SCHÖNFELS WWW.SCHÖNFELS-OBERRIEDEN.CH NEW-BUILD PROJECT SCHÖNFELS Lodged ingeniously into the incline, these Inside, the well-proportioned, open living four buildings ranging from two to three sto- and dining areas are also arranged towards reys attract immediate attention with their the lake. Floor-to-ceiling window fronts and distinctive architecture. Between them, they the immediately adjoining terraces further comprise ten apartments of varying sizes, all enhance the feeling of expansiveness. The with the advantage of a unique outlook onto more intimate bedroom spaces are placed Lake Zurich and the distant alpine ranges of towards the slope-facing side of the apart- the Glarus. ment, but also enjoy the benefit of appea- ling views across open spaces. The four separate elements blend harmoni- ously with their surroundings in terms of vo- The penthouse units of the two upper buil- lume and general proportions. The unequi- dings have the added bonus of amazing roof vocal, contemporary architectural language terraces with their own swimming pools. and uniform bricktile cladding present a clear and cohesive visual concept which, vie- wed in juxtaposition with the existing Villa Schönfels, combine to form an impressive overall ensemble. Every one of the spacious, terraced units boasts an extra-high oriel window in the form of a two-storey corner bay that links the levels and makes a real feature of the spec- tacular views. 2 3 4 LOCATION NEAR THE LAKE Oberrieden is situated on the left bank of In terms of transport links, Oberrieden is the lake, just 11 kilometers from Zurich’s city particularly well served. The community has center. It’s attractive location on the gently two stations, both of which have connecti- undulating, terraced inclines of the Zim- ons every half-hour. The journey to Zurich merberg ridge affords it fabulous vistas of takes 20 minutes, and barely a quarter of an the lake and the alps. No wonder Oberrie- hour to Zug. By car, you can reach the city in den counts as one of the most desirable re- 15 minutes and the airport in about 35 minu- sidential spots in the region of Zurich. The tes. The motorway junctions in Horgen and low tax base is another factor contributing Thalwil are a just few minutes’ drive away. to its appeal. Horgen is equally close; from here the lake ferry takes you across to Meilen at 10-minute With around 5,000 inhabitants, the mu- intervals. nicipality has succeeded in preserving its village-like character to this day. You can Oberrieden’s appeal is not merely due to its still find tranquil old districts set in leafy proximity to Zurich. Having the lake and the surroundings. The center itself has a com- countryside within easy reach are also im- prehensive array of shops for your day-to- portant plus points, with the stunning recre- day needs, with various medical practices ational greenbelt on the Zimmerberg ridge as well as the Zimmerberg hospital to tend and along the Sihl valley providing tempting to your health and well-being. Oberrieden and varied destinations for leisure activities. has the full range of schooling available lo- Well-known attractions include the wildlife cally, from kindergarten to primary and se- park at Langenberg and the Sihlwald wood- condary levels. land nature reserve. 5 SURROUNDINGS 15 CLOSE TO ALL THE ACTION The Schönfels development will be positi- where there are diverse shops, a post-office oned directly opposite the station at Ober- and banks, a pharmacy, the town hall, and rieden See, making it ideally placed in terms numerous other amenities. The second sta- of public transport connections and links to tion at Oberrieden Dorf, which is on the line 1 Zurich. The waterfront is about 200 meters serving Zurich-Zug, can be reached on foot 14 distance. Proceeding up the slope, a walk of in no more than 7 minutes. SCHÖNFELS a few minutes takes you to the village center, 2 13 10 11 DISTANCES 12 Station 1. 4 km 7 mins. 7 mins. 9 mins. 8 Shops 475 m 2 mins. 2 mins. - 9 School 570 m 3 mins. 4 mins. - Zurich City 11 km 25 mins. 20 mins. 20 mins. Zurich Airport 22 km 1h 40 mins. 35 mins. 42 mins. Zug 22.5 km 1h 28 mins. 32 mins. 15 mins. 6 3 4 1. SBB station See Oberrieden 2. Bus-stop, Oberrieden station 5 6 3. Boat jetty, Oberrieden 4. Lakeside restaurant Key West 5. Tamoil petrol station 6. Oberrieden public beach 7. Beach restaurant Schwimmbad 7 8. SBB station Oberrieden Dorf 9. Bus-stop, Oberrieden Dorf 10. Convenience store Bicki Lade 11. Zimmerberg bank ATM cashpoint 12. Kölli Beck bakery 13. Coop supermarket 14. Bus-stop, Hubstrasse 15.. Bus-stop, Mettli (Thalwil) 7 8 AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE TEN FREEHOLD APARTMENTS 10 8 10 8 9 Reduit Garagenbox 3.5 m2 35.5 m2 0 1 TU Reduit Korridor Wohnen / Essen Küche 5.5 m2 6.0 m2 26.0 m2 WM 7.5 m2 Waschen 16.5 m2 Keller 11.5 m2 ReduiDuschet Garagenbox Wohnung 8a.101 3.5 m5.02 m2 35.5 m2 WM TU Zimmer 13.0 m2 Nettowohnfläche: Keller: N Eingang WHG Sitzplatz: Entrée 8a.101 18.5 m2 6 6 TU Reduit Korridor Wohnen / Essen 5 5 Küche 4 4 5.5 m2 6.0 m2 26.0 m2 WM 7.5 m2 3 3 Waschen 2 2 APARTMENT 8A.101 1 1 2 16.5 m Keller 0 0 2.5-ROOM UNIT 11.5 m2 Sitzplatz Dusche Levels: 0 & 1 22.0 m2 Wohnung 8a.101 5.0 m2 10b 8b WM TU Zimmer 13.0 m2 NFA* excluding cellar: 85.0 m2 Nettowohnfläche: Keller: N Cellar / utility room: 28.0 m2 Eingang WHG Sitzplatz: Entrée 10a 8a 8a.101 Garage lock-up: 35.5 m2 18.5 m2 6 6 5 5 Exterior space: 22.0 m2 4 4 3 3 *Net floor area 2 2 051 1 1 0 0 Sitzplatz 22.0 m2 Ebene 0 Ebene 1 10b 8b 96 Schönfels 10 10a 8a 8 10 051 1 m 5 m 8 N Ebene 0 Ebene 1 96 Schönfels The right to make changes and modifications to the published details as well as the building specification is expressly reserved. No liability will be accepted. 10 Keller 8a.201 Keller 8a.201 22.5 m2 22.5 m2 Eingang WHG Eingang WHG 1 2 8a.201 8a.201 WM WM Zimmer Zimmer 2 TU 2 16.0 m TU 16.0 m Zimmer Zimmer Garagenbox Garagenbox 17.0 m2 2 Korridor Korridor 17.0 m 2 18.5 m 18.5 m2 2 11.0 m 11.0 m2 Reduit Garagenbox 3.5 m2 35.5 m2 Reduit Dusche Bad Reduit Zimmer Dusche Bad Zimmer 8.0 m2 6.5 m2 7.0 m2 2 13.0 m2 2 2 2 TU 8.0 m 6.5 m 7.0 m 13.0 m TU Wohnung 8a.201 Wohnung 8a.201 WM WM TU Reduit Korridor Wohnen / Essen Küche Nettowohnfläche: Nettowohnfläche: 5.5 m2 6.0 m2 26.0 m2 Keller / Waschen Keller / Waschen WM 2 N 7.5 m Keller: Keller: N 11.5 m2 2 Waschen APARTMENT 8A.201 11.5 m Sitzplatz: Sitzplatz: 16.5 m2 Keller Wohnen / Essen / Küche Wohnen / Essen / Küche 2 2 4.5-ROOM UNIT 51.0 m 51.0 m2 11.5 m 6 6 6 6 Dusche Treppenhaus Treppenhaus 5 5 5 5 WohnungLevels: 8a.101 1 & 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 5.0 m 16.5 m 16.5 m 3 3 3 3 WM TU Zimmer 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 13.0 m 0 0 0 0 Nettowohnfläche:NFA* excluding cellar: 146.0 m2 Keller: N Eingang WHG Sitzplatz: Cellar / utility room: 34.0 m2 Entrée 10b 8b 8a.101 10b 8b 18.5 m2 Garage lock-up: 18.5 m2 6 6 Terrasse Terrasse 5 5 32.5 m2 2 4 Exterior space: 4 32.5 m2 32.5 m 3 3 2 *Net floor area 2 1 1 10a 8a 10a 8a 0 0 Sitzplatz nicht begehbar nicht begehbar 22.0 m2 10b 8b Keller 8a.201 22.5 m2 051 051 Ebene 1 Ebene 1 Ebene 2 Ebene 2 10a 8a 10 96 Schönfels 96 Schönfels 8 Cellar (Level 2) 051 10 1 m 5 m 8 N Ebene 0 Ebene 1 96 Schönfels The right to make changes and modifications Eingangto the publishedWHG details as well as the building specification is expressly reserved. No liability will be accepted. 8a.201 11 WM Zimmer 2 TU 16.0 m Zimmer Garagenbox 2 Korridor 17.0 m 18.5 m2 11.0 m2 Reduit Dusche Bad Zimmer 8.0 m2 6.5 m2 7.0 m2 13.0 m2 TU Wohnung 8a.201 WM Nettowohnfläche: Keller / Waschen Keller: N 2 11.5 m Sitzplatz: Wohnen / Essen / Küche 51.0 m2 6 6 Treppenhaus 5 5 4 4 2 16.5 m 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 10b 8b Terrasse 32.5 m2 10a 8a nicht begehbar 051 Ebene 1 Ebene 2 96 Schönfels Garagenbox 43.5 m2 Eingang WHG 2 3 8a.301 WM Garagenbox TU 43.5 m2 Dusche 4.5 m2 Zimmer Zimmer Korridor Bad Zimmer Keller / Waschen 2 2 2 2 2 12.0 m 12.0 m Reduit 7.0 m 7.5 m 15.5 m 13.5 m2 2.0 m2 Eingang WHG Wohnung 8a.301 Wohnen / Essen / Küche Reduit 8a.301 54.5 m2 3.5 m2 Nettowohnfläche: WM APATMENT 8A.301 Keller: N Sitzplatz: 4.5-ROOM UNIT TU Dusche Levels: 2 & 3 4.5 m2 6 6 5 5 4 4 Zimmer Zimmer Korridor Bad Zimmer 3 3 Treppenhaus 2 2 Keller / Waschen 2 2 2 2 2 NFA* excluding cellar: 134.0 m2 15.5 m2 12.0 m Terrass12.0 m e Reduit 7.0 m 7.5 m 15.5 m 1 1 13.5 m2 0 0 41.0 m2 2 Cellar / utility room: 13.5 m2 2.0 m Garage lock-up: 43.5 m2 10b 8b Exterior space: 41.0 m2 nicht begehbar *Net floor area Wohnung 8a.301 Wohnen / Essen / Küche Reduit 10a 54.5 m2 3.5 m2 8a Nettowohnfläche: Keller: N Sitzplatz: 051 6 6 5 5 4 4 Ebene 2 10 Ebene 3 3 3 Treppenhaus 2 2 15.5 m2 Terrasse 1 1 8 0 0 41.0 m2 96 Schönfels 10 10b 8b 1 m nicht begehbar5 m 8 N 10a 8a The right to make changes and modifications to the published details as well as the building specification is expressly reserved.
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