LI E> R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 333.3 HJJNfUS HJSCRiCAL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/cavalierspioneer1135nuge : ^JW. T-fioX. ^w 4~ & 3 1 1 -*. : Vol. I. No. 1 Of -rttt ,v.P* srt -•>* \931 JM*i b S \\M«" Cavaliers and Piefff^ers A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1623 - 1800 Compiled by NELL M. NUGENT RICHMOND, VA. Cavaliers and Pioneers 1623 A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1800 Vol. I. No. 1. PATENT BOOK No. 1 Sir Francis Wyatt, Knight, Governor Francis West, to JOHN ARUNDEL, and Captain General of Va., to LT. 100 acres, Aug. 1, 1632, Page 109. GILES ALLINGTON, 100 acres, Aug. In the lower parish of Eliz. City Co. ad- 22, 1624, Page 23. joining Bartholomew Hoskins & John Gentleman, ancient planter, of Kiccough- Chandler. Due as part of a bill of ad- tan in Elizabeth County, as his first venture dated Oct. 4, 1617. divident, situated between Newport News & Blunt Point, adjoining land Sir John Harvey, to JACOB AVERIE, of Pharoah Flinton and William Bentley. 500 acres, p. 102. Feb. 2, 1630. Gent., on Skiffes Creek towards Martins Sir Francis Wyatt, to PETER ARUN- Hundred, near land of Thos. Howell. DEL, 200 acres, Nov. 8, 1624, Page 44. 21 year lease. Consideration: 500 Lbs. Gent., of Buck Roe in Eliz. City Co., as Tobacco yearly. his first divident, near land of Bartholo- mew Hoskins. Due as part of a bill of Capt. Tohn West, to JOHN ARNICE, adventure of 287 Lbs. 10 Shill. dated 400 acres, June 26, 1635, Page 185. Oct. 4, 1617. Signed, David Watkins. Warrasquioake Co., East side of Nanse- mond River, adjoining Richard & Robert John Pott, Governor &c, to WIL- Bennett. For the personal adventure of LIAM ANDREWES, 100 acres, Mar. himself, wife Marie, son William and 14, 1628, Page 71. transportation of James Smith, Tho. His first divident. On the Eastern Shore Webb, John Morgan, Thomas Williams, of Chesepiake Bay, adjoining Capt. Wm. Rich. Davis. Epes. Due for the transportation of Robt. Owles and John Holmes, who Capt. John West, to WILLIAM acres, came in the Southampton in 1622. ARMESTEAD, 450 July 7, 1636, Page 370. Capt. John West, Governor &c, to Eliz. City Co., adj. Mr. Southall and WM. ANDREWS, 200 acres, June 25, John Branch. For the transpor. of his wife, Ann, and Rowland Owen, Rich. 1635, Page 182. Clements, Robt. Glenister, Yorath Dane, Accomack County on North side of Rich. Banks, Robt. Kendall, Andr. Stre- Hungers Creek and West upon the bay. cher, Gilbert Guy. For the personal adventure of his wife Susanna and trans, of Robt. Johnson, Sir John Harvey, to WILLIAM Andrew Sims, James Littlejohn. ARMESTEAD, 300 acres, May 16, 1638, Page 564. Francis West, Governor &c, to JOHN Eliz. City Co. adj. John Branch. Due ARUNDEL, 12 acres, Dec. 12, 1627, by assignment from Lt. Rich. Popeley, Page 81. due him in right of Giles Jones & Eliza- Gent., Eliz. City Co. at Buck Roe, near beth Jones his wife which said Elizabeth land of David Poole, Frenchman, & lived here in the time of Sir Thomas James Bonall, Frenchman. 10 year lease. Dale, and is now the wife of said Fee rent 12 Lb. of tobacco yearly. Popeley. Cavaliers and Pioneers Capt. John West, to THOMAS ALLEN, Sir Francis Wyatt, to SAMUEL AL- 550 acres, page 381. Sept. 14, 1636. MOND, 600 acres, Jan. 6, 1639, Page Eliz. City Co. towards the great Indian 711. Fields. Due for the trans, of 11 per- Henrico County, upon E. side of the sons, whose names are not given. River about 2 miles below the falls. 200 acres patented Nov. 21, 1637, due Sir John Harvey, to THOMAS ALLEN, for his own personal adv. and trans. 3 May 6, 1637. persons, and 400 acres due by sale from Lower Co. of New Norfolk. Confirma- Thos. Crosby, dated Feb. 26, 1638 and tion of the above patent. trans, of Wm. Wood, Barnaby Richeson, Miles Cooke, Wm. Rider, Edw. Evans, Capt. John West, to THOMAS AN- Wm. Ridley, John Bennett, Richard DREWS, 50 acres, p. 403. Nov. 28, Childs, Wm. Barker, Robt. Phelps, 1630. Charles White. (Deed of B. & S. Pat. Bk. Eliz. City Co. upon the school land, ad- 1, p. 712.) joining Elizabeth Tompson. 21 year Lease. Fee rent 2 bbls. Indian corn. Sir Francis Wyatt, to JOHN BAIN- HAM, 300 acres, Dec. 1, 1624, Page 17. Sir John Harvey, to MATHEW AT- Gent., of Kiccoughtan, in Eliz. City Co., KINSON, 200 acres, Aug. 18, 1637, as his first divident. About 3 miles up Page 456. the main creek between Haxoms Gaole Upper Co. of New Norfolk, upon and Blunt Point, adj. Capt. Samuel Nansemond River adj. Percivall Cam- Mathews & Wm. Clayborne. Due for pion & John Gookin. Due for his own the trans, of John Bainham, his son, personal adventure and trans, of Mathew deceased, who came in the Charles in Atkinson, Jr., Thomas Atkinson and 1621, Robt. Draper, in the Jacob in Tho. Towning. 1624, John Hogskins, John Mott, Sr., John Mott, Jr. and John Dansye, Jr. in Sir John Harvey, to WALTER ASH- the George in 1621. TON, 590 acres, July 26, 1638, Page 478. Sir Francis Wyatt, to WILLIAM Gent. Charles City Co. between Sherly BENTLEY, 50 acres, Dec. 1, 1624, Page 24. Hundred and land of Nathaniel Causey. Due for the personal adv. of himself Elizabeth City Co. a new planter who and wife Warbowe, and transporting came to this country at his own charges James Jefferson, Wm. Ward, Thos. in the Jacob in 1624. As his first divi- Shield, Richard Williams, John Wil- dent, between Newport News & Blunt liams, Wm. Jones, John Hobbs, John Point, adj. Giles Allington & Thos. Esquire, John Roberts, John Macey. Godbye. Sir John Harvey, to HUGH ALLEN, Sir Francis Wyatt, to JOHN BUSH, 225 acres, Oct. 18, 1638, Page 633. 300 acres, Dec. 1, 1624, Page 31. Charles River Co., adj. Mr. Roulston, Gent., who came to this country in the Martin Baker and Robt. Bean. Due for Neptune in 1618. Lying within the his personal adventure and trans, colo- parish of Kiccoughtan in Elizabeth City nists the first and second year to said Co., adj. Lt. Albino Lupo, Wm. Julian county: John Potter, Abrahame Caine, & Wm. Prichett. For the trans, out of Thomas Jefferyes, Thomas Man, Hugh England of his wife, Elizabeth, 2 chil- Allen, Charles Allen. dren Elizabeth & Mary, who came in the Guift in 1619, and Thomas Hand Sir John Harvey, to HUGH ALLEN, and Wm. Parker, in the Charles in 1621. 100 acres, p. 633. Oct. 18, 1638. Charles River Co., adj. Roulston and Sir Francis Wyatt, to MARY BOUL- John Poteete. For the personal adv. of DIN, 100 acres, page 42, Jan. 12, 1624. himself and son, Charles. Wife of Thos. Bouldin, an ancient plan- Cavaliers and Pioneers ter, for her first divident. 1^2 miles up known as the Indian Thicket, 50 acres Southampton River in Eliz. City County. in the tenure of Saml. Bennett and 50 in the tenure of Wm. Warren. Lease. Sir Francis Wyatt, to THOMAS BOULDIN, 200 acres, Jan. 20, 1624, Sir John Harvey, to CHRISTOPHER Page 43. BRANCH, 100 acres, page 155, Oct. 20, 1634. Yeoman and ancient planter, on South- ampton River, Eliz. City Co., adj. his Planter, of Arrowhattocks, in Henrico wife's land. Due in his own personal Co., adj. land of John Griffin, Thos. right and 100 acres sold by him to Sheffeild. Lease, Fee rent 4 bbls. Indian Richard Birchett Jan. 19, 1619. corn. Francis West, to JAMES BONALL, Sir John Harvey, to CAPT. HUGH 50 acres, p. 82, Dec. 12, 1627. BULLOCK. Vignerone. Situated at Buck Roe in Lying from the run that falleth down by Eliz. City Co., near John Arundell & Eastern side of land known as the Wm, Hampton. Lease. Fee Rent 50 Woodyard, along the Pocoson River. Lbs. of good tobacco yearly. Sir John Harvey, to MARTIN Sir John Harvey, to JAMES BON- BAKER, 600 acres, April 24, 1635, page ALL. 168. Renewal of lease. May 8, 1633. Being from Robert Bue to Capt. Mar- tin's land. Francis West, to RICHARD BALL, 6 acres, Page 84, Dec. 10, 1627. Capt. John West, to RICHARD BEN- NETT, 2,000 acres, June 26, 1635, page At Buck Roe, Eliz. City Co., adj. David 186. Poole, N. towards the wading place. Lease. Fee rent, 6 Lb. weight good to- Upon Nansemond River near land of bacco. Georg Fawden. Due for trans, at his own costs: John Francis, Ann Atwood, Francis West, to ROBERT BROWNE, Alex. Garner, John Lane, Georg Locker, 20 acres, page 86, Sept. 20, 1628. Eliz. Husley, Jon. Peeters, Jon. Doe, Tho. Williams, Gilbert Lee, Tho. Jones, Accomack County, Planter. Adj. land Ambro. Bennett, Rich. Cullumbine, Tho. of Capt. Clement Dilke & John Home. Luter, Robt. Moore, Hen. Rutkin, Rich. Lease, Fee rent: 20 wt. Tobacco. Morris, Ralph Hewes, Rich. Glascock, Edw. Yorke, Wm. Quilmead, Peter Bay- Sir John Harvey, to NICHOLAS ly, Robt. Rowson, Peter White, Wm. BROWNE, 50 acres, page 101, June 6, Fowler, Wm. Limpson, Wm. Durand, 1632. Ralph Compoore, Arthur Wood, Hen. Planter. Eliz. City Co. towards head of Johnson, Grace, his wife, James Smith, Southampton River. Adj. land of Wal- Mary Harding, Arthur, Martin, Georg ter Heeley. Lease, Fee rent 7^2 bu. Busson, Rich. Bennett. Indian corn. Capt. John West, to ROBERT BEN- Sir John Harvey, to ROBERT BARR- NETT, 700 acres, June 26, 1635, Page INGTON, 250 acres, page 108, July 6, 188.
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