DEVOTED XQ BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 33, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 29, 1899. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. SWORD SUSPENDED. STAGINGS© SENSE. ACTION IN THE CASE OF JENNINGS 1 WESTERN LEAGUE MANAGER WHO DEFERRED, TALKS WISELY. Hanlon Smothers His Resentment The Fntility of the Project to Start Against the Recalcitrant Player For a New Organization on the Reck the Present and Takes Him With less Lines Laid Out by Western the Team Upon the Western Trip, Scribes Looking For a Fight, Brooklyn, July 24. Editor "Sporting Detroit, Mich., July 24. Editor "Sport Life:" Despite the urgency of the Brook ing Life:" Manager George Stalling:*, of lyn Directory Hugh Jennings was not sus the Detroit team, who was formerly man pended without pay by Manager Hanlon, ager of the Philadelphia- Club, is not ail who prudently suppressed whatever resent enthusiast of the proposed new base ball ment he may have felt for the unpleasant league. He thinks there is very little to position Jenniugs sought to put him in. be gained in a tight against the National There are many things about base ball League, and that if the men who are be these days that are not as they should be, hind the proposed deal are wise, they will but it has not yet come to pass that a keep their hands off before being scorched. player may be suspended simply because he In an interview this evening Mr. StallLngs informs a club that wants to engage him said: that he is not in condition to play. THE PLAYERS© POSITION. HUGH JENNINGS "I have always been in favor of better sal is now with the Brooklyns on the Western aries for ball players and would like to see trip. Regarding the matter at issue Jen them raised in the Western League, but I know nings is quoted as saying: from experience that the managers and owners of clubs have been unable in the past to pay "I am not opposed to figuring In a deal, but such, exorbitant salaries as were paid out a few- I most certainly object to going to Louisrillc. years ago, when the game was given a severe With the reports that are going around re setback by the Brotherhood fight. I think that garding new leagues and the reduction of the if the circuit in the Western League was National League circuit a player don©t know strengthened that the owners would then be where he is at. It isn©t certain that Louis enabled to increase their salary limit. The play ville will be io the League next year, and I ers are not as stupid as many people imagine, want to stay in the big organization. I am and they are not going to jeopardize their own looking out for iny own interests, and for that interests by agreeing to play with a rival league reason object to going to Louisville, for if it unless they cau see the necessary money back were to be dropped next year I might be frozen of such an organization to keep it afloat more out. I wouldn©t object to going to some other than one season. I would not be surprised to see club If satisfactory arrangements could be all the players get together and fight the reserve made." rule, which I believe is not to their interest in Jennings further said that he was not the least, but otherwise they will not go over looking for sympathy, as he did not regard JOUETT MEEKIN, to the rival league, if such a one is formed, his League career as over yet by a long unless they weigh their chances well. shot. The Famous Pitcher of the New York Club. TOO MUCH MONEY NECESSARY. MANAGER HANLOX "Now as to forming a new league. Why, It naturally feels cut up about Jennings will require at least $2,000,000 capital to inaug blocking a deal upon which he had set urate an organization of that kind on a solid his heart, although he did not go the ROCHES_TER_RIPPLES. } SYRACUSE SOLID. basis, and if the men interested think it can be length of inflicting immediate punishment done for less they will be badly mistaken. It as urged. In speaking of the matter he Buckenberger©s Braves Making a The Club Completely Reorganized will take a lot of money to buy grounds, etc., said: in the leading cities of the United States, and Determined Effort to Get to the and in the Hands of a Responsible then they will havu the National League people "Jennings was wrong In responding to Pul- to fight from the jump. That will mean thou liam©s telegram the way he did. His arm is as Top of the Ladder. Stock Company. sands of dollars lost to each side, and the big good as it ever was and he can throw with Rochester, N. Y., July 22. Editor Syracuse, N. Y.. July 23. Editor "Sport- League magnates are in better shape to make the best of them, but he doesn©t want to go to "Sporting Life:" The club uns been play Ing Life:" Base ball is onoe more on a the fight than the other people. I think it very Louisville, and it was an easy matter for him ing championship ball since coming solid footins: in Syracuse. The meet foolish for the National League people to allow to keep from going there. The telegram did borne. There are still a number of ing of the ©new Syracuse Base Ball Asso any such state of affairs to be brought about, the business. Jennings has caused trouble of games to be played this series ciation was held last Saturday as they can avert it if they desire. one kind or another in other directions. But and they should be placed and the following officers were elected: Presi THE LEAGUE©S DUTY. I am opposed to suspending him for good to the credit of the home club, and put them dent. John .1. Murray: vice president. William The reduction of the National League circuit reason. I favor his release outright in pref well up in the race. The attendance has boon A. Davis: secretary, Simon Shimberg: treas is bound to come next year, no matter whether erence to taking such action. quite good, but not what it should.be for a urer George Freeman. Messrs. Huyle. Meagher. the ten-year compact exists or not. It will be From the above it is plain that Jennings© lub that has been putting up such a fine ar Groesbeck, Hoolihan and Neally were chosen reduced to an eight-club circuit, which will leave ©days as a Brooklyn player are surely num ticle of ball. directors. President Murray announces that Washington. Baltimore. Cleveland and Louisville bered. He may yet be taken at his word THE PLAYERS. the team will be strengthened at. once, and out of the circuit. Now. if the National League that he is unable to play, and laid off By the retirement of Dan Brouthers O©Hagan that prospects are good for securing good men. magnates know their business, they will permit without pay until he gets into condition. has gone back to first base, and "Billy" Lush THE LOCAL TEAM the Western League to place a team in Chicago ANOTHER GRIEVANCE. is playing centre field, and doing it in grant! has played some good ball since the change and also St. Louis, which with Louisville and style, and bis execution with the bat and on of ownership, and the whole outfit is charged Cleveland, would make the Western League the Cpnsiderable resentment is also telt in the base lines is all right. He always was with new life. Manager Griffin has been play strongest in the country by far, aside from the the Brooklyn camp against Secretary Pul-© popular here, and the fans were glad to see ing centre field for the rast week, and the National League, and it would not be much be Ham. of the Louisville Club, for needlessly him return to Rochester. "Count" Campau popular "Sandy" never played better ball dur hind the big one either. This would give the publishing a telegram calculated to place is playing a star game in all departments, and ing his career "than he is putting up at pres National League people the East to themselves the Brooklyn Club in an unpleasant posi Is showinr the young blood how the game should ent. The Scranton battery. Keenan and O©Neil. and shut out all rivals to that territory for all tion before the public, without doing either be played. Barclay is covering lots of terri are of the right sort, and we can stand more time. Chicago can easily support two clubs the Louisville Club or the League, as a tory in left field, and is one of the best run of the same kind. Syracuse has at last se and St. Louis likewise. It would renew Interest whole, any particular good. But the re ners and run getters on the team. The infield cured a third baseman who fills all the require in the game all around and be a good thing for sentment is being smothered in the vain is well taken care of by O©Hagan, Smith, ments, and Charley Smith may have an equal all concerned. \ think the National League peo hope that the deal may yet he made. Bean and Benke. but not a superior in the Eastern League. He ple should ponder over the above suggestion be THE BATTERIES.
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