."g"_"= _._-&#39; _»_. ~ _._ _. If&#39; 1 .- 1&#39; Information germane to prosecution in this investiga ion _.-.-nn-- i has been elicited from previously submitted reports in this "__4-» P. case, to effect a working trial brief. - R _ R R. 3. _ .92 __ All persons contacted during the course of this &#39;5 3 investigation were advised that this inquiry was being conduc J "E: at the specific request of Mr. BURKE MARSHALL, Assistant *92 _- -. -w~ . _ Attorney General, U. S epartment of Justice. Appruvld 7 9&#39;-T151 A7°"&#39; &#39; Do not write In lpucel below g in Chcrrqe if L . 1+ mag-vw R 1 - USA, Jackson, Miss. L _ . __ 5! - &#39; EBJAN 141955 _! -- 3 -Jackson 4-1! 1 R ;" ?;*r : - . *#-=- ¢_;r --I; re rf* Q 92- Ho-Halonl: ; _&#39; .c4§ _ Q |%%;£§jgEh1il&%?f;7/{LLELHwfl7j; 92:-s4&#39; see wqn /@/ Ch»¢r4 ~1f~ ?é?%24/ /- if}? éagigf?/rwi_ 92. I |||&#39;:qQ?4l~ e" =e . e r iié%i¢-; **- R ~/*i?;:Zjq ** g? §§g;* 92*, - _ ¢ 79 JAN znscs rs " R ~ .q,-92> "" * = vu " - _ E. 3&#39;: , , JD". 1 . _ W. -.- . | .. .. .....,,,,|. ...-,,__ ,._ ,.. ,._,, _,, .,. ,_.. ..........._........_.._.__~W __ ,._. ..;_, . I-L _-. _ _, - ,-._ __- ..__ --L. _____..__,.-._-ha, ._.-_..._.,_ _. 1-D-204 Rm.a-v-ow! < ~ A UNITED STATESDEPARTMEN. JUSTICE OF FEDERAL BUREAU CF INVESTIGATION I _ u Q Naur- Copy fo: 1 - USA, Jackson, Mississippi .?¢., Rcpo oi: SA_ W Office: BC J kson I7? DOTI: U? 12/19/64 .-.: . C &#39; Field Office File No.1 92 . J-N Bureau File N0.: 92»92".. TH: EERNARD L. AKIN; EARL B. ARIN; JIMMY NMN! ARLEDGE; HoRAcE DoYLE BARNETTE; TRAVIS MARYN i EARNETTE; oTHA NEAL BURKES, PATROLMAN, PHILADELPHIA, MISSISSIPPI POLICE DEPARTMENT; issmuae oLEN LovELL BURRAGE; JAMEs T. HARRIs; FRANK J. HERNDON; ToMMY A. HoRNE- JAMES E. JORDAN; EDGAR 1<ILLEN;_RAY BILLY NAYNE Xiiidli 6&#39;?--+ POSEY; CECIL RAY PRICE, DEPUTY SHERIFF, NESHOBA COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI; LAWRENCE ANDREW WP -1 RAINEY, SHERIFF, NESHOBA couNTY, MISSISSIPPI; ALTON WAYNE ROBERTS; JERRY MC GREW sHARPE; - JIMMY SNOWDEN; JIMMY LEE TOWNSEND; HERMAN :1r&#39;~=:=&#39;.~ TUCKER; oLIvER RICHARD HARNER, JR; - - JAMES EARL cHANEY; MICHAEL HENRY scHNERNER; ANDREW GOODMAN - vIcTIMsi@» - Character: CIVIL RIGHTS - ELECTION LAWS; MISPRISION OF FELONY - JUVENILE DELINQUENCY ACT Ii n-q,~ P B Q § E E H I I EMA § H H E A 5.1 -C-_.-_¢_ --<&#39;|."&#39;- &#39; A. NARRATIvE_9§ OFFENSE -L.-T Victims JAMES EARL CHANEY, ANDREW GOODMANand MICHAEL HENRY SCHWERNER, Council of Federated Organizations CQFO! workers, left Meridian, Mississippi around 11:00 AM, 1-. - . Sunday, June 21, 1964, en route to the Mount Zion Comunity ....ld east of Philadelphia, Mississippi where they visited the former l~./. site of the Mount Zion Methodist Church which burned to the ground on the evening of June 16, 1964. After viewing the charred remains of the Mount Zion Methodist Church, the victims visited with several Negro families before driving toward Philadelphia, Mississippi en route to Meridian, Mississippi. Tm: document oonuina neither recommendation: norconclusion: of the FBI. It II 1_.h¢ propertyof the FBI and in loaned to your agency; it Lu mnuni-I 1: not tn be diluibutad ouuide your agency. ,4Yc3%, L. 1" ! - 1 92 n1 I. _1 -J *0 -1.. 1--"&#39;-j ,. .-u1 . bjm I-1 at __-0--_ while driving their 1963 Ford Fairlane Ranch Hagen, bearing 1964 Mississippi License H25503, to Philadelphia, - < . - Mississippi, they were arrested by Deputy Sheriff CECIL RAY PRICE, Neshoba County, Mississippi, at approximately 3:30 PM, -§, June 21, 1964, allegedly for speeding within the city limits of Philadelphia, Mississippi. At the request of Deputy :- Sheriff PRICE, Mississippi Highway Safety Patrolman HARRY J. 1 d WIGGS and E, R. POE assisted PRICE in transporting the victims J tn the Neshoba County Jail where CHANEY was incarcerated for _- speeding and GOODMAN andSCHWERNER were incarcerated "for " X investigation". b7C .92-r v __ pang ~1&#39;»."927:;-&#39;¢ .- ._&#39;=&#39;|&#39;_-V v &#39;92v-. .&#39;;--l >&#39; SCI-[WERNERbookedinvestigation. CHANEY for for speeding victimsand GOODMAN and were held -.&#39;-.111 in the Neshoba County Jail until Justice o Peace LEONARD WARREN was available to set bond for CHANEY, After 10:00 PM, Justice of Peace WARREN was contacted at which time he set t CHANEYs bond at $20. After the bond was paid, the three victims were released from the Neshoba County Jail at approximately 10:30 PM, June 21, 1966. b?£,g7D I Victims departed from the Neshoba County Jail in -_.92-&#39; the ranch wagon and were followed until they approached . P 1 the Philadelphia city limits by Deputy Sheriff PRICE and RICHARD A WILLIS a Philade Mississippi patrolman. lyre, b/&#39;0 - 11 - {L / i - &#39;3 _ . ._._. _._- ..._ ..._¢_._.__...-.-_._.-.-ts K {&#39;3 $-Ir , 92 _ 92- &#39;- . JN 44-1 bjm Hooserveu -| 1 the victims 1 |- traveling on nignway 19 toward Meridian, Mississippi. 5- yup - I On June 23, 1964, near the Bogue Chitto Creek on -I Highway 21, approximately thirteen miles northeast of . Philadelphia, Mississippi, the 1963 Ford Fairlane Ranch 2.. .»,-4 Wagon,which was last seen in the possession of the three .4- civil rights workers, was located in a completely burned - : : .vp- condition. Examination of the ranch wagon indicated that the interior and exterior of the car, with the exception &#39;7"-1-r_ of the left front fender and door along with a portion of the hood and bumper, had been affected by flames and intense _-_-.f1I&#39;92 e _&#39; - I? heat of fire. A meticulous examination by Special Agents &#39;:&#39;-.-~~¢.-&#39;:from the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory revealed !&#39;__I . _._.: that no human remains were in the debris which contained a - &#39;-.&#39; -_.?-»" wristwatch, automobile keys and tools. A resident of the ??d1 area, T. HUDSON, stated he had traveled by the pkace where f92 the car was burned shortly after 1:00 AM, June 22, 196k, and observed what apparently was the burning car. Flames :- . ten to twelve feet high were noted, even burnini the bushes. .1-. .&#39; _. it" 5761570 On August 4, , a search warrant signed b Y L! I 5 Q Q 92Jk|-Ll-Ul-I-:,a.l-92J|-I-Cl, 92C"I&#39;92I&#39;92l&#39;>&#39;l-TFDTA 4192ll-l T&#39;l?I; 1-Jldl-J 92JI&#39;lJ-|.l.1M&#39;92.l-I, QI.1"l&#39;;""|"92_£AN! ll-L1-u4&#39;92i- uilnll-I-DDLD: ordering a search of the OLEN BURRAGE farm in Neshoba County, was served on OLEN BURRAGE at Philadelphia, Mississippi. Excavation was conducted on the farm dam and the bodies of the three civil rights workers, CHANEY, GOODMAN and SCHWERNER, were located and exhumed. The bodies g §- were transported to the University of Mississippi Medical .4 -.- Center, Jackson, Mississippi, where Dr. WILLIAM P. FEATHERSTON, _ i a local pathologist, conducted an autopsy and pronounced the cause of death to be gunshot wounds. _l /~92 &#39;1 . :--|-u- 5 ._ 4 JN 44-l r bjm &#39;II J ".- ositive identification of the three bodies as &#39;~.. JAMoom- . EARL1 &#39;n:&#39;v CHAhai, mioHAELu&#39;rr~ _ HENRY SCHUERNERand ANDREW .,,..- GOODMAN wasestablished by the FBI Identification Division 4:4 through fingerprints of the victims. Fl 1- Q-1&#39;-. u -v .-1 5;} construction of the earthen -0, cn_ dam was started around June 14, 196A and that work on the E"- .
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