A&E EDITORIAL: SUGAR WOES SPORTS Rock band, Flyleaf, to “If the sugar and fast food industries truly had a vested inter- Nina Davis named to 4 perform at Common est in helping Americans lead healthier lives, there would the Preseason All-Big 12 Grounds tonight. most likely be much more accountability by government enti- team. Page 6 ties than currently exists.” Page 2 Page 8 baylorlariat com The Baylor Lariat WE’RE THERE WHEN YOU CAN’T BE Thursday | October 2, 2014 Meth bust Microsoft two miles Office 365 away from free for students BU campus By Viola Zhou Reporter By Rebecca Flannery Microsoft has rolled out a new pro- Staff Writer gram to students at Baylor and other qualifying schools a free Microsoft Of- Waco police confiscated two pounds of meth- fice 365 ProPlus package. amphetamine Wednesday and arrested one man The company announced the offer of during the execution of a search warrant two miles Microsoft 365 Education for Students on south of campus, said Sgt. Patrick Swanton, public Sept. 22. The free package includes the information officer for the Waco Police Depart- latest version of Word, Excel, Power- ment. Point, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher and The Waco SWAT team, Access. Drug Enforcement Unit, K-9 Baylor Bookstore has been offering unit and McLennan County free Microsoft Office 2013 for Win - Sheriff’s Office worked in dows system and Microsoft Office 2011 conjunction to make this for Mac, but students need to pay $15 drug bust as part of a larger to cover the cost of the CD, said Becky ongoing investigation, Swan- King, associate vice president for infor- ton said. mation technology and deputy chief in- Casper Martinez, 19, was formation officer. arrested at the 2300 block King said students don’t need to pay of Mistletoe Street, and for the CD cost to get the new package charged with possession of Martinez that can be downloaded online. The a controlled substance over regular price of the package for non- 400 grams, which is a federal offense. ONSTANCE TTON ARIAT HOTOGRAPHER students is $12 per month. During the arrest, an SKS rifle and an undis- C A | L P She said the main advantage of Office closed amount of money were also discovered. 365 ProPlus is it can be installed on up to “The street value of the seizure is about Photoception five computers or mobile devices. $90,000,” Swanton said. “We consider that an ex- cessive amount of drugs, and the seizure is a sig- Students from Media Photography 2: Photojournalism come together with to photograph models Wednesday in front nificant dent to a drug dealer’s supply.” of a new mural on Austin Avenue. SEE MICROSOFT, page 4 Lt. governor candidate to speak on campus By Jon Platt sition in 2010 and has served tion he is running for and the Reporter on six committees while in of- importance it plays in state gov- fice, including the Committee ernment. Mechling said she also State Sen. Dan Patrick, the of Education, where he served anticipates hearing about his Republican candidate for lieu- as chair. plans for the state, should he be tenant governor, will speak on Baylor’s Young Conserva- elected. campus today at 5 p.m. in 104 tives of Texas, which was named “The biggest things is coming Morrison Hall. Chapter of the Year in 2010, is to get informed,” Mechling said. Colleyville senior Brandon dedicated to the founding prin- “I feel students are not informed Waltens, the state secretary of ciples of American exception- about elections. Typically, stu- the Young Conservatives of Tex- alism, Christian ethics and the dents vote based on political as, said Patrick will speak with best of Baylor tradition, accord- party. ‘Oh, that guy is a Demo- Baylor’s chapter of the organiza- ing to the chapter’s Web page. crat or a Republican, so I’ll vote tion. All students are welcome to After his speech, Patrick will for him.’” attend the event for free. be available for a question-and- By coming and hearing a In addition to his politi- answer session, Waltens said. politician speak, Mechling said, cal career, Patrick hosts The “This is a great opportunity students can better understand Dan Patrick Show, a daily radio to meet with him,” said Cisco the candidate and vote more ac- show on sports that is nationally junior Whitney Mechling, chair curately. broadcast by DirecTV’s Audi- of Baylor’s Young Conservatives Being able to find out if the ence Network and NBC’s Sports of Texas chapter. “We have lots candidate supports and holds Network. He is also an author, of speakers come in, but most one’s own principles is a great movie producer, musician and are not running for office. Being value of this event, she said. artist, according to his website. able to meet with someone who “It’s a very important thing In 2006, Patrick won his first is running for office in Texas to for him to come here,” Mechling bid for public office as a state make a difference in Texas is said. “He’s running for one of the senator for the Senate’s seventh g re at .” most powerful positions in Tex- ASSOCIATED PRESS district in northwest Houston. Mechling said she expects as government. Students should Texas lieutenant governor hopefuls state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, left, and state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Patrick was reelected to the po- Patrick to talk about the posi- come hear what he has to say.” Antonio, shake hands Monday following their televised debate in Austin. US, China speak publicly on differences over protest By Matthew Pennington China took control of the former that is essential to Hong Kong’s Associated Press British colony in 1997, allowing stability and prosperity,” a White it to retain more freedoms than House statement about the meet- WASHINGTON — Top U.S. mainland China. ing said. and Chinese officials publicly aired President Barack Obama joined The protesters oppose Beijing’s differences Wednesday over the his National Security Adviser Su- decision in August that all candi- protests in Hong Kong, where stu- san Rice in a meeting with Wang, dates in an inaugural 2017 election dents want democratic changes to and said that the U.S. is closely for the territory’s top post must be the electoral system. following developments in Hong approved by a committee of mostly China’s Foreign Minister Wang Kong and expressed their hope pro-Beijing local elites. Tens of Yi was visiting Washington as the differences between Hong Kong thousands of people have ral- standoff between students and au- authorities and protesters will be lied against that decision in Hong ASSOCIATED PRESS thorities intensified in the Chinese addressed peacefully. Kong’s streets since late last week. Riot police fire tear gas on student protesters occupying streets surrounding the government headquarters on territory — the stiffest challenge “The United States has consis- Monday in Hong Kong. yet to Beijing’s authority since tently supported the open system SEE PROTEST, page 4 Vol.116 No. 18 First copy free. Additional copies 25 cents each. © 2014 Baylor University Opinion Thursday| October 2, 2014 2 The Baylor Lariat Fat: Not all our fault industry. is nearly impossible to deny that Editorial Like its predecessors, such as the industry plays a huge role in “Food, Inc.,” it appears that “Fed what goes into the unhealthy foods There is little question that Up” aims to be a catalyst for change we buy every day. obesity is one of the greatest epi- and increased government regula- In fact, it is ridiculous to say demics in America thus far in the tion and a rally call for justice that the sugar industry is com- 21st century. In response, health against big business that appears pletely to blame for the obesity epi- officials from across the country to have an iron grip on the average demic in America. However, there have advocated for increased ex- American. is something to be said about large ercise and eating more nutritious The documentary even com- corporate industries having at least foods as ways to lose weight and be pares the fast food and sugar in- some amount of accountability in healthier. dustries to the U.S. tobacco in- what kind of product they sell to But it seems that no matter dustry, which was shunned in the its consumers. If Americans really what, obesity seems to just become eyes of the public after a series of wanted to fix the obesity epidemic, a bigger and bigger problem for circuit court cases and congressio- they would put pressure on their Americans with little hope of reso- nal hearings where representatives representatives to provide more lution. It even seems as though the of these businesses became known oversight and accountability to this federal government has little pow- for their well-crafted responses to industry. er to curb this growing epidemic. even the simplest of questions. There would most likely need This problem, however, comes – Though some may feel inclined to be much more accountability by not from the individual – but in- to do the same for the sugar indus- government entities than currently stead primarily from corporations try, simply criminalizing an indus- exists if the sugar and fast food in- that produce food in conjunction try or group of industries for the dustries are going to help Ameri- with the U.S. sugar industry. products they sell doesn’t actually cans lead healthier lives. However, a recent documen- solve the problem. In fact, point- If Americans really want to tary removes the blame on the ing fingers at other big industries stop the obesity crisis in this coun- individual, but attributes the irre- just perpetuates the problem and try, then they need to fight a war sponsibility of large corporations makes them less inclined to take on two fronts – call out large and and bureaucratic government for strides in reducing the impact of irresponsible corporations as well the creation and perpetuation of these problems.
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